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Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
I'm not stopping, I'm in fact going to write a whole lot more from now on, but it's gonna SUCK. Adjust your expectations accordingly, if you had any. With this last contest I realized that the reason I've made a career of cranking out technically passable entries in a matter of hours is because I knew going in it would suck, and that was clear from the get go to any readers too. So I could just start throwing words down without worrying about anything. Yet I try to do a "real" contest story and it's brain freeze time. I just don't have the mental focus I used to, some of it's a sinus pressure dealie I'm always having to manage now and some of it's a schedule that means I'm either working or trying to force myself to sleep during the hours I used to enjoy writing the most. Some of it I'm sure is I'm just getting old, which is why it's even more imperative I write more and more quickly. I'll need another 204 years at least to get something down for all these ideas I have planned in even the most half assed form. Every time I sit down to write it's like 'well there's no freaking way I can get in the zone here and give it 100%, at best I'll manage a few shitty sentences I'll wind up deleting later, better just do something mindless a bit and then sleep and try again tomorrow.' I'd like to read more storygames and do more reviews too, but similar problem there. My work schedule has gotten a bit more annoying now and looks like it will be staying that way for a couple more months at least, so it's a matter of either giving up completely or else casting all doubts aside and charging ahead with retard strength. 80% of readers on the site I'm sure won't even notice, and I would very much like for writing to feel fun again. If nothing else I should be able to release some games around smaller ideas and scripty experiments I've been playing around with but never felt were good enough to complete. Ending this post now and I swear it's not to go play Minecraft. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Don't be afraid to take a year or more to finish a story is all I got to say.


Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Always worked for me.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

There is a lot here I can relate to. I have something of a mildly bipolar relationship with writing; sometimes the juices are flowing, and sometimes everything seems so futile. I try to take advantage the first frame of mind, and identify the other so I can do something else instead.

Today is a good example: earlier this summer you had posted a "sci-fi speed-writing challenge" that I had an idea for, but I had just started the story for Camelon's contest and couldn't afford to get distracted. So even though no one submitted anything for that challenge… yesterday I had an opportunity to devote a block of time to cranking out some words, and indeed I got through 8000 words on a new storygame before the brain cells stopped firing around 11 PM. I'm here now because I have all night to burn through a few more hours of writing… but after looking at the same page for over an hour and only coming up with a few paragraphs, I realized it wasn't happening. I'll probably read for a while instead.

Certainly, having a regular sleep cycle is helpful. Yeah, sure, there are nights when I'm up to 4 AM working on something, but that's not anything I could sustain. I see those as one-off events, where I have the motivation and energy to keep going until I'm done. Then it takes me a day or two to recover. But I absolutely feel more imaginative and productive if I've been sleeping reasonably well.

My employer would love it if I could crank out lots of overtime like everyone else I work with, but I know from experience that I'd be useless to everybody after just a few hours. Currently I give them a solid 8 hours, and then I have to insist on moving on. Otherwise I'd burn myself out, feeling depleted during the day with nothing left over for my free time.

And more than once I have soured on things I used to enjoy writing about. For example, I used to keep a detailed journal of my outdoor trips for about 12 years. I enjoyed doing it, right up until the day I didn't. Nothing changed, except that I got bored with the idea and the weekly writing became a chore I had to force myself to do. So rather than forcing it, I moved onto something else (...which isn't intended as encouragement to quit whatever you're working on, just that the inability to focus on a project might itself be telling you something).

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Damn, I don't think I could manage 8000 in a day to save my life. I did 3000 on Sunday and given my track record lately was pretty happy just with that. But I do definitely agree that trying to force the process gives such diminishing returns that there's very few situations where it's worth spending literal hours trying to make the magic happen again.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Turning off the inner-editor/critic is hard. There are a few tricks to getting past it - I think it's why I can sit down now and just crank stuff out, when I used to spend hours staring at a page if I tried to write anything, and would usually only do much creative stuff if roped into it by friends. And I always felt whatever I wrote wasn't good enough to show anyone.

