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Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
I came across this website whilst searching for text based games such as M.U.Ds and I'm so glad I did! If you want to know a bit about me then feel free to check my profile :) I hope I enjoy my time here. I've started on an adventure called The Price Of Freedom: Innocence Lost and I must say I am enjoying it very much! So what got you into 'choose your own' adventures? How long have you been on It would be great to hear from some of you. I'll get back to you as soon as I can, take care and have a wonderful day/night ♥

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago


I've been around for ten years or so. I got banned from another website that I used to play text based roleplaying games on and ended up stumbling over here. We don't do text based roleplaying anymore here, but it turns out writing choose your own adventures is just as fun. 

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago


I've been around for ten years or so. I got banned from another website that I used to play text based roleplaying games on and ended up stumbling over here. We don't do text based roleplaying anymore here, but it turns out writing choose your own adventures is just as fun."

Thanks for the welcome ♥ I'm curious, what could you have done to get banned lol?

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

I was fourteen or fifteen at the time, so I imagine it had something to do with my very infantile trolling. 

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Wow, that's crazy! Never, never could anyone imagine you doing such a thing here!

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
What up my nigga?

I got into interactive fiction because going through violent stories and choosing morally reprehensible actions helped me blow off steam in ways other than harming animals (especially DOGS).

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

"What up my nigga?

I got into interactive fiction because going through violent stories and choosing morally reprehensible actions helped me blow off steam in ways other than harming animals (especially DOGS)."

I hope you're joking! >:-(

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Obviously I know you're not black, and thus would prefer the hard R. I was joking about that.

I'm mainly joking about my hatred for dogs being my motivation for reading and writing, but I do hate them all the same. Most are bad and the best of them still deserve the occasional Rick to the head

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
MUDs are cool, I used to play them back in the 90s and early 2000s before they all turned into ghost towns or got taken over by annoying blind kids.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Hey there.

I've been here for a few years, had a different account before this one. Think I first stumbled upon the site in seventh or eighth grade, so at least five years.
I got into choose-your-story adventures because I like writing and this site let me do it and publish it for free (and wasn't blocked on school devices). I learned to adapt to the format.
Welcome to the site! We've got a very unique culture here; don't let that scare you off. This community is more tightly-knit than any other random online writing forum out there, that's for sure. Someone even offered to buy me a rice cooker lately :)

Enjoy your stay!

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

"Hey there.

I've been here for a few years, had a different account before this one. Think I first stumbled upon the site in seventh or eighth grade, so at least five years.
I got into choose-your-story adventures because I like writing and this site let me do it and publish it for free (and wasn't blocked on school devices). I learned to adapt to the format.
Welcome to the site! We've got a very unique culture here; don't let that scare you off. This community is more tightly-knit than any other random online writing forum out there, that's for sure. Someone even offered to buy me a rice cooker lately :)

Enjoy your stay!"


Thank you for the welcome :) The community does seem to have a variety of personalities here but that's all good ♥ How kind for someone to offer to buy you a rice cooker! A good community, whether online or in real life, always makes wherever you are more fun.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Lol, fag

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago


I used to be on a previous website called Infinite Story, before I followed a couple of the members over here. I've always loved choose your own adventure stories, I think because actually having some choice in my life as a child was really important to me.

I'm really good at starting things, though not so good at finishing them. I have one completed storygame and multiple others that I started. And I now have three further ideas, but we'll see how that goes.


Welcome to the site! I hope you have fun here! 

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago



I used to be on a previous website called Infinite Story, before I followed a couple of the members over here. I've always loved choose your own adventure stories, I think because actually having some choice in my life as a child was really important to me.

I'm really good at starting things, though not so good at finishing them. I have one completed storygame and multiple others that I started. And I now have three further ideas, but we'll see how that goes.


Welcome to the site! I hope you have fun here!"


Thank you for the welcome :) I must check and see if Infinite Stories is still going...

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago


Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Yey! I wrote the thing she said! ^_^

No idea what M.U.Ds stand for though. Anyone?

