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Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Hear ye! Hear ye! The start of the unofficial contest...begins officially! 

Are you a newcomer without much experience writing cyoas, or looking for that extra push to finally publish something? Looking to test your mettle against your fellow cys members? Then you've come to the right place!

Theme: Medieval/Fantasy Adventure

Focus:  The story must revolve around a King, Queen, Knight (or even a page or squire), or some other nobility as they go about ruling their kingdom or go off on some adventure fit for one of high and mighty status.

Deadline: April 15th at 12am EST.

The deadline to announce your entry is April 1st. Also be aware that storygames should be created on the site at least 48 hours in advance, otherwise you will not be able to publish them and may fail the contest.

Entry: Participants must formally post their intent to enter on this thread. There is no point fee for entering, and no SHAMING if you happen to fail. 

Prizes: The first place winner will receive these fabulous prizes!

100 points

A smidgen of my affection 

A sliver of Sabley's admiration

A sample of AYT's wholesomeness

A scrap of immunity from Wibn's hickabilly wrath

Second Place will receive an honorable mention and some honor as well.

Judged: The Judges will be AYT, Sabley, Wibn, and myself. The first and second place winners will be announced shortly after the deadline has passed and entries have been submitted.

Requirements: The submissions must meet minimum site requirements or they will be disqualified during the judging period. If you publish a story without posting intent to enter, you will also be disqualified. 

If none of the stories meet minimum site requirements there will be no winner, and you will receive my disappointment as well as Sabley's and AYT'S hatred.

Have fun and good luck!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Sir Corgi, I formally declare my intention to enter this contest. 

The perversions of Triclops shall not go unpunished.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Don't fail to submit, or I shall be forced to smite you like an unwashed heathen.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Yes, sir!  I won't let you down.

I came through last time, didn't I?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I apparently gave that one a 1/8.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Details, details.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
This is a good theme and you've given them plenty of time, plus classic fantasy has to be about the most popular genre there is and simple to write.

I'm not giving 100 points out for half-assed crap though, that's an insane amount of points for a contest. That's what featured stories get. So if everybody flakes and somebody wins by default with something they rushed out, too bad.

You probably should've set a minimum number of entrants for there to be a contest at all.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Yes, if no one writes anything good then no one wins!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Don't worry, in time you'll learn to always go into things with the assumption that other people are lazy and worthless.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I shall partake in thy competition.

I will be submitting  Nebula Horde, my entry for this contest, on the 10th of April.

The game will follow the actions of Prince Exos of the Aeria Kingdom, which is under siege during the events of the game.

Should everything turn out well, there should be 3 main paths with 6 endings - not counting deaths.

(EDIT - Think of the video game Fabled 3 for reference. The game will kind of work like that.)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I'm not too familiar with any Fabled games but your story sounds interesting. Good luck and I look forward to reading ti!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I'm a big fan of the Fable games. This sounds interesting and ambitious, I look forward to reading it.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

So am I. I have decided to change the MC to a different prince, so Prince Exos will just be the elder brother.

   I will strive to keep the plot itself original, but I do plan on adding my own twist to the preparation segment of the game(s).

Also, after getting some structuring done, I have decided to have 2 main routes that branch off to 3 different paths each.

I am really loving writing this. Can't wait to publish it!

(EDIT - Also, I have changed the name of the kingdom to CalitusI will mayhap use the other kingdom name in another story.)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Why pick the worst game in the Fable series?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I know, right!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Of all the freaking contests to have my favorite genre, AND you have it due in April. Yeah that’s a double no. Maybe if it was due in February, then I might join, but I probably won’t be here for half the contest. 

Will elaborate in the discord.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

That doesn't make sense. You're saying if the contest was due in February you'd have time, given that it's due in April, you'd still have the same amount of time available, you'd just be submitting it a whole lot earlier than most people.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

He was whining in the Discord about being above competing with squires and only considering joining if someone such as Steve or Mizal do.  

