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Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Hey! I'm back! *dabs* Sorry, that was corny lol I had food poisoning so I was basically in bed, listening to Spotify as I rolled the blankets into a twisted mess that just increased my bad mood and I was close to killing someone. Thankfully, I had enough sanity left to realize that I had to stay off the internet unless I wanted to make a LOT of enemies. But I'm back now and I'm just going to mess around on here because the forums are pretty much the only reason I'm still here XD

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
How did you grow up in India and not develop a stomach of iron?

But that really sounds like a miserable time, glad you're feeling better.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Well, I usually just have food that my parents make and I don't really fall sick often. But then once in a while, I splurge on food and with my luck, it usually has something or the other wrong with it. And Thanks! : )

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Yeah, none of the experiences I have had with food poisoning have been near fun at all. Glad you're feeling better!

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Thanks @Ogre11 :D

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

You missed a good and really funny example of how to NOT make yourself known on CYS. You should really take a look at it.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
lol which thread was it? I'll go check it out!

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

"Is this fagfic?" Go check it out, there's probably a lesson in there somewhere.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Oh yeah, that one was funny! I already checked it out and learned a few lessons XD And I had a question; Do I still qualify as a noob or not? Because that has been swirling around my head all day lol

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

You're definitely still a noob. If you look at the accounts of the veteran members they've usually been around for five+ years. Even I'm coming up on the five-year anniversary on the site

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Nice! (Not the me still being a noob thing, I'm talking about how long people have stayed here XD)

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
A big portion of the active community joined when they were like 12-14, survived many purges and are in college or at least finishing up highschool now.

We've speculated that the reason you kids in the new crop are hardier and less cringy than the ones we used to get is because we fertilized the fields with the corpses of all the noobs who came before. You're welcome.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

I mean, we had bong doggie a few days ago. But overall the site definitely has better younger members compared to the dark ages of the Warrior Cat days.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Well bondogggle as of now anyway is still hanging in there. Even if they don't gain a patron mod, they can still become an admirably sturdy part of the Wall of the Faithless.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

I'm an optimist, and occasionally believe in the goodness of humans, so I think they can definitely make a comeback from their rocky start!

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Thanks for that mizal! (lol)

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Hope you're feeling better! Food poisoning sounds... gross. 

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Oh it certainly is. 

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Have you never had food poisoning?

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
She's eleven so it's not like she's going around to shady Taco Bells every night.

I mean I'm 37 and I've only had it twice. Knowing how to sanitize a counter and not living like an animal goes a long way.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Just about every time I've gone to Europe I've gotten it. First trip to Russia, second trip to Russia, third trip to Russia. Paris, Ukraine... By the time I was 11 I had probably gotten it three or four times! I even had food poisoning last year in December, because I ate too much sushi with raw fish.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Foreigners are dirty.

And you don't get food poisoning from too much food, you get it from food that's been improperly stored and handled.

I know it's more difficult if parents are the ones putting food in front of you, but you have to have a little common sense about this stuff. For instance, I do not trust apathetic teenagers or the fat sullen single moms that 50% of them later morph into to have anyone's best interests in mind or do anything right, for instance, so I mostly avoided fast food even before covid.

And there are certain foods it just seems like it'd be best to avoid completely while traveling.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Yea I know you don't get food poisoning from too much food, because I eat way more calories than most people, so I would have it every day if that were the case. In Ukraine, I got food poisoning from a PIZZA! How can you screw up a pizza? In Russia, I once got it from my aunt's strawberries, and another time got it from HONEY. So nothing's safe for me.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Stop being fat this instant.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

I'm underweight lol.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Maybe stop throwing up from food poisoning?

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Ha! It's more just a combination of really fast metabolism and exercise.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Speaking of Taco Bell, I don't really like the restaurant. I got a cheese quesadilla and it just... looked weird, I guess? Idk, but it didn't taste right. 

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Cheese quesadilla is on the same level as a grilled cheese sandwich, they're great but super simple so why pay a stranger when can just make one at home.

Cheese quesadillas are basically my go to food for laziness.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

Mhm! The ones I made at home were much better than Taco Bell.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago

I believe you are neglecting the most important detail: the special creamy jalapeno sauce! Without it, it is nothing more than a cheese sammich... but that sauce makes the whole world go-'round, y'know?

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

3 years ago
Thanks @AestheticLlama Yeah, It is kinda gross XD
@WizzyCat No, not that many times. And even when i did, it was just stomach aches and staying in bed 24/7

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

8 months ago
Oh, I have the same issue at the moment. How was the recovery?

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

8 months ago

Dawg... It's been 2 years. Stop digging up old threads lmao.

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

8 months ago
Other guy didn't make it sadly

Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

8 months ago

This is extremely bot-like behavior



Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

8 months ago







Welp, food poisoning is a b*tch

8 months ago
I saw it instantly but didnt tell anyone cause it didnt even make a blue period which is low effort for a prebot