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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


4 years ago

I haven’t been here in years, used to get molested when I was like 11. Things were much different in 2013 when Kiel was around lol.


4 years ago
They surely were. What was your username?


3 years ago
Chow hall or some variation


4 years ago

You're probably going to have to go through a lot of old episodes.

Ye olde CYS history thread


3 years ago

Just wild how prophetic that turned out to be.


3 years ago
Chowhall, AKA ass porn guy...

Being a retarded 11 year old certainly explains a lot of your old posting habits.

Not sure if a decade of matuiry is enough to make up for TSR, Earth Collision, and the infamous CP pic though...


3 years ago

I thought TSR and Chowhall were two different people?


3 years ago
Same IPs, maybe @Killa_Robot can confirm with access to the entire DB.


3 years ago
Oh yeah, damn. I dunno if there's any coming back from being TSR, unless that turns out to be a school IP or something.

I thought chowhall was just one of the earlier recurring spamming retards, but I never interacted with it much.

The one month response time after making the thread leads me to believe we may be waiting awhile for anything from his end though.


3 years ago

As far as I know Chowhall linked to a regular porn site, spammed wiki articles for some reason, used to make multiple alts ranging from being some form of "Chowhall" to various forms of "niggerfaggot" but again I thought he was different than TSR.


3 years ago

Yea I never fucked anything illegal. I still suck off sailors from time to time but overall I just don’t get out as much anymore.


3 years ago
What do you do instead?


3 years ago

I have a tranny girlfriend, a loser job, faggot friends, and retarded hobbies.


3 years ago
Oh right, you definitely can't have any of those things and still have time to read words on a phone screen most days.


3 years ago

I still get it on with gay dudes, just not as much as I used to.


3 years ago


3 years ago
Same, I keep trying to fit sucking dicks into my schedule but the more time I write here the less it happens.

Never had that problem on other IF sites.


3 years ago



3 years ago
How many people have the same IP or is there an issue with the server? Because I remember me and coins were accused of being the same person because apparently we had the same IP.


3 years ago

I haven't returned and my post was just morbid curiosity as to CYS' Israel take (which was exactly the same as it was in 2014 lmao)


but my comment has clearly portended the end of times sorry about that guys


3 years ago
You could smell the shit


3 years ago
When Jesus rules the world from the Empire of Israel I hope it will be remembered that we were the only loyal IF site.

But yeah we're a meritocracy now and most people who aren't admin pets have to write reviews or even write good storygames for status, I understand that a lot of the oldbies can't survive in that kind of environment. It's why Morgan only lurks now.


3 years ago
Still good to see the Original Stache grace CYS with its glorious presence once again lol!


3 years ago
Dreams do come true.


3 years ago
I actually realized that Tan was the *true* Proud Zionist Warrior we needed all along. That thread I clipped the chowhall post from has him mentioning his great admiration for Mr. Bean Meir Kahane.


3 years ago

I'm still curious about the sodastreamers.