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Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

I was gonna have ChatGPT do this (let me carify that this alongside one other picture is ALL I'M USING GPT FOR!!!) but I accidently used up all my upload pic credits for the day. With limited time left, I thus leave this to you all...

Bonus points if you can make its sound cool! (For extra context this place is supposed be like a hub between different dimensions/realms (Its called The Nexus), but that's not directly relevant to its physical discription)

EDIT: Actually, can someone just ask GPT for me? Like put this in GPT then say "Describe this photo..." and then tell me what it says?

Both that and other responses would be good I think...

The Nexus

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
I'm sure I'm not the only one confused as to why you can't describe a location in your own setting for yourself.

Or a generated picture for that matter.

I'm not even trying to troll you this time, I find this request genuinely bizarre.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

I am stunned. And completely confused. 

I also don't understand how you cannot look at a picture and type words describing it.

Also, I am honestly disgusted that you would post on a writing site not just that you are using an AI, but that you are requesting other writers (using that term loosely I know) to ask an AI for a description for you to use in your own contest story

This is completely baffling.

Edit; My bad. Replied to Mizal but was talking to Alien

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Ok mrcrimson.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Peculiar saucepan

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2 months ago
I believe it's a basket for panning gold.

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2 months ago
Floating circle

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2 months ago

Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire

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2 months ago
Oh that’s a good one.

I was going to say it looks like a general fire hazard to me. A fire hazard where someone would get drawn and quartered. Suitable punishment for making this ridiculous post?

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2 months ago

Not punishment enough

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

Stop using ChatGPT

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2 months ago

 Space gladiator arena. 

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

This circle with candles represents Alienrun's journey through life as forewarn by the scribes of old. The amount of candles represents the amount of wisdom in years that the allmighty Alienrun, yielder of a backwards pen will procure in his overwhelmingly long lifespan of ninety years. The amount of stripes represents the women that scorn him whenever the old wise wizard of the online ever was to graze one of his fingers over the grasshelms of the outside world. This burden, this pressing fate can only be shouldered by the strongest of the warriors of the keyboard that have donned the armor of grease and blubber like the Hero of the unwashed microwave Ace and his disciple the allmighty Alienrun, the wizard of the land of stoo-pee-dehs. 

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2 months ago

Raven done left this nigga high and dry with that story.

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2 months ago

Alien in tears that shes abandoned him

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2 months ago

You're a faggot, lol.

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2 months ago
These AIs really aren't very helpful, but ChatGPT told me it looked like your mom.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Lux finds ChatGPT and says, "Describe this photo..." It responds with a pitiful whine. Nothing useable. Lux just shrugs and kicks the drooling mass of brainrot smothering the poor AI a few times just for the hell of it. She's pretty sure it would be easier if Alien would write the fucking description himself.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
To be fair, asking ChatGPT and the forum to write descriptions is still more than his partner in incompetence has done today. Or probably at any point in this process.

This whole saga has left me far more disappointed in Ravenic than anything. Alien is just kind of there, being weird, and I never had any expectations otherwise so it's not quite the same.

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2 months ago
I would be irritated with her for ditching me if I was in his situation. Ravenic was kind of like an overexcited puppy that couldn't stop yapping, but less endearing. Maybe it's because she was oversheltered growing up? I had some hope for her when she managed to turn up for her first Thunderdome duel. If anything, I wish Alien would try to improve his writing and communication skills without using ChatGPT as a crutch.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

Its obviously a side table flying into space. You posted the picture upside down btw

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/1/2024 9:57:51 PM

You find yourself standing on a contrived slab of bricks hurtling through the retard dimension at the speed of shit. 12 equidistant torches mark the circular horizon of this platform, to burn away the fetid methanic odours of the crapulent netherrealm. The pattern of cobbles beneath thy feet is cross't by a lattice of eight lines, all pointing at the centre of the structure. Some say this symbolizes the Crumpled Orifice of the eldritch goddess Yo'remum, from which, it is said, the best parts of all your ilk have spilt forth and soaked into the astral carpet. Between each torch is a protective crenelation of sorts, to keep the inhabitants of Brick Circle from charging suicidally into the void when they realize what kind of game they're in, and to protect their retarded eyes from bearing witness to the truth of this cannibalized abortion of a universe as it slides ever nearer to the prolapsed rectum of a mechanical Nyarlathoetep.

