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BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

Theme: Heroes, Vigilantes, & Spies - Create fun and mayhem through larger-than-life scenarios.

Format: CYOA

Deadline: August 31st at 2400 hrs | September 16th 0000 hrs Eastern Standard Time

Two Week Contest Extension

Due to the disruption being caused by Hurricane Harvey, the submission deadline will be pushed to September 16th.


The primary focus of the plot and or setting should involve playing a hero, super-hero, vigilante, or spy. The protagonist must be on the side of good, justice, karma (or whatever), protecting his or her neighborhood, city, country, etc. from the bad guys/forces of evil. An anti-hero may be used and the lines between good and evil blurred here and there as dramatically needed - but Submissions where the protagonist is an outright villain or acts in a generally unheroic manner throughout will be disqualified (though that might make an interesting contest at a later date).

Entry Requirements & Prizes:

You must formally declare intent to enter the contest in this thread, as there is a point entry fee. Hopefully, this will motivate people to finish and reward those who honor their commitments

People can choose to enter the contest for 25, 50, 75, 100, or 125 points. Upon entering, those points will be deducted from your total. Upon submitting a contest story which meets minimum contest standards, you will get either 30, 60, 90, 120, or 150 points back (depending on how much they entered for).

1st Place Winner will get an additionally 100 points for winning the contest, BZ's Glorious Mustache Trophy!, a Commendation, and a Featured Story if it's good enough to merit featuring.

2nd Place Winner will get an additionally 50 points and a possible Commendation, if it's good enough to merit one.

3rd Place Winner will get an additionally 25 points and a possible Commendation, if it's good enough to merit one.

If you do not submit a contest story which meets minimum contest standards by the deadline, you will not receive any rewards or points back.

To eliminate any possible confusion, the first number is your entry fee, and the second would be your reward. And this is just for submitting an acceptable entry. The Winners will receive additional points on top of their initial reward.

25 -> 30

50 -> 60

75 -> 90

100 -> 120

125 -> 150

Recap: Stories will not be valid entries unless the site member formally announces his or her intent to enter the contest in this thread with the amount of points he or she wishes to stake.

* See EndMaster for rules regarding your service to him if your entry sends you into negative points.

* Stories that cannot meet minimum site standards count the same as a non entry and get SHAME.

* One entry fee/bet per site member. Multiple Submissions are allowed, but mind the quality. No alternate accounts.


The judging panel will consist of Moderators/Administrators and selected highly esteemed community members that do not wish to enter.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Goddammit, I don't do good guys. I do military dictators, supervillains, vampire thralls, Orc warlords and at best people struggling to survive.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Even orcs have heroes.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Yeah, but they're everyone else's villains. I doubt "And he massacred the Elven babies, which Orcs found heroic" will be let slide.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
All heroes are someone else's villain.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Yeah, but by that standard BZ's contest includes literally everything, seeing as every protagonist could be seen as heroic to some twisted fuck.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Oh boohoo, are you already backing out of your claim you were going to win this contest? 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Hardly surprising that he was going choke and make excuses.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
He would have loved your suggested Theme lol!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

What was it, out of curiousity?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Children's Story.

So basically no sex, no swearing, no graphic violence allowed in the story.

Nothing would have stopped you from writing a villain protagonist though if you could somehow figure out a way to do it without any of the above.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Huh, this would have been a good one too. Maybe that could be a future comp. I'm always thinking we need more kid stories here (especially back when 3J was talking about a school mode for the site) but it's not something most of our active authors would be interested in writing without motivation.

I don't even feel like it's very restrictive as a genre, keeping in mind The Hobbit was written for ten year olds.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I would've been very fond of this type as well. Like Mizal, I think this would be a good future prompt.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Yeah I think we all saw this coming. Steve types a lot of words, but in a very narrow category. And he's always got that '[X] is for faggots' excuse close at hand any time he's taken out of his comfort zone even in a small way.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

"Good" does seem to be a very narrow category, admittedly.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

AHHHHH SO EXCITED!! Put me down for 125, thank you!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
YES, I am ready to win this. 125 points seems a little tame, but put me down for that unless I can bet everything.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
It's a firm cap on point betting this go round.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Am I an alternate account? xD

If not I'm in for 125 ofc

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
For now its been upgraded to primary account haha!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Is the one entry per member rule really necessary in a two month comp? Feels like two entries would be manageable for most, if someone wanted a challenge.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
wouldn't that give steve an unecessary advantage on top of the advantage he already has?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Steve actually has a crippling disadvantage for this one. He can't write about good guys, nor fathom why anyone would want to.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Multiple Entry Fee/Bets - no. Multiple Submissions - sure, why not?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I probably can't actually manage two so I'm not committing to it yet. Theoretically this will help ease my crippling indecision over whether to write about paladins or superheroes though...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Not my usual story category, but put me down for 125 points! 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
You know, we don't actually have a superhero tag. How hard is it to add one? I've always been surprised it's not a more popular genre here, but I'm expecting this contest will address that.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'll enter for 125 points.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well that was easy.

Just added a new superhero tag. Enjoy.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Thanks. I didn't realize it was that simple.

Now go program the site so stories are searchable by tags please. I'll wait.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

thanks daddy 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Why not just 'hero' without the 'super'?

That way you don't exclude stories where the hero doesn't have any powers... like mine for instance. And the OP of the contest lists 'spies, vigilantes, and heroes' none of which are inherently 'super'.

I guess it is an incredibly small matter, but it is the only hero-related tag, and it would be nice if it were broadened instead of seeming to pertain to only one type of story...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

If I bet a small amount now, can I up my bet later? Like in a few weeks?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
The smaller bets are just for show. I personally would be disgusted by anyone who didn't go all in.

Why not just wait till you're sure you'll have enough time before entering, if that's the issue?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

*thinks* Okie. ^-^

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago


Oh, I really haven't been paying too much attention to the forums lately.

125 points. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

:D Yay!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Remember, just do your best princess and don't make me SHAME you.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

There's a good chance I'll end up disappointing you, buuuuut I will try to avoid shame.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Oh damn, Thara's gonna hopefully write a storygame. Now i'm even more excited about this contest.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'll join at 125 points.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Contestants So Far:

XNeo - 25

DungeonLord - 75

Luna - 75

RoyalGhost - 75

AzBaz - 125

Ben - 125

Betaband - 125

BJ - 125

Brian - 125

Chanbot (Ford) - 125

Chris -125

Ebon - 125

Fazz - 125

Malk - 125

MinnieKing  - 125
Mizal  - 125
Orange - 125
Reverencia  - 125
Romulus - 125
Thara  - 125

Wibbons - 125

Non Learning Animals So Far:

Kiritsyu (Negative) - 125

Backpeddling Bitches So Far:


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Put me for 125 because I got penalized again lel >~<

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Well that didn't take long.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Aaaand the grave is dug.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Grave was already dug 75 points deep, this just puts him in it and throws a little dirt on top.

