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End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 1/7/2023 3:15:13 PM



Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) September 6, 2021 (Labor Day)

Reward: You’ll get potential pointless points, potential commendations, potentially featured and potentially out of the SHAME pit if you’re currently in there like the big loser you are.

Also keep in mind I WILL be using EST because fuck the farmers. So when MY clock hits 11:59 PM, that’s what the fucking deadline is. If you’re unsure, well don’t wait until the last fucking minute to turn your story in.

Manifest Destiny is not actually the theme for this contest, (Though it can be) but more of the general idea of expanding the types of stories available on the site to expand our well rounded glory. I want you to produce a story from one of the categories that's under 100 stories.

Since none of you slugs actually pay attention to details, here is a list of categories that are currently under 100 stories.

Grimdark Fantasy
Family Friendly

I want to only see stories within these categories being submitted for the contest. You submit a story not in one of these categories for the contest, you get thrown in the SHAME pit.

(And yes Fanfic is under 100 too, but I don’t want to read fucking Fanfic for this contest. It's the SHAME pit, if I see it)

A few more things.

If you're joining, post that you are in here. Once you join though, you're committed, so make sure you're going to actually submit a story.

You can do whatever the hell you want within the category you’ve chosen. You want to make a wholesome family story about children finding an alien dog, you can. You want to make a wholesome historical story about being a concentration camp guard, you can do that too.

You can even go for extra credit and attempt to tie in the concept of Manifest Destiny/Imperialist Expansion in the story (A wholesome Edutainment story about the Trail of Tears perhaps)

Also I’ll be judging all these stories, except if you make a puzzle/gamey type story OR a co-authored story. In that case Mizal will read and judge mainly because she’s got more patience for that sort of stuff.

Another thing I don't want to see, is fucking "loops back to the beginning" rather than proper endings. I see this in a submitted story and it's the SHAME pit immediately.

That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to add or take away as needed.

Remember to post a link to your story here when you’re done.

Good luck.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I never wanted to enter another contest as long as I live, but I have to make sure I finish this story somehow. 

Huzzah! The great crusade to finish a story beings. 

I declare victory in this contest as my divine right.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Huzzah to Corgi for leading the charge!

I sure hope he didn't just lock himself in to a requirement to win...

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
What a terrible shame that Orange and bilbo will not be able to just finish their already started cyberpunk stories for this, an ability that all other failed entrants have.

Really should be something for everyone in those categories though, I expect a much better turn out this time.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I'll enter the contest. I was going to write something sooner or later anyway, might as well do it now.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
I will sink my blade into the hearts of the degenerates, sign me up

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago



End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Well I got hit with a wagonload of inspiration, so I'm joining. And yes, I will still try to revise FAILsafe in this time.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Fuck it. Motivation to get through the finish line and all that shit. I'm in.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Log in

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
The local AI overlord commanded me to enter.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Give me your hand and I'll give you my dick.

this is to counteract how darius is making people feel bad about their word counts. just stay above my wordcount and you can go on feeling good. if you're worse than me then you're fucked just give up and accept shame, faggot.

Progress report
7/19-7/28 a fokking page
7/29 fokking nuttin
7/30-8/9 fokking nuttin
8/10 fokking nuttin
8/11 fokking nuttin
8/12 fokking nuttin
8/13 fokking nuttin
8/14 fokking nuttin
8/15 fokking nuttin
8/16 fokking nuttin
8/17 fokking nuttin
8/18 fokking nuttin
8/19 fokking nuttin
8/20 fokking nuttin
8/21 fokking nuttin
8/22 fokking nuttin
8/23 fokking nuttin
8/24 fokking nuttin
8/25 fokking nuttin
8/26 fokking nuttin
8/27 fokking nuttin
8/28 fokking nuttin
8/29 fokking nuttin
8/30 fokking nuttin
8/31 fokking nuttin
9/1 fokking nuttin
9/2 fokking nuttin
9/3 fokking nuttin
9/4 fokking nuttin
9/5 Fuck forgot about this, guess I'll stock up and bunker in. Whole new story, 5k max.

