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New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 1/7/2023 3:14:41 PM

Lone Hero Contest

Yesterday, in the only real country, we celebrated INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM. For those of you not taking part in shameful degeneracy, let me announce a new contest for FREE and INDEPENDENT, larger than life heroes and anti-heroes. Think classic Westerns, samurai films, and Mad Max. Knights and monks and rogues. A stranger comes out of the forest, crosses the desert, or comes sailing in from a distant star. Their past is a mystery, and they may ride off into the sunset within the week, but an evil will be defeated and the community they arrive in will never be the same. Deadline is 11:59 PM August 18th, CST. A generous enough timeline even if you're entering the succubus contest, but I'd advise not waiting till the last minute. (You will anyway, I know...but I'm not angry. Just disappointed.) This contest will release you from SHAME (if you are in this unfortunate state) and if there are at least three entries the winner will receive 125 points. Those who enter and don't win will receive a strong feeling of self worth and self respect and the knowledge that they're not as useless as everybody else. Those who promise to enter but don't produce a story, or don't meet minimum site standards will be harshly punished, of course... And note that if you DO publish something, it must remain up for at least a week. None of this publishing to avoid SHAME and then pulling it down again 20 minutes later nonsense. I know that trick. I invented that trick.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
If this doesn't get some good results in, I am going to be pissed and will probably cry.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
As a community activity, you guys may find and embed appropriate movie clips and music to help everyone GET HYPE for the theme. Here's one to start with:

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

For all my bruddahs making post-apocalyptic stories for the contest:

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Some good old western music.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I guess End and I are fighting over contestants now, but as he himself already pointed out, I have the power of a weirdly high percentage of asexuals on my side. All of you obviously can relate so much more to loners than to boners or anything wanting to have sex with you.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

All in

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Does this have strict genre restrictions? For example, would a medieval high fantasy Lone Hero be acceptable?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Open as far as genre. Fantasy, post-apoc, sci-fi, or even horror are the ones that spring to mind, but if someone has an idea for something else that's fine too.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago


I call it "The White Knight" ... A story of a bold and fearless incel, who stands alone against his own kind to defend the fair M'Ladies on internet forums. Sadly, just like opening doors or pulling out chairs, the fair maidens still do not deem to notice their Mountain Dew guzzling saviour. Still, he refuses to give up. And so the brave soul wonders on from reddit thread to reddit thread, in the hopes of one day feeling the sweet and tender embrace of an entirely platonic and awkward half-arm hug. ^_^

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I'm just waiting until someone tries to make a succubus lone hero. I'll see if I can come up with any ideas, but I have a lot on my plate atm irl.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Funny because my succubus story idea kind of fits the mold of both of these contests to a certain extent. But obviously a single storygame can't be entered into two contests.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Since when?

Not like I care if you submit the same story, I mean the only limitation on this would be if Mizal insists on submitting a new story for her contest.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I was considering it last night, but after sleeping on it that's gonna be a no from me. Everyone will be trying to combine them and I don't want every single story in mine to be one I've already read and both contests to be limited to being about a hero saving people from a succubus.

I'm sorry to be the unfun one. Don't worry, I'll still be proud of you all even if you only manage to enter End's contest. Sort of...I guess....

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Would giving the lone hero a companion be against the rules? Like, a lone duo? Or is this a hard one protag. only?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I guess I wouldn't disqualify a sidekick or whatever because I'm sure everybody's will involve other characters to varying degrees, just be aware theme will be taken into account as part of the judging.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Is it really necessary to lock my post?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Yeah put me down for this one

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Hell yeah, this sounds nice. I officially declare my entrance.

Pls leave unlocked in the event of me waiting until the last minute and having nothing to turn in.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Will do

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I'll get in on this

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Haha excellent. I don't get JUST all the aces, but also the Catholics.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Am I really the sum total of Catholics on this site? That's disconcerting

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
You're the only one who matters to Mizal.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I'm touched and my heart is warmed

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Is there a deadline to announce entering?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I strongly disapprove of the 'heh heh, l'll just write the game first and THEN enter the contest, I'm so clever' flavor of cowardice. But I didn't include an intent to enter deadline since it's entirely possible to put out a decent game over a single weekend, and also the purpose of this was to get some fools out of the SHAME pit for once.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Hey a cowards got to do what he has got to do to not be double shamed.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Yeah, what else can they do? Write?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Does my protagonist/POV character have to be the lone hero, or can they be someone else interacting with them on their journey?  The plot would still revolve heavily around this lone hero, the story just wouldn't be from their perspective.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
The protagonist and the POV character don't *necessarily* have to be the same thing, so I'd accept this.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Count me in!  This should be fun.  