Stay tuned for the next banning request followed by the next month's miraculous resurrection.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Would writing one route for both of the two sides/perspectives technically guarantee that atleast one side is good (and thereby meet your reqs)? The way my mind works, the only way I can run with this is either Orange and Blue morality or Grey vs Gray.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
That should not be a problem as long as both arcs are portrayed in a 'we're the good guys' sort of light.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Excellent, may enter this after the 15th

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Yeah I'll go for this. Put me down for 125 points please.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I've been toying around with various superhero ideas of my own for a year or two. I'm glad this gives me the drive to start writing one. :)

I'll dish out 125 points. Thanks BZ for hosting this.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Put me all in, baby. Also ban this account if I don't submit something. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
you could just leave on your own if you don't submit

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Yeah, sure. I'll go in for 125.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

This sounds very interesting. How far can we take "blurring the lines between good and evil"?

For instance, if the protagonist needs to slaughter hoards of innocent children for the sake of saving the planet and enjoys the process of doing so (yet he is still lauded by the people for his "heroic" efforts), would this be acceptable?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
And it starts.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I see an addition to the catch-all debate thread incoming. "morals and ethics - killing babies fine?"

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
'if it preserves the purity of the Aryan race?'

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I thought for a moment this was Insanebutvain's account and was going to remind her she lost her chance to be edgy during the Edgelord contest.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Doing the wrong thing for the right reason is probably acceptable, but only to certain extents I imagine.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Bentham... is that you!?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

This sounds a bit like the plot of Torchwood's Children of Earth. Or at least the first half of that sentence.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Consider this a vote for writers to be left to interpret the OP without assistance. Berka then gets to disqualify the ones that go against the spirit of things in obvious ways once the judging starts, without being first required to field two dozen questions on the specific circumstances under which slaughtering/raping/consuming toddlers might be a moral or heroic act.

Authors simply have to pass a small reading comprehension and common sense test in order to qualify for the contest. Seems very fair.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Like the Black Mirror episode where the PM fucks the pig and his ratings go up as a result 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Blurred lines are pretty easy to tell apart from embracing the dark side haha!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Ah, I see. So the protagonist needs to be an intrinsically good person.

Well. Looks like I'm going to have to ponder over this whole theme a bit more.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Max Rockatansky is still a hero even though he gave that bitch child a mouthful of fist in Thunderdome

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'm going to guess that Berka will clarify, but I'm fairly certain he doesn't want to see a story where the "hero" is killing innocents for the greater good or whatever.

I mean at best you can have "the goddamn Batman" type anti-hero that puts his adolescent sidekick through training hell, punches out a woman because he's pissed at her for being a bleeding heart that allowed a violent criminal to escape, or doesn't save a villain from falling to his death after he's caused a bunch of mayhem, but you can't have him straight up murdering regular citizens that he's supposed to be defending. 

Yes, even if all those ALL those babies are cloned little Hitlers. He'll just try to make sure they all get sent to loving multi-racial families instead.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Clear enough!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I understand that the protagonist has to be basically good, but does the antagonist have to be completely evil? Could the antagonist have good intentions but disagree with the hero on how far they should go to achieve their goals? 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I suppose, though it better be more interesting to the reader, than say a story about Superman using super-speed to file his taxes or something.

The villain makes the hero after all...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Well shit, there goes my whole plot.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Hazelmyre's not getting done anytime soon anyway. Might as well join a contest for the hell of it.

I'll throw in 75 points because I'm a pussy.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Yeah you're a pussy but good luck anyway.

Maybe you'll be able to drag in Tim and Zag for this one too. You guys are very soon going to run out of summers that can be devoted to projects like this, might as well take advantage of the opportunity now.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Man, what "summers"? I ran out of those a while ago.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Fuck it, add another 50, I don't even duel anymore so it shouldn't matter how many points I have.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Dear @EndMaster and other mods,

Please take note of the above additional contest bet.


Chris <3

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Still got not no time for writing atm but I'll be happy to help out in a judging role if anyone wants a happy-faced critic's input :D

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I know I do haha! ^v^

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'm probably gonna regret this. Put me down for 125 points. That throws me into the negative, so EndMaster if there are any rules I should know about...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Don't do that. Rate some stories and then throw your hat in / bet less points. Going in the negatives means you'll get no points back unless you win the entire contest (i.e. instead of -100 > +125 you get -100 > +0)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Oh, it's far too late. And by edit locking you sealed his fate.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Ah, I knew I was missing some small detail. Well, like mizal said, it is too late. I guess I'll just have to win.

EDIT: Besides, if I'm truly worried about going into the negative, I'll go and rate a bunch of story games so a potential loss won't take me past zero.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I mean I guess I'll bet 125.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I would like to invite @Pineapplekitty and @SexyHunteress to enter this contest.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
@Bluefur as well.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I would like to (it looks like the type of story I'd enjoy writing), but I'm busy with a lot of other things at the moment and I don't believe I'd be able to finish anywhere close to the due date. So, no for me because I lack time. Thanks for tagging, though!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I am confused. Is this because I never post anything, and all I do is lurk in the forums and write messages? 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I have my reasons for the others but in your case, yes, it's because I see you online often and yet I'm not sure why you still remain here on a site that is hostile to your kind. Now is the chance to enter a contest and if all goes well, justify your very existence.

(By getting you posting I'm doing you a huge favor btw and allowing you to push those embarrassing old posts you made defending Warrior Cat stories down off your profile.)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I really don't mind those old posts, nor do I mind posting again. I am just an extremely shy teenager who lacks the initiative to make social interactions outside of a few people. 

I still do like that series, but that is not all that I am or all that I like to read. There is a lot more to me than a set of books that I choose to spend my rare freetime reading.(as in haven't read for months, let alone that series.) I think that's one thing this site tends to forget. 