He's just scared that he won't come through and will be beaten by me with a thousand word piece of crap again.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Yeah I just read it. Not sure why not seeing the results is an issue. I mean he's going to come back from the jungle and back to civilization eventually, he can see the results then.

Unless the natives he's trying to convert, cook him and eat him I guess.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

If no one submits anything even remotely decent Eternal should win.

Hell, Eternal should win anyway.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
This is the kind of contest I like: 3 months until you have to commit. I'll start writing and if I have something by the end of March I'll join.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Just join, there aren't any consequences if you dont turn anything in. So you mind as well make things interesting by joining officially. You have nothing to lose and everything to win.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Good point. Although I do have my pride to lose. ;)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I'll sweeten the deal, if you join and win you can become my THIRD squire, along with all the honor and benefits that come with that alone.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

He probably wouldn't be any worse than that brony Triclops.

Hey, @3iguy!  Are you planning to participate in our duel, or have I become Corgi's Champion by default?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I've already agreed.

I am not a brony.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Just making sure you post in the official thread, in which all are required to announce their intentions before the first of April.  


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Hmmm... That's a tempting offer. I'll try to start something in these next two weeks and if it feels like it's going somewhere I'll join.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I’ll participate, let’s see if I’m able to complete my Bohemian story but I’m infested with this horrible disease called ‘procrastination’. Also wagering in 20 points, that should be enough for self-motivation.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I am looking forward to that one; so please don't mess this up.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Glad you're in, but we're not betting with this contest. It's purely win or lose this time!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Oh, alright. I’ll have to find some other way for self-motivation then.


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Kind Sir Corgi,

Although I am filled with trepidation at the prospect of this quest, I would like to announce my full intentions to enter.

Except to see a pathetic submission from me, or none at all.


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
except the unaccepted

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

i wish i understood what this means.

very ominous.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I hope you win.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
An expectional bit of guidance.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago


Who goes the writing?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Count me in, Corgi :)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Current Contestants so far


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Count me in.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Awesome! Glad to have you Clam and Ford.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Our trust in you is... small.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Indeed. Many would not notice I'm in at this point but I see you're quite shallow and observant.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Not that I judge race but do you happen to be Russian?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Talk about the contest or get out of the thread.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

That's not very nice

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Are you referring to some polish stereotype about russians?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I don't even remember what I was joking about

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago





Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Alright. As I have nothing left to lose I guess I'll join in. I need some redemption after my last few contests.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Four judges seems like it could lead to issues when the quite reasonable possibility of two people finding one game to be the best and another finding a different game to be the best, as both would almost definitely have the other game as their 2, meaning there'd be a filthy tie.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
You could try instant runoff voting, though with such a small number of judges and stories, it could still end up with a tie...

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I don't really see a downside to Corgi's first contest ending up a disorganized disaster tbh.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I think Corgi got a tie-breaking judge to fix this potential problem.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
There's 9 announced and this is "unofficial?" I think the over/under on number of actual completed entries is three...

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Noticed just now that all the judges hate me.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Guess you'll just have to write a game so clearly superior to the others in every possible way that they can't vote against it without making their bias obvious. Good luck with that.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

So just like every contest.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Nah, I don't hate you. You're still the CYS extention thingy guy, so that's a good thing.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I can probably get over the fact that you made me deeply uncomfortable one time over a personal pic of mine and that you also once posted a gross cartoon dick pic in a discord server filled with underage kids if, like Mizal said, you write something clearly superior to every other entry.

I'll be a fair judge

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I'll state my intentions to join, and hopefully I'll submit something. I need to get back to writing, and this will serve as adequate practice.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Still really tempted by this, it's such a good prompt. But noooooo moooooore contests.

Anyone started theirs yet?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

It's unofficial. Join us :)

I'm about two pages deep. The program I'm using has a handy timer setting and seeing my 600 word per hour pace is enough to motivate me to start right away. 

