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School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hey, folks. Seth and I couldn't help noticing that CYS has two very sad looking categories--(since people won't stop reminding me :P)--ones that I keep meaning to get around to writing for, but haven't quite had the time for yet. SO, we decided to get you guys involved in the effort to bolster their numbers. Let's start with the one that has a spot open for featuring.

As stated in the title, this contest's category will be: School-Based.

This category relies on its location, obviously, because a good majority of your game should take place at the school in question. Please keep in mind, it does not need to be a normal school. It could be a college, it could be like Professor X's institute, it could be a pre-school for ninjas, just so long as it qualifies as a facility for learning something and your characters spend a good amount of time attending. It would be great to see some 'outside the box' entries, which both apply to the category and defy expectation... but it'd also be great to see a more classic, high-quality entry or two.

Now, as for time: You have until July 3rd, 11:59pm, EST to submit your entry.

Why? Well, we were going to do just a month, but you guys (and gals) tend to drag your heels on signing up for stuff, so Seth and I agreed that you get a few extra days for you to sign-up and start your story. Please reply to this post if you want to enter and add me as a co-author once you create your game.


First Place - 100 points + Featured Game + $25 gift card. (A generous donation from Seth. :D)
Second place - 75 points.
Third place - 50 points.
(Entries aside from first place may be featured if their quality is high enough.)


1. No pre-existing games. (Pre-existing concepts, though? Go for it.)
2. No co-authors aside from me. You may use a beta-reader, but don't add. Link.  
    B. You may contact me for scripting help if you get stuck.
    C. You may not choose your own beta.
3. Yes, I'd love to see a motivational thread from you. I may even award points for them.  
4. No, don't use your motivational thread to ask for ideas. This is your game. No one else's.
5. Kiel will be acting as head judge for this contest.  As per the previous contest, all participants are required to act as judges.  Beta readers may also judge, as well as any spectators.  There will be a voting survey for which Seth will provide passcodes.
6. Do not vote for your own game.
7. Once you finish your game and publish, PM me a link to it, please. 
(Further rules for voting will be posted once we know how many entries we'll have.)

WE ALSO NEED BETA-READERS AND ADDITIONAL JUDGES, please reply to this post to sign up. 

^_^ You are also welcome to sign up as both if you feel up to the task. Beta-readers must sign up voluntarily, will be given a writer to work with at random, and they cannot be writing participants. Also, this contest is open to anyone (--who isn't a troll, or me, because there's no way I'm hosting and entering while also keeping up with my mod duties.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Noice. Good luck, everyone.

I can be a beta-reader for any entries.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Does the school part trump the other part? Such as, would a Hogwarts-type piece be School-based over fantasy?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

In the case of a fantasy school, (just like in the case of a horror school, sci-fi school, modern school, exc) it could fit into either fantasy or school-based in my honest opinion. If you want precedence, my game Magick Academy (which, alas, languishes in my unpublished section) is about a fantasy school. However, I will be submitting it in school-based if I ever finish it. If a game roughly fits two or more categories equally, we really just tend to leave it up to the author. (Fanfic trumps everything, though.) 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Interesting. Seems school games are a relic of a bygone eras but it'll be interesting to see what people do with them.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

This is such a coincidence, really. I was working on my own school based story before the announcement of this contest. So far I've been trying to see if I can still make something worthwhile with mobile...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hah scrubs, I only use mobile to write, get with the 21 century.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

....I use mobile 100% of the time on this site.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

How...? Without a mobile version of the site, it's horrible to naviagte around on.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

What do you mean?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Couldn't let me have this mason.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Nope. (Insert Lenny face)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It's preference mostly, typing with a real physical keyboard is just very satisfying for me. I also feel that this site is more desktop and laptop friendly then mobile. Though, that is just my less than knowledgeable opinion. Though my join date says I've been here for three years it really has been quite less, with the hiatus and all. I really honestly just forgot my password and one day suddenly remembered it, please don't laugh at the hilarity of that.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I use an IPad, though.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I hope for your sake it's the older generation.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It's an IPad 1 or 2. XD.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That's like great grandma Betsy old, I feel the Grandpa age of 2010 just thinking about it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I would prefer PC if it wasn't distracting for me, not much else to do on this i3. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Aww, 'cause this would be the time to publish Magick Academy :(

I MAY sign up. I'll see how testing goes.

And, why would we enter you as co-author?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Naaaaw. That can wait. (Because it has to.)


To prevent cheating.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

What do you mean by cheating?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

:P That would be telling! It's not clear from the rules?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Oh, sorry.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

What's the harm in signing up? Mark me down. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yay, first confirmed writer of the thread! xD ... Everyone else, get off your lazy butts and sign up.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Fine, fine.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

(As in I will)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Well...I might be signing up...but I'll probably stop writing, knowing my awful procrastination habits.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Might be Am interested in this.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll enter as a writer. I was going to do either a fanfic or a school based storygame after I finished my other project anyway. I really think they need to have better quality material; therefore, thank you for doing this contest.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I may want to do this. Also to everyone in the murder mystery forum, I'm sorry that I didn't post and now it is to old, I was just really busy.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


If my story is Fantasy and School-based, may I publish it in either category as long as I use tags?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll quote Kiel from this post:

"In the case of a fantasy school, (just like in the case of a horror school, sci-fi school, modern school, exc) it could fit into either fantasy or school-based in my honest opinion. If you want precedence, my game Magick Academy (which, alas, languishes in my unpublished section) is about a fantasy school. However, I will be submitting it in school-based if I ever finish it. If a game roughly fits two or more categories equally, we really just tend to leave it up to the author. (Fanfic trumps everything, though.)"

I think that looks like a definite yes.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Uh. No. That was meant to be taken as general categorization advice. This is a contest for the school-based category, so I'm leaning toward a firm no, but I'd rather wait for Seth's answer.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That makes a lot of sense. Oops.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@Sethaniel - What do you think? I mean... the point was to add to the school-based category, right?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll just publish it as school-based, but put fantasy tags. Forgot we had those.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@nason Yeah I think that makes sense, publish as school-based & add fantasy tag. 

Re: contest--  Remember, the grand prize includes your story taking the empty feature slot. Which is in the school-based category.  Which would mean your story necessarily must be in that category. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

>Kiel joins contest

>Publishes Magick Academy

>Wins first place and claims prize

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

>_> Me? Finish anything beside a quiz in a month? Hell, five of these things could go by and I still wouldn't be done. No, that's... that's why it's good if I co-host these things, not participate in them. I procrastinate way, way too much. xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Wow! You really are my kind of guy!



... eh, let's do it later.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ah, sorry... I can't talk about missing our high-five now... maybe we should discuss putting it off sometime next week?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

*Inhale* Ooooh, wait, I can't do next week. I got, uh... Sleep? Yeah, Sleep.

