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Contest End is near!

3 months ago

So, how's everyone else feeling about the end of this contest being within sight? Honestly, I'm excited, since it's my first valid contest entry (found here) after being screwed back in 2016.


And no, I do not count the back alley abortion -erm, quiz- I submitted during the Succubus contest as a valid contest entry. It sucked, I only submitted it to avoid SHAME, and it was promptly deleted.


But so far, I think five entries submitted early (longer than 48 hours) is actually pretty promising of a high turnout.


Damn it guys, I was counting on you all to choke. Although I suppose EndMaster could pull a 'Just kidding!' And set the deadline to 16 minutes from now...




But thoughts? Anybody enjoying themselves? Anticipated storygames? Perhaps ideas for a future contest?

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I've enjoyed the contest. Three months is a very, very long time to write something for me- all my previous stories were much shorter compared to Reborn. I was feeling ambitious this time, but I've always very much been the type to stare at a blank first page and go 'wait, this is going to take forever' and then turn the computer off until deadline panic sets in. I'm glad I was able to avoid that this time, at least- sometimes you've just gotta force yourself and not think about how insignificant one day of writing can feel in the grand scheme of a lengthy contest, and the progress will add up.

Anyway, excited for the incoming flood that will occur in the ten minutes before the deadline. This contest seems really promising no far, not just because there's 11 or so early entrants, but because all of the stories seem good!

Good luck to all who have yet to submit.


(You're welcome for rescuing your thread, btw)

Contest End is near!

3 months ago
scrab me to feel even better :^)

Contest End is near!

3 months ago


Contest End is near!

3 months ago
Hate this; hate you (hate semicolons)

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Well, I finally submitted it. Hopefully EndMaster has mercy on me for my tardiness, but that's up to him of course. I'm still honored to have been a part of this, and it feels good to finally publish something for the first time.

I definitely have a lot to reflect for my efforts these past couple of months. I've finally gotten a groove where I'm writing regularly, which was my personal goal for this contest. It certainly would have behooved to have gotten to that place sooner though. I had to pare down the scope of this entry because of the pace of my writing and deadline, but in some ways I'm glad to have ended this story at this point. I'm eager to put in more storygames in this alternate-history world I've created. I also need to learn more about how put more "game" elements into stories. I've appreciated the stories that add these awesome, creative parts to a storygame, and I feel the responsibility to delve deeper into what this format has to offer.

I'm definitely down to do something like this again!

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

From the looks of it, he has accepted it. So the final score count, assuming he doesn't accept anymore (and probably won't) is 18 valid entries out of 50 contestants. that's a shame count of 32, one more than the last prompt contest. 


Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Didn't the last Endmaster contest also only have 18 valid entries?!

I'm honestly surprised. Just like everyone else...I expected a bunch of actually completed stories to be sent in at the end instead of...well what actually happened.

Before now I actually wondered how so many people could mess up on sending a story at the end. Now I get just takes one thing to go wrong to ruin things.

Part of why I was confident was cause I entered 2 Youtube contests before in the past...which I successfully scrambled something of worth on both occasions. I figured this would be no different. Boy was I wrong!

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

The last contest had a total of 31 SHAMED. Yeah, I do believe there was either 18 valid entries out of 49 participants, or 19 valid entries out of 50. Either way, I think we may not be seeing anymore prompt contests for a hot minute...

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

It's true that CYStia and YouTube are different, and part of me did honestly see this coming, based on the last time we had a prompt contest. I was hoping that was just a low point in CYS history, but if it is, it's been repeated.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Nah there were at least two past contests where only Mizal actually turned something in of worth and she won by default lol.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I have a lot to think about

Actions speak louder than words however

I will try to be "less annoying/quiet" while I self reflect on what happened

But course of action may be to just...leave for now...

We shall see though...

For whatever its worth

Even though its not worth much

I'm sorry to all I bothered...

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

RIP to the New storygames published just before the contest deadline.

I felt like making a ranking of all of the contest storygame titles, as there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to read many of these long-ass stories. I considered several factors, such as how much it made me want to read the story, elegance of phrasing, word choice, succinctness, and technical aspects, like capitalization and grammar.