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Sounds interesting, might as well give it a go. Does it have to be a certain length?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Even though I'm neither ace nor Catholic, I'll do it.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I hope Mizal is keeping track of who is actually in this contest.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I am so confused EndMaster, are you still gonna make your yummy content or are u retiring?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

What the hell are you even talking about?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I think they want more stories from you rather than you making these contests. I don't know why they posted it here though.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with you?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Uhhhhh... Sorry?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I'm confused too. I don't understand anything that has been said or why this is happening in my thread.

I was just going to delete but I figure odds are good the noob well say something else cringey if I leave it be, and I know you guys like that sort of thing.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Trial by fire baby. I'm new here. I've never made a single storygame. I'm in. Time to see if this greenhorn can dance around the SHAME pit y'all are climbing out of and come out alive, or even win - like hell I will. 

Good luck everyone.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Have fun, and don't disappoint.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Fuck it. I'm in.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
This is shaping up to be a very good contest for readers, if you all don't fail horribly.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

No promise on that, I've barely midway through planning

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I may or may not join in the near future

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
You can't fake like you don't know how to write anymore. I'm gonna expect an entry from you so better get to it.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I'm sorry but what you ask is impossible

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Officially in 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Official list of entrants: Chris113022 Ozoni Fluxion Chanbot Ficsean_Chef SpartacustheGreat Zealot Ninjapitka lordkarstark Jacoder23 corgi213 ghost11 Serpent Official list of entrants where I have no idea whomst the fuck they are: jster02 Kooky_von_Koopa JCjr Darkfox432 - BANNED LoudbutSilent White_Rose For the couple of you who were on the fence, I couldn't stand to see you in such indecisive torment so I went and pushed you in. @Reywalker786 You crashed my thread to fawn over Endmaster, you're in it now bitch. Best get to writing.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
A contest where you draft people into it would be funny.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I kind of got drafted into this one.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
Woah my lady, I never volunteered for this one. I just asked about it. I'm concerned about your other contest, honestly. But if forced to I'll throw in a short storygame.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

What the crap is this nonsense

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

I approve of Mizal's succubus tactics of luring men to their ruin.

jster02 is some OLD noob that entered a contest a long time ago and then just fucked off somewhere earning SHAME. Sort of figured he'd just be on the SHAME list permanently, but I guess he now has a chance to climb out of the pit.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
I saw you do the same thing in another contest, it's where I the idea. Only they weren't fools enough to whine about it in that case.

I kind of like Ford's idea actually. If I ever decide to do one of these again I may just summon a bunch of people to the thread and tell them they're in it. This is real life, not some storygame; why do we even let them make choices at all?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
It's not so much being drafted into yours so much as the short turnaround and then the November contest. Both are great story contest ideas.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago
If you are actually working on something for the End of the Year contest, you've had half a year to do that.

The Succubus Contest was pretty spontaneous but the contest overlap isn't a bad thing, I see nothing wrong with getting shorter stories for mine, it's simple enough to plan them out that way. And the close deadlines might light a fire under people's ass to actually write.

With just a handful of exceptions, 2019 has been pretty dire so really any stories at all by regular members are welcome.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

5 years ago

Lol, I didn’t know anyone noticed my existence.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I'll join

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
You're probably on drugs right now but sure!

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

oh, fuck. 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Now that the other contest is over and I guess some of you will be starting on this one, just pointing out that nothing in the OP requires the mysterious hero to be the POV character also.

Just bringing up that there are options since it was mentioned that it may be hard to capture the right atmosphere when the story is told directly through the hero's eyes and with their backstory known.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I don't suppose the hero's backstory has to STAY a mystery, does it?  Is it alright if parts of it get revealed over the course of the story?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
There's no actual requirement related to that, it's your story. I was just addressing specific concerns someone had brought up about the POV character.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Alright then, thanks for the clarification.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I have managed to kill @Ficsean_Chef, but I'm sure I will be expected to submit a story in his place.