According to Tower of Riddles, I have been here for 12 years! Wow. And what got me into "choose your own adventures" was the literal "choose your own adventure" books I used to read when I was a kid. Those things were awesome. One day I thought I might try writing one, found this site and been around ever since. 

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Multi User Dungeon, or Dimension depending on who you ask.

They were the original MMRPGS, all text based though. If you've every played a parser based IF game, some of the commands and the way navigating the world with compass directions works is similar, but MUDs were entire fantasy worlds where you'd join guilds and kill goblins with your friends. Made by college kids usually, from the time before the internet got the bright idea to monetize everything.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Would Anchorhead be considered a parser based IF game? If so then I think I have the general idea. ^_^

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Yep. Though of course MUDs were more about typing >drink potion and >kill guard than any of that heavy plot or puzzle based stuff.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Reminds me a lot of The Dark Room.

> Turn on light switch
How will you find the light switch? You're in a dark room. You need the light switch to see, do you see?
> I see
Bullshit you see! You're in a dark room! You can't see anything. Maybe you should... Find the light switch!
>Touch wall
You caress the wall... It's indifferent to you.
>Touch another wall
Now the first wall's jealous!

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Oh, I actually attended a show at a comic con event where someone did a live action version of this, calling up members of the audience to try and complete the game! It was actually a lot of fun.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Awesome! So jealous! By any chance were the members of the audience all named Darren? ^_^

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

I'm afraid not. Sadly, it was a few years ago, but I remember the whole light switch part; and the caressing the wall. No one actually 'won' the game, but the experience was a fun one.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Oh, that's weird. I've seen the guy doing live shows on youtube and in those videos, a running gag is that whoever plays the game gets called "Darren" ... Maybe he added that bit in later. ^_^

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

It's also possible that he did and I don't actually remember...but the name Darren doessn't actually strike the same memory chord in me as the whole 'how will you find the light switch?' bit.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
I have played a lot of these games, actually was into them and the MUDs years before taking an interest in branching games.

Parser IF is usually pretty linear though and it can get pretty tiresome jumping through the hoops the author's add to gatekeep every minor bit of progress and disguise the fact they don't really have much of a plot.

My favorite games are actually the non traditional ones made with the same engines, like Skybreak! and Lost Coastlines. They're both massive CYOA/RPG hybrids.

I started voting threads on both in the Creative Corner at various times, but ran out of steam. (It's a lot to transcribe for one thing, despite being text the engine they're made in doesn't allow you to directly copy and paste.

Maybe I'll run a smaller IF games on the forum sometime, but I'm not sure if the formats of the more traditional ones would work too well for voting.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago


"Yey! I wrote the thing she said! ^_^

No idea what M.U.Ds stand for though. Anyone?

According to Tower of Riddles, I have been here for 12 years! Wow. And what got me into "choose your own adventures" was the literal "choose your own adventure" books I used to read when I was a kid. Those things were awesome. One day I thought I might try writing one, found this site and been around ever since."


You really should try to write one, I'm sure a lot of us here are quite creative and would appreciate a new story :) I loved playing the Fighting Fantasy CYOA book games so that's how I got into it all. M.U.D stands for Multi-User-Dungeon which are text based RPG and MMORPG games.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Avery is the author of Price of Freedom

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Shh! Don't tell her that! She'll ask when the sequel's coming out! :p

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Hey Briar, so hows that sequel coming along?  Cant wait to read it.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Great, great, any day now >.>

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Fighting Fantasy was my guilty pleasure as a child; I used to have a complete collection of them. But that was 20 years ago, and I'm unsure where my collection went.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago


Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Not since 95'

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

You really should. Prostate cancer awareness and all that.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Ah, I found my fighting fantasy books... You would never guess where...