Let's just reschedule this rescheduling sometime in the future.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
The apple obviously doesn't fall from the tree judging by how much of a procrastinator I am xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I may enter, considering I have nothing else to do in my spare time...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Count me in! As an advice, how about rewarding anyone who publishes something worth reading by the deadline 15 points (regardless of winning)?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Er... there's already a lot of incentive here, so that seems unnecessary to me, but...


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

 I think I might join in.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm so in.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Since fantasy and sci-fi are allowable I do have some interest in this, but realistically I don't have a good track record with writing stories on a deadline, and attempting to enter would mean derailing my current WIPs to start a new one. So I'll probably give it a miss, but I'll look forward to seeing what others come up with. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll sign up.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I won't participate since I'm better with other story concepts.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Even though you could do a military school / assassin training facility to satisfy your insane army-fanboyism and it'd be unique enough to suit your insistence on making new things, huh? (It's fine that you don't wanna compete, of course, but you can't tell me I'm crushing your creativity by insisting your characters "be in a place" where they just happen to "learn things." xD)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm like, XD times 1,000 right now.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hmm... I think it would be sort of hilarious to do that with the Diamond Dogs in MGSV.

Introducing the rookies to the power of the cardboard box, fulton recovery system, extracting sheeps, shooting transquilizers at each other, getting rocket punched by Big Boss and stays happy (staff morale increased), etc.

But I still prefer something else.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

"But I still prefer something else."

^ And that's perfectly fine, I respect preference. But "I'm not good at writing a story that happens in a specific building" is not an excuse I'll take here. xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I won't join this. Imagining all the crazy shits in MGS universe being turned into an educational thing is funny though.

"Big Boss is love, Big Boss is life. You have no family. You serve him forever," Revolver Ocelot says.

"K den. I got it," says Panzer Cobra.

As an S rank combat staff, he gets automatically assigned to the combat team before he receives basic training alongside the other candidates, ranging from B to S rank rookies extracted from the battlefield and brainwashed to serve for the Diamond Dogs. All the C to E rank guys are instantly fired.

First time they meet Big Boss, he gives them all a punch to the face with his bionic arm. He also fires his arm and yells "ROCKET PUUUUUNCH!" as it goes flying hitting everyone in the head. Five minutes later, they all have awaken and feel the aura of happiness and joy... of getting punched by Big Boss before saluting him.

"Thanks for that b0ss."

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yeah, I know you won't, and I already said that was fine. :P

Actually, thinking about it, why are people posting just to say "I'll pass"? xD Sonic's makes sense, 'cuz he'll beta, but... *shrug*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm doing it for comedic effect.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Well not exactly sure if I could enter (just thinking of school numbs my creativity). Also I can't be distracted from my current project. But I can be a beta-reader/ proof-reader for anyone else's entry. (sigh) Will have to catch you on the next contest. (Sigh again for added emphasis on my disappointment)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Proof-reading is an important job, and don't worry, Seth and I have already been talking about the next one.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

This one can have guns. Honestly, any genre can have guns. -_-

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Stay away from him. He's a bad egg.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I kinda want to aim for a girls un panzer fanfiction for this one, seems fitting.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I move for a clarification of Rule 5

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

This rule got me excited.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I move for the music. Exactly what do you want me to clarify about it?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
If I enter what do I have to do as a "judge" or "co-judge?"

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


It's going to be like the previous contest; you'll be required to read/rate a certain amount of the other entries.  Exact # depends on how many entries we get.  There'll be a survey, like last time. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Ah, alright then. I don't think I was involved enough at all last time so I didn't know xD thanks

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Only one person has done this so far, so as a reminder: add me as a co-author once you create your game.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm still thinking, so when I'm done with plot I will go ahead.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You know what? Sign me up, I have had an idea for such a game for a while now.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Im going to write a story that will blow you away. (Hint Hint)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

O_o See, after all the shipping, I'm not sure what you mean to imply... Um. Is a school for tornadoes? >_> Explosions?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That... actually sounds a bit interesting, though I don't now what they could possibly learn? Most of the explosions are probably going to get hired by Michael Bay anyway...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You'll see when I make the motivational thread today.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

As soon as I saw this, I immediately thought "He's not going the school shooter route, is he? Dear god, I hope not."

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Huh. I'd read that one. Would be far more interesting than the usual 'I was late to a class and then somebody made a mean remark, afterwards I needed to decide whether to do my homework or text my friend. Gosh I wonder if that boy likes me. RIVETING DRAMA.'

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I thought one of the whole reasons to make a school based story was to make a school shooter route. Don’t see much point otherwise, other than group hugs endings of course.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

This may be hard to believe, End, but there is a middle ground between mass murdering everyone in school and groping hugging them all.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hmm, I’m still not convinced, but I look forward to seeing the results of your latest social experiment.

If I had the time, I probably would have went for a “tiny toons/muppet babies” school approach using younger versions of all my other protagonists.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD That would be awesome.

>_> You sure a month and three days wouldn't be long enough for you to have time?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Nah, I really try to focus on one major project nowadays. I don’t even think one month and three days is going to be enough to get through this one branch I’m currently working on!

Still, I’ll keep the idea on pile of others because who knows what the future holds.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ergh. See, what you just described is what I really, really do not want to see. It'd be the WC of school stories for me, just like something I've seen a million times before. xD I believe everyone who's signing up can do far better, though.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You DON'T want to see that route?


Well, there goes fifty pages of my latest story.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You mean school shootings? xD No, I'm fine with those. I was saying I don't want to see "'I was late to a class and then somebody made a mean remark, afterwards I needed to decide whether to do my homework or text my friend. Gosh I wonder if that boy likes me."

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

All fifty pages were about  either which jegging-shirt-necklace combo to go with to impress Justin, and whether Jake, Justin or Kai are the one for you. 

Hint: It's ALWAYS Kai.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD ... You're secretly a pre-teen girl deep down, aren't you? 

Ohmygosh, I get to pick my jeggings AND my necklace? *squeal* 

Of course it is.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Oh yeah. Jeggings is both modest without being boring and flirty without being flaunty.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD ... Well, Steve, you're one of the few people who can use a title like that and somehow I still wanna play the story.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It'll get really meta. No matter what choices you make, the guy you don't date ends up shooting up the place.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
What the heck are jeggings? Am I supposed to know what those are?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
That was pretty amusing, I have to say.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ha! Look at this unfashionable dweeb! What part of modest without being boring and flirty without being flaunty don't you understand? Kai sure as hell isn't asking you to the dance.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Uh. I just wear jeans. Problem solved..

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Would it be alright if I used a storygame that I created months/years back, but haven't done any writing for yet? I created the storygame so I could reserve the name I wanted, then literally all I've done so far is write a description. I've PMed you a link so you can see for yourself.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I looked at it. You haven't even written a single sentence on the pages, so I'll accept it. As I said in the PM, I consider that more of a concept anyway. The point is to make sure no one has an unfair head-start on the actual writing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Assuming I have some free time soon, I would like to enter. Sounds fun, and the month long time limit is just perfect for me. Hopefully, I can find the time to make a halfway decent game. :)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll enter. It'll be good to practice my writing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Good luck all!

