Well, Chris is my best buddy on this site.
But I also like Sent because he's a cool guy.
But also Brad because he helps me with coding stuff and is also a cool guy.
Zag as well because he's pretty cool and draws stuff for me.
MHD is also those but not the second thing so much, but I enjoy hearing from them.
Then again, I do like Thara because she's sarcastic as hell and pretty cool too.
Speaking of, I like End because he's pretty funny as well, and makes great stories.
I also like Mizal, because she also does story stuff and seems pretty knowledgeable about that.
Axiom as well, but also for drawing ability and because an 'Axiom' is a literary device that means something is accepted or true because fuck all, and I think that's a pretty clever name.
Bucky is pretty cool too.
Malk is one of the homies.
Hell, even though Steve can get pretty pissy sometimes, I still think he's a cool guy and great writer.
Aty is pretty cool.
Wibbon is a cool person, and I like how I said "Wibbon" when I referred to Wibbon and it became a thing.
Wiggles is a pretty cool person also.
Coins is also pretty funny, and I enjoy his character traits.
I think Mayana is pretty cool, because if I was blind I wouldn't even use the internet and go through the effort. I'd probably just be Daredevil.
3J is a cool guy, doing site stuff, keeping CYS great.
Berka is a pretty funny guy also.
Killa is pretty bomb as well.
Fazz is really a cool guy, for sure.
But out of all these guys, gonna have to vote for Seto as well. Great guy.