I do like that I am being included in the forums and that I am being asked to write for a contest. However, I am extremely critical of myself and I am out of practice in my writing. I don't feel that I could produce quality content for this site, as my writing weaknesses align with what should be the core of this challenge. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
You seem perfectly literate and thus, should write a story. You at least don't have to worry about last place, that's for Ford, and the pit of SHAME is already reserved for Negative.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
alright bitch I get it

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I'm not even trying to be insulting, just going by previous outcomes. You couldn't get it together to save your entire account so I doubt a trophy and a few points will be enough incentive in comparison, and for Negative, pathetic failure is like some kind of fetish.

Everyone else is technically a wildcard, even the shy girl with the adorable kitten av.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

i thoroughly enjoyed this comment.
i rate this comment a strong nine.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Put me down for a bet 125 please.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

This sounds like a fun contest. I might enter, but I don't really have that many points yet. (I literally joined two days ago) would it be possible to bet more points than I have or change my bet once I get more points?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

In previous contests, you could bet more points than you had, but then you'd have to win the contest to get any back. I'd say bet the bare minimum, and bet if you get more points before the contest deadline.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
You have enough points, just bet 25 or rate some stories and bet 50.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Just bet 125, it's fine. You're allowed to go into the hole for this.

There's kind of a running joke where people try to scare newbies off of entering because Endmaster will eat your soul or whatever, but that only applies in specific circumstances and you should be fine.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'm still not sure if I'll enter though. I'm still learning how to write a storygame. I'll think about it for a few days before I make a decision. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
To eliminate any possible confusion, the first number is your entry fee, and the second would be your reward. And this is just for submitting an acceptable entry. The Winners will receive additional points on top of their initial reward.

25 -> 30
50 -> 60
75 -> 90
100 -> 120
125 -> 150


To Clarify - In this Contest, You will gain a positive bump just for submitting an acceptable entry. You do not need to win in order to gain from participation in the contest.

This still applies for those going Negative with their bet.

If you go Negative, you will still gain a positive award simply for submitting a qualified entry.


* See EndMaster for rules regarding your service to him if your entry sends you into negative points.

^This just means Eternal Damnation and SHAME, if you go negative and then blow the whole thing. ^v^

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

This is insightful. Looks like I won't have to go point hunting after all.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Yeah, this contest isn’t as penalizing as previous contest.

You still get SHAMED if you fail to submit anything of course.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Certainly. If I don't then I'll definitely deserve the shame.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Well this is disappointingly carebear-ish, I assumed we were all lying about the negative points thing to lure newbies in again.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I actually genuinely wanted to warn people not to overly eagerly jump into the negative point pit. Then again, I don't solely thrive on the misfortune of younger members. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
It's character building.

This is a writing site, that's important.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

If it makes you feel any better, Negative is probably still going to be in the hole unless he wins.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'm in for 75 points. Going to get started on it immediately.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Hi! I will be participating in the contest, i will most likely be the worst ,but i would rather try, its not like i have anything better to do


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
You finally figured it out, on your 4th try. And you still keep putting 90 there for some reason. Congrets, I'm sure you'll do just fine.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Sign me up for 125 please.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Hmmm. I'll go for 75. That way if I can't even get a story out I won't be in too much debt. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I formally announce myself to enter the contest for 125 points.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Several unknown noobs with beginners luck rolling through with a solid bets that will put a few below the belt. Competition's over everyone go home nobody can beat this age old strategy.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'll enter in for 25 points! 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

"911, yeah I'd like to report an emergency." 

"What can I help you with?" 

"Yeah, I'd like to report an absolute pussy." 

"Is he dangerous?" 

"Not at all. He's kinda just lurking there. His name is XNeoBurritoX."

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well I mean, he only has 25 points. Probably smart of him if anything not to dig his own grave like other people here.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
he'll be at -0 points.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

That's equal to postivie zero though.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

In everything, a degree of perspective.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
For real where are all these random newbs even coming from?

Glad I'm entering this because I'd sure hate to have to judge it.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'd actually find it really funny if one of them ends up winning.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Well, it already happened with Pugpup1, so who knows? I hope lunamoonia1 wins, after all she's so smart and has so much potential. :P

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Well he wasn't really a newbie, but he sure did appear from nowhere and then immediately vanish instead of doing the sensible thing and sticking around to be smug as shit.

If a nobody wins it would be hilarious actually, I don't think any of us could ever live that down.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Would I be considered one of those nobodies?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Because only people who frequent this particular website can be reasonably expected to write anything of merit?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

if only the universe worked that way

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I'm not sure what your point is.

How many newbies do we get who even qualify as human? 'Writing things of merit' is another, separate scale once that first hurdle is passed.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

" I don't think any of us could ever live that down. "

I'm just not sure how one's sense of worth and your supposition of everyone else's sense of worth could be based on whether someone you don't know does exceedingly well or not.

Although, my primary intention was to play back at your joke, because I thought it was funny, and that it would also be funny to interject a bit of wit back at it.

How's your contest entry coming along?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
You disgust me, on a moderate and not especially interesting level.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
@Saika has been conspicuously absent from this thread.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Nah. He posted earlier. I think.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
He hasn't said anything about entering though.

Someone should put together a tag list of everyone who entered the last one and make them either put their points on the sacrificial altar or give an explanation for their cowardice.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Just updating the list.

Contestants So Far:

Digit - 25

Ever - 25

Skully - 25

XNeo - 25

DungeonLord - 75
Luna - 75
RoyalGhost - 75

AzBaz - 125
Ben - 125
Betaband - 125
BJ - 125
Brian - 125
Chanbot (Ford) - 125
Chris -125
Ebon - 125

Eric - 125
Fazz - 125

Flamenod - 125
Malk - 125
MinnieKing  - 125
Mizal  - 125
Orange - 125
Reverencia  - 125
Romulus - 125
Thara  - 125
Wibbons - 125

Non Learning Animals So Far:

Kiritsyu (Negative) - 125

Backpeddling Bitches So Far:


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Looking like it'll be a pretty good turnout, assuming even a third of the entrants publish something.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
high estimate

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

25 points and I'm in

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Woah how convenient, I get back from my 1 month vacation to Malaysia and there's a new contest waiting for writers to write and procrastinate? Also one of the last things I officially wrote was a superhero story! Well time to make it CYOA and maybe this time, after relaxing and being in another country, I will actually write something of value.

I bet 125 points; now I hope my odds are lucky.

