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Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
Let's try something different this year.

At any point before the end of November, you may nominate ONE story you've published between now and then as your entry. Any length, any theme, and you can spend as much or as little time on it as you like. The only restriction is that it can't have been entered in any previous contest.

There will be no bets, no SHAMING. There WILL be prizes. (To be announced at a later date.) I'll bump this now and then as a reminder, but I don't really care about motivation threads and the like. It's your own job to motivate yourself.

I also don't care if the story was started in 2018 and I'm going to ignore anyone whining about that. If someone used the extra time to write a story so epic and amazing it can't possibly be duplicated by someone else working a solid eleven months, then screw it, they deserve the win. Whichever story you wish to enter, link it in this thread whenever you're ready. No edits will be allowed past November 30th. The voting period will last a full month and all judging will be done by the community. There will be a fresh thread closer to the date with the details on that.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Will the prizes be pats on the back?

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Probably not.

But at least it isn't a Pedo Mod Kiel contest where the prizes would be gropes in the dark.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
I just realized you probably won't even be able to be around in November. Perhaps your tiny men can still pull off a win in your absence however.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
I like the format of this competition :) Can probably submit something.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

11 months?

I'm sure I can get a good story done before then. Will probably submit a sci-fi - those can really stand out when done right.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

So I've never done this kind of thing before and i was wondering, how do you enter your story into this?

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Refer to: "At any point before the end of November, you may nominate ONE story you've published between now and then as your entry."

To nominate, I imagine it is just you replying in this thread with a link to your storygame (I'd imagine you can type something like 'I nominate this story, Best of 2019, as my entry' just so that it is clear).

Mainly you want the judges to know that you have entered and what story you have entered with. Don't miss the deadline too.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
I'll probably enter the fantasy epic I'm currently working on in this, assuming nothing comes up and I can stay on schedule to publish this summer lol.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
What about the case where you published and then immediately took down a story so it didn't technically get entered and judged? I was working on my story Ascendance and had about 20% of one of 8 story lines finished, published it, then immediately took it down due to the shame of presenting a story that was around 5% finished. Could I finish the whole thing and publish it for this?

If not, considering I only worked on one character's story, I could just do another character's story and publish all of them separately instead, choosing one to enter. Would either of these options be okay?

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

May enter a story if my writing this year goes even a little bit as I planned it to. Also am commenting to keep an eye on this thread, because just simply hitting the "watch thread" button is far too much work.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Hey, will this contest be an opportunity to get out of SHAME?

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
I hadn't put any thought into that but I suppose I'll have to rule that since this contest can't put you into the SHAME pit it can't take you out of it either, sorry.

You shouldn't sit around wallowing in SHAME a whole year anyway. Just write something quick for the next official contest that comes up.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

This will at least be in the back of my head the next time I decide to write something.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago


Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Will there be multiple placings, like first, second, or third?

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
Oh and I never noticed this. And I'll likely list the scores, but there's really nothing special about being first in the pack of losers.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
If you ain't first, you're last

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Is there requirements or is it "anything goes?"

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
The rules and requirements are listed in this very thread, right there at the top.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

I wanted to make sure there was no changes.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Now Im kinda hoping she changes everything but only announces it hours before the deadline, causing thousands to fail.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
That would be beautiful.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
12/31 10:59
*unannounced edit in OP* In order to qualify, the protagonist at some point must wrestle a platypus!

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Done. Jokes on you that was fun!

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Actually when you think about it if your first you the last person to be last (think about it)

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

There is not much to think about when you fix the broken English.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago

Does he look like a bitch?

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
what? *blam*

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

6 years ago
If you read your user name backwards and out loud it sounds like a slow person saying "stupid bus." ;)

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I'm a little concerned about the fact that we're already at the halfway point of the year, and no one has published anything good yet.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I've already conceded to Price of Freedom

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Wasn’t that one originally published in 2014 though, and for a different contest? If that’s allowed I might go back and try to finish my story that was published for a few minutes for the Epic Contest. I never even finished one character’s arc, but I got a lot of positive feedback on a couple of the characters, especially the elf princess one (the funeral scene).

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
The new PoF has over 50% is brand new content and pretty much all of it was reworked.

But realistically it shouldn't be counted since it was finished last year and ready to be published on CoG at the beginning of this one. If you guys are going to give me literally no other worthwhile options though I might just have to overlook that....

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I thought Bill's story was supposed to be promising. Everyone was going on about it.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Mizal is getting up there in years and has a failing memory on a seperate, non-linear timeline, and that makes it hard for her to keep track of the dates of us scrubs.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Sure, it's good, but I mean, I was hoping for at least one mind blowing epic from a regular site member. When a published author three times the age of most of the site regulars publishes a story you expect it to be pretty good anyhow, something of the wow factor is lost there.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I was hoping for at least one mind blowing epic from a regular site member.

Well you can see where this plan went wrong.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Don't worry, Mizal. I got this.
Ineptitude 2: Electric Boogaloo is HAPPENING.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Well if you wanted that you should have went back to the era of warrior cats. There were soooo many quality stories back then. If only I had been there to see them in their prime.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

"When a published author three times the age of most of the site regulars..."

Hey now!

[Awkward pause as he stops to do the math in his head.]

Can we agree instead to "slightly more than twice the age"? My frail ego, you know...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
If you're over fifty, thrice might actually be more accurate.
Embrace that, because it decreases your chances of being called a homo faggot queer and being told all about your mom's lovely evening ahead by 15%.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Under 50... for a few more years, anyway.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
It doesn't matter what you say, the fact that you correctly identified a random Mork & Mindy reference means you old.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Yes, but you're the one who wrote that Mork & Mindy reference...