Fucking made it, best planning ever and nothing can change my mind

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
I will do my own separate game, but I am also offering to co-author another game with anyone in the shame pit. I have never been in the shame pit and always end up with the contest entries I signed up for. So, if you are interested in co-author a game and get out the pit, say it.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
@Zake loves the idea of co authoring and has volunteered.

Welcome to the contest Zake, consider yourself locked in with Mara.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Whelp. Hopping to win now so that I know my 'first story' will be good.

edit - tho using the word my is misleading, but it won't be Mara's first story.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Oh good, the three of you decided to make this contest more complicated than necessary.

Mizal can read and judge this story.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
For future reference, just so we're clear, Zake was not 'voluntold', he went into this quite eagerly. Let's hope they can keep this optimism up through September. I for one always enjoy a good social experiment, I mean what better way to learn.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Some of my rich insights into co-authoring might be missing, but I can't be bothered to check the validity (which I have no reason to doubt, it'd be a lot of effort to be misleading and all).

I didn't resist, so it wasn't being voluntold, but it I will say it felt like it. (I like the approach where you finish the story before declaring intent to enter).

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Haha, Just when I thought about it. I''m in!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I'll have now sieged this comment as my personal log for my progress. Most of it has been modified and sleeked up!

9/6: i_i

Progress report
7/20 2800 words
7/21 7000 words
7/22 9300 words
7/23 13444 words
7/24 15649 words
7/25 19121 words
7/26 22.000 words
7/27-7/28 SHAME
7/29 23532 words + SHAME
7/30-7/31 30000 words 
8/1 32140 words
8/2 34636 words
8/3  40117 words
8/4  42920 words
8/5 46051 words 
8/6 47770 words + SHAME
8/7 50214 words 
8/8 53420 words
8/9 58607 words
8/10 62151 words 
8/11 66775 words
8/12 70279 words
8/13 73859 words
8/14 78043 words
8/15 84713 words
8/21 Main game bulk is done, all variables added in too! 
8/22 Pictures and miscellaneous stuff. 
8/23 BREAK
8/24 BREAK
8/25 BREAK
8/26 BREAK
8/27 BREAK
8/28 89023 words
8/29 SHAME
8/30 SHAME
8/31 SHAME
9/4 Last testrun
9/5 Day of publication. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Contestants so far








Zake (With Mara)









End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

As usual, here's your inspiration music for this contest

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
I'm curious: Is there a deadline for ENTERING the contest? Would it be legal to, say, enter on September 5th?

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Sure, some people have done something similar before.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Okay, thanks!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
But we will all know.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Alright, I'm going to officially enter for the family friendly category; I'm making good progress and my story is very short so I'm not to concerned about missing the deadline

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Locked! Good luck.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
I've wanted to try entering a contest, lucky I guess it came!
Count me in for a Family Friendly story.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Hmm, competition!

(LOCKED and welcome to the contest).

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I have nothing going on for the next month, hopefully I can get out of the shame pit.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
Very much looking forward to featuring Chairman Mao: Zionist Messiah in historical or edutainment.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I might. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

It's short but I published something in time. Happy Labor Day/Rosh Hashana.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

What the hell, I'll do something relatively SHORT. Count me in

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Oh for extra funzies since I know some people do this anyway with contests, be sure to put at the top of your story description 

"For End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest"

That way whenever Zape or whoever else is putting these into the IFaggotryDB, the description of the story has my name plastered as the first thing seen. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
I think it'd be good also to tell people to leave copies of any reviews on the CYS site, since on the IFDB they might be deleted without the author ever seeing them.

Also, I'm joining this contest.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Reviews on this site are the only ones that matter anyway.


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I'll join

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

I'll join!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
All right, I changed my mind about the prizes.