Now watch 75% (including me) rush at the end. Praying it doesn't happen. New host, new contest, better results.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

ericyopy you could just edit or make the super hero story that you already made better so you wouldn't have to do as much work!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Uh, I doubt that's allowed.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

It might go a bit against the spirit of the contest, but I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be able to notice if he turned in a pre-written story that he turned into a CYOA. Besides, I guess that'd still take a decent amount of work.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Nothing wrong with using a pre existing character concept. I'm doing something similar actually. But yeah, copy and pasting something you've already written, even with edits is pretty blatant cheating, even if it's in a way that's difficult to detect.

Pretty sure someone did this in a previous contest TBH, though as we're all doing this for fun and for bragging rights, I imagine any win gained that way must be a pretty hollow one.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well it isn't going to be as easy as copy and pasting. (Wouldn't do that anyway because I have pride and that is cheating in my eyes.) I'm basing the CYOA off of the story, using characters already written but I'm completely rewriting and adding plenty other plot points. Plus the short story is something I had to write for school and way too linear to even try to "copy and paste".

So it's not me paraphrasing my story but rewriting and changing it in a way where it's completely different than the original source material. It would be like if I was converting the short story into a movie or a video game, (Best example of my scenario, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty": a movie based off the short story but has COMPLETELY different plot point while still retaining the "daydream" idea.) it would have the same concept but wouldn't be the same story or plot.

So in short, taking a pre-existing character and idea then fleshing it out to make it longer, better (in my eyes) and more enjoyable to read without copying then changing it. That would be me plagiarizing myself! Wait... Is that possible? Whatever, not doing it anyway.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

If you don't mind my asking, as you've perked my interest, what is the scale for your story? More clearly how wide reaching are the events detailed?

Hero stories can be very different depending on how much the author is asking us to believe, both in what the characters can do, the rules the character behaves by, and what types of events are possible, the rules the world behaves by.

Are events local, regional, continental, or global? So on.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Mostly local and few regional events. The story isn't much of a "save the entire world" but more so a conflict involving a single or few locations. It isn't much of a typical Marvel or DC comicbook/movie plot where it's "destroy the villain who can blow up the universe by touching it!". It's more personal, a good example being Marvel's Logan movie; which was a story not about saving or affecting the entire world but the personal emotional conflict between Logan and what he has been asked to do and what he thinks is right for himself.

Also I guess a good point to add is the fact my superhero doesn't have superpowers and is more of a batman/iron man type character. Using tools created from resources available in the time period.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well, you've certainly achieved getting me hyped for your story! Best of luck to you!

(I'm nine days late but idgaf) 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Thanks, I don't think there are enough smaller scale hero stories. Not everything needs to be on an epic scale. More personal tellings can be highly impactful. Body counts/lives at stake are not the measure of the impact of a story.  I look forward to seeing what you produce.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
So the primary reason I've been encouraging people to enter this is because it just seems more efficient to defeat and humiliate a bunch of you at once rather than one at a time. But I'm legitimately hoping @ZagHero makes an appearance since IIRC superheroes are kind of his thing and I was sure he'd be all over this comp if RL wasn't preventing it.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Someone here told me I could go in at 25, so I wager 25 if that's okay with you. :)

(However, if that does something bad to my standing, then nevermind...)


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
It does but it's too late; you're fucked :^)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well, butter my toast and call me Robert E. Lee! I do believe you are correct! ;D

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Never mind. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Sign me up for 125. I actually have time to do one of these now.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Oh, this looks entertaining. I'll have to think about this, as it's been a while.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I might not (most likely wont) make a story (i mean im half way finished with it),because i have a website that im making, im taking care of my grandparents pets (i cant believe there still alive there like 130!),im baby sitting everyday, im on vacation, and the places im at has slow wifi (my vacation is going over the globe) so im basically screwed. i did not know any of this when i entered the contest so the past few day ive been getting a lot of supprises...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Good news everyone, we have a chance now.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

At first I thought she said she was taking care of her grandparents and couldn't believe they were still alive since they were 130 years old.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I hope all these excuses were a feeble attempt to get her points back, so you can crush her hopes and laugh.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Grandpa Bilbo

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

For some reason I found this to be absolutely hilarious lol

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

yes, 2/3 of that was i lie but not so i could get my points back , (I am going to do a story) but to read what you would say back its very interesting, i all so wanted to read more of the English language. And i do apologize if ive used some of the words wrong. Oh and i know im not going to win, im not even that good at speaking English.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
There are better ways to learn English than lying to people on the internet. Instead of writing false excuses, just write a story.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
That doesn't sound right...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
What are these six other languages you speak?

It's weird because usually sentence structure and the occasional odd word choice is the giveaway for a non native speaker and I'm not seeing that from you. Just this persistent refusal to use punctuation or capitalization...which is also weird because I'm reasonably certain those things are a requirement for most non-English languages too.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I would like to inform I am trying out.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Minimum or Maximum bet?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Minimum I'm very broke XD

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well, i am no longer going to be in the contest or on the site really, i just did all of this to see it. And also you can write whatever you want im not going to see it anyway so you would be wasting your time, but i doubt any of you will care.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Quick everyone, hide! She might come back and see us not caring!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Well, that sucks, we lost such a great contributor.

Also writing something would be a waste of our time because she won't see it? That's some shit logic right there.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Just updating the list.

Contestants So Far:

Digit - 25

Ever - 25

Skully - 25

XNeo - 25

DungeonLord - 75
Luna - 75
RoyalGhost - 75

AzBaz - 125
Ben - 125
Betaband - 125
BJ - 125
Brian - 125
Chanbot (Ford) - 125
Chris -125
Ebon - 125

Eric - 125
Fazz - 125

Flamenod - 125
Malk - 125
MinnieKing  - 125
Mizal  - 125
Orange - 125
Reverencia  - 125
Romulus - 125
Thara  - 125
Wibbons - 125

Non Learning Animals So Far:

Kiritsyu (Negative) - 125

Backpeddling Bitches So Far:


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

What is a back peddling bitch? 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

It's a bitch who is backpeddling.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

That don't make no sense so a back peddling bitch is someone who dropped out?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

More like someone who talked a bunch of shit about them being the best writer on the site and how they could easily kick everyone's ass in the contest, only to backpeddle from the contest when they suddenly didn't like the theme. (As usual)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Oh lmao I know I am not the best I could never ever be the best XD

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

He was referring to Steve.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
XD XD lmao indeed my friend XD

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Pffh, I made it clear if it was a shit theme I'd bounce. This is one step above "Write about faggots in a world of only faggots". Lame, fuck that.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Backpeddling bitch fucker 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Lol, I like this one.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Oh, I just saw this. No, that's not back peddling. If I said "I'm going to go surfing tomorrow unless there's no wind", and there's no wind so I don't go surfing, I'm not back peddling.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
The professional procrastinator in me (hey, that could be a thing) really likes that there is no deadline to enter this contest. Then, not only can I really procrastinate writing the story for this contest, I can also procrastinate even just entering the contest! I'm in procrastinator heaven! I can even come up with (late) excuses for writing AND entering the story and still get no penalties.