I sadly don't have time or good enough ideas for a school based game but I'll Beta if people want :)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Please do, we could use a few more if everyone who's signed up gets their game finished in time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Sounds good then, just let me know when I am needed.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I guess betas don't get to pick a contestant either?

EDIT: Re-read OP, never mind. Please ignore.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I am interested.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@Kiel_Farren I added you as a co-author to my story. Does that mean I'm automatically entered?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Eyyy! I might actually join and finish a game for once! It's my greatest obstacle other than writer's block. Since I watch too much Clannad and Fairy Tail, maybe I'll do something like this big, giant, guild system with MAGIC! Anywho, maybe. I might not even finish, so don't expect anything.

EDIT: Yeah, maybe I'll just stick to beta-reading, if that's possible.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

The beta reading is greatly appreciated.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Is there a minimum of points required to enter? I'm new here and in case there isn't I'd like to enter

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

No, EXP are useless. Anyone can join!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
To quote the OP, " this contest is open to anyone (who isn't a troll)".

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Then I'm in (if I finish on time).

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Aye?  Hello to you, too.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

.....Does he mean yes or no?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Considering he co-authored me, I'm going with a definitive maybe yes.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I like your logic.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Since I know how much Kiel loves guns, trolls, Columbine style storygames, and mason jar themed jokes, I figured I'd write him a beautiful story tailored for his tastes.

Oklahoma Nights & School Fights - Coming to a CYS near you in June 2016

Set in the idyllic backcountry town of Cranberry, Oklahoma, you will learn the proper method for jamming and jarring all of your favorite foodstuffs at Painted Glass High. There is so much to see and do!

Do normal kid stuff! Pick on kids lower in the social pecking order than you! Commit sins of self pleasure! Awkwardly grope that girl's bosom in the backseat of your car! Act like your little drama bomb problems really matter! Brag about your intelligence, jock abilities, alleged sexual conquests, and penis size!

But watch out, for danger lurks everywhere! If you mishandle those preserves, you may find one of the teachers shoving a mason jar right up your very own cornhole! Pick on the wrong kid (hint: he's the one wearing a trench coat and talking to himself), and he might just pump you full of vigilante justice! Fart in class at your own risk!

@Kiel_Farren is this the gold you're looking for or what!?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I don't know how Kiel feels (my guess is he'll almost certainly be enthused), but for the record, I can't wait to read it. :)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD ... Well, I enjoyed the dripping sarcasm anyway. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I guess I'll enter and wing it :L best case scenario I get some points out of it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


Question: Is a school based story required to be about the students?

Because kids are dumb.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm definitely quoting you on that.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
"@Kiel_Farren" - Mizal

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Why? It's a widely known fact that Mizal hates kids.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD There's no need for these students to even be kids, y'know. But no. You can make it about the teachers, the principal, lunch lady, hell, the janitor if you want. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Good Will Hunting.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
do we need confirmation to begin writing or can we just start whenever we co-author you?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You can go ahead as soon as you've co-authored me, yeah.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Maybe you can make a story about a generation failing intelligence tests, making the entire generation going back to school. I just imagine 30 year olds in kindergarten X_X.


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Or, alternatively, you could join the contest and make it yourself.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

He joined already, actually.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ah; nevermind then.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Is it ok if the main character leaves the school/college/academy for a short part of it?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

How short are we talking?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Well, I'm not sure for now, but I'm sure it won't exceed more than ten pages.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Sorry, I should clarify: I meant in comparison to the time spent at the school, not page count. (I expect at least a few stories to show time away / the character going home and doing stuff there / exc, and it really shouldn't be a problem.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Not long. And the character will be gone as he/she is trying to sneak out of the besieged academy(which is also a sort of city) to deliver a message to another city to send help for them, after which he/she would simply be back at the academy and resume his/her studies. I should also note that this is a medieval fantasy setting to make things a bit clearer.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Gotcha, not a problem.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
What about a storygame where most of the branches involve the protagonist attending school normally, but some of the branches have him escape from the school, after which point the entire story is told outside of a school setting?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I was curious about this too, since one of the "students" is actually a spy and assassin for another faction.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

As long as the majority of the story is based in the "school" I will count it as school based.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I have an idea for it, but I'm not sure if I'll actually finish it in time


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
There's no harm in signing up and getting started, then leaving the contest if later on you start running out of time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I thought it was said (somewhere) that I shouldn't start something if I don't plan on completing it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... Well, I never said that. :P

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Of course not lol. I've got a question Kiel. What about a school centered around a game?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... Well, sure, that sounds interesting, but where are you going to find a contractor who can build an entire themed school in one month? :P

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm not sure, but if I find one I'd be interested in seeing what he could do with only a month.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I guess ill have to take back my thoughts on doing the competition. The idea was good, but I'll have no where near enough time if I'm to create something I'm satisfied with. That and I have more pressing matters to deal with like other writing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You could start it, but if you can't finish it in time for the contest, finish it anyways after.

I mean, you've already made some of it, so why not finish it instead of scrapping it? Might even be good.

Then again, that's my opinion. I've made some mediocre (if you can really call them that) games.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll try that then

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@mizal - Most encouraging title ever, lol.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

what is it?


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I'm on the fence on this one. On the one hand, I have about four story ideas drafted up somewhere, but none are going anywhere soon.. So perhaps I could use the incentive. I'll just enter and see where this goes xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm thinking about entering is, but I don't think I'll be able to finish one in time.

Does a school for mythical creatures count as "School-Based with a Fantasy tag"?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Depends. But probably yes, in your case.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

And does it have to be for an older audience? I had a great idea that would be easy to write while still putting effort to get a good plot, but it'd probably attract audiences of seven to ten year olds. I read a similar story when I was eight and loved it, but hated it and called it a "children's book" when I was twelve.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You can do absolutely whatever.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Good. I just didn't want it to get a lower score for it being something that could easily be called stupid.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Target audience is less relevant than solid writing. Just because something is for kids does not, by any means, make it inherently lower quality. (For example, the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender is amazing. Granted, the stereotype that children entertainment sucks come from people believing it's okay to put forth less effort just because they can more easily get away with it.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Even if it's about pink glittery unicorns...?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

If the unicorns are well written, sure. Best unicorn story (as in, a story starring a unicorn) I ever saw was probably The Last Unicorn, but I've seen them used in other decent / good entertainment. FFX and MLP:FiM come to mind. (And I can reference the latter without shame. I saw both the old MLP and the new because of my sisters, and the new does not make me want to jam an ice pick  in my eye-socket. So yay.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I love MLP, but about the Last Unicorn...I think there's a book(if there is, I haven't read it), but I know there is a movie. The movie was pretty good, I guess.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Just because something is for kids does not, by any means, make it inherently lower quality.