In order of (to me, personally) most appealing title to the least:


Avarga- memorable, punchy, unique, even starts with the first letter in the alphabet, which gets the story more views if titles are in alphabetical order

Where the Clouds Want to Go- evocative, clouds are always nice in a title, a bit long

A Prayer for Destruction- solid, destruction might be a little generic, but the rest of the title is certainly eye-catching, good phrasing

The Sojourner's Home- clear, but suggestive of a story a bit on the boring side, good word choice

Cleansed- solid, positive word choice connotations, limited impact of meaning

Reborn- solid, positive word choice connotations, limited impact of meaning

The Caverns of Grobblebad- I liked it until Grobblebad, that just sounds too silly for me

The Grand Pharaoh's Tomb- a bit basic, but at least it's clear in what the story is going to be about

The Red Church- punchy, a bit unclear in what the story is about

Revenge on the River Lord- decent and solid, nothing particularly good or bad

How To Bring an End to Things?- feels like it could be shortened, somewhat unique

The Village That Was- a bit evocative, otherwise a bit boring

A Hill to Die On- a cliche, somewhat evocative

The Boy Who Would Be Duke - The Journey to Agincourt - just a wee bit long, but I do like how it is pretty clear what the story would be about

Polaris- though meaningful, there's already quite a few things and works with the same title, leading to confusion over suggested themes

Terrorist- basic

Golden Gaze - Establishing a foothold- capitalization error, not clear what story is about despite all of the words being real words, slightly interesting word choice

The Rand'o Quiz- I mean, it's a weird word construction, but at least I can get the gist of it from the title

Distant Past- sounds like a chapter title in a geography/history textbook, boring

DRIVE- generic and forgettable word choice, jarring capitalization scheme

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Yet my 'basic' storygame has a higher rating than all three of your storygames.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I think you need to read it again

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Hey, I read it. I honestly think either you or MHD are gonna take first place.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago
I think you need to read it again

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

OHHHH! He said by title. Holy fuck, I'm a dick.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

bro has done reputational damage in the last two days that will take years to undo 

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Meh. I've had worse. I still remember when my baby's mom made an account on here, went off on EndMaster for heckling me, and left me for a tranny when I sided with the mods and told her she went too far.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

And aside from this completely avoidable fuckup, I'm not sure what else I did. I enjoyed writing my game, it certainly wasn't the worse on here, and I don't seem to have broken any rules.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's about as low as you can get around here already.

Well other than raping a cat, but we're not counting Ryder.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I mean, shit, we were already on the edge cause of her literally making ALL my decisions for me and yelling whenever I deviated (which is why the contest thing was ultimately the last straw). Granted, cause I was resentful I was always getting mad and yelling over dumb shit too. We fucked a few more times after that, but that whole relationship was just way too toxic to keep it up. 

Shockingly enough, she's STILL with the tranny, but the two of them are in a open relationship cause the tranny doesn't like using her dick. It's to the point where 'I fucked yur baby's mom' isn't even an insult anymore cause of how much I've heard it.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Somebody tell Ryder to stop baiting kitties into his white van with catnip.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Yeah, you and PP both tried to warn me on that one. Like a classic retard, I was honestly confused about why you guys were telling me to read it again, until ten hours later when I (gasp!) read it again.

Now I look like an ass.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago
I wholeheartedly agree with this

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Dude, I apologize. I thought you were ranking the actual stories and not the titles. If I could delete that last comment, I would, cause I got WAY overly defensive there.

Seriously, this one's on me.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Yeah, but this is funnier. Lol.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I literally set myself up for it, too... 


Contest End is near!

3 months ago
With 32 failures, that sets a new high score for failures in one contest. The last EM prompt contest had 30 failures.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

Bezros and MMT got disqualified. They avoided SHAME, but that still doesn't make a valid entry, and therefore 34 failures, and only 16 valid entries! Holy fuck, this is even worse than prompt contest 2

Contest End is near!

3 months ago


(But more on that later after the rest of stories are read and the announcement thread is made)

Contest End is near!

3 months ago
So, the next contest... ?

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I'm wondering to find out about that myself. It'll probably be a couple months out...

Contest End is near!

3 months ago

I think Corgi wanted to do a small one at some point.

Contest End is near!

3 months ago
dibs on next major contest