So yeah, I'm not quite ready to enter this one... but maybe soon....

P.S. You really should put deadlines to enter these things...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
What would you suggest?

"I'll get back to you on that."


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
It could vary, but maybe with a contest like this, with a 2-month time frame, maybe the deadline to enter is at the halfway point, so people have a month to find out about the contest and consider their entries...maybe less.

It will be interesting because I know in the past there were no late jump-ins into the contest. I'm not sure there's any real advantage to creating a deadline to enter, either, but I wonder if there would be any difference to the contestants, really having to put up points before they know for sure they have something.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
It would prevent feeble hearted cowards from writing their story first and only THEN committing to entering.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Considering people have entered contests with two months worth of time to write something and still fail to turn anything in after committing points, I doubt if anyone here is even going to bother doing that much.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

M'kay, I have a question. What actions are explicitly bad in the context of this contest? I want to include a scene in my story where my main character smokes a blunt, is that suddenly not okay? I mean, I don't consider it bad, but would it happen to disqualify me from the contest for including something that is illegal?

I'm sure this is a dumb question, though. So, you know, just try not to call me names and such. Just answer the question. THANKS, FAM.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Anti-heroes are allowed, so edgy heroes who smoke blunts and such should also be allowed - seeing that most anti-heroes ooze with edge. Also, vigilantes are technically working outside of the law and its jurisdiction so I wouldn't think petty/tame crimes would cross the line when vigilantes are considered heroes in these guidelines.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Okay, thanks, that makes sense. It's not really an anti-hero as much as a hero that just happens to smoke some weed, my friend.

Weed isn?'t edgy. Is it?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Dunno, it's probably more a hippie thing but it could be edgy.

nvm, just disregard the whole edgy weed smoking pls

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Does it make you uncomfortable, good sir?

If so, it's as good as dropped.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I'm trying to imagine how someone could smoke a blunt with EDGE. So yeah, it makes me uncomfortable. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

You've got to smoke the blunt with an energy drink and lace it with crack to be EDGE.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
This is definitely a dumb question. The prompt is basically 'imagine an action movie in which contrived plot reasons don't force the protagonist to torture toddlers and lick the tears off their faces for ~added moral complexity~' ....oh wait, that's all of them. I think this may be the only site out there where people would have such a struggle with such a straightforward and wide open prompt.

Also, breathing in smoke from burning plant matter appears absolutely nowhere on an alignment scale, FFS. Why is this even a question?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Because of the legal status of the plant in 'Merica right now. It's illegal. I mean, it's a contest for good, so most illegal things wouldn't be allowed, ya dig? Including but not limited to torturing toddlers and licking the tears off of their faces (seriously? We have sick fucks here who write that shit? Jesus.).

I know it was kind of a dumb question, but I'd rather ask a dumb question than be disqualified from the contest for containing the main protagonist doing an illicit drug, an illegal thing.

Although, he does go to prison in my storygame, but not because he's aligned with evil.

I think I just disarmed my whole argument with that last line. You know, I should probably delete it. Nahh, fuck it. It's the internet. What do I care?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Vigilantes break bigger laws than that every day they do anything plot relevant, and spies are liars and traitors.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

And you are very correct. Thank you for showing me the light.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
You should just go smoke something strong yourself. It can't do much damadge anyway. Your brain's already hopeless, even without drugs.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Really, you think so? Well I'm so flattered! Thanks!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Just updating the list.

Contestants So Far:

Battlemage - 25

Digit - 25
Ever - 25
Skully - 25

Unturned - 25
XNeo - 25

DungeonLord - 75
Luna - 75
RoyalGhost - 75

AzBaz - 125
Ben - 125
Betaband - 125
BJ - 125
Brian - 125
Chanbot (Ford) - 125
Chris -125
Ebon - 125
Eric - 125
Fazz - 125
Flamenod - 125
Malk - 125
MinnieKing  - 125
Mizal  - 125

Ogre - 125
Orange - 125
Reverencia  - 125
Romulus - 125
Thara  - 125
Wibbons - 125

Backpeddling Bitches So Far:



Kiritsyu (Negative)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Why is Negative still here?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Unfortunately he keeps coming back like forum herpes.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Wait, did Kiritusyu really do something ban-worthy? By putting words into asterisks? And posting a meme? Am I missing something here...?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Negative was previously banned, the ice was very thin by default.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
So, looking back at the rate of return on previous contests in the past year... the average return rate on contests (people who said they were entering who actually entered) is 52.9%. That number may be skewed a bit higher because one of the contests in the past year was the ballad contest, which may require a little less effort to complete. The average return rate for story-based contests is just 43.1%. Balancing those out and considering 28 current entrants (30.3 is the current average for entrants into contests), the suggested actual number of stories that will be completed and entered will be 12.1 to 14.8. Therefore, the over/under number for actual entrants for this contest is 13.5. So we should expect either 13 or 14 new stories to appear on the site next month (mostly on the last day of the contest).

Yay, new stories!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Now let's just see if anyone bothers reviewing.

So far Malk's story has been the only decent thing published this month, it's short and yet has a grand total of three comments.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Mine pretty much sucks, Still working on it though, Hopefully it does good, I already know the storyline because when I was 6 I use to write stories about Superhero's Now I am 13 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Looks like I have a peer to compete against. Good to know I'm not the only youngling but hey, give yourself confidence. The worst thing is to downplay yourself especially when now I have another thing to motivate me which happens to be you. Don't disappoint now.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

You already have the upper hand against your rival; you have proper grammar skillz.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

He's already sent 3 PMs flip flopping about dropping out of the contest. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
and then expect 10 of those games to disappear within the month after the contest ends.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I actually did consider counting the numbers of stories that actually are still published from each contest...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
shouldn't be much work since you can count them with just the fingers on one hand :^)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

That sounds like a pretty good yield!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I pity the judges.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Is it more than usual for a contest? I got the feeling quite a few more people entered than normally might.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
It's summer, plus there's a trophy being offered.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
The last 3 contests had 28, 34, and 29 announced entries. This one so far has 28.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Put me down for 25, Your Evilness. Got one cooking that barely fits the contest description.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Don't forget you need to announce your intent to enter for your story to count.