Here are a few of the things I've figured out that help me, anyway:

1) When ending a session, stop in the middle of a sentence or paragraph if you can. Or write a couple notes on where you want to go next. This way when you start up again, you aren't looking at a blank screen or have no hook to start from.

2) When first sitting down to write for the day, spend five minutes just typing as fast as possible. Preferably faster than your brain can think. It can be on a story or on a different project or even just brainstorming for something. Or funny things about cats. Do not edit. The goal is to keep your inner critic from even activating. 

Doing this as a daily practice helps slowly build some immunity against your inner voice screaming everything is garbage, since there's no pressure on what you write in this five minutes to be any good.  Plus, it gets you into the discipline of being able to immediately start writing when you sit down instead of blearily procrastinating.

3) Don't stop to edit during a writing session. This one gets me a lot. You can use little shorthand tricks to note things to come back to later, which you can cntrl-f. Things like * for research, ^ for unsure wording, [ for notes, TK for a name you can't decide on yet, etc. But as much as you can do to separate your writing sessions from your edit sessions will help the writing come faster since you aren't inwardly trying to edit it as much.

4) Schedule edit sessions. At least this works for me. My inner-critic is much happier if I promise myself I will do an edit session in two days or after five pages or something, and then shuts up more and lets me write. 

5) I rarely manage this but it helps when I do - try to write in a different location than where you do other stuff on the computer. This can be moving a laptop to a different room, or squirreling oneself away with some paper and a pen. Try to minimize distractions that can pull you away. (This is easier said than done.)

6) Find a writing slot you can do daily without interruption, even if it's five or ten minutes. This helps build up a good routine of just sitting, writing, then moving on to other things. A few hundred words a day adds up fast if you do it every day, and ten minutes of writing is more productive than two hours staring and wanting to do anything but write.

don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Here's mine: 1) Booze. I follow #6 pretty closely, and it definitely works. Been waking up early for work over half a year now to carve out that time slot. Usually it's only 40ish minutes. Typically, I'll only manage a few hundred words (sometimes less). A lot of the times it feels like trudging through mud. The time slot is just enough for the story to progress, but not enough to get anything meaningful done. It does keep the story fresh though. Nothing quite like opening the current WIP and having no idea what tf is happening. When the weekend hits and real writing can get done, it's a bit encouraging to see the total word count 1-2 thousand words higher, built from small amounts of time during the week.

don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
I write really well early in the morning and between 8-11 or so at night,, but my alarm is already set for 2am and it's hard to make it earlier than that. Been trying on and off for a over year now to flip my sleep schedule completely but it hasn't worked out too well so far, I can force myself to physically stay up but the brain function just isn't there.

I don't drink but I actually did try booze once since Steve always swore by drunk writing. IIRC I spun around in my chair for a little while and everything was funny, but no words were typed. Very sad.

don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Those are unfortunate prime times for your current schedule. Either way, it sounds like you’re giving up on sleep. Writing in the morning is great. For one, it’s actually quiet. Plus, you can pound cups of coffee guilt-free. And if you can get something productive done early, then there’s not a looming sense hanging over you during the day that you should stop being POS-waste-of-space, cause no one wants to write when they feel like they have to do it. Contests are a bit different in that regard, though, since you’re obligated to finish something. He’s Irish. Of course he swears by that. Did you know in Ireland, they place their right hand on a bottle of Jameson when sworn into office? There certainly is a point of diminishing return.

don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

If you can write fueled by alcohol, then I salute you. I might get some writing time in with a beer in hand, but at the same time I can almost feel the neurons slowly shutting down for the day. More often, I need a shot of whiskey or something when I'm done, to turn off the cup of coffee I had at the start of the session.

don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Yeah. Can’t overdo it though or you end up with something like Pitka’s Fables. A sip of something strong in between sentences definitely helps, a minor distraction when drawing a blank. Turns an otherwise awkward pause into an “intentional” break. You take your eyes off the page for a moment, taste the ever-comforting flavor of God’s greatest creation, and it’s like hitting a quick refresh button.

