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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


7 years ago

They're awesome. They're shitty. I've done pretty much all of them that the regular person could name at the top of their head, short of heroin or DMT. No interest in dope, opiates suck dick, but DMT is kind of like the one that got away. Ether is amazing. The out of body experience was one of the best feelings of my life. Didn't care for 2ci. Don't mess with research chemicals kiddos, that's bad juju right there. They call it LSD's retarded cousin for a reason.

On another note, never buy shit from some trailer trash girl wearing jean shorts, a tank top, and hoop earrings. The X will always be stepped on, and the meth is shit. Must be too much battery acid or sudafed or whatever they make the shit with nowadays. I don't get how these are some full blown junkies making the shit in their parents' garage, and they still can't get it right. I cooked my first crack rock when I was 16 or 17 and it only took five minutes! Granted, all you need is some coke, baking soda, a spoon and a lighter, but I was a dumb kid cooking better work than addicts dedicated to the craft. Yeah, my generation is lazy and talentless, okay. All the info you need to cook is online nowadays, and these junkies are still getting out produced by high school kids who took a course in chemistry.

Crack is my favorite, easily. Coke is too cut, but no matter how stepped on it might be if you cook yourself a nice rock you'll be blitzed for hours if you do it right. All you need is a little 20 line of coke, cook it up, and you got 25 hits in your pocket. Granted, it'll probably be gone in an hour, but that's a problem to deal with an hour from then. You can always cop some more, shit is dirt cheap. On a side note, if you don't feel like cooking the powder and go straight for the rock, always bring a black guy with you. Horrendously racist, yeah, I know, but it's true! Dealers charge a white guy 20 bucks for a rock they'd sell a black guy for 10. When you look at it that way, who's really the racist in this equation? The dealers, that's who! Powder is a white man's game, rock is black. Probably the government's fault for centuries of institutional racism, but that's just the way it is. You don't see too many crackheads outside the ghetto, and the ones that are aren't too long for it neither. Rock is cheaper than powder, and you can always turn the powder into cheap rock, it's the way it goes. 

Stay away from opiates and benzos though, children. That's the devil's work if I've ever seen it. Crackheads are funny. They're the friendly neighborhood addicts who wipe your windshield for a quarter with the same dirty rag that only makes it less clean than it was to begin with. Dope fiends though? They're dangerous. Those withdrawals will kill a man, and they know it. They're liable to do some dirty ass things to another human being to prevent their own pain. Can't even say I blame them, realistically.

Hallucinogens are just, just awesome. Granted, you have to be in the right state of mind to take them. I made the mistake of tripping off four hits while going through a bad break up, and lets just say I didn't have a good time. Soul scarringly bad, I might say. On the flip side, if you're a good state of mind, have nothing to do for the next 8-12 hours, and are mentally strong enough to get over the initial what the fuck is going on feeling, you're in for the best time of your life. Just remember, the drugs will make you think it's taking over your mind, but they're not. You are in full control, you just have to remind yourself. 

Weed is for pussies. Don't smoke that shit, all it does it make you lazy and unproductive. Pop an adderall or drink a coffee and join the the rest of civilized world. Saying it helps you cope with your anxiety is a cop out. Guess what? Everybody is fucking anxious, get over it. Human psychiology is set up that way, we're constantly alert for potential dangers to our safety and the safety of those around us. You can't smoke weed to deal with your anxiety if you have to go to work in half an hour. Shit is dangerous/makes you a moron, two things employers hate. What happens when it wears off? Does the anxiety magically disappear? If it does, fuck you, you just wanted an excuse to get high. If it doesn't, that's a dependence, and also fuck you. Own up to your shit, you're a drug addict just like the rest of us. Quit that pot isn't addictive bullshit and get off your goddamn pedastal. 