This x1000. Anybody can appreciate a Pixar or Disney movie, and even just talking about stories, I can think of so many kids books that are just as high quality as anything written for adults. They tend not to be as nuanced or have as many layers maybe, but at its core a good story is a good story.

Considering the ages of so many of our casual readers here, I've thought before it would be nice seeing that Geared for Children tag put to good use. I don't know how much of that we'll see in this contest though, school based stories seem to mostly have teenage audiences in mind. 


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hmm. You know... that might also make a good concept for a contest. We really don't get much use out of that tag. I'm kind of doubtful as to how well it would go, but I would like to see the results. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Due to someone doing this, albeit prematurely, Do not publish your game with me still co-authored to it. Yes, anyone who joins still needs to co-author me to verify the status of your story, but if you publish without removing me or letting me remove myself, I will end up getting half of your publishing points. I did compensate the contestant who accidentally did this, but that's because I caught it this time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Someone already published theirs? That was quick.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Maybe it was quick, but it was probably rushed and not of a very high quality. Though I may be wrong here and the story is actually good.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
When people have made some quality storygames for the puzzle/riddle contest in only nine days, I'm reluctant to pass judgement until I see it for myself. I don't see anything recent in the new storygames section that's school-based, so maybe it got unpublished?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Most likely Kiel told the author to unpublish it because he was still co-author when it was published. Well, you do have a fair point, but until the story gets re-published and I get to read it, I'll just keep assuming that it was most likely rushed.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Most likely it was accidental, though I'm not sure how one accidentally publishes. I only knew it had been published because of the unexpected change in my points, but it was unpublished when I went to check on it. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Or they were just really short on points and needed a boost. :P

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD But why?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Are we guaranteed points for a motivational thread? Because they've never done much for me and so I'm not feeling motivated enough to make one otherwise.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That's... ironic.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I was planning on using the same criteria that Seth did for giving points in his contest: "Any story with a WW thread with more than 5 posts by the author will receive a point bonus."

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I may be stupid for asking this(I sure do feel stupid), but what does the WW stand for?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
The Writing Workshop. So basically, you can get points for having a motivational thread for your contest storygame there, so long as you (the author) make at least five posts.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

What type of gift card? It doesn't say. NOT THAT I WANT IT. PFFFHT.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I would assume it is one of your choice or something real generic that everyone could use

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I want to sign up, also I could be a beta reader or judge.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hi, this is my second account, I forgot the password to the first one and the reset button wouldn't work for some reason, so sign me up on this account, thanks. @Kiel_Farren

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Create your story and add me as a co-author as soon as you do.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ooh ooh ooh me! I have ideas! I join!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

This might be a stupid question, but would it have to be set in a school? What I mean is, could it be set in another place, such as... Hell, a prison or warehouse for example, where the characters are taught a skill by a "teacher"?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

As long it's about rookies being taught how to do stuff, it's fine.

No.  No it isn't.  

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ah, gotcha. Thanks.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

The stuff doesn't have to be boring school shits. It can be anything, from magic to guns.

Okay, this part is correct.  The school can teach magic or guns or whatever.  But it does have to be an education facility of some type: university, pilot academy, whatever.  As long as it's a location where people receive instruction.

Assassination Classroom is okay.  La Femme Nikita is not.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm aware.

Hmm... well, @Kiel_Farren sign me up.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

"Please keep in mind, it does not need to be a normal school. It could be a college, it could be like Professor X's institute, it could be a pre-school for ninjas, just so long as it qualifies as a facility for learning something and your characters spend a good amount of time attending."

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Reading is hard, and words can be long and confusing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD Good imitation of Honeydusk, anyway. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It does, however, need at least 20% of the plot devoted to picking out what to wear to get your crush to like you.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Kiel, just wondering, does the story have to be set in a normal school?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That's a good one.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Kiel, what if I wanted to set my story in something like the X-Men school. (just a random idea I had) Would that be allowed?

Kiel please reply, I'm confused and have so many questions.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

>_> Oh, God, you're secretly Honeydusk, aren't you? So many alts...! Everyone I know is a lie! *violent break down and mass murder spree ensues.*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Get into the bomb shelter!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

*seals presidential bunker*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Get to da choppa

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

The fact that the game is supposed to primarily take place at a learning facility is the key component here.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Over a year on this site and I haven't managed to complete a single storygame but yeah, I'll give it a go. One feature-worthy story in thirty days. How hard could it be...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It could be very hard

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
reminds me I should get started on my entry xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
You should. XD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I really should now lol

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll try it out :)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I may be the only one making my game in a "normal" school

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That reminds me, I know we can make the school a weird school, but are we allowed to have one that functions as something other than a school? I was considering having my story focus on a student in a monastery.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
"Please keep in mind, it does not need to be a normal school. It could be a college, it could be like Professor X's institute, it could be a pre-school for ninjas, just so long as it qualifies as a facility for learning something and your characters spend a good amount of time attending."

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@bilbo - you were supposed to add me as soon as you created your game.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ehem, let me hastily change the title to something that is a little more appropriate and I'll get right on that. Sorry.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

My name is Providence and I want to sign up for the contest. This would be my first story.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Create your story game and add me as a co-author as soon as you do so I can verify it as a valid entry.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I have a very sad announcement- I am going to have to withdraw from the contest. I already have too many  WIPs, and I can't keep up with the deadline. Sorry. X_X

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
You... have a month yet. Surely if you truly want to participate, you could set a few things aside and write a shorter story as an entry. Quality often trumps quantity.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I know, I just have a bigger project at hand. I don't want to get all jumbled. Thanks for the advice, though. I am aware of the gracious time limit- but state testing destroys most of my time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Yes, young one! Go earn your teachers' next raise, to no benefit of your own! ^_^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

XD. The funniest thing is my first and second period teachers hate state testing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I think I'll enter- I didn't have the motivation time to sign up for the Puzzles contest, but this looks fun, and anyhow, a deadline will help me finally finish something. Good luck to all!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... You know you're supposed to co-author me as soon as you create your game, right?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I will do this as long as there isn't a penalty for not finishing on time! I'm willing to spend all of my gaming time writing this!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

"Penalty"? Well... your entry won't be accepted if it comes too late because that would be unfair to everyone who does get theirs done in time and totally defeat the purpose of a deadline, but if you mean consequences beyond that, no. I'm not going to dock points from people. If you do create a story and enter, remember to add me as a co-author as soon as you create it. Quite a few people have been forgetting.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Okay! And yes, that was what I meant by penalty. I'm going to add you right now ^-^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
(A Hall of Shame would give you + 3 to BADASSERY)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

(I was considering it, but honestly, I want to see how this goes before further complicating the process. And it wouldn't be fair to spring it on you guys for this contest.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ok this is going to make me seem dim, but how will the judging work again....and the voting part. You said that the participants are required to vote...? And the beta readin part xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You don't need to worry about how the stories will be judged until we're closer to the deadline. Also, I'm still working out the kinks for beta-readers, so don't worry about that either.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Fair enough. Before I got edit blocked, I was going to extrapolate. The BADASSERY stat is excellent for killing dragons and scores highly with the princesses.