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I have.  I have yet to finish the draft of the first main branch though, but I am getting there.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Yup started myself, but it’s not much, almost finished the ‘bad choices’ play through of the first protag but it’s comparatively smaller as to the ‘good choices’ play through. (At least according to what I’ve planned, who knows what might happen, the future is unpredictable after all...)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Bumping this.

Also, how goes the writing, my honored contestants?  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I bet Ford's word count is... hm... All the Words, EVER.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
Completely forgot about this. I have some stuff on paper but not on CYS.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
So awesome 8/8!!!!!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I just finished to two endings last night, Sir Corgi.   Somehow wagering Wibbons's honor is a much better motivation than putting my own on the line.   

I am thinking I might put the (so far unrevised) finished path up on the site for sneak peek.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I’m super excited to read it once it’s finished!! Good luck! I’m sure it’s fantastic so far. :)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

Thank you!  

Let's hope.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

This would be very nice.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago
I finally got an idea, so put me on the list, please. No guarantees, but since there's no penalty, I'll periodically work on it until a couple days before the deadline and then cram like hell in a desperate, mad dash to finish on time. I'm thinking this will be a prequel to my failed, SHAMED, and withdrawn EPIC contest story (which I do fully intend to finish, maybe this year).

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

6 years ago

I want in.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

How is progress everybody?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

At four non-death endings and just under nine thousand words, I am not quite halfway through tje planned story.

If the deadline were tonight, I would not be pleased with myself, but there would be something of a story to submit.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Forgot this existed

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I am on schedule. 

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Better than I feared, worse than I hoped. I've let the story get away from me.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Made it about 18.5 pages so far.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
2.5 pages :/

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Yikes. Did you at least get an outline mapped out?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Honestly, with 2 months to go, it's not really an issue, yet.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
I'm amazed anyone has even bothered to start.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I know that if I wait until the last couple weeks I'll just have a repeat of last time.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
A vague one. I've had writer's block on the outline for two weeks. I'm doomed.


Lol but I'll do something I'm sure. 2 months is plenty of time (to procrastinate until three days remain).

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Not super great. I was consistent with writing and world building for the first couple weeks, but haven’t really touched it since. I’d like to blame it on a busy schedule, but there are definitely “winding down” activities that I could cut out to focus on the story. I tend to not be very productive writing at home, so maybe it’d be smart to head to the local Starbucks as much as possible. I’ve created the initial main characters and brainstormed through a bunch of badass adventure scenes I’d like to include. The problem I’ve run into is introducing the conflict or heroic adventure without being cliché, bland, or illogical. Once I get passed that, it should be smooth sailing.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Can I get in? If so, I'm in now. 

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

yep, knock yourself out


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!  

Updates! Get your Updates here! 

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Updates?  What's an updates?  Oh, yeah, updates.  I added a page today.  I'll write some more tonight.  That's all I have to say on that.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
forgot this existed...oh, here I go again...

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Oh right, Corgi had a contest.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I would like to enter.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
And win?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Well yes but actually no.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Isn't it 6am for you? And you started posting at 10pm? Are you planning to sleep, ever?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Corgi would love for you to enter this.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

As there is no penalty for failing, I would like to join. I have a idea that might work.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

A newcomer rises from the masses, will they succeed?  Will they obtain honor, glory, and notice by the gods?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Hi, I would like to join too, since it's a theme I like in general. Nothing to lose and in the worst case I'll give the peasants honored CYS members an opportunity to raise their pitchforks justified complaints.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Count me in!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Mine's here

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Here's the link to mine.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I see the Kingdom Come references right here at the start. Bold going with something that's been covered recently, could be wise going with something familiar depending on how you wrote it. I'll look forward to reading it.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Your competition has arrived, FAGGOTS!