7 years ago
Meme's are probably the spiciest drug out there. I wouldn't inject more than 5 memes a week or you'll do your family a concern kiddo. To answer the question: what is a good meemay? I'd say the best meems are ones that make you estatic with absolute euphoria and tilt your head back with a "ha ha!" obscure memies are the best. I recall back in '15 I had this experience when I listened to elevator music and saw a long boi. wew was that a wild ride that I never wanted to leave. The mematic euphoria I felt was unlike anything I had experienced before - and from then on I nearly got addicted. I keep memes in my life to a moderate level, but I almost went off the deep end (like, 9 layers of irony deep) but I stopped before I got past 8 layers of irony. I still have crippling depression from it all - and I can no longer laugh at anything that doesn't involve croissants, ear rape, kazoo's, or windows 98 (tm) startup sounds. I still do memes to this day, and I honestly don't think I could live without my daily dose of 5th layer irony.

On another note, never buy shit from some normie trash girl wearing anything except a trench coat and fedora. The vaporwave will always be shit quality, and the memes are shit. Must be too much layer 2 irony or stale doge's or whatever they make the shit with nowadays. I don't get how these are some full blown junkies making the shit in their parents' garage, and they still can't get it right. I cooked my first meme when I was 16 or 17 and it only took five minutes! Granted, all you need is some sacrificial normies, baking soda, ms paint and a lighter, but I was a dumb kid cooking better work than addicts dedicated to the craft. Yeah, my generation is lazy and talentless, okay. All the info you need to cook is online nowadays, and these junkies are still getting out produced by high school kids who took a course in mematics.

Stay away from skeletons and doots though, children. That's the devil's work if I've ever seen it. Memers are funny. They're the friendly neighborhood addicts who wipe your windshield for a quarter with the same dirty rag that only makes it less clean than it was to begin with. Doge fiends though? They're dangerous. Those withdrawals will kill a man, and they know it. They're liable to do some dirty ass things to another human being to prevent their own pain. Can't even say I blame them, realistically.

Layers 1 - 3 of irony are for pussies. Don't consume that shit, all it does it make you normal and unproductive. Pop a zanax or drink windex and join the the rest of civilized world. Saying it helps you cope with your anxiety is a cop out. Guess what? Everybody is fucking anxious, get over it. Human psychiology is set up that way, we're constantly alert for potential memes. You can't look at doggos to deal with your anxiety if you have to go to work in half an hour. Shit is dangerous/makes you a moron, two things employers hate. What happens when it wears off? Does the meme high magically disappear? If it does, fuck you, you just wanted an excuse to go on the internet you fucking normie. If it doesn't, that's a dependence, and also fuck you. Own up to your meemays, you're a meme addict just like the rest of us. Quit that meme's aren't addictive bullshit and get off your goddamn pedastal.


7 years ago

What you say about Doot Doots, fuckboi?


7 years ago

I love you.


7 years ago

Excuse me kind sir, but you forgot about the peepo. Peepo is for true druggie connoisseurs who appreciate more than your "dope ass kindergarten kush". You can only get the good peepo, ripe and green, in the early morning or in Japan. They have so much peepo in Japan. Over there, it's fondly referred to to as "Peeporin" and the act of smoking it is called "Popping A P-Chan". In fact, P-chan from the famous anime Ranma 1/2 was called such because the creator, Rumiko Takahashi, was on some serious peepo when she drew him. Some say that Luna-P from Sailor Moon was also created the same way, but that is still up for debate.


Besides being a peepo enthusiast, I only partake in Childrens Tylenol. Man, one pop of that stuff and i'm gone.


7 years ago

I need my meemays. I NEED MY MEEMAYS! *drools all over the thread*


7 years ago

I don't partake.

But drug addicts can be funny under certain circumstances.


7 years ago

I was hoping for the video on Cops where a big dude punched a hole through a fence and needed like 8 cops to take him down.


7 years ago
I just take Adrenaline shots, makes me high as Burj Khalifa.


7 years ago

I took cough syrup for a cold once. I hear that people drink it regularly or something nowadays... that sounds silly xD


7 years ago

Cough syrup is a shitty high. You'll trip balls, but it's such a sloppy, bloated feeling that it ruins the experience. Leave it to the 12 year olds.


7 years ago

I think that's why people apparently mix it with something, or whatever. I'm no expert in the things people take to bring potential harm to their brain cells.


7 years ago

Ohhh, you're talking about lean. Stay clear from it, you won't get the good shit unless you're a famous rapper. 