If there are at least six qualifying entries: $25 Comixology card

If we make it to twelve entries: $50 from Steam or Amazon or Walmart or somewhere, or maybe just Cash App. Highly dependant on whether you're in the US or not however.

So, Americans: don't let any foreigners win. Besides just being an embarrassment, it only complicates things on my end.

If we don't even get to six entries, then fuck you all, I'll go buy a CoG game to wipe my ass with.

Allthough I really will be surprised (disgusted) if no one who failed the Cyberpunk contest takes advantage of this opportunity to easily get unSHAMED. You all have quite the head start with sci fi stories already partially written, there's really no excuse for not taking advantage of the month and a half extension on it.

Unless you're Orange or bilbo, who won't be allowed to.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

For some reason I smell the american bias in this post though this time I will let it slide. It would indeed be an embarassement if an American would lose a manifest destiny themed contest cough...cough.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
I could give Mara an Amazon card, and she'd still have to spend 30 euros on a case of Dr. Pepper, and then pay around that much again to the Spanish mafia to be allowed to pick up an imported product from the post office.

I'm actually quite sad for the rest of the world, but it's certainly not our fault that other countries suck.

I understand she puts a lot of personal blame on the Dutch for these ordering problems too...

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
It wouldn't be the first time the responsible parent becomes the hated one.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
But really, just the fact Darius even knows what Manifest Destiny is only proves America's importance and greatness.

Meanwhile I don't know shit about the Dutch except that you like sticking things in dykes, consider a glass of boiled water to be too spicy and flavorful, and are renowned the world over for being so stupid they thought a pot with a lid on it was an oven.

I can't even find your country on a map, that's how insignificant it is. (It's called Dut or something right? Doucheland? Dutchistan?)

Anyway, apologies for the derail. All of you get back to writing, and remember that if this contest is as much of a flop as the previous (Dutch hosted) one, I'm gonna manifest my boot in your ass.

(And yes yes I know that with Gryphon and Darius' insane productivity, and Malk being in this one too it's already going to be a worthwhile one, but it's proven statistics that you guys are all more productive when we are meaner.)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Oh here's some more: Windmills, wooden shoes, drug addled whores, Muslim invaders, that incel artist that cut off his ear, eating their own prime minister and the country's whole existence solely relying on the courtesy of people not farting in the water.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Okay, eating the prime minister was pretty metal, but that doesn't count because for some reason they didn't teach about that in school. And THAT would've made me remember they existed for sure.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
It is very American to spit out ignorance like it's a virtue. Don't feel special about being included in our education system.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Next time call us "Fat Americunts" for the more condescending Euro tone.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Sometimes ignorance is sad and disgusting, like the way all of Europe willfully refuses to grasp the concept of lemonade.

But then there are things it does you no good at all to know about, like the details of what Endmaster was doing in your mom's room last night.

Whatever the case, can't argue with our methods when they're working!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago
In the hypothetic case, I would grab those 30 dollars and buy a package of Reese big cup and two dr peeper cans and feel like the queen of the world.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Remember this comment, Mizal?

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Funnily enough, no one actually published a cyberpunk story. Lol and shame.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

Contestants so far

corgi213 -

Sherbert -

hetero_malk -

WizzyCat  -

TrueParanormal -

poison_mara -

enterpride -

Zake (With Mara) -

Darius_Conwright -

Reader555 -

betaband -

pugpup1 -

eatyourveggies -

tmanaking -

Gryphon - DONE

Cerracrossing -

Ford -

Nightwatch -

lopz66 -

curion -

Camelon - 

Randy_Lahey - 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

3 years ago

17 people joined so far. Honestly surprised got so many so quickly.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Your lock does nothing, but it's the thought that counts.

Good luck!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Finished this one!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I'm curious, are you allowed to enter more than one story to the same contest?

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

That seems to be going on a lot in this contest since Mara's doing that and I think so is Wizzy.

So yeah, you can.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
in for 500

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Give me your hand and I'll give you my dick.

this is to counteract how darius is making people feel bad about their word counts. just stay above my wordcount and you can go on feeling good. if you're worse than me then you're fucked just give up and accept shame, faggot.

