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Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
What sort of shameful acts of gluttony are you committing this year, and with who?

My family will just have a lazy little gathering at a restaurant since it's too difficult getting the extended family to coordinate anymore. I'm doing a little baking anyway though because it doesn't feel like the holidays without it. And I've embarked on my yearly research journey to figure out just what the hell the British mean when they say "pudding".

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

I'm going to my grandpa's house on Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, this is my dad's side of the family, and nobody on his side can cook. 

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

Shamefull it is not, but I'll be eating sausage rolls (saucijzenbroodjes) and zongzhi. I haven't eaten them in a while.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

Meeting up at my house with close family then maybe taking that "walk" with a few friends before eating. 

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

Could be the greatest thanksgiving since 2016 assuming my Lions don't blow it again.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

Well my Lions are playing like absolute shit on thanksgiving like usual.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
I will be making fancy potatoes :)

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

My family has stated that I will not be required to go to the celebration or do any sort of social interaction if I cook all of the food for the party of thirty or so. 

I consider this to be a comically awful deal, but I very much do not want to talk to anyone and thus I'll be spending my weekend figuring out how to debone a turkey.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
"Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Our dear little TCat hated you all so much she cooked you this meal!"

(Pro tip it's waaaay too late to cook the turkey unless it's already thawed.)

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

She said over the weekend, so I thought maybe it was some Turkish "Thanksgiving" that took place around the same time, but on a different day.

Well anyway, good luck with that TCat, you always are the determined one to avoid social interaction.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
That's true, I had supposed she meant her school break but maybe they're eating on Sunday or something. If people are working on Thanksgiving its not that unusual to move the get together to the weekend before or after.

Anyway, except for the turkey none of the traditional Thanksgiving items are all that complicated, it's just a matter of having everything you need ready and organized in advance and planning for time and cleaning as you go.

And for the turkey, I figure TCat knows how to look up the dos and donts of working with raw poultry. (The main goal is not killing anyone, followed closely after by the bird still being edible at the end of the process.)

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
Look into the spatchcocking technique if you'd care for a turkey preparation that's more manageable for someone your age + doesn't take literally all day.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago

Yeah, this is extremely useful to know. But they really could just call it "butterflying" couldn't they?

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

6 months ago

So how did this go?

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

6 months ago

The turkey did not cause food poisoning and vaguely bordered the realm of edible, and I wasn't forced to interact with anyone, so I would consider the task a success.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

6 months ago
Good job avoiding disaster, but you must improve your turkey technique if you want them to keep making the trade off.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
Well, today is the day. Have a great meal and hopefully no family drama. You might also take a moment to be grateful you can find happiness in your lives without outliving the population of an entire writing site.

I have also learned that sausage is pudding, and tamales are also pudding.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
We are attending a shrimp boil with my uncle's family.

I'm not a huge fan of a lot of the Thanksgiving sides anyway, and we get all those at Christmas when we journey to my grandma's house. Twice a year is just too much.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
No shopping, no cooking, no clean up, turkey and all the usual delicious, gravy coated carbs plus steak and shrimp. A reasonable amount of time spent with family at a buffet someone else paid for and then going home to walk my dogs and play Battle Brothers; I feel like I won Thanksgiving.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
I'm still getting used to going to two Thanksgivings, my family's and my boyfriend's. But I'm not complaining. And we both know when to make our silent exit once our families annoy us enough. Then we rotted away playing video games for hours after. A good day!

I hope everyone else had a nice Thanksgiving too.

Obligatory Thanksgiving thread

8 months ago
I ate too much. Successful Thanksgiving.