Unless you're just writing a superhero thing by coincidence.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Sign me for 25 points please.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Might help if you weren't Negative.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I'm going to put forth the minority opinion here that I like Negative and think he's good for the site. He fulfills an important ecological niche as the guy we can casually kick around, and yet will always come crawling back for more. The guy we can point newbies at and go 'don't be that guy'. An important and necessary, yet under appreciated role in every forum community, just so long as his kind are never given voting rights or a positive point value.

It's kind of like how Raven used to be, only with Negative there's no fear of him ever getting together enough self respect to just take his ball and go home.

Also I kind of want to see how many more of these contests it takes before he actually writes something.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

I sort of thought RoyalGhost was the new Negative given the last gang rape you lot pulled on him.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Holy hell this actually look cool! Also, I am not negative (last post or whatever) whatever that means lol.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
Funny, that's exactly what Negative would say...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

He might as well just make an alt saying "Ban Me." at this point.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago

Already been done lol!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I was pretty sure I'd seen that one before...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

7 years ago
I'm happy Berka banned the Saber account now as End apparently had a very evil joke in mind at my expense lol.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Just shame me now in advance. I don't want to look upon the abomination of words that I'm creating any longer. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Truly a dark day, though the SHAMING doesn't begin for anyone until after the contest results are in. So still plenty of time to write SOMETHING and turn it in.

Just do what Mizal does, write some crap down, turn it in for the contest and then take it down immediately afterwards.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
It is distressing that this has become my reputation here.

I'll have you know that I'm the best writer on the site, thanks.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
I have nothing against bravado (Ford's made it a cottage industry), but.. you're replying to EndMaster there. Ouch.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Pfft. Eternal has a lot of strange dialogue, grammatical errors, and lack of/misused punctuation and deserves one star. I saw somebody say so.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

But read it anyway!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

End if you are a mod I have to exit the Contest, I am working on a book, also with this Superhero contest thing just so much but yeah thanks for having me

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Yeah we already know you quit. You still don't get SHAMED until the appointed time though. We don't want to SHAME drop outs one at a time like a bunch of hobos. Much more efficient to SHAME you lot in a group.

Pre-SHAMING is reserved only for those truly hopeless cases like Negative that get themselves banned before the contest is over.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Sorry it's just my dad died, so I don't need to be in this contest but I'm working on art and stuff so yeah

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
You don't need to be in the contest because your dad died? More children should have parents that force them to write.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Yeah, I could see the internet not being a priority in that case. Sorry to hear that.

Still getting SHAMED though.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
If anyone is still struggling to decide on a protagonist for your story, Malk found a good one for you:

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Sooper Corgie!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

The best protagonist out of all of them.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

You know what, sign me up for 25 points.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Okay, with 3 weeks to go, I'll jump in (for 125, please).

It will give me the motivation to complete this darn story that just won't write itself (hopefully).

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Just updating the list.

Contestants So Far:

Battlemage - 25

Digit - 25
Ever - 25
Skully - 25

Unturned - 25
XNeo - 25

Author4 - 50

DungeonLord - 75
Luna - 75
RoyalGhost - 75 (Finished)

AzBaz - 125
Ben - 125
Betaband - 125
BJ - 125
Brian - 125
Chanbot (Ford) - 125
Chris -125

Crash - 125
Ebon - 125
Eric - 125
Fazz - 125
Flamenod - 125
Malk - 125
MinnieKing  - 125
Mizal  - 125

Ogre - 125 (Finished)
Orange - 125
Reverencia  - 125
Romulus - 125

Saika - 125 (Finished)

Sixty - 125
Thara  - 125
Wibbons - 125 (Finished)

Backpeddling Bitches So Far:



Kiritsyu (Negative)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Yeah, I haven't gotten anything done on my story so you might as well put me on the shame list.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Well that's fairly pathetic, but luckily you've got 19 days left to correct this.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
And this coming from the guy with Captain America punching out Adolph Hitler! You would think the avatar alone would inspire something. Anything?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
And lol, I just noticed your 'poorly thought out forum topic' award. I was wondering whatever happened to that thread, but assumed our collective decision to pretend we didn't see it made it just vanish on its own.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Just look up Robot Paratrooper and you'll know what the thread is about.

EDIT: Damn mods deciding to be crafty, eh? Fine, I don't really care anyway.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Hmm. 17 days with a packed schedule. Think I can do something by then? Possibly. 

Gotta brainstorm ideas first I guess. 
For clarification: 
Could it be something along the lines of a good guy in training faces a set up force of evil for a test?

(not committing yet, just entertaining the idea of entering) 

Actually, I got a pretty good idea now. 
Sign me up for as many points I'm allowed to. I've been seeing other people go into negative, so I'm assuming it's okay. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Put me down for 50 points, please.

Just wondering, is the deadline for the story to finish at August 31st, or just your entry has to be submitted by August 31st?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
You can publish your story any time before August 31st, but once it's published, you can't take it down until the judging is over.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Does anyone know how many people have made their bets and backed out already? Scanning through the thread, I've seen an absurd amount of people doing that. 

I mean. I know with my into thread an all, I advertised myself as a procrastinating non-productive forum bum, but I'm still reasonably confident in my ability to make something halfway decent in 15 days with a semi-packed schedule (Like getting to see my first total eclipse.)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Just look at EndMaster's list. It says who's made their bets and the amounts and what not. From what I've seen, no one is really taken out of the contest even if they declare that they aren't gonna be able to finish. They could always come back the last three days and pull a JJJ. Meaning create a featured story from start to finish in that amount of time. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I'm kind of glad I didn't join; my inactivity from a busy summer would've prevented me from writing anything worthwhile. :/ I eagerly await the next contest though, assuming the coming school year isn't going to keep me from at least actively lurking.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

125 points, please.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Ooo, getting risky with only 13 days left? Nice. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I wanted to join from the beginning, but it just took me this long to think of something.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
There's still plenty of time for a short story, @ZagHero should enter too. Superheroes are kind of his thing.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I'm kind of busy, so I'll think about it.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
You can do it!!! (the thinking part at least). XD

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
@BerkaZerka Would it be okay to leave instructions with End to publish the section of the story I already have on the site in the case of no one hearing from me before the deadline? (I'm assuming admins can publish other people's stories in addition to gleefully unpublishing....)