Progress report
7/19-7/28 fuckin nothing
7/29 approx. 100 words
7/30-8/9 fuckin nothing
8/10 1000ish words
8/11 fuckin nothing
8/12 fuckin nothing
8/13 fuckin nothing
8/14 Complete change of idea. 0 words.
8/15 fuckin nothing
8/16 fuckin nothing
8/17 fuckin nothing
8/18 ~1000 words
9/5 Begin panic. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I'll join.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

It's August already. Damn

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Yep, I'm panicking now.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
real veterans wait until the last 24 hours to panic

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Here's the link to my story game for the family friendly category:  Capture the Flag

Also, I'd like to officially enter a second time, this time for the puzzle/games category.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Congrats, but stop making the rest of us look bad.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Oh, it's a really short game.  The stuff the rest of you guys are working on is much more impressive.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Gryphon has already finished his story and is now working on a second.

The rest of you probably haven't even lifted one fat finger to type a single letter on your stories yet.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Hey, my Zionist Maoist Space Opera has like half a paragraph.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I thought the horse was a human with a tv or box for a head for the longest time... and I didn't notice the rope.
maybe I can put that in a story... hmmm......

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
guess I have to make a story now. I think I'll use the one I started yesterday (or I might make a new one)... I may not be able to finish it, but I'll try

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
You can do it! You've still got a month. There's no minimum size on these, just plan for like 10k words and expand it from there if you have time.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
oh shit people plan these?!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
lol no, no... plannin is only a myth spoken about in fairy tales. I don't know how to find the word count, so I think people usually write out a typical story then put branches in there? idk I usually just start writing with a vague plan and get ideas as I write

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
A lot of people use a writing program and then just paste it over to the site, so they have the word count that way. Or if you go to an in progress story from My Stuff you get the view of the description page a reader would have, and can hover over the story length for the approximate count.

But as far as branches, had their own approach. Writing a regular linear story and adding branches is what some people do, some plan endings and major paths and then fill in the smaller ones as they go, you just need to figure out what works for you.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
thank you

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I plan to enter. (Probably either sci-fi, family-friendly, or edutainment/historical depending on which story idea I run with.) 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Starting mine today!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Hi, I'd like to enter the contest as well :)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

And you're LOCKED

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Contestants so far

corgi213 - SHAME

Sherbert - SHAME

hetero_malk - DONE

WizzyCat  - DONE

TrueParanormal - DONE

poison_mara - DONE

enterpride - DONE

Zake (With Mara) - DONE

Darius_Conwright - DONE

Reader555 - DONE

betaband - DONE

pugpup1 - SHAME

Soy_No_More - DONE

tmanaking - SHAME

Gryphon - DONE (2X)

Cerracrossing - SHAME

Ford - SHAME

Nightwatch - DONE

lopz66 - SHAME

curion - SHAME

Camelon - DONE

Randy_Lahey - DONE

ninjapitka - DONE

Mystic_Warrior - DONE

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
There's a chance I'm out of town Labor Day weekend, but what the hell. I'll present something decently-sized for a good few minutes of fun (although probably on the shorter side). And who knows, I might even publish a storygame too.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Remember it's not the size of the storygame, but how you use it.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I put "black" in the title of a storygame recently, and according to the site, the length "keeps going and going."

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Inspirational thread just for Betaband

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Sobriety still sucks but I'm determined to not bring any more shame to myself.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
This one is more wholesome. Especially now that I've pasted the correct link in.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Aw teenage beta was so cute before he became an edgelord.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
No you weren't.