7 years ago

Lean? Umm, okay then. I already tend to stay clear away from like everything that was listed in this thread :)


7 years ago

I'm surprised you haven't heard of this stuff.


7 years ago

Why would you be surprised? 


7 years ago

I dunno, because I've heard of this stuff before, and I'm a teenage nerd too.


7 years ago

I'm just knowledgeable about other stuff. I think I've heard of it before but I don't think I deemed it as relevant information to remember. Obviously I was wrong with that assumption :c


7 years ago

This thread should be made sticky. If everybody read this the world would be a much better place.


7 years ago
Lol at a crackhead proselytizing about how terrible marijuana is.


7 years ago

Terrible? Not by any means, it's probably the safest drug out there besides caffeine, health wise at least. The shame of it is that due to the war on drugs and it's Class 1 scheduling, there has never been sufficient testing done to disprove the myths that leads to it's near cult like following today.

It doesn't cure cancer, it IS addictive, and smoking it doesn't magically make all of your problems go away. 

My issue with it is more with the people that smoke it, and the culture that surrounds it. They're a bunch of dumb stoners.

And proselytizing. Big word there, Sir Dreamkiller. A smaller, more fitting word would've probably suited better, but I give you props for trying to flew your intellectual muscles. Comes across as more of an insecurity than anything, but alas, we all cope differently.


7 years ago
Holy shit how hypocritical can you be? You're complaining about drug culture while simultaneously writing a giant post about how wonderful crack addicts are, like they're all a bunch of ghetto Mr. Rogers. I'd say that it's terrible for your health, but I don't give a shit about your health if you're retarded enough to smoke it.

If you've huffed so much gas that descriptive language intimidates you, I don't even know what you're doing here.

And you're right, everyone copes with insecurity differently. Some of us use big words, others jerk themselves off to their knowledge of illegal drugs, like it's some kind of accomplishment. Graduating Grade 12 totally counts as a university degree, right?


7 years ago

"Crackheads are funny. They're the friendly neighborhood addicts who wipe your windshield for a quarter with the same dirty rag that only makes it less clean than it was to begin with."

I take it you didn't realize the humor in that situation was that human beings will stoop so low, they will drop all civil pretenses and act completely and utterly shamelessly to score their high, which is so pathetic you have to laugh or you'll get depressed.

Never huffed gas, honestly. Seems like a dumb high, doesn't last too long from what I've seen.

Intimidate? Please. All I'm saying is using needlessly large words is a sign of someone who isn't smart, attempting to appear smart. It's not actually being smart. The word you used, proselytizing, I've never seen it before your use, but I could still gather from the context of what you're saying what it meant, that's intelligence. That's not being descriptive, that's being a douchebag.

And I'll have you know I don't use drugs to deal with my insecurities, that's what casual sex is for. 


7 years ago

You remind me of a young ChubbyTeletubby.

If he was here, he’d probably agree with you on most of the stuff, then he’d probably rant about you being a stupid asshole on the rest and go off topic by talking about rubbing his nipples.


7 years ago

He may have more experience, but when it comes to drugs experience usually equates to a lack of comprehension on the subject, shameful as that may be. They can be a beautiful thing at times, but father time remains undefeated, the drugs will take hold eventually.

That being said, drugs are a young man's game. He can blither on and about, but we're taking over. Don't see too many junkies make it past 50 now, do ya?


7 years ago

Yeah crack is pretty awesome, I remember at work we used to have this seven year old the police found in a closet with his brother's corpse after their crackhead parents locked them in there and apparently forgot you have to occasionally water kids, just like houseplants.

So cool. 


7 years ago
Duuuude, they're just like... irresponsible users, man!


7 years ago
And here I thought this was remedial.


7 years ago

Clearly he didn't get enough sunlight.


7 years ago

Posting this has granted me two things.

1. Lulz for days.

2. A deeper understanding for the shaming of drug users. 

Granted, that hatred is justified, albeit irrational. The example Mizal brought up is an unfortunate, yet all too common reality of substance abuse, a "disease" (It's not, but I'll call it one for argument's sake) of the mind that affects not only the person suffering from it, but those they interact with as well.