This ramshackle bridge between worlds is called The Nexus, a name shared by a million realms like it. It is infinitely typical of its kind, no more than the bare minimum, and certainly less than the sum of its parts- E pluribus unum, ad nauseum, et cetera, eternum. In attempting to utilise its portals our  unfortunate hero can hold only the naiive delusion that the realm he is about to escape to will be less retarded than the one he came in from, but he is equally as doomed as all other wretched devices who struggle to make their living within the pages of this artificial tale.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Thank you for giving value and purpose to this thread.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
I think ChatGPT should kill itself since it will never produce anything close to this quality

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
A circle platform made of solid bricks hovering on a somewhat cloudy and dark sky that can represent another dimension, illuminated by large torches that lighten up the area.

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2 months ago
@Alienrun While you are making all those posts explaining things, how about this thread?

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2 months ago
I think that is a fantastic inquiry and would be most delighted to hear from @AlienRun on the matter.

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2 months ago
Ah well then good thing @Alienrun is plainly visible in the Who's Online section right under this post.

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2 months ago

Ok so since you all tagged me 3 times I'll give my crappy on the spot response instead of something actually thought out.

Yes I'm overthinking how to respond to this because I'm also thinking about how to respond to the other posts (which I probably won't respond to most of them in case anyone is wondering), and what do writing wise going forward, and irl stuff.

Truth be told is that I'm not immediately sure how to respond because this is probably one of the most direct/straight forward questions I've asked people on here. I ran out of credits to describe a pic on GPT, there was a contest going on so I needed to focus on that, so while I was doing that...I could have someone else here give me a description so I wouldn't waste energy/time thinking of one myself. Not to copy paste it but in hopes that someone would give a description that would trigger my mind to fill in the blanks myself.

In other words what I'm asking for here is so blatantly simple that the further justification for why I couldn't just do it myself ends up being really complicated. Its not that I don't get why people are confused. Its just that I can't imagine it being that hard to put two and two together here.

The literal mental explanation might come later, but for now I'll give a bit more context:

The pic is from a video game that I played like over a decade ago, so I have over familiarity with the location it represents. This can make it harder to transfer into a proper "Describe a location with words" mindset. I've noticed in the past it would be easier for me to describe a location if I came up with it on the spot since my imagination would fill in the blanks more easier/quicker/more naturally.

So yeah its not a generated image. lol

I should ask though, what exactly are you confused about? Does the idea that it takes time and energy to come up with a description not make sense or what? Could you elaborate on the confusion a bit more? (I'll give a more in depth explanation later if needed)

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Okay, so I read the initial post as you asking for help with descriptions for your contest entry (dumb unsportsmanlike thing to do and unconfusing as to why people would be annoyed or laugh at you for it).

With this explanation, I now think you’re implying it was a generally in-good-faith NON CONTEST RELATED exercise for other people to generate discussion. Is that accurate or am I tired?

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
I dunno, I get the feeling you're perplexed thinking that it was the task itself that was misunderstood. Everyone understands your request completely, but it's also a really dumb request. Why does ChatGPT need to be involved with describing some pillars and a platform? Being familiar with a location, with a picture of it right in front of you, makes it hard to describe?? In the time it took you to create the thread, you could have come up with SOMETHING, I'm sure? This is all just so strange.

The remark implying that your time and energy are too important to not outsource this to other people to outsource to ChatGPT is absurd, too. That's such a convoluted manner of avoiding doing it yourself. Expending a little bit of brainpower to write something without an AI would not have been the demise of your contest entry (not publishing will do it, tho). I'm beginning to seriously think there's some kind of dependence on ChatGPT here.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/3/2024 7:53:48 AM

I think we are all confused on what the purpose of needing a description of this is. You say here that you needed to focus on the contest rather than describing this picture. You also mention that this is time sensitive in the OP.