And you're no edgelord.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Transferring your body will not save your SOUL if you still fail to submit a story DancesWithVegetables.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
This is the account that you can throw in the pit in event of my failure, you can ban the other ones. I only changed it because a former friends knows the name of the original account, as I explained to mizal.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

So far you're going to have a lot of company.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Would it be acceptable to post a link to an unpublished storygame?  My storygame is complete, thoroughly edited, and fully playable.  However, I would like to get a few people to beta read it before I publish it officially, and nobody is availiable to do this until after the contest.  As such, would it be acceptable to post a link to the unpublished game for the purposes of judging for the contest?

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Just pm the link to the people you want to beta read it.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I thought you already entered one, is this a second game?

But the game should be published for judging since otherwise it would be possible to edit after the deadline.

Once the judging is over you can always take it down for a bit if you need to add or fix anything, that's pretty common.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Oh, okay, thanks!

(Yes this is a second entry)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
And Gryphon is done with his second story, while the rest of you fucktards probably aren't even close to done yet.

Either Gryphon's stories are going to suck a lot due to finishing quicker than Ford in Leora's unconscious body, or you lot are actually writing something good for a change.

Of course the third option is all of you are going to suck which is the one that's most likely.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Here's mine.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I kind of hate you right now ngl.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
You'll have to get in line behind my liver and the democrats.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Here are the links to my entries:

Family Friendly category:  Capture the Flag

Puzzle/Games category:  Ruins of Anzar

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I'm wondering, how many hours are left according to your clock Endmaster ?

That is, until the deadline for this contest.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

You still got a day and some hours left.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Mine is finished: Uneasy Lies the Head 

It's sci-fi, but also works as family friendly. It's short. (I had to go with plan C and finish up a shorter idea, as my littlest niece (2) ripped up my keyboard as I wasn't giving her enough attention, so my typing now is slow as molasses. It's a great excuse to finally buy a new laptop, though.)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Here is the link to mine:


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I'm looking forward to this one, but I'm also disappointed you didn't save a log of your daily ravings anywhere, they feel like such a part of the experience.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Haha, glad that someone exerts the effort to read through my daily rambles. Next time I'll keep them in a file.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

@Mizal, I bet you weren't expecting it.

Link: The Capi's Band & the Missing Instruments

Submission for 'Zake (With Mara)'.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Zake has been a really great co-author, so I would certainly recommend him to everyone as a companion. So yeah, Co-authoring can end games.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Here the game I don't know how to link I am a boomer.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Link to my entry:

Hope you like it ^^

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I'm just barely skimming all of these at the moment, but I'm genuinely impressed that two rando outsiders managed to find the articles and read them thoroughly enough to figure out how to let the player plug in a name.

Oh and the actual writing ain't bad either.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
How long we've got?

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I think 3 hours and 50 minutes.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Ah that has to be enough to write a story

Previous month: cool plan, wouldn't work.
Previous day: no plan let's go 200 words >br<
1 AM 400 words lets go
2 AM 1k words, two paths lets go
3 AM 2k words, two deaths lets go
4 AM 2.9k words, actual story lets go
5 AM 3.6k words done, branch done lets go fuk have to copy paste to a fallback storygame because a shit limitation fuck
6 AM Finished after carefully burning a stump off.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I'm impressed

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Just wait with being impressed until you read it

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Makes me nostalgic for when I was dumb enough to enter contests... I believe three hours is my record.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

In case it wasn’t clear, I’m joining the contest. Entering a contest last minute with a large storygame was always something on my CYS bucket list. This entry is also a War on Intfiction contribution, and while it may contain some copy-pasting, I’m sure the excess words would make up for that. 

If I feel up to it, I may write a reflection on this storygame later. Some cool things I found out were:

  • You can only ever have 17 links on a page and anything more than that can be added, but just doesn’t appear
  • I’m not sure if it was a temporary glitch on my end but starting a variable with a non-zero number doesn’t work
  • I actually enjoyed writing some death scenes near the end
  • Low self esteem nearly stopped me from publishing this storygame today

Good luck with your storygames, everyone! 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I was looking on my list for your name and then it was like "Oh, Mystic did the whole finish the story THEN announce you're joining the contest tactic."

Never fails.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Ooh, now I'm excited for this one.

