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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

On the 14th, I tied for most commended, but didn't get the of Avon title.

On the fifteenth of July, I gained ten commendations.

As of today, I am so far the most commended, and hope to keep it that way for the next three hours.


Therefore, my goal is to be the most commended every day until we reach the end of this contest.


Btw... I've done my background research in the commendations tab, and I haven't seen anybody get five featured comments in a single day like I did. Although, admittedly, I only checked back to 2017. But did I break some kind of record on the 15th?

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Good luck with that.

And for the five featured comments... maybe for marauders? 

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Shut up, no one cares.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

The description of the thread specifically states "make monkey noises about anything you'd like."

Also, commendations and points are for bragging rights. I don't see an issue with setting a goal and asking a question.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
You are a maidenless fucktarded cuck and need to shut the fuck up.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Not maidenless.

Not a cuck.

No .

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
Commended by MadHattersDaughter on 7/17/2024 11:17:02 PM
At least you guys still agree on fucktarded.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
Accomplishment acknowledged, congratulations.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
I like Peng.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

I like Peng.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

I like Peng

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
Thara has gotten 13 featured comments in one day before.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Don't be! That's honestly cool! And it gives me a goal to work towards.


Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

There's a new record: 15 featured comments published in a day!  (However, they weren't written in a day, so I'm not sure if it actually counts). 

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

I've got some bad news.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

Well, Mystic, I still plan to write 35 reviews. If you want to win, then you have to write at least 9 more :).

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

Don't worry, Darius, I plan to write a lot more than that :)

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Therefore, my goal is to be the most commended every day until we reach the end of this contest

As of today, I am so far the most commended, and hope to keep it that way for the next three hours.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

LOL - nice work Darius.  I notice your name is in bold print today.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
I love that this contest is stirring up some competition for these things.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Oh yeah, if someone has earned the same amount as commendations as you, if I recall correctly, the site goes off based on who has more points to give that bolded username too. 

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
That is why Berka used to always have it.

I remember it was one of the (several) things IAP seemed to have a little bit of strange, barely suppressed rage over.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Classic, IAP.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago
>Therefore, my goal is to be the most commended every day until we reach the end of this contest.

This didn't age well.

Commendations of Avon

3 months ago

Since posting this, I actually did tie for most commended the next day. And I was leading the day after, until you commended Darius's storygame in the last half hour before midnight. Congratulations are in order to him for that, since he is a good writer.

Point is, I've been making effort to reach my goal. And I will continue to put in effort to reach my goal. That's... kinda the purpose of one. 


I may not always meet it, but does that mean I stop trying? Each day from now until the contest is a chance to meet the goal of most commended

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

@benholman44 You haven't gotten a single featured comment since you made this post. Just out of curiosity, how is that making effort to reach your goal?

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

I think he has given up on that trophy.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

its hard to get commended when youre out here writing reviews on the same stories.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

Well, there has to be some kind of standard on what would entail a proper review. Otherwise a person could just spam "cool story", "not bad", "good" and win the contest within a day. 


My problem with Ben all this time and what he doesn't seem to get is that he puts in bare bones effort in each of his reviews. If he were to write Mystic level of quality stuff, then I don't mind losing to him. 


And writing them isn't that difficult tbh, it's just that while reading stories you keep a separate word document tab and note down every little thought you have. Then afterwards you write your general impressions that comment on the broader problems/strengths the story has and you're done.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

i see, thats helpful advice. 

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

Yeah, that’s exactly how I felt about his  ‘do the bare minimum to win’ approach. Sometimes he wouldn’t even complete the story he was reviewing. So I conducted a small experiment when you took a break last month: if he believed he was in the lead, would he continue to review stories? Guess the answer is no. 

Also, I’m glad you wouldn’t mind losing to me.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

Yeah, his Duke of Winslow review for example was pretty surface level, especially regarding Noel's relationship with his father and hatred for the town. I doubt that he really has read all of it.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

Actually, life kinda jumped in with a job change (I'm working 50 plus hours) and a ongoing lawsuit that I'm filing against a former ex for refusing to return my property. Hence why I haven't been active much period. 


I still hope to get back into the contest at some point.  But ultimately life comes first. 

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago
It means he stopped trying.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago
Oh hey, nice. I literally wasn't even trying. Turns out getting the bolded name is almost as easy as impregnating Sherb without his knowledge or consent.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago

You earned it.

Commendations of Avon

2 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 7/24/2024 4:50:37 PM
Don't mind me, just joining the More Commended Than Ben gang.