So be it. I announce my entry.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Looks like I have once again proven myself to be an incompetent shitbag.

Instead of rushing out several thousand words of incoherent nonsense, I will call it a loss and take my time to create a story actually worthy of being published.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
You say that every time, and look where it's gotten you.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
@Serpent has officially declared his intent to enter.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I never said anything about this contest! I forgot this was even a thing!

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Editing you Discord post was clever but it won't save you in the end.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
What post?!

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Even though I was framed I guess I formally announce my entry here.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
That's the spirit!

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Hey! I am just seeing this rather late, but I want to join as well. I have an idea for a short story and have been wanting to enter one for awhile. I am hoping this post keeps me accountable and I'm able to make the dead line. If not have mercy on me while I'm in the shame pit. Also if it matters I am a christian and was raised catholic. I saw something about this in the thread 0.o

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Great, you're in! But in the event of SHAME you'll have to see the Pope if you wish to purchase indulgence.

May God have mercy on your soul.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Do I sit, stand, or kneel for that? I haven't been to catholic church in awhile.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

You will likely do a lot of kneeling depending on who you're in the SHAME pit with.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

0.o I'm going to write literally all night now. 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Put me in

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Glad to have you.

Nice you've caught contest fever, it's keeping you around more.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I agree, its fun to have a goal not just a story idea. 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

It’s not too late to enter right?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
There's no cut off date for intent to enter. And to protect you from second thoughts, you're in it now.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

6 days left to bring something of value up, 0 days since I have joined. Let the games begin (how do you submit a story to a contest, or do you just publish or something?).

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Publish something with the Contest Entry tag. Oh, and mention it here too.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

KK, thanks. You seem like a nice peep, so I must ask you to answer a burning question of mine. But not here, not now. Head on over to ¨The Lounge¨ after the heat dies down. I fear for my life. Please, make haste. -White Rose

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Six days is plennnnty of time, half the entrants probably haven't even started theirs.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

count me in the ¨working on it half¨, still in the planning stage QaQ. Best of luck. -White Rose

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
So who is going to have a finished game for me on Sunday?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

...not me QaQ, is it possible to submit an incompleted work and then take it down?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
It has to be able to meet minimum standards, and stay up for at least a week.

It's totally possible to write a good enough story in a few days or even just over a weekend. Hell it's possible to do it in 6-8 hours. You just have to plan a story that can be done in that timeframe

Being a complete noob who's never done one of these though, you're probably screwed.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

mizal..... you owe me a coffee, scratch that. Multiple coffees, a frappe and a smoothie. My body is gonna hate you for this.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
You signed up for it. Be happy if she spares your life.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I'll be happy if I have any life left after I'm done with ¨The Great War¨, version 2 cause the first one is a tease

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
World War 2: Electric Boogaloo

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I'll have something. I'm aiming to publish Saturday so my entire weekend won't be a mad scramble to protect the reputation of my semi-anonymous internet profile.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Assuming no earth shattering calamities occur in the next week, most likely yes.  I’m roughly 85 percent of the way done with mine, so hopefully I can get that extra 15 percent done in the next few days with enough time for some proofreading.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Fine I'll start mine. Jesus

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
If I don't have one in by this thursday I probably won't have one at all.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Are we allowed to turn our story games in early?  I'm pretty much finished with mine, (minus a little proofreading, which I'll probably get done tomorrow, if not tonight).  I'm just going out of town over the weekend, and I don't know if I'll have WiFi, so I wanted to make sure I had my bases covered.  

