(A completely linear work originally written by the enigmatic fluttershypegasus, this was destroyed by the author along with all his games to hide them from Satan. Big thanks to our Elder Knowledge Keepers and the tireless volunteers at the Society for the Preservation of CYStian Lore for rescuing this one along with its reviews.)
Foreward by the author:
Warning: This story is not escapism, do not go into it expecting escapism. Nevertheless, it is designed to be read by people who are disturbed by recent modern-world developments. It's how I have coped with them, anyway.
This story has a mature rating. It has little to no graphic descriptions, but it discusses heavy and spiritually significant themes, including controversial and sensitive modern-day issues. Some of the myths and stories involve very brief mentions of rape, bestiality, child sacrifice, animal abuse and other such horrendous things, though I do not consider it "Grimdark Fantasy", and I have tried to tone all of it down as much as I possibly can. If you feel mildly uncomfortable with these topics, I think this means that it's even more important that you should read this story, but obviously you can make up your own mind.
This is sadly not a lighthearted or whimsical story, though I enjoy reading and writing those kinds of stories much more This story is intended to be overtly religious, and I take what I wrote here very seriously.
Though I have obviously dramatised it slightly, I believe that the basic thrust of the story (and the psychological/spiritual implications therein) is true and accurate.
Another day, another argument with people on the internet, proving yourself yet again as the defender of justice in this world of idiots. Yet all it takes is one little slip and suddenly, you're not in the world you knew. A time traveling train, a wizard from days long past, forgotten spirits and gods and more await you in this story. And it just might reveal the secrets of Satan himself...
This story features:
-Real world mythology and history. Each named character, creature, god or spirit is a representation of a real historical or mythological figure.
-My own religious and philosophical ideas; they are inspired by previous thinkers but this story ultimately explains my own beliefs. Do not expect the messages in this story to be subtle; I do not think anyone would spend hours trying to decode the meanings if I tried, nor do I think they should be expected to. As such, while I have tried not to make it preachy, the message will come off as very blatant and on-the-nose to many readers.
-An ending that depends on your choices. Some choices will change the course of the story right away, others will have a delayed effect, but all decisions you make will be reflected by the end of the game.