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Tick tock. Anyone gonna submit a last minute storygame, or will all y'all just be a bunch of lazy bastards?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Good thing I never entered.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

If I remember correctly, you did enter. But for some strange reason, your joining post has 'mysteriously' gone missing all of a sudden. Some peasants may think an admin is creatively using her privileges. However I don't blame you, it's completely natural behavior for the lady of the land site.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
OR, your memory is just very bad. My dearest peasant child, you should probable cease these fanciful imaginings now and get back to work, they won't do you any good and could possibly even be very harmful! (To you.) (And your entire family.)

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
You're pretty dumb, you know?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I'm just going to say one thing; don't play with fire pretty child. You might get burnt...and badly at that.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Mine is finally done, pfew. Just in time. I know it's a wacky title, that's intentional.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
If you really wrote 60k without copying and pasting or filler, that is impressive.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Wow, that's a long one. I haven't read it yet, but congrats on the length at least.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Glad you made it.  

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I have some questions. Do the fame and popularity numbers actually do anything? Why even add a female option(other than increasing the total length)? Did you know that you actually applied to Corgi’s contest and not ‘cori’s’? What is your native language if it’s not English? How come you have a profile pic, but your profile still says “no profile entered”? What is the highest level of education you’ve received? 

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Have you ever been arrested?  Do you drink?  What is your relationship with your mother like?  Do you ever have violent or suicidal thoughts or urges?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Is this for me or RNDGamer? I’ll answer anyway. No. No. Depends on your definition of violent.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Hi, thanks for taking the time to write a detailed comment on my story game (It can help me improve). So I'll try to answer yours.

Yes, fame and popularity determine the outcome of some choices (Okay far not as many choices as I would have wanted), but they mainly serve to decide what ending you'll get. Popularity < 0 gives you the rebellion arc and > 0 the other end arc. Then fame must be above a certain threshold to achieve the victory condition (get the throne). But for A you need both high and an extra flag, otherwise B or E. The whole idea behind it, is that the result you get, is a sum of your overall decisions (Sounds a lot better than how it turned out). 

I added the gender option as a casual role play option and originally in a delusion of grandeur, I had bigger differences planned. But it remained with a few minor descriptions (and one odd choice). But judging from your comment, you assume it serves to increase the length. That's the only part were you're completely wrong. I placed the different sentences in page scripting. There are absolutely no duplicate pages, with here and there a word of difference. Believe me, I would hate it far more than you.

Yes I'm aware of the dumb mistake, in misspelling sir Corgi's name (I thought it was Cori and I didn't bother to look it up). And now it's published with a description that wasn't properly reviewed (I wrote a quick draft description and then the deadline was there) and now it can't be changed anymore.

My native language is Dutch.

Lol, why do you think I only have a profile pic? It's ugly as hell to see an empty box near your user name, when you post something and people tend to remember a picture better than some random user name. But why would I need to write something on my profile when there's probably nobody bored enough to go click on the profile of a random noob. Okay the real reason is, I don't now what to write there yet.

And I don't exactly understand that last question, does it even matter? If the spelling and grammar mistakes were so catastrophic, that you're asking that. Please say so. I'm educated in a more technical field, than in a language field. Perhaps we should continue our discussion through PM, so that we don't hijack this post to discus my story-game.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

I'm sometimes bored enough to click on the profile of a random noob like me!

* realizes how sad that is *


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
It's OK. Our intelligent and beautiful lady Mizal does that often too. So then, it surely can't be a bad thing.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Not sure if I believe you, but props if you figured out how to use scripting basically flawlessly without having a single question on what you’re doing.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
I need about another day. I could publish what I got, but I don't want to publish pure shit. So, I'll just lose this contest and post the story in a day or two. Good luck to the contestants!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Come on everyone, ten minutes is plenty of time to...oh wait wrong time zone, too late! Congrats to the tiny handful that made it over the finish line.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Thank you, ma'am, and seconded.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
My votes are in. I learned from End Master's fine example and didn't drag my feet with reading the stories. I'll review them when the other judges finish.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Thanks, CHAD.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Can't go wrong learning from EndMaster.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Hear ye! Hear ye!  It is time to announce the winner for The Lords of the Land contest.  Over the past three months many have entered, and few have actually followed through.  I would like to thank and give a shout out to Cricket, Ninja, RNDGamer, and Shouja for sticking it out and submitting for the contest!

