Oh, no! How will this site ever continue without the valuable site member, uhhh, HelpfulConnoisseur.
You failed a charisma check here, bro.
Umm, are you mad that Jewish boys be having big dicks on average? Is that why you tagged, Malk?
Well, in any case, it seems the last thing you've done of any noticeable worth was rating Darius's game a one. Well, the reader/player is always entitled to their opinion/rating, but since you're a banned account now..
Just going to take your points for the CYS treasury. That's killing two birds with one stone. A promising site member can perhaps receive a points stimulus, and your voting weight will be weakened, which would mean a higher rating for the story or something. I think there's a misconception that points grow on trees.
No, it has to come from somewhere.