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

It would be a strange rule if you could not.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

lol, you're probably right.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Took a couple years, but finally climbed out of the SHAME pit.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Yup.  I forgot how nice the air smells out here.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

List of Contestants

castorgreatpoetguy (Ficsean) - SHAMED
Chanbot (Ford) - SHAMED
Chris113022 - DONE
corgi213 - SHAMED
Darkfox432 - BANNED

DerPrussen - DONE
Ficsean_Chef - BANNED
Fluxion - SHAMED
ghost11 - DONE
Jacoder23 - DONE
jster02 - DONE
Kooky_von_Koopa - SHAMED
lordkarstark - BANNED
LoudbutSilent - DONE
Ninjapitka - DONE
Ozoni - SHAMED
pugpup1- DONE
Reywalker786 - SHAMED
Serpent - DONE
SpartacustheGreat - SHAMED
White_Rose - SHAMED

WouldntItBeNice - DONE

Zealot - DONE

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Hey, I joined too.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I keep forgetting you're even still around.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I’ll have mine done and posted before the time mentioned. I thought it was a requirement to have it done last minute, so I am waiting until then. I have started it though. Good luck to all who haven’t! 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to, but I'm gonna submit what I have. Be gentle

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

gently speaking it's probaly gonna be taken down soon. I reccomend that when it goes down you work on the meeting with clement that's bound to happen and maybe some missions you could do for the church. Indoctrinate children, help x at y location, tutor x on the teaching of Christ. You could prolly still stay true to history if you really put the effort in.

Anyways it's good work and your writing style is better than mine... QaQ

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Yeah, it definitely needs more work. I didn't write nearly as much as I thought I would for insert excuses here that don't really matter.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Before I read I'm going to ask: will you be taking it down and writing more later, or will you leave it as is?

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

He has to leave it up now or else he gets SHAMED.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I meant after the contest. If I read it while unfinished and published, I'm unlikely to go back and read it again later. So I don't want to do that.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I do plan on finishing it

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
All righty then.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago's-charge

Here's my submission for the contest.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Guess I forget to ask to be included in the contest, although I thought I had. 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Technically it's not August 18th yet so you could enter now.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I would imagine that submitting an entry would be good enough at this point, but oh well. I'm joining the contest.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Looks cool, Der; well at least the description sounds cool(although a bit short and simplistic). Let’s see how the story is.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

This is an outstanding story.


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I'm done. Find my entry here.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Hoping to finish up my story today. I wrote the original in 2 hours, I can finish up a branch about the same length in 12.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Well I’m dealing with this bullshit so I probably won’t make this contest which I never volunteered for...


Tried various fixes. Doing a PC reset now. But I suspect my machine is fucked. Doubt I can use my phone to finish but I suppose if the PC isn’t working by 2 PM I’ll try it.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I don't know what kind of strange animal porn my brother was surfing (it certainly wasn't me!), but I had to completely reinstall windows. I'm so pissed. Should probably switch to Linux like all the CS nerds tell me.

That's a Lot of Reading!

4 years ago

I don't know if mizal was expecting so many completed entries...

She's got a lot of reading cut out for her. I've read 4 of the 7 (so far) stories, and some good stuff has been submitted.

That's a Lot of Reading!

4 years ago

Well, I at least hope we managed to make her reading experience a fun one.  

I’m a little surprised myself at how many we’re getting, considering about half the people here we’re forced into it.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I'm glad I actually planned this story to be this short.

Hell Is Empty

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I really should stop joining contests then forgetting about them until the last moment.

I'd try to fix it up a bit more but I think I'm starting to see steam coming out of my laptop. Whether that means I should stop because my computer will explode or my eyes will is not for me to decide.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


You do not know pain until you rush out a contest story that you are not proud of and the only reason for it is to avoid shame. FML

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Well, what a day. What a week. My computer broke, and I figured I was fucked, because I had too much to finish not to have the full 18 or so hours left until the contest deadline (I still might be). Then, at about 5:30 PM I finally fixed it (or rather, finally figured out a way to boot in safe mode), but obviously I was never going to finish. So... I wrote another story. Started at about 6 PM, but I had no intention of procrastinating like that.

Anyway, this one loosely fits the contest requirements, IMHO, but it takes it in a direction no one else probably will (well, who knows). It does involve a lone hero, but it kind of turns the expectations on its head, since you are the villain in a lot of ways, and the lone hero, well... read it. But the best part is that it's really short!

Anyway, it ties into my last story, which will be re-uploaded this week (Witch Hunter: An Uninvited Guest), because it involves a character mentioned in a bestiary item in the storygame.


The Story of Count Osmond Jorgenson

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I hope you know that you continually unpublishing and republishing the story to fix stuff (which is against the rules btdubs just letting u kno bb <3) is flooding the Discord because the bot tells us everytime a new story is published.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I didn't know that wasn't allowed prior to the publish deadline (which is 11:59 PM CST). If so shame on me. Sorry.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Ughhhhhhhh here's my entry.