I'd wager it would have kept Mason from dropping out with... oh 96% of the time remaining. ^_^

Mason, if you stumble upon this, I shall continue to poke ye with the pointy stick of mockery, as I have the utmost confidence you could manage a 20-30 page mini story as a token entry to fulfill your oath to your liege lord, Kiel.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Tech me loRd plz

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hey @Kiel_Farren, can I be beta reader or judge?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You entered the contest, you are automatically part of the judging pool, but you cannot be a beta precisely because you're a contestant.  (Please read contest rules more carefully next time as I explained both of these things up there.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ok thanks

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Hello, I'd like to enter the contest. I've never finished making a story-game before, but hopefully I'll finish.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Create your story game and add me as a co-author as soon as you do so I can verify it as a valid entry.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Oh hi, so this is where everyone is. I really should pay more attention to that front page announcement section, eh?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Probably. xD Interested?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Interested? Absolutely. Am I in? We'll see. I've got a horrible schedule this week at work and school, so I'll have to take a look and think this weekend. And yes, if I decide I don't have the time, I'll certainly get in as a reader for others!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
If you don't want to write, could we perhaps tempt you with the role of a beta tester and/or judge?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

What's the other "sad-looking category?"

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Check the numbers on the story game page. :P

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I've had an idea for a game set in a school for a while now, so now I finally have a reason to go through with it. I'll probably start writing tomorrow.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yay, I'm late! What a good way to start. Can I still sign up?


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yes, just create your story and co-author me as soon as you do.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'd like to enter!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Yes, just create your story and co-author Kiel_Farren as soon as you do.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I added you to my story. I'm doing pretty well on doing one page on each branch a day, but once the contest if over, can I go back and edit the game if I don't make the game as finished as I want it to be the first time I submit?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
After the judging and everything, I doubt that will be a problem. Quite a few people have edited contest entries they didn't consider fully envisioned and added the remainder later. Pretty sure Kiel did that with The Other World.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Okay, a little announcement: I've been trying to figure out the assignments and due to the rather large amount of entries and few betas we have, I'm not going to assign betas to any entries submitted following this post. (You've had 9 days to sign up, anyway.) If someone drops out or we get more betas, I'll make changes accordingly. Thank you. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Aww, Kiel-sama, I wanted to beta soon! ;-;

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


Hotel CYStia first.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Oh, yea!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... And you will. >_> I still need you and all the other betas who signed up, but we've got like 25 entries now. I can't spread y'all or myself any thinner than I'm already going to.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Aww...*puppy eyes*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD Wait, do you want me to assign you extra stories?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Maybe...also because I like calling you Kiel-sama. Can I call you that? I'm in an anime mood.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD Sure, if you want.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Okay, Kiel-sama!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
You monster!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That's nothing. I also ate a bowl of puppies this morning. (How'd I fit more than one puppy in the bowl? That's what blenders are for.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

How dare he?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Who needs milk when you have the blood of your enemies?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


See! He gets it!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Attention: Beta assignments are up!


Please discuss any relevant details, such as schedule, with your assigned beta. ^^ Don't forget to thank them for their help.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Thanks for your help as my beta, Ford!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
No problem, Ford :)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD Aw, a perfect match-up. I'm so glad it worked out for you two.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Wonderful xD.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I can be a judge if you need one

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Well i would like to be a beta reader , although i am new here.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Okay, in that case I'll give you one of my beta projects, since I really only planned to pitch in if we didn't have enough people.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I want to be a part of this, but I don't do so well as a beta-reader (everyone I've beta-read for, either I haven't been able to finish the job or I'm pretty much useless and they abandon the project), I'm a horrible judge and easily swayed by elements that could be included in the story rather then the quality of the story itself, and I'm probably pretty high up in the ranks of the procrastinator club.

Also, when I talked with JJJ about this being a contest, I said I'd participate if it ever got to be a thing. (the random things my memory shoves my way, while holding back loads of alot more useful stuff...)

Since I don't want to screw anyone else over, I'll enter as a possible contestant. I'll start a story for the contest, and I'll attempt to have it finished in time, but I won't guarantee I'll have it done.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Alright, then. Just co-author me as soon as you create your game.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Unlike some other people, I actually read the rules the first time. :b

*scans lightly through the thread*

You're starting to sound a bit like a broken record. XD It must be annoying, having to repeat that over and over and over again.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


:P Yes. I am starting to sound like a broken record and... a bit, but it's become a habit now because I've had to say it so many times. You should see how many times I've also had to say this over PM, too.


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@FeanorOnForge @TacocaT - forgot to reassign Forge after Breezy dropped out, so... there ya go.

On that note, sorry to multitask, but Wizzy dropped out, so... @betaband @Killa_Robot , unless Killa and Mason really want to work together as Mizal suggested, you guys now have each other. Yay.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
When did Breezy drop out?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

A week ago. I just forgot to say anything in the beta thread / here when she told me.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Huh, well, that's a shame. (Her dropping out.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Holy shit I'm stacked.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

With two stories? xD I would've had to do four if no one else had joined up...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

No, I have the two featured members.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Oh. So you do, I didn't realize that before because I wasn't thinking about who else you got. Good luck, then. We featured writers tend to be divas.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I don't suppose I can get an extension so that I can finish up after exams?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Probably not because that wouldn't be fair. I have exams too xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I was thinking we should all get one. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I mean, I wish too that we got at least til the end of June but deadlines are deadlines and ya gotta learn how to squeeze your life into them.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm going to have to drop out because I have finals to study for and I haven't even started yet.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

awww that sucks. Finals can't possiblllyyy be that hard?!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Trust me, they are.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

@Sethaniel - Any thoughts on Malk's request?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Extension till the end of June?

I suppose we could make it work.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You guys are the best. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Extended deadlines are for the WEAK.

...but if the idea is to produce feature worthy stories I'm all for it, even people already on track to finish could use the extra proof-reading and editing time. As fun as the puzzle comp was, most of the entries were very rushed, and it showed.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
that'd be fantastic for me as well. I've been in the process of moving cross-country for the last few weeks and haven't got a lot done :(

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yay! ^-^ Ten extra days to do thisss!

