Easter hunts or not?
Did you go to the completely optional Easter Vigil Mass prior?
Did you go to the Easter Mass?
Are you still committed to improving yourself as you did in Lent?
Was the father's homily good this time?
Did your parish really wash feet?
Are you wearing bright colors to the Mass?
Will you have some sort of get-together with family. friends, or the church community?
If so, will it be a pot-luck?
If not, will you find other way to celebrate?
Do you plan on Confirmation any time soon?
Do you plan on Marian Consecration any time soon?
Do you plan on doing any community service anytime soon?
Did you know Catholic private schools are sometimes better at bringing out the worst in people than public schools?
Did you know that public schools are sometimes better at bringing out the worst in people than Catholic private schools?
Did you know that there's an organization in the Roman Catholic Church that does the whole door-to-door evangelical preachy thing? Me neither.
Did you know that 0 / everyone who was ever invited to Catholicism liked that "repent to our Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be saved but I don't know the specifics as to why or how" thing?
Whoever invented that method should feel bad; it's the best way to get rejected if you can't explain, let alone set an example in your own life.