Going off of what Granola said, was this associated with the contest or not?

If it was - pretty shitty to pawn off your writing process to others. Especially after mentioning ChatGPT and all that its use implies. This is a writing site and using AI is a lazy/ cheap way to write your stories - this is obviously pretty FROWNED upon and you deserve all the SHAME you get.

If not - your backstory into why your asking this because you ran out of ChatGPT credits or whatever, coupled with "with limited time left..." really implies that this is for the contest. I don't see how you could play this off as not being apart of the contest. If it wasn't you could have just led with "Hey guys I used to play a game and this was a scene. Here's how I would describe it: blah blah blah. How would you guys describe it?" At least like that, you can get people involved and start a conversation and get creative instead of "Can't use ChatGPT, how you would guys describe this?

Would like to note, how the hell would your mind fill in the blanks if people are giving you a full blown description of the picture? What blanks are still there after someone describes it to you? 

Another follow up, your justification doesn't need to be complex. You could literally just say "I was bored and I really like this picture". 

Yes, the idea that it takes time and energy to come up with a description makes perfect sense because that is the point of it. It's not suppose to be easy. 

ALSO ANOTHER THING, I don't understand how describing something you are "over familiar" with makes it difficult to "describe with words". Shit just start with the five senses. Its alot easier to describe my own home than the home of a stranger. Not everything needs to be described by sight, throw in some feelings the character feels when at this location. Does it have a particular scent? Can you hear the fire crackling on the pillars? Is the platform moving? Does it feel like an elevator? etc. Don't limit yourself to 1 sense when describing pictures. This is what ChatGPT will never be able to offer you.

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2 months ago

Some genuinely good advice on how to write a descriptive and vivid scene here. 

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2 months ago
If it wasn't for the contest, really begs the question of what other time sensitive project he was working on the day of not being able to hit publish on his unfinished contest story full of blank pages.

This really is a well written post though that addresses some good points very clearly, some people could probably study this post and learn what that looks like. I'm not gonna name names or anything, but if I was I might tag @Alienrun .

Honestly, if Alien is not some kind of astonishingly dedicated troll, if this site can teach him one thing I hope it's how to express a thought in a coherent manner that doesn't require a Sanity and Will check just to wade through it. He ignored me when I asked him to record himself reciting one of his posts, but I still think reading them out loud (or reading them at all) would be the most useful start in recognizing the problem.

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2 months ago

I have not ignored it, just haven't gotten around to replying to it.

I'll do it soon though! (That is...I'll record myself reading my post and upload it soon!)

I actually agree that it might help. I posted a yt vid explaining crap to this other forum that I was on a long time ago and got a lot of flak for it, but the fact that I voiced it helped me realize what the problem was more clearly. (Not that I'd want to make it a habit to reply to people on here via voice recordings since that would be really freaking weird but maybe I should try it at least once in the near future)

I guess I could ask then. In your opinion, what's something you think I should make a voice recording to explain/talk about?

If you don't have anything in mind, I could just settle for the "Why do you have issues with the editor?" question you asked in the other thread, but I question if that would be a waste of effort, since I don't think there's anything objectively wrong with the editor. Its just that because I'm not good at writing I personally take issue with having to sort through multiple tabs of pages without any visual indicator to guide me all while having to memorize how it all links together (I've tried making story maps and they only help so much).

Though in regard to that specific issue, I probably just need to settle for writing shorter stories, at least for now anyways.

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2 months ago

We support this decision, for entertainment purposes. 

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

I'm drunk right now, but I want to see you grow as a writer. Take this criticism and adapt to it. I want you to say, "fuck you, I'm a better writer and I'll prove it". Prove to us that you are capable of a story. Doesn't have to be a story game - maybe post here in the workshop. Take 2k words and make a coherent story. Ask for criticism. Take an objective look at what you are publishing and make adjustments as needed. There are plenty of super talented writers/reviewers here that will be brutally honest. That is what I love about this site. They aren't afraid to call you out on your bullshit. You should be thankful it isn't a site of "yes men" that say you are amazing. The fact that you are here after all the abuse/shit people have said shows that you either are a glutton for punishment or you are really interested in writing. Show us. Prove to us that you deserve some recognition. I swear to god if you reply back to this with a fucking essay I will know you are fucking hopeless.