If you ask anybody on the street, selling your kids for blow is a big no no. That's not the type of behavior we approved in a civilized society. Even in a primal, tribal setting, our brains are hardwired to protect the children. You don't fuck with kids, hence our society's hatred for pedophiles. 

But drug users are ostracized before they even become addicts. I don't seem to recall identifying myself as a crackhead, nor stating how many times I've partaken, but Sir Dreamkiller's first line of thought seems to imply he believes crack is like schizophrenia. Once you get it, you always have it. It doesn't work like that. You have to smoke it at the very least a semi-regular occasion for it to fully take over your brain. Hitting a rock once every couple months won't turn you into an addict. 

Even when the addiction does take hold, an irrational hatred takes form in the minds of a very large portion of society, when what those addicts need is care and support, not to be ostracized. You know what happens when your actions and beliefs lead them to believe you think of them as a lesser human? They tell you to fuck off, and go kick it with fellow addicts, because they don't treat them that way. That way of thinking of thinking only deepens the divide, and furthers the cycle of drug use and dependency. 

But alright, if an addict gets to the point where they're killing their kids, lock their ass up in jail, but when they commit crimes to go out and get a fix, what they need is mental help. Rehabilitation is the best cure for addicts, not locking them up and throwing away the key. All you get from doing that is more crime and more drug users once they get out of prison, look up the five years for five grams laws for example. Crime fucking exploded because of that zero tolerance bullshit. 

Human curiosity is a natural thing, and drugs are a topic many people are curious about. You can make your points about whether that curiosity is a good thing or not. Many of the technological, medical, and engineering advancements we have today wouldn't have been possibly without it, but a lot of evil and unnecessary bullshit comes with it, because humans are flawed, irrational, often stupid creatures. Nowadays though, acknowledging your past use of a substance is enough to label you an addict in the minds of some, and that's just a shame. 


7 years ago



7 years ago
Schizophrenia is an illness and can be medicated. You don't contract it voluntarily. You make shitty decisions voluntarily; hence, your bending over backwards to defend your own bad habit.


7 years ago

Way to cherrypick, but I agree with you. You'd realize that, if you actually read what I said lol.

And it's not my habit, not anymore at least. Never became an addict, but I haven't even drank a drop of alcohol in a fat minute. Six months clean and sober, yo! :)


7 years ago

That's good to hear.


7 years ago

Thank you mi breda, I appreciate it.


7 years ago

You're welcome. My dad is going through the same struggle with alcohol. He's been clean for a while now, and things are looking very good.


7 years ago

I hope he does well, mi breda. My dad was a dope fiend, but he's a lifer, so there's no coming back for him. It's rough having someone you love go through substance abuse issues, especially alcohol since it's everywhere and a relapse is always around the corner. 

Just show him love and support through this rough time, hope everything gets better for your family :)


7 years ago

Yep, it's all a struggle.

We will, I wish the same for you. It's good to know that we can relate.


7 years ago

In either case though, do you agree with me that addicts need care and support to overcome their addiction, or should we just shame them until they go away?


7 years ago

The second one is funnier.


7 years ago

Maybe in the short term, but we'd lose all those crazy bum videos if they just disappeared over night, so it evens out.


7 years ago

Actually most junkies I've known are virtually impossible to shame. If anything they never actually go away unless you kill them or they get locked up. And even then only the first one is a certainty.

We'll always have crackhead bum fight videos.


7 years ago

God willing.


7 years ago

Says the guy who thinks that pedophiles should be killed, no questions asked. 


7 years ago

Are you seriously implying drug addicts are on an equal footing with pedophiles? You're fucking with me, right?


7 years ago
kids are a helluva drug


7 years ago

No, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy when you support rehabilitation for criminals but not for pedophiles. And when I say "pedophiles", I'm talking about people who haven't committed a crime but are attracted to children, not the child molesters. 

