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Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I'm unconvinced motivation threads actually work and so this is my discipline thread focusing on consistency instead of burst writing. My goal is to publish a storygame for each contest I entered and didn't publish for since 3J's site rules extravaganza. These are:

Seth's Riddles & Puzzles Contest
Kiel's School Based Contest
Bucky's Spooky Story Contest
Ballad Contest
New Frontier Contest
Flash Fiction Contest
End's Edgelord Contest
The Chaos Contest
BZ's Summer Slam
December Anniversary Contest

10 works total most of which are to be storygames. Gonna follow in the footsteps of Mizal and say I'll get em done in one year. Deadline: December 31, 2018. I don't have anything to bet really so I'll let whichever admin that calls dibs first decide my bet.

Any questions? I don't think I've missed anything starts now.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

What should Ford have to bet?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Can I bet never getting Ford back regardless of what I do? That's like betting Ford twice.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Oh you weren’t getting Ford back anyway after we found out about your CYS porn on discord.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
There still a Ford Restoration fund out there somewhere...

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
How many points did he need for that anyway?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

N+1, whereby N is the total amount of points accumulated on the site.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Can't be bothered to do the precise math on it, looking through his points, but I'm just calling it an even 3000.

Currently he's got 26 points.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Oh ok so he needs to find just thirty people to donate or bet 100 against him. And then complete a decent story. And then not have had CYS porn on his Discord. Easy!

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
shame about that CYS porn. It's good stuff when it gets round to it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Seth's Riddles & Puzzle contest had a deadline within 10 days of starting so I too will start today and my artificial deadline for this little puzzle storygame will be 10 days from now (Jan 18). The games that haven't been unpublished are roughly 3000 - 5000 words in length. I think a solid riddle game with 5000 words is quite easy within 10 days. I write 5000 words of CYS fanfic in about 3 days so it shouldn't be too bad.

Of course all the storygames I work on will be linked in this thread with sneak preview on so everyone can stalk my progress.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
It's going to be an escape the room puzzle game. Tried writing out some riddles in a notebook and they all sucked so I'm going puzzley instead of riddley. I think I'm gonna try recording myself talking about the game or try telling it and recording it. Haven't done that before and so idk if it'll work out well translating my speech to writing. Can't really get worse anyways :P

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
See now here you go: instead of writing, make your story completely from audio tracks. Just record each page and slap the audio on the page instead of typing words.

Either that or pay someone to transcribe your words...

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Or just film yourself acting it out.

(Make an educational game about proper handwashing techniques. Guaranteed 8/8 from Minnie.)

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
2000 words. I mindmapped the game pretty far and it'll either be published late today or late tomorrow because school is starting back up and I want to finish this within the 10 days set by Seth's original thread. I write a section of pages and then link em all together which is so far the worst part of it.

Great time to ask: does anyone else leave pages unused and unlinked to rot? I had a page linked and then I decided I wanted the link to go to a chapter instead and I didn't have use for the page but I didn't bother deleting it either. Feels messy but I can't be the only one who just leaves pages half done and abandoned within the game.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Are you planning to stuff the orphaned pages with unrelated text to inflate the length to 60k again?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
no the one I'm thinking of specifically only has like a half written sentence on it. but I suppose I could do that and say I wrote a 100k word storygame lol

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I will not meet the artificial deadline of today due to college starting. Will work on it over weekend and on friday but I also met a girl so please tell me all the usual and expected stuff about how I'll never get a girl since you lot figure yourselves highly creative people :^)

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
On the contrary, I feel your chances of getting a girl are far better than finishing a game.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Though both fall within a rounding error of zero percent chance.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I dunno, it’s probably a whole lot easier for Ford to acquire roofies than it is for him to focus on a story.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
nah she gave consent. back to working on the game between homework now that one life goal is complete.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I choose to interpret this as him just stone cold dropping her the moment he acquired the new achievement and moving on to the next thing on the list.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
absolutely correct.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
He probably wishes he'd done that.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Disclaimer: not a lie anymore.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Nice little diclaimer there. I forgot he flat out lied about me sleeping with him on here. Gross.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
And then he did both :P

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
I forgot what I was doing and where the game was going so I deleted it and am starting over right now lol

Same title yadda yadda

Gonna try using some of the practices I learned in my engineering classes to plan out and make the game. Works for building machines, should work for writing a storygame right?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Well really the only thing you have of worth is your account Chanbot, since I know you’ve always been pretty protective of that one. (Whatever it is you’re doing with the thing) So it probably would be pretty sinister to force you to bet that since I know you’re going to fail at this task anyway.

And while I’m sure many others here would LOVE to see you banned (Or at least have something of yours taken away, since you’ll just pop up again under a new name) you don’t really annoy me like you seem to annoy everyone else.