I hate to shove it out unfinished and early in case it turns out to not be necessary, but if I can't access the site I also need a contingency plan to once again barely avoid SHAME, and at least this way I've got a completed superhero origin story ready to go.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Fuck it, never mind. Miracles aside there's no way I'm going to be able to continue working on this over the next few days. I'll just publish the section that already has choices attached in the morning and then after the judging if I'm not dead do the thing I usually do.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Darn it, I was hoping this contest would've spurred you to a different result. :(

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

It was inevitable. Keep to the quest.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Well I kind of expected to have another full week to finish it, like everyone else. Little too busy trying to figure out how to not die this weekend to worry about anyone else's bitching right now however.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Nature's a bitch.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Well the rain just got here and it's not going to stop till we have 25-30 inches. We were expecting a tropical storm this morning and now it's a Cat 3 with the eye laser focused right on us, fml.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
It should blow through soon enough. But I'm OK with giving some leeway due to a natural disaster.

Let us know when it is passed and I will weigh what is left in the time-frame against a small deadline extension.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Nah a little thing like a hurricane can't be allowed to have any bearing on these things. Anyway it's looking like the high winds are going to hang around awhile, and we're going to be dealing with flooding and probably power outages several days afterwards, so even assuming this shitty house doesn't fall over on top of us I'm suspecting I might have other concerns besides wrapping up my story even once it's gone.

I'm going to stay up tonight whipping Chapter One into shape and honestly I'm pretty happy with it as is, it just may be a stretch for the contest theme at the point in the character's life where it leaves off. Stapling a linear rough draft novella onto the end wouldn't do it any favors though so I'm just putting up the part I'm satisfied with.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Any extension would apply to everyone.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Wait, there's leeway? Does constipation count as a natural disaster? How about diarrhea?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
If a hurricane and/or flooding is coming out your ass, then we'll talk.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
But if it is, I definitely don't want details.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
I usually use the term "waterfall" to describe such situations.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Mine's going to be shit but I might actually finish.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Sign me up for 25 pts pls!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Nice try Negative, but you gave yourself away again.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
'Negative is a faggot' may also be carved on my tombstone, right next to 'Mandatory evacuations are for pussies.'

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Two Week Contest Extension

Due to the disruption being caused by Hurricane Harvey, the submission deadline will be pushed to September 16th. I will edit this into the OP later tonight.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Well this is certainly nice. Many thanks.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
But then everyone else gets to cheat. I demand they drive down here right now to make it fair.

(Thanks Berka!)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Does this affect all contestants?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Yes, only one deadline for everyone.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Probably extended my life expectancy by as much as well now that I have a bit more of a breather. Thanks!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Oh this is a relief. Thanks BZ!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I know it's kinda terrible, since this extension is because of the hurricane and all, but I can really use it. Thanks Berka. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
My power may be out but I still have internet on my phone and don't think I don't see all of you here being happy at my impending week of misery and/or death.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Seriously, stay safe and out of high water! Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Well, still alive (try to contain your disappointment) but this is an old house and there's going to be some pretty serious water damage. And as Harvey is doing fucking donuts on our lawn and returning tonight add a tropical storm to dump about 30 more inches I'm expecting that part to get worse. Though thankfully we're not in a place where flooding is a danger so we're better off than a lot of people out here.

Anyway, yesterday was fucking terrifying and I am at least 30% more religious now because at some point while crisscrossing duct tape on giant windows and going '...this will probably stop a tree traveling at 130mph and/or tornado right?' it went from 'lol RIP me' to legit thinking I might die. (And seems premature to rule that one out completely at this point until storm and flooding is gone and things are back to normal TBH. This is an astoundingly shitty house.)

So thank you to everyone who wasn't just gleefully tap dancing about the extension for your thoughts and prayers, that meant a lot to me while huddled in my tiny under the staircase fort in pitch darkness waiting for the ceiling to cave in.

In other news, still winning this contest once power etc is back on or we can at least access the road to find a functioning hotel. Not finishing my entry or any other of my bigger projects was actually in my top five regrets in case I died for real so that probably means something deep and meaningful about how I should internet less, write more.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Hey stay alive as you can destroy us all with your writing and that even with the hurricane at your neck, you can still write and win. Good to know that you are appreciating that writing is important or that your hobby might as well live on in case anything were to happen; although if anything were to happen, I'm sure some of us would do something in your memory. Emphasis on SOME of us.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Glad to hear you are on higher ground, but beware - The flooding will be most dangerous the next few days after the storm itself passes, when all the water in a hundred mile radius begins to drain back to the sea through your front yard.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Flash flooding manages to kill people all the time here even after normal storms, I am sticking to a strict strategy of stay the heck away from roads and bridges.

Seems we just caught the edge and didn't get as much rain here as expected, but it'll be another three or four days before the power's back on at minimum. And rain will continue over the general area into next week so that's no telling how bad it may still get.

At least we're not Houston though, yikes.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

As long as you aren't traveling anywhere, you should be perfectly fine. Gotta ration that food and stay safe.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
That's mental- hope it dies down soon.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Bonus achievement will be unlocked if you win the contest!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Mostly I'm just excited to see who still manages to get SHAME pitted even after getting an extra two weeks...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

*Whistles innocently in the background*

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
I'm guessing the extra two weeks will not result in anyone finishing who was already not going to way to tell this, of course.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Probably me.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Good to hear you're still with us. I do hope things will calm down instead of get worse for you.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Huzzah, shitty old house! Live to fight another day!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Glad to see you're still alive. :)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
fuck yeah deadline extension! woot!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Oh, just put on the water wings and enjoy it.

(In reality it's likely to be about 2% of the forecasts because that's what they do. Seriously, though, I hope that's what it is and you're fine).

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Dammit. That just means I'll write more damn choices and have even MORE paths to write! And I was so close to actually finishing the writing part this weekend!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Ah, you bum, @BerkaZerka ! Everything was nicely wrapped up today, as planned. I even had time to proofread some and verify a bunch of paths. So I'm ready to submit, right? NoooOOOooo, there's two more weeks! So now I've mapped out six more endings and another 22 pages that I have to write in the next two weeks. I hope you're happy...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
I bet he would probably appreciate getting to read a few of them early rather than 20+ all at once.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Thank you, BZ.