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Oh wow, I wasn't serious but... Well, so long as you found them, that's what's important. ^_^

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Hello there, we hope you enjoy your stay. I also got into this site through the same story. I had already been exposed to paperback CYOA stories in the past, and even made a couple (cringy) ones of my own during my time in college. Finding this site was not only a way to reengage with this type of storytelling, but also as a way for me to motivate myself to actually start writing and publishing. I'm glad I found this community.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

I've known about CYS for about 7 years now, but during that time i almost never logged into my account. Id just come on every now and then to read stories. The first time i took at look at the forums when i was about 15 and i was shocked by what i saw, for some reason i had the impression that people here would be very 'scholarly' and formal, its safe to say that i was traumatized by what i saw at the time, but i probably just stumbled upon an especially bad thread. Its actually pretty cool here, hope you enjoy! If you ever want some story suggestions feel free to just ask in the forums or whatever. 

I remember my first experience with CYOA games being around 8 in class where everyone got given a book, and we got to make decisions which impacted the narratives, the book wasnt that good, but i just found the concept really cool, one day i must have been on my tablet around 12 - 13 and got a game suggestion for some text based robot game. I ended up really loving it and started looking for more and found this site. 

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

You were expecting a forum of Gowers. ^_^

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Are you suggesting us bots is not refinered and formal-like?

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Snooty Brits trying to insult we as ignerant an unformalish. We be having skool here too.And mannerisms

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Hi there,
Welcome to the site! Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost is one of the best stories on the site, there also many other classics that you must check out! I think a sequel to Price of Freedom is also in development, and after looking at a sneak peek it looks really promising.

I got into chooseyourown adventures after looking for online puzzle and riddle games. I was getting bored and wanted to challenge myself. Somehow, I stumbled on this site from google. I read almost all the puzzle/riddle games on the site. My favorites were Tower of Rowena, Aenigma Academy, Tower of Riddles, Blackwell's Diamonds, Jurassic Fairview Park, The Walmart Game, Finals Week, Ruins of Anzar, Aman's mustache, and The Dream Thief. After getting bored because I played all the puzzle games and I was hoping someone would make more puzzle games, I checked out some of the other games on the site.

At the time, I was used to the more gamified aspect of choose your stories, so when I visited the more traditional story section of the site, I was skeptical that I would enjoy them the same way. But then, I read Endmaster's Rogues, Eternal, and Necromancer. I only got through one of the paths for each, but that level of amazing storytelling motivated me to make an account. I realized that I wanted to get into writing, so I made my account and became a full-fledged member. Now I've been reading some of the other works on the site, and I am blown away by just how good many of the writers on here are.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Uhh... Yeah... In development... >.>

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
I can't wait for chapter 2, I know that it's going to be amazing!

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Yep... Should be coming out any day now... >.>

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Every day only adds to the anticipation.  It's just like Game of Thrones.  This is your Wolves of Winter.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
Except unlike GRR Martin, Avery will get it done

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Y'all should go play the original Price of Freedom. If I recall, you could pass all skills tests and save everyone. Not sure if its still possible with the updated one, since there are plenty new skills for that.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Nice going, you trow spawn scared off this delicate Irish sprite.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
It's okay, wholesome fun times were still had with her corpse.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

All my friends are dead

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Thanks for your answers everyone :) I apologise for the late reply, I wasn't very well so I wasn't on my computer for a while lol ♥

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

"It's okay, wholesome fun times were still had with her corpse."


I'm scared.... :o

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

It's not too late! Run while you still can!

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

" It's not too late! Run while you still can!"


Lol...I think... :D

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

" Hello there, we hope you enjoy your stay. I also got into this site through the same story. I had already been exposed to paperback CYOA stories in the past, and even made a couple (cringy) ones of my own during my time in college. Finding this site was not only a way to reengage with this type of storytelling, but also as a way for me to motivate myself to actually start writing and publishing. I'm glad I found this community."


Have you actually finished any stories yet? I'd be so interested to read something you've written ♥

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
You can click people's profiles for links to any finished games.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

What she said, but yes I have. Finished two of them, and one is just a part of a larger story that I want to tell.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago
And we can usually tell what post you're replying to just so you know, no need to manually quote them.

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Oh, ok thank you ♥

Hello, I just became a member

4 months ago

Not sure why nobody suggested this one yet.