So unless you’re actually going to tell me you want to bet Chanbot, I guess the current bet is 1000 points and I’ll ban Pibot if you don’t complete the task.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
If he fails, ban Orange. Well, take points from her anyway. Need to go for the multi tiered approach, and she can put pressure on him in the Discord.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I think she's already pissed at Ford for lying about her sending naked pictures to him.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Orange already fucked up since then and had to apologize to me so I'd say we're on even turf and that she absolutely agrees to match my bet of 1000 points if I don't complete this task and the banishment of Pibot would also affect her since Pibot is her talking vibrator.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I'm okay with you betting 1,000 of mizal's points.

Wait, is it MEE-zul or MY-zul? Or maybe me-ZAL.. does anyone know?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

mee zal with emphasis on the lowercase m.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I always pronounce it MY-ZAL since it's a cheap joke to then call her BI-ZAL, implying that she's bisexual.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
wizal pronounced wizal

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I don't believe you'll ever post a single storygame lol. 

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Which contest it was is eluding me at the moment, but there was that one time Ford posted some shitty story taking place on an asteroid or something.

It was so horrible of course that it got nearly all 1s and taken down immediately after the contest. (But he managed to escape SHAME that time)

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
glad I don't remember that either

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I vaguely remember an unfinished space game, followed by an unfinished game about getting teleported to like a circus in a field or something, followed by using magic to accidentally summon a sheep. That one I mostly remember because it had been stuffed with fake pages or else useless scripting to inflate it to a 60k word count.

e: Was the asteroid game called Space Johnson?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Found something, but not the one I was thinking of. I might be confusing it with another shitty story betaband or Negative hastily submitted at the time.

Apparently it was during Bucky's Chaos contest and this didn't save him since that's when he got banned.

EDIT: Here's "Space Johnson." Doesn't have anything written though.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
doesn't have anything written because I probably transferred it from Ford to Chanbot and didn't copy-paste any of the pages with it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I'll bet 50 points he publishes nothing that can meet minimum standards this year.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago


Now I'm wondering if KillaRobot is up for redoing his old bet of betting his right nut that Ford would not write a story a few years back.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
That 50 points should go to the Ford restoration fund.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I'll match that bet. Put it towards the Ford's Soul Restoration Fund if I lose

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Well I guess I better start making a betting pool for this thread.

If Ford does not achieve his goals by the end of the year

Chanbot loses 1000 points and Pibot is banned.

If Ford does not produce ANY story that can meet minimum standards

The following people will win extra points at the end of the year. (Maximum bet 100 points)

Mizal - 100

Malk - 100

If Ford DOES produce at least one story that can meet minimum standards

Everyone who bet points against Ford, loses them and they all go to the Ford soul transference fund.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Up mine to the max then. Didn't realize I could win points, and there's no possible way to lose them in this scenario.

I think Ford may for real have some kind of very specific mental illness that physically prevents him from just sitting down and writing a game.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
The mental illness is that I like math and not writing and only our lord and saviour Donald Knuth was able to enjoy both simultaneously and at great length.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
You should make a math quiz.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
nobody here would pass

Actually that might could be done. I'll think about it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
No one has to be able to pass. You barely even have to type words. Of course, putting more complex equations and answers might be harder because you'd have to use pictures... but that would be a pretty neat quiz if there were pictures for answers to math problems...

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I would love to see a difficult maths quiz on this site! I'm currently studying a lot of discrete maths here at Oxford, so I should be able to 'pass' any questions that involve sets, counting, combinatorics etc. Continuous maths not so much, but I would still give it a go! I'm actually currently writing a story in which each page contains either a hidden maths puzzle or some form of cipher/cryptic code to crack (rather than being integral with the story, these are 'side-puzzles' included so that I have at least something to proud of if the writing sucks.)

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
I'd probably only take it up to real analysis and differential geometry. I don't think I could properly write test questions for reimann geometry at my current knowledge level. Maybe just a calculus/diff eqs quiz and a little math-history / trivia quiz? There's plenty of fun mathematician stories that have survived the ages with little niche facts involved. Could do a giant STEM quiz but I'd only be able to do math, physics, some chem, computers, and engineering. I wouldn't have any biology related questions or portions and everyone would die from taking it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Discipline Thread

7 years ago


Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I've done a module on Analysis (hate Geometry though - I'm much better at discrete than continuous.) Math trivia quiz sounds like a fun idea. Or even history - there are loads of ancient puzzles, the math foundations for which have only been laid in the last century or so.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Shut up Imperator. Don't encourage him, don't talk to him. Do you want us to hold you personally responsible if he succeeds?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Hmmm, maybe I should place a bet on it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

You’re going to regret it you support Ford here. One of the founder’s of the site had Ford as his champion, and Ford miserably failed.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Yes, believe it or not I have read large portions of the Chaos Contest thread (incredibly sad, I know.) However, perhaps if Ford starts making something he enjoys, he'll actually find the willpower to finish it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Well it’s your funeral. Make the bet I’d you want, but just know that I advise against it.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Bet your account, if you really want to spice things up. Points are so last year.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

I would place a bet but I already lost 200 on the Ford victory party.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Well you would lose the points if Ford actually creates one good story, unless you're saying the odds are just so in your favor that he won't, so there is practically no way to lose. (And that's sort of a safe assessment)

Ford is in a position that he can still lose big on his main goal, but still achieve a secondary win if he manages to at least produce one good story. I guess we'll see if he manages to fuck up such an easy task.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago

Make mine a max bet too. lets get risky here bois 

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
100 points isn't really risky...