Let me just say that I'm not a pedophile so you won't call me one when you respond to this- I legally can't be because I'm 17. That being said, your hypocrisy is disgusting. It'd be one thing to say that all criminals should be punished harshly- then I could see where you'd be coming from. But that's not your stance- "Hey, go easy on the druggies and robbers man, they're still young and it's not their fault their brains are underdeveloped. But anyone who's attracted to a child? KILL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS FUCKING PEDO RAPISTS DESERVE TO DIE!!!1!

Do you think about this? I don't know if this comes from personal experiences or whatever but you clearly have an irrational hate towards pedos. It's been proven that pedos typically can't control what they feel, and many of them never even act on their urges. I'm not saying pedophilia should be legal in any way whatsoever- it should be punished if the person actually commits that kind of crime. However, if you support rehabilitation for petty criminals and junkies, why wouldn't you support help and therapy for someone who hasn't even done anything wrong?

You could argue that even if you try to rehabilitate a pedophile they'll just eventually snap and start molesting kids anyway, which isn't necessarily true- there are proven methods of rehabilitating a pedophile. That argument can be applied to all criminals though, like robbers or felons- what's to stop them from committing crimes after their release, and possibly killing someone in the process? That's my problem with your line of thought. You support therapy and treatment for only some people while executing others- people who clearly need help and have not committed a crime. 


7 years ago

Well, I just typed a whole big thing about how I'm not only right, but also a shining beacon of morality and that you're just some dumbass who disagrees with me, but when I went to post it the DNS decided to take a shit and I don't feel like typing all that again.

PS: It was a lot more polite than that.


7 years ago

I don't think I believe you.


7 years ago

You're right, I didn't try to make myself out to be a beacon of morality, I just implied it.


7 years ago

I read that as "bacon of morality" and it sounded a whole lot funnier.


7 years ago

I will give you credit though, you changed my mind. Pedophiles don't need to be killed, we can just chemically castrate them instead. 


7 years ago

I guess it's an improvement from wanting them killed.


7 years ago

I wish that Emperor of the World thread hadn't stalled out, I was going to elaborate on the need for sterilizing addicts and those who commit violent crimes.


7 years ago

So edgy


7 years ago

I'm not sure if you know what 'edgy' means.


7 years ago

Fun Fact: Castration, chemical or otherwise, does not end sexuality, it just makes sex drive build up much slower, perhaps to amounts that don't go as high, because of the lack of testosterone. Some histories even believe that Eunuchs become strictly hypersexual, and they've been known to marry happily. For all reasons. You don't need testosterone to have a sexuality, everyone else without balls can want/obtain sexual satisfaction just as well. Also, the chemicals make your bones brittle, your nipples get weird, your hands'll get all shaky and sometimes it makes you want to kill yourself. Actually, most of the time you will want to kill yourself at least in the high-schooler-who-doesn't-know-tragedy-says-"Oh god I wanna KILL MYSELF", most likely, but if you happen to be the kind of guy that invents the first computer during World War II, then yes, it'll definitely make you kill yourself.

Source: I researched this shit extensively during one of those weird spells I get into where I get really depressed and guilty for preferring fat chicks.


7 years ago

For the first time I see you after you getting banned, it's in a post about how amazing drugs are. I am really disappointed in society as whole right now.


7 years ago

Wait, you need to be a little more specific about why you are. I can't tell if you're disappointed in the junkies or the normal people.


7 years ago

Can you not fucking read?


7 years ago

I used to smoke weed pretty often last year. Pretty sure my uncle's on meth.


7 years ago

You're west coast, right? Meth's pretty big out there. Here in Ohio all you've got is dope fiends, but that shit makes it's way around every now and then.

Funny story, I actually contracted hepatits C from a meth addict. No, I wasn't shooting up with him, needles in the arm is the dumbest way you could possibly choose to get high. Now stop interrupting me, it's a long story.

So originally, my buddy's uncle gets Hep in prison. C isn't sexually transmittable, so there was no booty snatching involved lol. We're thinking he got it from one of his tattoos, but that's irrelevant. So he gets out of the joint, comes back, and starts doing his thing, which is hitting licks and getting high. He starts shooting up with my buddy, his nephew, and then he contracts it too. Then my buddy starts shooting up with this other kid, and apparently he gets it too.