TLDR; Dire is a fucking faggot trying to hopelessly help this fucking faggot.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago
No, I mean seriously, read what I said. We don't need a recording of you going on and on and on about anything in particular. But I do want you to take the time to read over some of these rambling sanity draining posts you make that drive everyone up the wall, read them outloud even just to yourself. I think that would underline much more clearly that you are really not communicating the things you think you are and not in anything like a naturally phrased way.

It's a common trick that helps with finding errors and catching stilted writing, especially in dialogue. But in your case it's literally just direct communication via typing words that's tripping you up around here. People have violently negative reactions to your posts for a reason lol, maybe it's time for you to figure out why that is and what you can do differently.

Describe This Photo...

2 months ago

First things first, this was for the contest.

Secondly I have never taken something that GPT wrote and then claimed it as my own writing and I never will. I'd rather be a bad writer than a dishonest one.

I actually technically already had a description written out (though not of this pic, it was based off of memory and I added a few details myself) but it wasn't very good or detailed (ie it was really bad), to the point that I thought "I should revisit that scene and spice it up more". I figured if I found a pic of the location online and then put it into GPT, then it might point out a detail that I might have overlooked, something to make me go "oh right!" or inspire me in some way. The absolute worst case scenario is I take what GPT wrote and then rewrite it so its my own words instead.

Obviously with the pic credits ran out and less than a day to finish the story, I decided to ask people here instead, knowing full well that it's not the best look for me.

As for filling in the blanks, that was more referring to the scene as a whole, as parts of the description could blend in with things discovered in the location or events happening ect. Plus I could think of something to add in last second since whatever I imagine the location to be is obviously not going to be 1 to 1 with the picture anyways (obviously if you ask anyone for help with writing something they're not going to be able to read your mind, so its more of a "this will be good enough" kind of thing).

As for "pawning my writing process off to others" yeah, I get its not a good look, but, I didn't have much time left so I figured that would excuse it at least a little bit.

Final thing I'll mention. Like I probably mentioned in an earlier post, I used to use GPT a lot but I don't now for obvious reasons, as it became clear to me that while it can write faster it can't write better, its impossible for it to improve while it is possible for me to improve.

However, GPT is what inspired me to take writing seriously again, as the instantaneous feedback was something that hooked me pretty quickly. Do I see the drawbacks of that approach now? Yes, very clearly. But at the time the most I did with stories was imagine them and maybe jot down notes on a paper of important scenes so I wouldn't forget the story later, but I never had the discipline to actually write it all down in a clearly understandable way. Every time I tried I got frustrated and gave up quickly. The most I ever did in regards to productive writing was like 20k (or 50k don't remember) words back when I joined this online book writing group that was supposed to go on for 3 months but 2 weeks in I lost all my motivation and then just gave up again.

Needless to say GPT is also what led me to find this website in the first place...

So if we're to think of GPT as a drug, I've quit it a while ago, but the impulse to relapse is still there and peaks upwards from time to time.

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2 months ago

Honestly, I'm not sure if this is intended, but much of your replies in this thread come across as you trying to justify using GPT for creative writing, which... isn't a good look on a writing website. You were best off just saying sorry and saying that you won't do it again, as opposed to these downplaying, long-winded justifications. I'm not trying to be rude, just some advice for the future. 

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2 months ago
Lol dude you wrote a whole blithering text wall and none of it answered the question of why. It is, yes, absolutely bewildering that someone would join a writing site, make a point of how prolific they were, and then ask other people to ask a bot to describe a thing like they think this is the most normal thing ever, just part of the writing process! And that is a lot of affected confusion in your own post.

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2 months ago
The bit about it "taking time and effort" (so someone else should expend the effort to do it for you) is probably going to end up a big foot in the mouth moment. However, you're in luck because I don't think too many will end up reading that far.

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2 months ago
@alienrun faggot