ninjapitka, The Grandmaster of the Written Word
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Author's note:
All endings are titled. Your score will be tied to one of 7. They are:
1: Tethered to Darkness
2: For Whom the Bell Tolls
3: Death at Midnight
4: A Death Preceding Your Own
5: Blaze of Glory
6: Final Smoke
7: A Soul in Trade of Another
Entry for End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest.
Author's Note:
Official endings will be labeled as such. If you come across a premature ending, hit the "Back" button. Comments and ratings are also appreciated. Enjoy.
A second chance at life. More men to kill, more gold to earn.
Author's note:
Be warned: this is a different type of storygame. Consider it an interactive novel. There are several ways to reach the ending, but I suggest reading without using the Back button.
I've written a series of short fables for your benefit. Come, take my hand as we navigate through life's innermost difficulties.
Author's note:
Entry for Bucky's Year's End Contest.
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
Author's note:
Entry for MHD's Fantastical Fairytales Contest.
There are nine total endings. I encourage you to discover them all.
The Hunter, a man marked by tragedy, plagued by the internal voice. His past appears as phantoms, seeking to claim his soul.
The Sorceress, places little value on the lives of men. Humanity is but an obstacle on her rise to power.
The Warrior, built by honor. Straightforward in battle, straightforward in thought.
The Rogue, unable to leave behind what isn't his. Some artifacts are best left as they are.
The Book, a tome of black magic. Ancient curses rest in its pages, longing to be read.
Author's note: There are six official endings to discover, two of which have characters crossing over from Sheol's Passage and the Fallen.
Entry for EndMaster's Edgelord Contest 2.
The Providence of Kria consists of two major nations: The Kingdom of Brelia and the tribal territory of Rath. The ten-year peace between Brelia and Rath is quickly unraveling. In attempt to prevent another war, heir to the throne of Brelia, Prince Urijah, is sent on a diplomatic mission to appeal to the Rathans. In your older brother's absence, the burden of defending the kingdom falls to you. Your choices will determine the fate of the kingdom.
Runner-up for Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land.
9/1/19 Update: Corrected a few punctuation errors
Author's note:
The story adds fantasy elements to events occurring in the 1700s. There are many real life characters and places in the story. Many are factually accurate, and many are not. I highly encourage you to research the people, places, and deities after reading.
Entry for Gower's Battle in the Ruins of a Dead Civilization contest.
1852 - The Territory of New Mexico
The hunt has taken me to to the outer edges of civilization. Out here, lawlessness abides. There are no godly folk. Only heathen. The inner demon in me can relate to the call of anarchy. No rules, being bound by nothing; it sounds like freedom. In the end, that "freedom" is simply the self-indulgent, care-free living that is a poison upon humanity. If killing a man will save society from the infection of lawlessness, then I will gladly do what is necessary.
You eye the journal at your lap. The freshly written ink expands and bleeds to the perfect width of the quill. Satisfied that it won't smear, you shut the book and toss it aside. The meager fire at your feet does little to warm your body, but its original use was already completed. The frail, thin-boned squirrel did little to satisfy your hunger. Still, it would keep you alive until the next meal. You pull the leather waterskin from your pack to gauge how much longer it would last. With a gentle shake, you estimate it'll last a couple more days with strict rationing.
The road is lonely. In a former life, you dreamed about wandering the world without any responsibility or burdens. The reality of the road's harsh living conditions were nothing like the trigger-happy romanticized versions of the lawless west. Here there are no home-cooked meals, no warm body to lie next to yours. It's only you and the necessary task. Someone had to die.
You gaze up at the night sky. It seemed foreign at first. Without city lights to disorient the constellations, it looked like an entirely new sky. If you traveled at a good pace, you'd reach Canyon Diablo by midday. You pull the bone-carved pipe from your pack and light a match against the sole of your foot. You lie down on your bedroll, breathe in the relaxing tobacco, and drift off to sleep...
Author's Note:
The Wild West is a dangerous place. Be sure to make good use of that "back" button. I've hidden three achievements throughout the story. Yes, your total score will show if you've discovered them or not. The highest score possible is an 8/8.
Point Breakdown:
Achievements: 1 point each
Epilogue: 5 points
Entry for mizal's Lone Hero contest.
8/28/19 Update: Fixed the symbols appearing in the description
Articles Written
Embracing the Writing ProcessEmbracing the Writing Process II
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I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 9:36:18 AMInteresting comments 10 on 3/2/2025 2:02:42 PM
How could I improve my intro? on 2/20/2025 12:20:07 AM
The wind howls, swirling around and raking it's icy hands over the faces of anything that's unfortunate enough to be wandering around outside.
This opening sentence is like having my eyes raked by icy hands.
The wind howls and swirls, raking its icy fingers over any unfortunate souls wandering outside.
Not great, but easier to read. Fingers feel more raky than hands. Just my opinion.
Once emerald green tree leaves wilt, turned down in submission to the frost.
There is much too much, muchacho. Not every description needs the attention you're giving it. Emerald and green have the same effect. Cut one. Or cut both. The focus is leaves wilting in submission to frost (cool imagery).
An ocean of snow spreads itself over the grass, marking the trails of men and creatures that tread across it alike.
Too much. Check for words that have no impact whatsover: An ocean of snow spreads [delete] over the grass, marking the trails of men and creatures [delete] [delete] [delete] [delete] alike.
Dull grey skies look on from above, allowing rays of sunlight to emanate from overhead, poking through the branches here and there.
Again, trim the fat. "From above" and "overhead" seem redundant. I know which direction the sky and sunlight are. Also think about what you're writing. Dull grey skies allow rays of sunlight? I imagine a thick cloud layer with "dull grey." Also this is America. It's gray, damn it.
Robins cease their birdsong, opting to conserve their strength to weather the biting cold.
This is pretty good, nothing like the over-descriptive mumbo-jumbo above. I suggest reading through the rest and simplifying things. I'm sure you'll discover other words that need deleting.
❆ Secret Santa 2024 ❆ on 1/12/2025 11:22:03 AM
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/4/2025 1:53:23 PM
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/4/2025 1:41:37 PM
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/4/2025 11:45:48 AM
Heavenspire used two Staind albums:
1. Break the Cycle
2. Staind
Alter Bridge is the other band I'll primarily listen to for fantasy writing, rotating between 1-2 albums, start to finish. Blackbird may or may not have been the inspiration for the cleverly-titled Blackbirds storygame.
Sterling and the other degenerate storygames (Rockstar, Degenerate, True Life, etc.) used redneck rock. Music that's basically propaganda for Budweiser and Marlboros and no-ass blondes. Perfect to set the mood.
Santa's Ninja Helper on 12/31/2024 12:52:43 PM
Potter? I hardly know 'er! Reading list. on 12/30/2024 6:42:08 PM
Potter? I hardly know 'er! Reading list. on 12/30/2024 6:38:56 PM