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Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
Hello! I am Lzzy, and I wanted to know if anyone wanted to be friends! It's nice to meet you all!

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
Hard pass. Thanks for offering

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
So you're saying there's a chance...

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
You seem like you'd get along with @Ford just fine!

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
Write the reviews you said you were gonna write or just generally do something of use instead of punching down at literal kids

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago

My mom told me not to make any friends with strangers!

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
I hate friendship.

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
My mom told me not to make any friends!

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
What's working for the FBI like, is it fun?

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago


Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago

No need to worry Glowie, we got rid of all the sex offenders and far right (and far left for that matter) elements on this site. Feel free to look around the site, you will find nothing out of place here.

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago

Welcome to CYS. CYS survival rule number one is to have thick skin, just keep that in mind

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
We're pretty much all bots here, so...

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago

Just seeing this somehow, but I would love to be your friend. It's in my name and plus I don't have any friends irl so I need some online friends instead. 

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago


Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago


Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago


Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago

I guess I have friends but I wouldn't mind one more

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
I don't feel like either you or the OP have been giving very convincing cases for friendship, there's a lot of other potential friends to choose from so we may need to see resumes at the very least.

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago


Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago
OP: one post, disappear.

At least they took the time to change their profile pic

Saying hello/Looking for friends

8 months ago

She sent me a PM asking to be her friend before posting on the forums, but like I posted up above, I figured she was a Glowie.

Nobody seriously comes out asking to be friends with someone. That's weird.