When The Music's Over

A fantasy storygame by Chris113022

Commended by mizal on 11/9/2019 8:05:12 AM

Player Rating6.81/8

"#45 overall, #3 for 2019"
Based on 164 ratings since 02/25/2021
Played 2,246 times (finished 68)

Story Difficulty1/8

"No possible way to lose"

Play Length6/8

"It'll be a while, better grab a Snickers®"

Maturity Level7/8

"Anything goes"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18. If this were a movie, it would probably be R.
I hear a very gentle sound... Once you were the bravest hero in the land. Then, the greatest noble. Now, a washed up drunkard past his prime. But when the king asks for you to turn the tide of a war, will you accept, or cast his offer aside to walk your own path? Author's Notes: I originally intended for every single choice to branch out into a unique path, but to get this out I had to cut some of my plans short. There is minor rebranching here and there along with a few duplicate pages that have minor changes depending on how you reached those pages. On top of that, the path for accepting the king's offer is much more bare bones than I wanted it to be and is only about a third of the rest of the game's size (10k to the rest of the game's 30k). Someday, I hope to return to this story and make it the epic it deserves to be. For now, however, the game is finished. The SCORE variable doesn't indicate how good you did. It's just a way to keep track of what ending the reader got. If you play the game, please give a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Special Thanks: Tim36D - For being my long-suffering best friend and listening to me ramble on about this story. Thanks man. Mizal - For constantly busting my ass to get this storygame done. Boom, now it is. Shadowdrake27 - For proofreading the story. Without him, there would be many typos and grammar errors. The CYS Discord - For being there to let me ramble on about my story on the occasions that Tim wasn't. The entire CYS community - For putting up with me for 5 years now. Stay classy, you omnidirectional vitriol spewers.

Player Comments

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TharaApples on 2/19/2021 3:24:00 AM with a score of 7
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wheelbarrow on 12/26/2020 2:10:47 PM with a score of 36
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Mizal on 11/11/2019 8:48:15 PM with a score of 27
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justarandomperson on 7/31/2023 5:10:05 PM with a score of 42
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madglee on 2/16/2022 6:52:22 PM with a score of 15
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RedEy3 on 9/25/2021 3:24:39 AM with a score of 5
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Gryphon on 4/17/2021 10:17:17 AM with a score of 44
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Abgeofriends on 2/25/2021 7:32:30 PM with a score of 38
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Celicni on 1/25/2021 4:25:15 PM with a score of 40
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— rijal on 12/25/2020 2:44:22 PM with a score of 36
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