don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Same here. I tried the alcohol thing and it didn't work for me, either. I do most of my writing when I'm completely exhausted from work. Not good writing, but the words get out. Then I clean it up and make it more or less coherent through editing after I've slept a few hours.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
There's a lot of good general advice here, this would be a great post to point frustrated newbies too. #1 was actually something I figured out back in my days of dabbling with fanfic in middle school (and the less said about that the better...) Having to finish a sentence that you already pretty much had worked out is a good way to kickstart the moving your fingers on the keyboard process. The fact is though I don't need convincing to turn off my inner editor, I'm at the point now where I'm quite happy to take that bitch out behind the barn. But I've had this feeling that people expect a "real" non-contest, non-joke game from me to be like, good or something, and that's been making me do a lot of second guessing. But now that I've officially announced all future games are going to suck and that I don't care, we're good.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

All I'm hearing is the same old excuses. When you're ready you'll know it. Until then, just keep doing the same things you've been doing and expect different results.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Ok, boomer

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Because I'm saying it like it is instead of coddling her? Okay... I mean, life's short and she could die tomorrow. She knows this and would rather make excuses than to put in the actual effort. There are plenty of sites out there that will tell her what she wants to hear. She's a big girl, if she can't handle it she should move to one of those. Or she can just live with her decisions without regret. Life is what you make of it, after all.

And since they're probably falling on deaf ears, I'm done with the platitudes. She can do whatever she wants.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Seriously, You are being really an asshole. The fact of someone rethinking her hobby methods to still doing what she likes and still making stories it is something of merit. If I heard people with messages like you are following; I would have never tried to present a contest here or trying to learn English. If you remain there sitting in a corner doing nothing sure as hell the writing won't write itself like it were the holy spirit falling upon you.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

I think something was lost in translation here. Mizal knows what I'm trying to do.

And just FYI, I'm not the one being the asshole. I'm being ... motivational.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

"Women! Go figure 'em!"

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Lol  I know, right?

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Motivational your ass. You tell me something like that and you don't return home with all limbs attached to your body.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Promises, promises.

Really, though, not everyone is as insane as you are. Most people would say to themselves "Oh, yeah!? Well, I'll show you!" Whether or not they actually follow through is another thing...

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Ok, boomer.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

My bad. Thought I was reading more into this than there really was. I guess someone should take up a collection for your half assing it medal and the subsequent presentation ceremony since that's obviously what you're fishing for here instead of, you know, attempting to climb out of the rut you've been stuck in for the nine plus years you've been on the site. I'll bow out now and you can go back to slinging crap at the walls to see what sticks and whatnot. After all, half assed is now the American way.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
It's a universal truth that blowing up at 'ok, boomer' is just proof that the shoe fits.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Who's blowing up? I just thought I'd do my good deed for the day. Lot's of luck with your future writing, though I don't see it happening any time soon.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Apparently I did hit on something since Mizal has sicked her minions on me. Oh well, she can either continue with that same sad, teary-eyed song of hers or else try to do better. She hasn't improved since I've been here and I don't see it ever happening at this rate. I don't really care anymore.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
The only minion here is your rotten brain who in the hell do you think you are to call me and others minions. I really thought you were a better person and far more adult than that. Check out if you have menopausal symptoms or something. She could have improved or not, but hell she at least does SOMETHING instead of being a whiny downer.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
who is this clown? he fell for ok boomer twice and may as well have done it a third time. is such incompetence even possible? this big footed honker is baiting.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Don't worry IAP, your fellows have got your back!

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Had to capitalize the first word of the thread, it was driving me nuts.

Also, keep reading this as "Don't gay about writing anymore" which would be excellent advice for CoG.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
The lowercase d was a visual demonstration of not giving a fuck.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
You are awesome and I am sure you will write great stories even if are smaller on length. Constance is the key, few words every day and you will at least make two of good scope games for year

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Well anyway, this all took a little turn for the hilarious earlier, but I wasn't expecting this many replies in the first place. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and advice, but this wasn't really a thread complaining about writer's block or anything like that. 'Stories are gonna suck, adjust expectations' was about the extent of it, I just had to get that out there for my own peace of mind so that I could move forward on some projects. It was either that or make an alt.

