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Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago
Hi, I’m artyom—

I’ve lurked around CYS for a while on and off for a few years, and I’m pretty sure I’ve even made an account or two here (though, the validity of that statement is up in the air. I’m pretty sure I remember the account creation page but, gonna be honest, it coulda just been a wack fever dream).

I’ll probably wander around some of the newer works, rating &/or reviewing them to the best of my ability. So I’ll try to see you guys around.

Hope y’all have a good one :)

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago

Yah, okay. Cool.

People that read and rate things, and then review things?

They're welcome.

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago

Hi there!

Lurking on CYS before joining the forums is generally a good start. Reading and reviewing are valued activities too, so seems like you're on the right track. Enjoy your time here!

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago
Active readers and reviewers are always nice to see. Welcome to CYS! Have a good one as well.

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago
Welcome to the site, I love to see people with motivation to rate and review instead of... oh well.

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy all your wack fever dreams here.

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago
Readers are always welcome, there's no need to feel pressured to write if you're just not feeling it. People who rate games and leave thoughtful comments are necessary to keep inspiring authors to improve. Enjoy the site!

Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago

Greetings! Readers are the real lifeblood of the site, and if could leave helpful comments as well, then you would be a greatly valued member here! 



Hiya, Newbie

3 years ago

Welcome to the site! Always nice to have more people reading/reviewing around here!