While everyone put in a great amount of effort, and each entry had their own strengths and weaknesses, there is but one winner, one CHAMPION!

I am proud to say, that our winner is @Cricket who put out a fun and enjoyable story, Sir Osis.  

Cricket, you have earned full knighthood on this day, and I hereby pronounce you Sir, Lady, Sir Lady The Cricket!

You have also earned a smidgen of my affection, a sliver of Sabley's admiration, a sample of AYT's wholesomeness, and a scrap of immunity from Wibn's hickabilly wrath.  Last but not least there is also the 100 point prize!

I would also like to give a shout out to @ninjapitka for placing in second, you have earned...erm, a penny..and ah, this two week old piece of gum!

Anyways, you all did well and I am proud of you all for finishing.  Awesome job!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Congratulations, Cricket! You truly are EndMaster's best daughter! As an additional reward, I promise your eyes are safe for the next 13 days.
And another, much smaller congratulations to everyone else who finished something. Finishing something after you say you'll do it is a very rare skill nowadays, so good job!

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Thank you very much, Mayana. This means a lot to me and my eyes. :D

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Congratulations cricket and ninja!

Can we know the votes of each judge for all the entries?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

This shall remain a secret. Silence is the best virtue.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
I had Cricket and RND tied for first, then Ninja close behind, followed by you.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

fuck you, you ruined my line lol

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Cricket, you have lived up to the reputation befitting End Master's daughter. You have my sincere congratulations.

For any who are wondering, a major reason why Cricket won was proper grammar paired with a fully branched story.

I'll now be writing my reviews now that the contest is over. A shout out to Ninja and RNDgamer for their stories too. I enjoyed both.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Thanks, CHAD

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago


What I meant to say is, thank you to the judges for the time you spent on this. I am honored that you liked my story and cannot say I was expecting this, even with the hefty bribe I gave you all.
Congratulations to Ninjapitka as well for second place. His was a really fun story for me to play and one I am proud to say I beat.
Also congratulations to RNDGamer and Shouja for entering completed stories. You guys should go lord that over those who didn't.
I would also like to thank God, my mother, and Harvey Weinstein.

Thank you very much for hosting this, Sir Corgi. It pushed me into finally writing something I have wanted to for a while.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Congratulations Cricket! Or allow me to rephrase that in a better way: "You win!!"

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Congrats, Cricket! Nicely done.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
I almost forgot, but I guessed what the placements would be and told Wibbons I would give everyone ten bucks if I was wrong.


Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

We did need ten bucks

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Second Place will receive an honorable mention and some honor as well. Ah fuck it, let's just give this guy a penny and old gum instead. LOL. The real prize is avoiding SHAME. In all seriousness, thanks for putting this on and taking the time to judge our stories. Congrats to Sir Lady the Cricket and her well-deserved first place finish. I read through all of the stories and was impressed with each one. 

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Congrats for second place. Since your prize is a bit lacking, you can add my praise and admiration to it!... For what it's worth... you would probably prefer the old piece of gum, right?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
Congrats to everyone of course, but I just want to say in particular I was impressed with RND's, that is an epic length story to come from a newbie pretty much out of nowhere and this makes me really look forward to seeing what other stories you may have up your sleeve. (Or in your pocket, down your pants, whatever...)

Strong first effort from ninjapitka too.

Cricket and Shouja....meh I talk to those two every day, who cares about them.

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago
We love you too, Mizal.
Have you read and reviewed RNDGamer's story yet?

Corgi's Unofficial Contest: The Lords of the Land

5 years ago

Cricket, truly a daughter to be proud of. yes