Extension announcement

8 years ago

Attention: we have extended the deadline for story submissions to Sunday, July 3rd, 11:59pm, EST. (Yes, you may publish sooner if you are ready prior to that day.) Please make the most of this extra time, don't forget to communicate with your beta readers, and good luck. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm in! Mark me down! I'll get to work right away!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Alright, create your game and co-author me. I can't promise you a beta though, due to the late sign-up.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I understand.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Would an obedience school for dogs qualify, if the majority of the game involved the player working at the school?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Given that it is a school, and given that your described circumstance involves the majority of the game taking place there, then yes. It would qualify. The fact that the "students" are not human is irrelevant.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I just created an account today, but I've been reading/playing these for a while now and I'd love to join in on this contest. It won't be too complex, but I should be able to finish it by the July 3rd deadline! I'll add you on as a co-author. I'm so excited to get started writing these. I have so many ideas!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Alright, create your game and add Kiel as a co-autho... oh wait.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Good luck. :)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
hmm. 1 month...I guess I should get started soon. A brainstorming session wouldn't hurt I guess xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Careful, don't hurt yourself.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Honestly I can't even brainstorm this myself. I'm just pansting it and making it up as I go. I think I have a good start I guess? I haven't hurt myself yet. Brainstorming doesn't work for me xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Nice that you made a school basted content for anybody. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... Thank you.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Although i'm not writing much (as im a lazy bum) I can't wait to see how this turns out. Should add a few good stories.


(I'm also really late to the party...)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I am tentatively and informally committing myself to entering this contest. Kind of got a wicked late start on it (yesterday), but hopefully I'll have something done in time.

All I can promise is that it will be weird.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Weird and School-based.

This can only be disappointing or amazing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Um, I don't think I have time to put together a good entry.

I'm going to have to sit this one out sad

And, i'm already working on something else.  Don't want to abandon it!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD Alright? No need for excuses, if you can't / don't want to enter, then don't worry about it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I am aiming for both.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

So, percentage-wise, how close are any of you to finishing? I'm curious, since we're about to hit the original deadline, even though the new one is still a ways away.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

given that i started just today


School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

Uh... shit.  Maybe forty to sixty percent. Not 100 percent sure where I'm going to go with this, but then again, I never am.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago
0%. I might actually start writing tomorrow.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago
Hate to agree xD

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago
Honestly, I despise the story with a passion and have lost interest in it entirely, no less than three times. I'm going to finish the section up and slap a bandage ending on it later in the week. But only because I opened my mouth in the first place. Although, I think that stems largely from losing interest in writing CYOAs as a whole. Hence my shift in focus to linear projects going forward.

My personal recommendation is a one week, built in, plotting stage, prior to formal entry, for that singular purpose alone.

@Steve24833 - Bust out your victory champagne. Sprinkle it on mizal too. She's dreadfully lazy and far too busy wishing I was her pet dragon to bother finishing.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

Ah sure, I'm still a fair bit away from finishing, a prospect that's looking more and more distance as I fail to write.  I've literally erased three of the main characters out of like seven, because they were just awful. So that champagne might yet go untouched.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

I might not finish in time, sorry.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

On the other hand, I've started over twice by now

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

Uhhh.... perhaps 30%?

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago
Wait.. There was an extension? I can't seem to find it. When did it get extended to? This is really great news.

I'm busting my ass right now, roughly 80% finished if I had to guess. I'm working hard to get done by tomorrow night.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago
NVM. July 3rd, huh? that gives me a little breathing room. I was worried I'd have to consolidate a major plot path of my story. I'm happy that I can work on it in more detail instead.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

What I'm doing is basically trying to complete the main two routes and, if there's still time by the time I completed them, I'll work on one side route. If that side route is completed and I still have time, I'll work on one other side route.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago
Where I'm at with the story right now, I may actually be done in time for the original deadline.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

I'm realizing too late I really should've just written a more straightforward story instead of choosing now to take a crash course in gobs and gobs of scripting. Doesn't help that by the time the weekend rolls around I've forgotten half of what I was doing with it all and have to waste a bunch of time refreshing my memory. 

Still, I may manage to scrape together a token entry in time, and either way it was all a good learning experience. Now that I have a better grasp on what is and isn't possible, (and what's too much of a pain in the ass to mess with...) I expect I'll be able to put it to good use in other projects.

Though possibly I should've stuck with my original instincts of loathing schoolchildren and everything related to them with a passion and just stuck to my guns on my wizard story instead, I might've been done by now...

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

I'm somewhere between 40% and 80% done. I'm still debating how long I should make my story.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

Same. Thinkin' about cuttin it hard.

School Based Contest - 2016 - question

8 years ago

I would say somewhere between 60 and 80 percent complete. I'm probably going to have to cut some stuff out to finish in time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

So, what site is the gift-card for anyways? Amazon?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I mean it could just be a normal gift card Visa, but does the money really matter? I already have enough motivation ^-^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I think so, yeah, but you'd have to ask Seth.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Thank you.

@swedishlemon - and there is your answer.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I might have to drop out. Things aren't looking too good for me in real life finances for my family so I don't know if I'll have time to finish the story.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that, to both. Still, if you find that things change and you are able to submit before the deadline, please let me know.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm willing to donate.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Awe, Sonic, I clearly raised you right ^-^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

That... would actually help a lot. In what method can you donate, specifically?  Paypal?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Two pages left and I'm done.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Well I wrote one room and realized that it would be cooler if I wrote a few more endings.

Still though, almost done.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
One more page and I'll have two pages done.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Who's your reader?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Absolutely no one.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

So, I'm curious because a lot of people signed up for this and there's been a shit ton of drop outs. Who is it who is actually going to submit a storygame for the contest?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I am putting the finishing touches on mine. So I will definitely be submitting.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'll be submitting even if I can't complete more than two endings. I've already had to cut out 2 out of the 6 endings I had planned.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm going to have mine ready in time. At this rate, I'll probably do pretty good in the contest because there'll probably be less than ten submissions.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yet somehow, you won't get in the top ten.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Aw, thanks for believing in me. If I'm not in the top ten, then maybe I'll be in the top three even though that group is by definition in the top ten as well

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Glad to hear it, WIBN.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I suppose I should start soon...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... -_- Dammit, Ford. The contest is almost over, ya lazy bastard.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
It'll be fine I'll probably start sometime today or tomorrow.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Almost done story-wise. Writing wise... erm...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Good. Keep it going.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Has anyone finished already?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Yes. I have finished mine today.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yesterday. *collapses*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Just noticed this contest. Let's see, I have 4 days to write my first story, about a theme I normally don't enjoy, without a beta tester, and my schedule is already half full this weekend. No problem right?

I'll see if I can put something together. It probably wont be done in time, but I should have fun writing out of my comfort zone at least.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I wish you luck. xD Don't forget to co-author me once you create the game (and don't forget to remove me as co-author just before publishing, please, I don't want your points, I just want to verify your entry.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Will do. I'll probably do most of my writing off-site in a word document so I can lay everything out easier, but will add in the content as I go along. 