My prayers are with all of those who are in hurricane Harvey's path. I truly wish all will be safe.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

HALLELUJAH! Although the hurriacane is a jerk and is horrible to those who have to suffer through its murderous rampage, thank you for that extension! Now I can push myself further and get even more work done than I thought.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Thank you for allowing me to procrastinate some more! :D

But in all seriousness, I'm happy that I will be able to actually finish my story and not shave off a majority of it. Appreciate the extension.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

A thousand Yanks drowned to bring us this extension. It is known.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Everybody else been working on their project for over a month? I'm a terrible writer? I only have three weeks? I'll be competing against people twice my age and three times as good? Ah, fuck it, I'm doing it. 

I'm putting down 125 points so I'm pressured to submit. If I don't submit, I would then have -100 points. If I do submit (an acceptable entry, at least) I'll be at 50 points :) 

(Question: as long as my protagonist is 'good', is it alright if I make the nature of their powers 'bad'? 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Hey no one cares about how old you are as long as you can submit a completed story. But to answer your question, it really doesn't matter what your protagonist can do as long as they stay in the line of good.

Their power could be to raise the dead or drain blood but as long as they aren't using it to commit genocide or torturing innocents for no reasons; then you are fine.

Go crazy and good luck.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

"I'll be competing against people twice my age."

You seem to be doing okay for a six year old.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Already got his English and grammar down. :D

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Apparently also have my imitation of the male gender down, too.  

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago


It's already done

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Excuse me? I'm four. Geez. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Twelve days left and I only have 10,000 words. ,:D I'll be fine, just have to write like 7,000 words a day for the next six days. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
10k words ahead of me.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

We're On The Home Stretch Folks!

Just 11 days left in the Contest to see who will be left standing and who will be KO'd!

Is your writing Heroic enough to Win? Where will you Stack Up in the following Rank Structure?

Placing --Rank
1st Place ~Titan
2nd Place ~Super Hero
3rd Place ~Vigillante
4th Place ~Sidekick
Submitted ~Cohort
Submitted Crap ~Bootlicker
No Show ~Doorstop

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Not to mention Doorstop Of SHAME! XD

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Sweet! I'm at least going to be a Cohort!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Got to set the bar high around here haha! ;)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I'm going for bootlicker so really setting the bar high over here.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
You go Champ!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Power's been back on since Friday, spent most of the weekend cleaning and battling mosquitoes and now it's just a matter of getting it together enough to write. A week without technology does weird things to the human mind, but I know the next ten days are going to fly by fast.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

You mean super villain as first place. 

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Well shit, looks like I'mma be a doorstop if I don't get my ass in gear.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Anyone here in Florida? Maybe we can get another extension...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I'm in North Carolina, it's projected to hit right here ;)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Yeah, that'd be me.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
The wild fire smoke is so thick here it looks like dusk all day long, does that count?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

It's passing over a few Dutch islands in the Caribbean and, while I don't live there, I can't write properly while thinkinv about those people.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
south georgia rn so real close to florida

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Alright, so as of now my university is closing down due to Irma and I'm making plans to head back home. It's still too early to tell how bad its going to be in the next few days, buuut yes any extension at this point would be very welcome.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
It sounds like most of the state is already out of gas and there's only like one highway leading out? I hope flying is an option...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Well, shit. As far as I know we haven't run out of gas here yet.

Edit: Aaand its gone.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
As the contest should have already been over by now, I don't think further extensions will do anything for it, but kill the contest entirely.

Got to keep on task with the final deadline I'm afraid.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I understand, and thanks for considering it. I'll keep working till that deadline.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
5 Days to go!

Good luck to everyone! Hope we get some entries haha!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

You'll have mine at least. :)

For a user trophy, I thought there would've been more motivation displayed...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Well, there was initially haha! XD

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I'll need that luck. I'll be cutting it real close, but hopefully I'll get a solid piece out.


BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Finished mine, so you will have an entry from me.

I will take a day to proof-read the whole thing before submitting it.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Now it's a contest!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

SHAMING our pants yet?

Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close.

Yep, gonna be SHAME SHAME pants city here real soon.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
I mean, that's 0000 Saturday. That means the midnight between Friday and Saturday, right? That's one and a half days...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

...I was under the impression that meant midnight on Saturday?

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Either way, you two have more faith in many of your fellow contestants submitting something within the time remaining than I do.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
By my count, there's just 31 hours to go...

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Correct! Midnight between Friday and Saturday.

0000 is the beginning of a day, while 2400 is the end.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
A 23:59 deadline would eliminate that confusion in the future. Doesn't matter how many times you explain that, someone will always ask. Has the added benefit of keeping an easy to see record of whether someone was late or not since the posted date would change on a late one...

But I guess that matters less when you have god powers. ^_^

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

NeganMaster over here.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Two and a half hours to go - Better Publish soon! ^v^

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Man I'm cutting it close. I thought we had an extra day. Foolishly assumed the hour didn't change even though the date did.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Just updating the list for the final moments.

Contestants So Far:

Battlemage - 25 (Finished)

Digit - 25
Ever - 25
Skully - 25

Unturned - 25
XNeo - 25

Author4 - 50

DungeonLord - 75
Luna - 75
RoyalGhost - 75 (Finished)

AzBaz - 125 (Finished)
Ben - 125
Betaband - 125
BJ - 125
Brian - 125
Chanbot (Ford) - 125
Chris -125

Crash - 125
Ebon - 125 (Finished)
Eric - 125 (Finished)
Fazz - 125 (Finished)
Flamenod - 125
Malk - 125
MinnieKing  - 125
Mizal  - 125

Ogre - 125 (Finished)
Orange - 125 (Finished)
Reverencia  - 125
Romulus - 125 (Finished)

Saika - 125 (Finished)

Sixty - 125
Thara  - 125
Wibbons - 125 (Finished)

Backpeddling Bitches So Far:



Kiritsyu (Negative)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Decided not to take a chance and published it sooner instead of cutting it too close. Another semi finished story game added to the roster.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
So half of the Judges' Results are in and we'll have a Decision in no time!

(By 'no time' I mean hopefully before next Wednesday haha!) ;)

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Well, it is better than never! Plus, it gives a sense of suspense!

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago
Got all the results in! Will be posting the news a little later today. ^v^

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

Oh exciting! I am ready to see the results and many others are as well I believe.

BZ's Summer Slam Contest!

6 years ago

I'm excited to see to the results as well. It's gonna be interesting.