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

So I actually may not finish, I went to publish my game and it says there are too few pages to allow it to be published (6). It is a short story with only two branches. I was going to add a third, but omitted it due to time constraints. I will add it back in, but will miss the deadline. I apologize, and accept my shame.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


And the rest of you are SHAMED!

Even funnier, Mizal said she doesn't even give a shit about this contest anymore. Lol.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

i wanted to do this one. call me the next time you do a hero story i like heros

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Just pay attention to the news here. This is like the fourth contest this year. We still have one going.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

what is the contest u still have going

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

There's no real subject in this one. It's just whatever you feel you did the best with, that was published in 2019.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

F see you guys in the redemption arc.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Serpent has been disqualified for the exceeding badness of his story. It will be taken down later today but in the meantime please enjoy your free point, pointing, laughing, etc.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
"This game was made for mizal's Lone Hero contest. While it may be short, that's what happens when you put of writing it until the last moment."

I started mine at about 6 PM on the night (due to my PC having a meltdown). No excuses. XD. Of course, I do have little room to talk due to the whole publishing before proof reading fiasco, and then republishing only after I corrected a single grammatical error instead of finishing going through it the first, second, third, fourth, etc. edit.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
In six hours I've written stories about a squirrel finding love, gay necrophilia, the Earth being a giant cosmic turtle, and more. They all did reasonably well and hell, one of them even got featured. Throwing shit together at the last minute may be a proud CYStian tradition, but it didn't have to be literal shit.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Gay necrophilia? I'm intrigued.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I can't say I'm surprised at this, as I'm 99.9999% certain that this was Serpent fantasizing he is EndMaster raping... well, other mods.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Well darn. And I spent all this time reading through it and reviewing it, desperately trying to find something redeemable. But yes, every ending I read ends with either gay rape, attempted gay rape, regular rape, or pedophilic bestiality rape. It was also the first time I think I've ever left a review where I didn't think that the writer could possibly fix the story, short of writing an entirely different story.

And excuses of "It was rushed" don't work. Both because of the reasons the other members explained, and because Serpent waited ten days after joining the contest to even say that he was starting. This story, and situation, were both very disappointing.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
My stance has always been that it's better to just rush out a story than to be SHAMED. Serpent has changed all this. Now I know better.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Ah darn. I was going to edit my post to add that some of my disappointment stems from the fact that I believe Serpent to be capable of more than this. It just seemed like they didn't care about their work and rushed something out. It's insulting both to the reader and to themselves. 

Either way, I really have been enjoying the contest entries so far. There are many unique and interesting stories here. Congratulations to everyone who submitted their work and got something in. It's a pleasure to read all of your stories. 

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Oh yeah I guess I should have an official thread on this. Since I am having a REALLY BAD WEEK, getting trolled constantly by AT&T and having a ridiculously extroverted family member go 'lol surprise! I'm beginning my visit to you three days earlier than we planned, where's my room???' the contest will now employ a panel of judges. It's to save you all from me and the 1/8s I feel like handing out for no other reason than it will make you feel sad. Judges have already been selected, you don't have to do anything. It's Gower, Turnip, and Bill, and the results will be in when they're in. Also, I made my very first meme:

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

8/8 no h8 m8 it's gr8 m8

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Never forget, never forgive. Just like 9/11.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Gay sellout

Edit: Haha me in screenshot xd

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Shut your fuck, libtard.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
This is the best meme, and anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Haha yes it is best meme

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

We should make it the new permanent background for the site.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I think this is a pretty good first attempt


New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

We all dream the dream.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
Note to self: next time pick slower judges.

Anyway, results will be up when *I* finish reading.

Spoilers: Pug will probably win.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

Good to hear about Pug's story. It's very much worth the 4-5 hours it takes to read. A solid 8/8 in my book.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago

I will be pleased if any of the top three of my picks win.  This was a good crop.

New Contest Theme: Lone Hero

4 years ago
I'm several pages into pug's story and it's really fucking good. Getting a strong Geralt of Rivia vibe from Wulf, especially during the scenes devoted to his investigation.