The 'sinus dealie' I kind of downplayed. Without going too much into it, it's a real thing that affects by creativity and focus and something I've been trying to manage for at least a couple of years now. Ibuprofen and drinking loads of water can help, but I generally feel like my skull is going to explode by noon or so and I just get mentally worn out more quickly than I used to. Yes, I realize a lot of people here are dealing with much worse and this is a pretty weak and bitchlike complaint as far as health problems go, but it manages to very specifically get in the way of serious writing attempts or binge reading in a way that I find pretty dang frustrating! (Luckily I got to ban Micropen from two more servers today to cheer myself up, kek.)

None of this to say I'm planning to stop writing or that I'm making excuses to not write or anything like, kind of unsure how the thread wound up going in that direction when I thought we were all supposed to be pretty good at reading here. I'm just recognizing that days where I'm firing on all cylinders with a bunch of uninterrupted hours are increasingly rare, and giving myself permission to put in 70% during these times when I can't do 100% and still call it good enough.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Don't worry, I always had low expectations of you to begin with, so you can be at ease.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Thanks, you too.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

This thread was pretty dull at first, but after IAP and Mara started posting it became Lol City.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
If He insults me again He would end toothless in hell for sure.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
(this is an invitation directed at the boomer)

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Well, well, well... If it isn't the Millidiot's Off White Knight. I thought you'd had enough already, but I guess not. Don't sweat it, it's nothing personal.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
This thread is gold, I really wish I could make things this funny happen intentionally.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Don't we all...

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Ikr? Imagine how many more minions I'd have.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

We don't even get insurance 

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Don't sell yourself short, even unintentionally funny has its merit.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
This thread needs my face in it.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
7/10 would read again

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

This is IAP in this thread

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Tfw denied your Indian CYS girlfriend, and then you leave and her (but mostly you) leave out of embarrassing shame, deleting all of your posts in a sweaty passionate furry of the likes never seen before. However, then you return with an incel vengeance.

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those pesky CYS women!

Moral of the story: Do not deny horny boomers their Indian CYS girlfriends.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Looks like the gang's all here. Not surprising since I can only imagine how difficult it would be to pull all those heads out of Mizal's arse once wedged in. I wonder if that's why she's having difficulty focusing? I mean, the uncomfortable factor alone...sheesh!

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Shouldn't be any less difficult when we had to pull your head out of a certain someone's ass. I personally don't think mizal is super horny enough for us to the point of wanting to buy a plane ticket and shack up, so, hmmm. It shouldn't be anymore difficult when you think about it.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

It's okay, Thara. You don't have to rationalize it to me.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

I won't, IAP. I just hope you're able to cope with not being able to delete what has been said in a mass hysteria. Drink it all down and hang your head up in pride in these golden years of yours.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

As implied, I'm not judging here. You be you.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

As long as you keep being yourself, you won't have to worry about that :)

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

Quit talking about mizal's ass boomer, she's too young for you. 

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

My bad. I should've known you'd throw your head in at some point. I'll just back away slowly...

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

But I'd have had more of a reaction if I'd ever been given reason to believe Thara even owned gloves to take off.

I don't think it's fair to get this personal though. I can't approve of how far IAP took things, considering the age difference, but Shouja was the one who claimed to be a girl and at the time most of the rest of us believed him too.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago


Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Sure am getting credit for a lot of things in this thread.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
Of course, Mizal-sama. You are our purpose, the only reason anyone here will ever troll or get into an argument.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
And IAP is writing porn about me and several other site members. Weird day.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
That was pretty hot though, ngl

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago

See, I started reading this thread from the bottom, and this is the first thing I saw.  I didn't know where this was going, but this thread was way better than I would even have expected from this teaser.

Don't gaf about writing anymore

4 years ago
If him and MHD combine we could get quite the storygame.