Nanu, nanu.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
To be honest Mizal I don't have that much of a desire to finish my Epic Contest story for the Best of 2019 Contest anyway. I'm more interested in finishing another one that I started just before then (but that starting point was still in 2018 and it's never been published, so it's valid according to the contest rules). If it gets a high rating I'll just let my Epic Contest entry continue to languish in purgatory. But I probably won't publish the one I plan to enter for this particular contest untill at least October.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I'll get something done eventually. My goal is to get something rated above a 6.00/8 before 2020. I already have a good idea with what I want to do, but I just need the time to do it.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Best of luck, Wibn. I'm excited to see what you come up with ^_^

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Huh. Against all odds, you're still alive.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Yep! Alive and well ^_^

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I might as well nominate this story, as I strongly doubt I'll be writing another 100k story between now and November.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Good sir!

We already know you're a great author. You don't need to go rubbing the fact that you don't procrastinate like the rest of us into our collective noses.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Procrastinate!?! You must write while you have the inspiration!

Actually, this wasn't written explicitly for a contest; it's just the story I wrote in 2019 (so far) that I want to enter. And if doing so convinces at least 1 person to read it...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I don't want to discourage other entrants, but let's be honest here, you're probably going to win.

Although Will has mentioned working on something, so maybe you'll have competition.

It'd be really sad if this came down to just picking between two people though. Maybe everyone interested is just waiting till late last minute as usual....but then the purpose being this was to remove the last minute scramble by giving *an entire year* to publish.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

"Winning" an uncompetitive contest just wouldn't be fulfilling...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I have had my story title claimed for months now. Don't you worry your pretty little head about this.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I don't see myself having time to finish another story this year, so I'll throw in Edithe Zilonis:


Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
That pic is great, lol.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Those are exactly what my arms look like, too.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Forgot I never posted in this thread lmao

I'll be nominating my fantasy story once I publish it. Probably won't win but at least there'll be more than 3 options to pick from (Bill's, MHD's, and Will's).

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I will nominate a story here. I have already finished some as backups, but I want to finish my next story for this one! 

After this month I will not have much time, so I will evaluate what my chances are of finishing and throw a story in before the deadline. I wish I could be out of the pit of shames, but I’ll worry about that later... unless someone decides to kick me off the site before then. Either way you all can submit more choices for the judges without fear: I am not a professional writer like all the other participants!

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I'll throw my hat in the ring for this contest.

Private Game for Natalie

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Well folks, it was nice knowing ya, we're about to get smoked by Gower.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
This is Chris from the future. Can confirm, got smoked by Gower. I put up a pretty good fight tho.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Fuck lol

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Still not sure if I am technically allowed to read this story or not... Either way it is very good!

P.S. Natalie if you are real, I am so sorry for prying into your relationship with Gower! Let me know if you really exist please!

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

But what about Kelly Unicorn Strider? O.O

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I must admit I have not read the other story Gower wrote, I have a long list of "must reads." This list also includes both of Bill_Ingersoll's works. I have limited time. I will read about Kelly and let you know if I believe her to be real XD

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I'm entering this contest.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago



Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I hope you brought your slingshot...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Betting 90 points on Wildblue winning.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Here's my entry: When The Music's Over.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Oh no, Ozoni may lose his 90 points now...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I do not think my epic will be done on time (given there are only 15 days left); therefore, I will just put this here:

The Chronomantic Adventures of Professor Gower: Office Hours

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I have started today after 3 days of plot and planning to write something for this contest. It is just for fun and practice, What I will end up in fifteen days. My goal is 12,000 words I have 2,100 from today..  I will deliver something at the end even if I am happy there is no shame.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I would like to put forward this storygame, my humble first contribution to the site:

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Since we just had a holiday (and because I won't be able to do a write up on this yet anyway) I'm extending the deadline until 11:59 on December 1st all the people I'm sure are doing last minute polishing on their mighty epics and could really use the weekend.

It's likely also that the actual judging period will be extended so that all of you aren't too busy rushing out your Year's End stories to vote on these ones.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
As promised, Ineptitude 2: Electric Boogaloo. Twice as inept as the original!

Ingersoll better be shaking in his hiking boots right about now

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

In the presence of this masterpiece, I am ashamed that I ever once thought as myself as a "writer." Time to go take up bonsai or some other hobby.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
I presume there will be Boobs!!!

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Perhaps. No bees though, unfortunately

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
As Wildblue has said she won't be able to enter, I've collected the 90 points from Ozoni.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
The penalty is aptly described.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Landslide Here it goes.  The best horror story I have ever made in 10 days. here

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
So this is officially closed for submissions. I was dragging my feet a bit seeing if someone would respond to my DMs about entering theirs, but they seem to have wandered off at the worst possible time.

I'll make a new thread for judging soon. Judging will be by player vote and go on for a month, or possibly a bit more...everyone's in the middle of new contest fever right now and will be in the middle of frantically trying to avoid the SHAME pit by the time the original planned voting date concludes.

Plus, obviously most of us are kind of apathetic and slow.

I'm definitely feeling that way right now but stay tuned for later.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
>I'll make a new thread for judging soon. >14 days ago

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
Time is relative

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
The judging period has to fall precisely between the end of the current contest and the start of the next one or we'll lose the three people who like to read and discuss things.

Literally was already posting about this earlier today on the board neither of you are important enough to access.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
"three people who like to read" That does not sound right. Maybe they're from some other site or something, I suppose...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Next contest? Is one already planned? They already seem to be overlapping...

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

Bucky spams them occasionally.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago

I see... once I am out of the pit of shame I need to consider avoiding contests then.

Best of 2019 Contest Starts Now

5 years ago
When it's 2020 and the Best of 2019 contest still hasn't gotten a judging thread