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
All you had to do was write a story with like, a rating of 3. March descended from the heavens to divinely inspire you and still you couldn't do it, not even to save your account. That will never stop being hilarious. So who are you even trying to fool in this thread?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Is this bait or an attempt to turn me on?

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
Here we have just one example of a quality level you were so incapable of reaching you didn't even bother to try.

Discipline Thread

7 years ago
hm. I think I could have written more and with better quality in an hour. This vexes me.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

I see this has been bumped, so I'm placing this here for an update.

If Ford does not achieve his goals by the end of the year

Chanbot loses 1000 points and Pibot is banned.

If Ford does not produce ANY story that can meet minimum standards

The following people will win extra points at the end of the year. (Maximum bet 100 points)

Mizal - 100

Malk - 100

Stryker - 100

Anyone who bet in favor of Ford will lose whatever they bet.

If Ford DOES produce at least one story that can meet minimum standards

The following people will win extra points at the end of the year. (Maximum bet 100 points)

Chris - 50

Romulus - 1

Everyone who bet points against Ford, loses them and they all go to the Ford soul transference fund.

Strangely Specific Bets

ugilick - wins 50 if Ford doesn't produce at least a 4.5 rated story and maintain it by the end of the year.

However ugilick loses 65 if Ford succeeds. (The extra pressure on Ford for doing more than just the bare minimum of the original agreed upon rules increases the risk)

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Can we please get an update on the balance of the Ford Soul Transference Fund? I think it had a balance of one last time I heard...

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
11 unless End counts' Cysids' donation of 15 points for my birthday. [Ford's Points]

I'd imagine it'd be simpler just to get Ford's points to 3000 instead of having to subtract the measly 15 points per every year I don't have Ford.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Was passing by and saw this. Sign me up for the max investment on Ford not producing any/contributing to his rez fund.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

I'm completely confident that Ford'll be able to produce at least one semi-decent story. As a reflection of my confidence, I'll bet one whole point that he'll finish a story. 

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
THANK. YOU. good to see some positive attitude around here.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

Put me down for 50 points Ford produces at least one story.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
May I bet 50 points that Chanbot will fail to produce and publish a story that will maintain a score greater than 4.5 by December 31, 2018?

Discipline Thread

6 years ago


Discipline Thread

6 years ago
In that case, I would like to do that.

If he is like me, then spite will be his power. As such, more power to him.

Otherwise, I will win. Cool.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago


If Ford does not achieve his goals by the end of the year

Chanbot loses 1000 points and Pibot is banned.

If Ford does not produce ANY story that can meet minimum standards

The following people will win extra points at the end of the year. (Maximum bet 100 points)

Mizal - 100

Malk - 100

Stryker - 100

Anyone who bet in favor of Ford will lose whatever they bet and it all goes to the Ford soul transference fund.

If Ford DOES produce at least one story that can meet minimum standards

The following people will win extra points at the end of the year. (Maximum bet 100 points)

Chris - 50

Romulus - 1

Everyone who bet points against Ford, loses them and it all goes to the Ford soul transference fund.

Strangely Specific Bets

ugilick - wins 50 if Ford doesn't produce at least a 4.5 rated story and maintain it by the end of the year.

However ugilick loses 65 if Ford succeeds and it goes into the Ford soul transference fund.

(The extra pressure on Ford for doing more than just the bare minimum of the original agreed upon bet increases the risk)

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
I agree to these terms.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
one down, nine to go in the next two months. They say the first one is the hardest anyways.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Not to be a wet blanket but technically there's still 10 to go since you said you were going to write an entry for each of those other 10 contests and you just wrote one for an additional contest that wasn't on the original list...

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
True. I think anyone betting against him punlishing any story does still lose their points though.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

I just want my 50 fucking points.

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Always glad to pander to the positive attitudes

Discipline Thread

6 years ago
Note to self: don't do old contests

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

Hey, did you manage to complete your stories?

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

Discipline Thread

6 years ago

Might as well take care of this now, since I’m going to be busy today.

Mizal, Stryker and Malk all lose 100 points since miraculously Ford actually managed to produce one story that didn’t suck.

So Ford gets 300 points to go towards his soul transference fund. Or he would if Malk was still alive or at least had a corpse to still draw points from. Since Malk’s decimated husk is in no condition to help anyone except a gay necrophiliac, Ford only gets 200 points from those three.

Chris, Rom and ugilick all win their respective bets. Yes, even in death Rom gets his measly point, because that’s how we roll around here. Ug cut it close, but fortunately for him Ford’s story sucked just enough that it was under the 4.5 mark.

Finally since unsurprisingly Ford failed hilariously in his task, Chanbot loses 1000 points and Pibot is banned. Another one for the Ford Alt Memorial.

And that’s a wrap for this CYS side quest.