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Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
@Chanbot @MicroPen @Axxius @Novelist176 @corvus @Megumeme @TheDeadKin @Acratios @Kwism1127 @tmanaking @Negative2 @spacewinner @greenBean @OriginalClamurai @jordanvang @CockusBlockamus @Deer89 @TheCanary @Unforgiven @Mystic_Warrior @ApprenticePortentous @Starbourne @AnimalAlien Ten days left! Who will finish, and who will be feeding the SHAME pit? Even if you haven't started yet, it's not too late. Although that 9k minimum will put you in a bit of a crunch, one intense day of writing can put you halfway there. Now is the time to stop second guessing yourself and just start throwing words down.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Where is my less then 1k gang at?

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Surprisingly, I have actually started. We'll still have to see whether or not I can finish an idea.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
I am indeed shocked by this revelation.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
What if absolutely anyone present? I think it that happens all of them should be punished with double shame.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
I....started it. I got distracted planning out the story for the Break! contest before realizing I should do the one that's due soon first. I have a good idea that will work and I'm just going to focus on writing the 9000 words as quickly as possible and then add more choices if I have time.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Oh no....

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

I got this, I got this, I don't need to go to the ol' rope + creaky stool store just yet! 

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
I can tell you're still newish here. 7 out of 8 CYS traditionalists prefer a previously owned belt as a financially sound cost-saving measure.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
What, 10 days are still left? I thought the last date of the contest was 1st July. Now I have to wait another week before I start writing ??????

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
So the guy voted most likely to not produce a story or even log in again has in fact rallied and been the first to arrive at the finish line with a 16k horror story that looks quite intriguing.

I hope the rest of you have been this industrious.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
For some reason, I was thinking that Covid game was part of the contest. Anyway, I like the decision to publish early. I'd rather have my story read before the judge is soured by being forced to read filth. Either that, or I'm part of the filth and we're all burning together. If you can manage to finish everything within a shorter timeframe, I think it's worth it as it separates yourself from the herd.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

My story is coming along well enough, but if I don't finish in time, I'd rather just be cast into the pit than release it in a garbage state.  I've settled on (likely) cutting one major branch, but I'll take a few more days to write if that's what it calls for.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
That's nonsense talk, winners avoid the pit above all. Even if you throw an entire storygame together in three hours and then take it down immediately after the judging, you are still a winner compared to the ULTRA LOSERS in the pit. Particularly in this contest where building a reputation as someone who gets things done is more important than actually winning or not. You're kind of a fake noob so don't give the real ones any terrible ideas pls k thx.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

It's a strategy to convince them that it's okay, and as they all fail, I climb over their fallen corpses.





I swear.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Will you accept 9 hundred words?

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
I second this

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

They better be the best 900 words I've ever read.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
New story: These Are Best 900 Words Orange Has Ever Read, repeated 100 times.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
That would be 90k which would disqualify you by word count alone.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
All of you are too pathetic to even be sacrificed to Endmaster, at this rate we'll have to hand you off to some lame Aztec god with that name I can't remember how to spell instead.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

How do @ts work on this site? I never got a notification for this one. I just found it randomly.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
It looks like a forum notification but it says you were tagged in a post.

Like this @AnimalAlien

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Here is my entry:

I've always had a problem with word counts. The closest thing to a defense I have is when Mizal said something along the lines of the 40k maximum being for our own protection, but I completely understand if this entry is disqualified.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Sincerely, It is Mizal contest so is her rules. I personally understand if she let's you participate. If so you will have -20 points to your score in my card -10 for errors and -10 for the personal score. Same thing a - 9k shouldn't be accepted most 40k shouldn't be accepted either. The theme and word account are a Hard REQUIREMENTS in my book. Still, Mizal call. I will be fair in my judgment except for that -20.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Dang, I wasn't expecting this.

I'll have to think about this. It is kinda unfair if we get multiple other stories around the ~40k mark where the authors had to work to design their plots to fit that target. But for all I know those people don't exist and besides Deer and Unforgiven the rest of the entrants will limp past the finish line with something rushed and barely 9k.

Either way you obviously have transcended past the need for a noob contest anyhow, same as jordanvang. The main goal of all this was to get newbies and lurkers stepping up and doing something notable and you two have rekt all expectations.

I haven't been about to take a serious look at the story yet, but the couple of pages I checked out look pretty solid. Finishing a story this size in the time limit you had, or just finishing it at all is impressive, so I'm happy my contest was somehow enough to push you into doing that, however we end up handling it.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
I'm out.

Writing today would be unpatriotic and there's no way I can finish tomorrow.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago


Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
If the true patriots had been this motivated, we'd all still be sipping tea with our pinkies extended.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Well, I have no idea if I need to do this but Mythic Warrior did so I'll so it to be safe. I published something for the contest ( so that exists

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago is the actual link btw incase anyone is lurking here and can't be bothered to press their profile cause the bracket ended up in the hyperlink. 

(PS: I likely won't get 9k words done by the time of the deadline - I'm at like 300 words right now)

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

I could realistically get to the 9k mark, but I'm out. I acidentally like the story that I'm writing and I would rather post a fully realized version in a week or two than a crappy rushed one tonight. Into the pit o' shame I go.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

At least I'm not the only one :P

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago




Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
I'm trying to finish. It will be tight, but I will pull through!

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago


...uh wait I mean, good job! That's the spirit! woooo

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

It's not my best work since I had to deal with an irl death of a friend and lost motivation for awhile. But finished it and that's what matters

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Oh damn I just saw this. I'm sorry man, that's awful.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

There, it's done and over with. A bit more time would have helped a lot, but nonetheless, I'm proud of creating my first real writing project. 

Check it out here:

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Strange how things can turn out. Originally jordanvang seemed to have the win in the bag, and yet he has not been seen in over a week. Mystic meanwhile popped up with an epic from out of nowhere and sadly looks like they'll have to be disqualified just so we can even have a contest here. More of the others made it to the finish line than expected...not to say that a good two thirds of them won't be fed to the PIT OF SHAME, but still, a number of impressive efforts from what were mostly total unknowns, and the stories all look pretty decent.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

I try to never disappoint!
I mean sometimes I do, but I hope I didn't in this case!'t-need-air-to-breathe

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

I hate life.

I hope I translated it into english good enough to be passable

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
Aw dammit. I had a brutal death scene planned for you and everything.

Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago

Well, I missed it on the dot, due to last minute editing.  Anyway, it's published.


Noob Contest Roll Call

4 years ago
AND TIME! No further entries will be accepted.