I don't always approve of this kind of contest crashing, it needs a certain amount of true CYStian swagger to pull it off. Like if they just creep in with a barely qualifying entry and were too timid to commit to even that, that's lame. Genuinely better to talk big and fail disastrously because at least that's entertaining.

Kicking the door in and slamming a 175k tome down on the dining room table while all the nobles are feasting and getting ready to load some peasants into the pillory now, this pleases me. I could really stand to be surprised like this more often. I shall inform MHD she'll be hearing from you about that commission soon.

(That variable thing is odd though, not an issue I've ever run into. I'll have to look into it some.)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I clicked on the image of the castle door more times than I care to admit.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Now that I think about it, I should have linked the image to my storygame too.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Hmmm, it seems you wrote a story about little girls being raped and maimed.

If you werent a site member that's been here for years, I would think you someone who wrote this story with one hand, and the other hand 'busy' for reasons.

The edgelord contest was months ago, Paranormal! 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

LOL just seeing this now. No, actually, the entire experience was quite uncomfortable. I'm more into writing different kinds of horror. I hated every second of it but I am glad it is over.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Old Malk would have fallen into the shame pit and never escape. New Malk is made of sterner stuff.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I had my fingers crossed on you failing. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

You should know better

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago's not as done as I wanted to be, but enough to save me from SHAME. I hope.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago


End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I can't believe Ford has failed. And I also have to read through all 26 endings of Paranormal's loli rape erotica so that I can give the objective, professional, and completely unbiased Thara review that everyone no doubt knows and loves so well. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Ford was already in the SHAME pit too, so he's double SHAMED now. Though he's been there a few times before, so he might crawl back one day.

Pugpup got himself double SHAMED as well.

Besides those two, six others including Corgi got regular SHAMED.

Then there was the fucktard that joined and then got banned, but they don't even count anyway.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
We all know the true winning move is to not enter and then to write nothing, and also to not judge so I don't have to read anything either.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Am I bitch for wanting more people to get shamed?

I say this as someone who has already speed-read through most of the entries already. I'm quite happy with what has been produced and this is once again a wonderful, joyous and momentous day for CYS.

This makes me want to finish up my own writing.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Nah, I like SHAMING more people too. It's easier and less work.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Tbf, this wasn't my original plan either. You can blame it on my grandmother. Well, really, the movie she was watching and a bird cage.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

This proves that you can’t trust grandmothers. Moms or bust. 

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

100% agreed on that one. Now I can get back to writing what I actually want to lol

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

And now I can safely post in the contest thread.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
You'd be amazed at how many never figure this out.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Wait! I'm done.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Timestamp: 12:01

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Please let it count, I finished in the last minute.

EDIT: Thankyou very much!!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Fear not small one, I will personally carry you across the finish line.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Thankyou! Glad to get yor help too!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Fortunately for you (And Wizzy) the site has been slow loading up anyway, so both of yours will get you out of SHAME, if not qualify for a win. (Unless you somehow manage to REALLY surprise me.)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Thankyou!! That's good to know. I will definately add more to the story after the judging too. :)

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Good minion status allowed me an extra like minute or whatever so my story will be considered (once again, eternal gratitude to Endmaster for being merciful).

Without further ado, here is my linkypoo


Once again, I'm doing one of these. This contest came as a surprise to me, but what came as even more of a surprise was the sudden double inspiration that struck me at the start. As I was cranking out a combat scene and listening to DOOM music, I had an out-of-the-blue idea for a dark fantasy story. I never thought I even had any edge in me, so I decide that I would write 5k in a couple days and dump that heaping pile of dookie into the contest as a Get Out Of Jail Free card, and then continue working on my sci-fi entry. Instead, I got those 2.5k of the scifi story written, and then wrote slightly more than that in one day on the grimdark story, and then another 1k, and another, and another. Then a lengthy period of procrastination, during which no reading or writing happened. Then, 1k, 1k, 1k. Then, another procrastination period, although this one was school related. Then, this weekend struck, and I feverishly cranked out the last of the story after two days of being busy with family nonsense.