Edit: The advanced editor mode is actually better than I realized. Other than keeping some separate notes, I can do most of the writing on-site really easily.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Progress is going surprisingly good. So far I find the biggest challenge is not second-guessing everything I do. With the limited time I'm just diving in and writing whatever comes to mind without worrying too much about it. It's been a fun and somewhat chaotic process.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Understandable, that helped me progress through one of my own games. Glad you're making progress, hope you're able to submit it in time. ^^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
start now and you'll start a day or two ahead of me :D

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

See, plenty of time right? No need to hurry!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

oh hey do Parody games count for this? Probably not because they're supposed to be in Everything Else, I'm guessing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm almost certain they do count if they're parodies of the genre, but if they're parodies of something like Pokemon, then no, it's fanficiton.

Parodies almost always suck, though.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I'm going to assume that I've probably left it a little late to take interest in this contest.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

xD How fast can you write, Ben? You've got until July 3rd, 11:59pm, EST.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I'm tempted to give it a go just to see if I could wack out something of half decent quality in such a short time frame, but I've got a pretty busy schedule this weekend, so I think I'll have to give it a miss this time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Understandable. Well, hopefully you can join in for the next one? :D

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Yeah, definitely! I'm going to have to pay bit more attention to the forums so I don't only notice the contest two days before the deadline next time. XD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It's never too late to start, though the time limit definitely changes the dynamics of what someone can do. I started yesterday and put together a solid plan I have a reasonable chance at completing within my 4 day limit. You know yourself best in terms of writing capability. If you have a rough idea of a story you feel inspired enough to share for the school theme, create a plan you realistically think you can complete in the (now) 3 days and give it a shot. Sometimes writing a time-limited story can create very interesting results, which is why I'm giving it a try.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Well, first ending is almost done. Just uh... four more endings to go. In two days.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

could i be both a beta-reader and a judge.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm afraid it's too late for me to accept any more beta volunteers, but please feel free to volunteer for the next contest if we include betas. Also, yes, more judges are welcome. Once the contest is closed for entries, we should be able to post the details on how to vote.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

OK cool. that means i ?could be a judge? cool?.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

ok...? why did you put ... cuz like i mean i need the right info.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Because I already alluded to the fact that, yes, you can be a judge. So I'm not sure why you asked. You also punctuated your question strangely.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

oh. sorry that was an accident.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Sorry to add to the shit ton of dropouts so far, but I can't get my head straight on this. I hoped that a contest might help me when it comes to actually getting shit done, but nope, just getting more and more frustrated over my initial idea that I won't even be able to slap a bandage on it and call it a day xD
So, as I'd rather not hand in anything remotely unfinished and raggedy-edged, don't expect much from me xD
Wow. I really have trouble staying interested in things and not revamping them a gazillion times until, oops, a day before the deadline.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I will just call it quits... or try to create something in 23 hours.. *sad face*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Jeez, folks, are we really only going to have three (valid) entries? -_-

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Almost done. Just need to write a couple of pages and then proofread

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I WAS gonna try to write a story in the last ten days... But procrastination distracted me. Again.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I'm still not out of the count yet. It's going to be a close one, because I still have a lot to write and I have an 8 hour shift before the deadline, but I can make it with some Red Bull or something.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Oh, I thought we had until midnight like Cinderella!

You can expect a special token "entry" sometime this afternoon. ^_^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You do, but that carriage is going to be a pumpkin pretty soon, man. And good to hear.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
"I'd rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion." #Aerosmith

Though it's awfully crowded in this story.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I've got a short token entry I'm working on, but I miscalculated a little because I wasn't expecting work to fuck me over quite so badly, I was expecting to be able to get at least a few pages done during the week. I'll probably finish it tomorrow and release it just as a standalone story. The school connection was a bit forced anyway.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Good. More time for DRAGONS.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Won't be able to have a beta reader, but there's still a decent chance of me getting it done in time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

... But you have one assigned. ?_?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I think he means, he won't have time for anyone to test it between the time he finishes and submits it, as he will be pushing the fairy tale clock to its limit.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yo Kiel, how long until the end of the competition?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Apparently midnight eastern time.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

So around 11 hours, right?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yeah. It's currently 1:01pm EST... (edit: or I thought so, the site said as much... apparently it's 11:35 pm EST now.)

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Both of the people I was supposed to be beta reading for ended up quitting the contest. Just my luck. XD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yeah, this whole thing was bizarrely hit-and-miss, but I think I've learned some things from it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Sorry, I have to quit too. Too many do-overs, too much procrastination.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
AmateurProtip: DO NOT drink too much energy beverage stuff. I feel all hyper now that I've had a bit too much. Still, with just over four hours to go, perhaps this will help me to finish off my writing. Anyway, be careful, kids, because you might end up smashing up your keyboard instead of typing up some decent writing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Got it. So... At least five more gallons cups of coffee, right?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

At least.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I'm actually making surprisingly good progress. Nothing like last minute pressure to actually make you follow through on what you'd say you'd do, lol.

I'm missing Overwatch with others right now though :(

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Whelp, good luck people.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Ha ha! I did it with about 30 minutes to spare! That's plenty of time. :)
It also looks like I'm going to be somewhere in the top several unless more of you publish soon. I honestly hope there will be more people publishing.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Don't forget to PM me, plz.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

The contest is almost over, folks. 18 minutes remaining 'til midnight.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
"Surely I can get this done in two hours."

"What's that, friend needs a ride? That's 30 minutes."

"What's that, Dad needs to tell me about my cousin? That's another 15 minutes."

Screw you world, I was on a roll before you kept interrupting me!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Lol. I know the feeling, man. Your entry will be missed if you can't finish in time, but I hope you'll complete it at some point regardless. After all, both of your current stories are featured ones.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Well, it's up in the air if it'd be featured. Cut a portion out of it after all, and the editing is... rushed at best, lol. Then again I'm sure most of the entries are feature-able when compared to the existing school games.

I'm also still going to publish it as an entry though, because the day doesn't really end until 2 or 3am!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You know what? I'm going to have to drop out of the contest. I'm seriously having to dumb down and cut my writing in order to complete the storygame on time. No point in submitting something sub-par just to meet the deadline. If you look at what I've got so far you'll see that it starts off okay but then it tapers off into 2-3 bland, undescriptive sentences per page. It would honestly be an embarrassment to CYS, not to mention immensely hypocritical of me to post such crap when I've berated others for doing the same.

I won't abandon this indefinitely but I'll be busy for a while, so this will be completed at some point next year, hopefully. I'm quite liking the general story idea, but I need a bit more time to work on the details.

Good night, folks.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

*nod* Well, I appreciate you making the effort nonetheless, so thank you for your participation.

I hope you do get to finish it in the near future, I'd still really like to read it.