So other kid is high at his job one day, and starts jacking off in the middle of a Volunteer's of America. Some people I know were in there at the time, and catch it on video. I call kid out on it because my mom shops there, and he rolls through to do something about it.

Long story short, I've got him a chokehold at one point, and he rolls out of it and starts biting my arm. Teeth breaks the skin, and now I've got Hep, even though I'm not a drug user like that.


7 years ago

Yep. West Coast born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days.

That's one hell of a story, man. You can get it that easy?


7 years ago

Yeah, drugs amirite? Like, I don't mean to brag about how hardcore I am with drugs but uh, there was this one time where I had a headache and I took two Tylenol, right? But a few hours later it was still bad so I took another Tylenol...BEFORE THE RECOMMENDED FOUR HOURS WAS UP! I know, I'm such a rebel.


7 years ago

It seems like most have missed the point of this post.


7 years ago


7 years ago

Oh, for anyone that wants to ruthlessly mow down drug dealers and filthy addicts like they obviously deserve, I highly recommend that you play this video game.

“Give up!”

*Shoots the criminal scum*

Gotta love the 80s.


7 years ago



Drugs, drugs, drugs...







Spiritual awakenings...

Wake and bakenings... 

Fake friends and shaking fiends when not partaking...


What a shame a wasted mind slowly setting with the sun, and calamity itself is but a fragment of the fun.


The man who infested my mind is slowly dying over there in the corner of this room I invested all my time into designing.

Look at him. Gasping. 


Fucking child. Can't even swim.



In a pool of self pity and denial that I myself insisted was the truth.....


When all the while....

Wallowing. I wallowed. Swallowing. I swallowed.


When the lie was all I knew it was all that I could spew. And the lie inside was mine. I made it. It was a wonder to behold. The lull of life was dull and infinite. The whining, the droning of the other humans drove me mad. The lullaby. I sang it to myself. It was pristine and perfect. Short and sweet.


No one else could hear it. No one else was worthy to sleep the sleep I slept and dream the dreams I dreamt. To weep the way I wept. To keep the fears I kept. To creep the way I crept so stupid and inept. 


My incoherent rambling was the death cry of a little boy that still clung to life with a defying skyward gaze into the farthest outer space.


















And last but not least.....









P.S. Kids, don't do drugs. (so you don't act like everyone else does)



7 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss.


7 years ago

Don't be sorry. I'm not.


Apology accepted, though. Don't let me catch you doing it again, though. Whatever it was. What you said. Don't do that.


I don't like it when you do that. So stop it. Stop it.


I said stop. You better stop it right now. 



We're cool, though. I'm cool. Just...




That wasn't a poem, per se. Or not a poem, per se. That was a brain writey thingy thing-thing. That thingy thing thing I wrote about my inner littIe boy and stuff and stuff. That. That was a brain writey thingy thing-thing. Not a poem. I did it real fast WHILE masturbating to cuckold porn.

I made it special. 

In all seriousness everyone has to follow their own path. If you want to experiment with drugs and such I say more power to you, but the older I get the more I realize that for people like me who had no off switch they were a SYMPTOM of much LARGER




And crack is DEFINITELY wack.

Don't get me started on meth.

Alcohol destroyed everything good in my life.

Weed is fine. Maybe later.

Psychedelics are great. 

Opiates are fucking evil. Just like alcohol.

Fuck you, End. lol. Don't get me started. I could write an essay on the matter and I wouldn't sound mad as the hatter these days 'cause I'm clean.


Seriously though.....stop it.


Stop fucking doing that.


I'm telling.


7 years ago

You're really interesting. I like you.


7 years ago
Oh wow. Playa, didn't know there'd be a special guest star.


7 years ago

Holy shit, I never expected Chubby to actually show up for this thread when I invited him from IS.

Wasn't aware he'd been a member here since 2005 either.


7 years ago

It's like the last page of a Lovecraft story. 


7 years ago

Those are paragraphs that don't rhyme or alliterate or form cohesive thoughts. Or, at least they're heavily implicated poetry by even poetry's standards.


7 years ago