Because it was just supposed to be a little side project, this story had NO planning. I literally wrote until a reasonable spot for a choice came up, and then wrote some more and some more. I ended up cutting one page, which I probably will not add on despite it being a fully formed idea in my brain, and a minor arc, which I simply couldn't flesh out to a satisfying point.

Despite not planning it, I think I paced myself pretty well (disregard the fact that I almost missed the deadline), and I came into the project with goals. These are: focus on some evocative imagery, try to set a real grimdark tone, and add a little bit of humorous contrast. This is where you guys come in. Please, and I mean please, read my story! It is my first finished, final project, and I crave feedback like the demons crave manflesh. Feedback on the topics I mentioned would be doubly appreciated.

Now, I'm at a bit of a crossroads, where I kind of want to continue working on my second contest entry, because it slaps, but the FAILsafe revision is long overdue, but I also want to read all of these fresh and enticing contest entries (seriously, nice job guys, these look awesome!).

Overall, this contest was a success for me. I enjoyed writing this story a lot (more than I should have and more than I expected to) , and I feel like there's only a couple weak pages throughout the thing. I'm going to continue avoiding the SHAME PIT, and hopefully find some success along the way! Keep at it guys!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

Yeah so it's going to be awhile before I get to all these. I have to go find a coin to flip and everything, so stay tuned.

I will say despite most of you actually coming through and giving me more fucking work to do, this was a good contest to actually contribute to since the whole intention was to boost some of the categories with more stories.

17 new stories and while I'm sure some of them are going to be taken down immediately after judging (Some maybe forever), at least the attempt was made to diversify the site and give different types of stories to read.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

I'll probably only take my down to edit if it is not taking down without my control so it'll be up. Hurray.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I've seen enough that I can definitely say there are some REALLY good stories in this, the turnout was kind of nuts in terms of both quantity and quality.

This is like, a historical level of success when you look at the Done to SHAME ratios. Two plus sized entries (one of them a secret ambush entry) and then two stories from an overachiever all just contribute to the memorableness of this one.

The site has already benefited from this, and now it's merely a matter of you locating a 17-sided die to roll for the winner.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Glory to all who submitted a story in this epic contest! Nothing but S H A M E to those who saw their destiny and let it go.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I can picture your pfp saying that.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Honestly I really would've liked to enter this one, I've got a small cyberpunk story I'd have tried to rush out if I'd been about to get Saturday evening and today off like I was originally supposed to. I really do miss that last minute rush and euphoria.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
A little sad to be in the stories that are good enough category when there are so many that are just plain good. Next time I'll pace myself, I pretty much wrote this entire thing in two sittings: one when I started and one today. I didn't even get to put what was supposed to be the main path in at all. But everyone seriously did such a great job, congrats!

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
I was wondering why there were so many storygames being published, now I know.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
Quite impressive numbers overall. There were 24 declared entrants. That's right at the average for CYS contests over the last decade, the average is 23.3 entries (highest 35 in the summer slam from 2018; lowest 7 in the Fan Fiction contest from 2019). More interesting are the completions. The average rate of completion is a solid 50.4% for all contests. It does range wildly from a completion rate of only 25.0% (Epic contest) to 72.4% (Ballad contest). With a full 16 entries completed, this contest is above average, with a 66.7% completion rate. Either there's better noobs or perhaps more people are afraid of the shame pit. Good job for all those that entered and actually wrote something! Thank you for contributing to this site.

End Master's Manifest Destiny Contest

2 years ago
While I haven't crunched the actual numbers, percentage of actually finished + actual quality of those stories definitely puts this one high up there. I don't believe there will be nearly as many getting yanked down by their authors for "edits" that never materialize after the judging this time either.

I'm pretty proud of End for not just publishing his story and declaring himself the winner to save himself from all this reading once he saw the way things were going.