School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I agree with 31TeV. Waiting until the 3rd of July was not my best plan ever it was my third best, and since there's no chance this half-done trash I'm scribbling furiously on could win 5th place of a contest with only 4 entries, why play to lose? I'll release it later and probably under a "Sci-Fi" tag instead so I can eliminate the admittedly forced school theme. Good night and have a good 4th.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

For Kiel, who's sanity is dwindling.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I just have to ask, who wrote which chapter? I wrote dragon sorcery. :P

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

What... what is this? >_> Given the people who worked on it and the dedications, I'm almost afraid to read it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
It'll make you squee like Veal_Farren. Possibly even Squeal_Farren. Probably not Barren_Farren.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

-_-' Is there seriously a Squeal_Farren? I'd look, but I don't actually want to see it.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

It's just a shit-tier Pepe. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I'm 99.07% sure.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

This contest has given us so many great and memorable story games this week. Thank you so much Kiel and Seth for making this all possible.  ;~;

Of course,  thanks to all of the amazing and talented writers that published and those that are still typing as we speak! This week has truly been a breath of fresh air for those that come to this site to read, but not just for them but everyone who also had a craving for more fresh story games to play.

We needed something positive to end this week with all the drama that happened this week in the lounge.. (awkward laugh.) So, kudos to you all! ^^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Juggling a lot right now, but Seth or I will make an announcement when we're ready to start the judging period. Thank you for your participation, support, and patience.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
How many completed entries are there now? Three? Four? I still think that's fairly respecatable looking at how few School-Based games we've got and why this contest was put up in the first place. Some cool people entered and hopefully also produced something interesting, and hey, I still think it was fun ^~^
Thanks Seth and Kiel and everyone else who had to put up with me xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Seven. There was an eighth that was ... kinda late, not sure about that--and one that was disqualified for being written by a troll who didn't even really follow the rules anyway... so yeah.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I think you should put it up to the other legitimate entries about Killa's if you're on the fence.

Personally, I think he should still be in. Sure, deadlines and all that, but meh, it's not like he was a week late. And if anyone thinks that an extra two hours would have made their story soooooooo much better... well, probably not.

Anyway, food for thought for the contest entrants, and Huzzah for all eight of you. Minus whoever Kiel is referring to. I'm going to guess Crescentstar since I hear it's near impossible to get to an ending without going insane. For you couldn't possibly be talking about alleged dragons, as those titillating draconian freaks are clearly not trolls at all, which are presumably fleshy and wingless. ^_^

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

He's probably referring to this one.

It'd be a shame to cut Killa's out over just a couple hours, as good as it is, but like Bucky said, I suppose the other entrants would have the most stake it in all and it would make sense for them weigh in on whether they thought it was fair. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Oh, I see the tag now but didn't realize that was supposed to be an entry. Also, I thought he got banned the other day? I'm just going to step out on a limb and guess that's a disqualifying condition.

Just going to share this nice little comment though:

If you want to write a comedy story, don't write it in the form of a parody.
-- swedishlemon on 6/30/2016 11:58:18 PM

What? Since when is a parody not supposed to be comical?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yeah. That's disqualifying. I did say no trolls, so I'm not counting that one.

:P And I forgot all about your "entry," Bucky.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You must say you liked it. Just maybe a bit. Come on, Kiel.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I've seen people do some amazing things in a couple hours. :P And it's not solely my decision whether or not to be lenient on the rules here. Besides, this is a contest. Anyway, if it's decided that it makes it in, it'll be on the list. If not, it won't. *shrug*

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Your apathy is encouraging, lol.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

If I was actually apathetic, I wouldn't have brought your story up at all. Frankly, the fact that before I said anything about it here, I specifically made the suggestion of allowing your entry in spite of you missing the deadline to Seth would, in fact, be evidence to the opposite... but taking a jab at me when I'm trying to be nice is a great way to convince me to quit. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

How is it hard to get to the end? ... without going insane?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I figured the maze out on my own, but I was not a fan of that part. Nor of the doors. xD

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Can't speak for anyone else, but I noticed that hardly anyone has been able to finish it, and for my own experience I gave up when I noticed you'd put false instructions on the maze, and no amount of deliberate failure would ever lead to an end game link to comment on the story so far. 

I found most of the characters being introduced annoying and not very realistic, and the constant running commentary in the (author's notes:) even moreso.  While the writing was very good in the technical sense and obviously a lot of work was put in, I wasn't invested enough to finish it once the game started making it actively difficult to proceed.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Mazes make me want to just give up completely. I just came for the plot.. u.u

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
There's no need to even walk in the maze. just look at the wall, then climb it ...

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

You must have done something differently then, because that didn't work when I tried it.

I'm planning to play and review all the entries so I'll have to give it another go sometime, I really really can't overstate how grating the main character and the awful tween romance and 4th wall breaking stuff was for me though, I've already played enough to see that I'm not the audience for this at all.   

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Easiest way to get out the maze? Choose athlete in the beginning and climb the walls. THanks for the feedback. *copies into notepad* I will consider it in the edit. I don't get the false instructions, but I can check the path I gave.

Gad dammit. I didn't add one of the directions. It's supposed to be: left (which was the first "northwest"), northwest, northwest, north (no 'west'), southeast, east, east.



Um. Am I allowed to fix that real quick?

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Yeah, I noticed your directions were incorrect... uh... no. I'm sorry, but you're not supposed to take your game down after submitting for the contest--at least until judging ends. You'll be destroying any saved games and it would qualify as giving you more time to work on your entry. Once the contest is officially over though, sure.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

I figured. Was worth a try. I'll add to list of edits.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Me too. I gave up on Order of Midnight Sun because of that.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
Wow, then I made a complete understatement here xd Seven entries, yay. That's more than I ever expected/dared to hope for (especially quality wise).

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago






Well, you two, that's sad to hear. I weep for you both.

On the bright side, at least I didn't have to work!

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

So, looks like eight entries in all? That's not bad, and just from glancing through them the quality of most of them is far above anything else in that category. DEP's and Steve's have been as entertaining as expected, and I'll make time for an in-depth look through some of the others soon. 

Congrats to everyone who entered, and it sounds like there may be a few more in the works that weren't quite finished in time, so I'll be looking forward to those too. It's going to be so nice, having a School-Based section that doesn't suck.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


And agreed, very pleased to see some real, solid entries for the category. I did get a little worried there that we wouldn't even have more than two, but I am delighted to be proven wrong in that regard and I'll be glad to see the rest of the games that didn't quite meet the deadline because they still sounded pretty interesting.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
I'm gonna submit my entry late. not very late though, I got some good ideas for my second page.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago


I'm going to get a bruise or something on my face

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago
That's fine; nobody will notice.

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago

Voting survey is up, please see Sethaniel's news thread for details: link

You have until the 18th to complete the survey if you want to participate as a judge. All judging participants welcome, all writers with valid submissions required to vote. 

School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago



School Based Contest - 2016

8 years ago