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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Exams again

3 years ago
Hey! Quarterly state IQ tests are starting from tommo, so I might not log in since Ill be in hiding over the coming week after failing the national minimum. And I know this thread, like every one in this forum is going to brag about having an iq above 50. So imma just log out now. See you in a week! :D

Exams again

3 years ago
This garbage no topic thread is now about discussing how good breakfast foods are, and how superior breakfast is to all other meals.

I have to be at work in four hours but I'm wide awake here just thinking about how good some French toast with powdered sugar would be. With slices of crispy bacon on the side, of course.

Breakfast, mmm

3 years ago
Hashbrowns with runny yolk and crumbled bacon is the supreme apex of breakfast foods, competing only with biscuits and sausage gravy.

Exams again

3 years ago

The great thing with breakfast is that there are enough variations to satisfy everyone. It can be salty (like with bacon and tomato beans) or sweet (with toasts like you mentioned) or both. Plus it has the luxury of presenting an alternative to lunch with the brunch, the perfect balance that rules over all the other meals.

Personally, having a hot chocolate while eating cheese on a toast and crumpets with butter and jam, and then having bacon and scrambled eggs is clearly the best.

Exams again

3 years ago

Chinese breakfast slaps

I had some super good peanut butter French toast recently while working at a food festival. Really made me change my mind on the food as a whole, previously I thought French toast was too sweet to eat more than a few bites of, but the savory flavor of the peanut butter improved it immensely. 

Exams again

3 years ago

I bet you put maple syrup on your sausages.

Exams again

3 years ago

putting maple syrup on your sausage / ham is the only way to eat them

this only works if you live somewhere that produces glorious maple syrup however, commiefornia is not included 

Exams again

3 years ago

I shudder to know what your maple syrup tastes like, so that it goes well on meat rather than pancakes and waffles.

Exams again

3 years ago

Sugared meat is the food of literal ancient kings, wtf are you on about.

Exams again

3 years ago
If I eat the food at breakfast time does it then count as breakfast food?

If it does then for me ice cream is the best.

Exams again

3 years ago

As I consider having a rest of pizza in the morning a good breakfast, I guess ice cream is no exception...

Exams again

3 years ago
Bruh who edited my post? smh

Exams again

3 years ago
Today for breakfast I had a Clif bar, and then for lunch I will have a Clif bar, but I'm picking up some eggs on the way home so tonight and maybe the rest of the week I'm going all out with breakfasts for dinner. Will report back.

Exams again

3 years ago

And here's my penny : I don't have breakfast. (My parents are on a keto diet and dragged me with them) I got a break from studying (punjabi sucks btw)

My dad then once again told me he hates my ugly self. :( Great. 

Exams again

3 years ago
No breakfast for me here either, but due to a different reason.(Hint: 5 minutes till first bell)

Exams again

3 years ago

I didn't have breakfast either, but normally I just make a quick bowl of cereal. Actually good breakfasts are saved for special occasions like Christmas. 

Exams again

3 years ago
Why the fuck would anyone force a 12 year old onto a keto diet.

I hate your parents enough as it is already.

Waiting for stargirl to reveal hers are gluten free paleo vegans now so my hate can continue to grow and consume me.

Exams again

3 years ago

And actually the keto thing happened a long time ago, but then we stopped and started a couple more times, before we unofficially started following it, it's not that bad, don't worry :) but for some reason, my parents are really strict about sugar, they literally won't even let me have a piece of candy smh :(

My dad then takes whatever candy I have, and then he eats it right in front of me. Of course my obese mom doesn't do anything about it. 

Exams again

3 years ago

My dad's strict about sugar too, he won't even let us eat the tiniest piece of candy on Halloween! I can't say that mine are as strict as yours though FemW, my mom will sneak us a piece or two of candy once a week. (There you go Mizal, I shall let your hate continue to grow)

Exams again

3 years ago

You father is literally doing an IRL performance of the father in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"! Is he a dedicated fan?

Exams again

3 years ago

The last paragraph DID exist when I posted that ok, this is starting to get annoying smh Why am I so retarded? Is this why my dad hates me? 

Exams again

3 years ago
I don’t quite understand what you’re getting upset about. Your posts aren’t changing or updating since you posted them. One someone replies to you only mods can edit the post, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally changing it or anything.

Exams again

3 years ago
Yeah that's pretty weird, no idea.

Exams again

3 years ago
Ok, I just want to clarify that my dad didn't do anything to me, and neither did my mom since that incident I told you about, please don't worry. And for some reason, all my posts are getting edited to make it seem like my parents did something else

Exams again

3 years ago

Damn it seems as though FW's parents have locked her in the basement and taken over her account to avoid suspicion. 

Exams again

3 years ago

The keto diet is a retarded monkey bullshit thing.

Exams again

3 years ago
Ok, my dad did NOT say that, dont worry. That last part about my dad hating how ugly I am did NOT exist when I posted it, rest assured :)

Exams again

3 years ago

FemW, Peng and Stargirl all posted, well at least we know our abused youth are still alive. (Despite being obviously deprived of food like starving street urchins)

Oh I just had chicken with melted mozzarella and sun dried tomatos mixed with some quinoa and a can of coke for breakfast.

Exams again

3 years ago
At least in a few minutes I will have access to school provided cardboar- *cough* pizza, it'll stave off the hunger for a few hours.

Exams again

3 years ago

I wonder if all FemaleWolverine threads from now on are going to unintentionally reveal more layers to the child abuse thread.

Anyways, breakfast is great, easily my favorite meal of the day. I don't have them too often, but a good crêpe is hard to beat in my opinion. Fresh berries, sweet filling, and crispy edges, all dusted with powdered sugar, it's the best. It's too bad they don't serve them in more places. 
It's also too bad breakfast happens to have some of the most unphotogenic but good-tasting foods (like oatmeal and sausage gravy), but oh well.