Player Comments on Delve!
Hm, this storygame is interesting. I also think I couldn't have beat it without spamming alt + left. :)
I eventualy had some followers one of which survived to the very end (a healer for my rouge). The others all died (before the final boss actually). I also had baisically unlimited funds by the end.
The creatures were nice and reminded me of classac fantasy. It was pretty grindy, but I kept on going anyway. I figured out how to use the mechanics pretty well by the end, though I never was able to use my Rouge's Assasinate successfully making it useless to me.
My favorite aspect of this storygame was the humor. It added a nice touch and a smile to the grinding. I also never found an error in the scripting (of which I suspect there to be a sinful amount) besides the Asssinate ability (which I may have not used corectly).
Lastly, I personally saw a slant in the gear towards the Knight/fighter class. I constantly picked up weapons and armor that I hoped my companions or I could use, but the stupid fighter could only use it. :(
Anyway, I loved the storygame. It was a great few hours (that I should've spent writing). :)
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on 12/20/2017 4:51:53 PM with a score of 112775
Obviously, there's not much story since it's a dungeon crawler. But it's probably the best text-based rpg I've ever played! The level of detail that went into all the different weapons, armors, shields and items, plus the different classes and their ranks, is truly astounding! If you're looking for a really fun dungeon crawler that takes strategy and lasts quite a while, this game is for you. The icing on the cake: Even though there's not a lot of story, it can still be very lighthearted and humorous at times.
Note to author: I did find one broken weapon. It was a flail, found in a chest near the end of the game. It said it was a wizard weapon at the top of the description, but at the bottom the class limits were fighter/priest, and it couldn't be equipped by anyone in my party, despite having one of each class. Besides that, truly well done!
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on 12/5/2017 12:22:16 AM with a score of 111301
I can barely begin to imagine the amount of work that would have had to go into just making the framework for all this. I wonder how many variables were used in total... not to mention the total scripts!
Further I should mention good writing isn't sacrificed for the sake of the game elements. It has both!
If you haven't tried this out yet, I highly encourage you to give it a shot. I will say that there is more clicking involved compared to the more story focused storygames, but that doesn't detract from the experience, and honestly, with this heavy use of the advance editor, it is to be expected.
Oh, also, did I mention there are pictures?
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on 10/10/2017 3:37:29 AM with a score of 0
Definitely one of the better 'Game-like' stories on this site, though it's held back by how tedious the inventory system. This is more due to the limitations of software provided by CYS rather than the author's coding ability. I liked the sprinkling of jokes here and there, kept things fresh in between my bouts of raging.
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on 12/26/2024 5:42:36 PM with a score of 0
This is a fun game that delivers exactly what it said it would. The encounters are fun and varied, and hit many fantasy dungeon crawling tropes. The writing is clean, concise and well-done. There are a few images that failed to load for me, and I wish there was an options to retreat to town to heal up or something, but this story well deserves the feature that it has received.
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on 12/18/2024 9:42:26 AM with a score of 0
I really enjoyed Delve!, it reminded me of old-school dungeon crawl games. I thought the mechanics were well done, and I had fun trying out and testing out different weapons. I didn't make It to the 100th level, but I'll keep trying! This game is fun to play
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on 11/9/2024 9:44:59 PM with a score of 0
brilliant game to play
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— mike on 10/3/2024 12:18:37 AM with a score of 136109
Cool RPG Consept.
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on 7/31/2024 1:05:42 AM with a score of 0
It is really challenging, has it’s charm, wish that you could make into something more professional, more serious game, we nowadays don’t have these type of games, wish we could have a game with the likes of this, simple and fun, feel like the time I used to play D&D, bring a hidden story and some narrative. Let me know if you plan to do something with this. Had a lot of fun really
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— Herico33 on 7/16/2024 11:01:24 AM with a score of 170
The inventory system was built beautifully.
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on 3/19/2024 9:42:50 AM with a score of 0
This game was fun but I needed more health and more Mana
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— Brock Corley on 2/27/2024 1:13:48 PM with a score of 0
Note: I have not finished the game, but wanted to leave a comment while I have words prepared. This is probablly one of the most fun dungeon crawler out there. I can't really say much else, that explains my thoughts on it, but I will leave some advise I wish I'd had on my first playthrough and how I got my team of absolute destruction lol. Notes: Dwarf fighter should be your start, feel the game out, get familiar with the mechanics, and add more fighters, preferrablly dwarves to get the feel of party control. Second, use the secondary ranged weapon, most often it will deal more damage, but affects from a nice primary weapon are good, also some abilities deal damage based on primary weapon. Always carry around a healing potion for each party member, and use them when you need them. There are two bosses before you restock at The Merchant, so enjoy them while you have them, but not too much. DO NOT focus primarily on tanking, you will screw yourself. Go damage. It is both much easier, and much more hilarious to kill the boss with 500 hp in one round with three party members. Use two handed weapons as a fighter combined with barbed nets, those are amazing. Once the dragon scale armor is in, well, your a force to be reckoned with. Henchmen and the like that are item slot attack boosters are amazing, always keep them and your other gear updated. And the most important note, be prepared to use the Go Back button a LOT, if you die, go back and reroll, its free and unlimited, use it. Dying won't reset you, but it takes a percentage of gold I have not yet figured out. Overall though, have fun! Its an amazing game and I absolutely recommend giving it a shot at the very least, even if at the beginning you will just feel like a stumbling weakling.
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on 12/24/2023 12:06:46 PM with a score of 0
Great game, fun if you don't want to think about lore, which is kinda the point of it
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on 12/11/2023 8:44:25 AM with a score of 0
Hey guys billy here hwos myy bilsters doing? so theis guy wittaeryl put me up againf st a RAT LORD and i was like "ERM WHAT THE FRICK IS THIS FR FR?" and then i deias dwithc is suck?!
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— Billy on 10/19/2023 2:18:56 PM with a score of 0
NGL I'm just leaving a comment to brag about my score
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on 6/22/2023 3:23:17 AM with a score of 170668
very good.
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on 3/3/2023 11:12:37 AM with a score of 104272
fathead make it ez
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on 1/5/2023 8:56:49 AM with a score of 0
i like it it’s that the ettin boss doesn’t miss
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on 10/12/2022 6:00:35 PM with a score of 200
Well the last boss was certainly something. No idea how you're supposed to survive if he breathes fire on you, cause he just straight up one shot every single one of my characters from full HP.
If he decides to be merciful and just attacks one at a time, it's pretty easy.
Great game overall.
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on 6/12/2022 7:15:50 AM with a score of 109887
Would have liked an easier way to compare weapons rather than having to swap them. Especially annoying when you can't even equip the weapon cause it's two handed and your character has a shield.
Also the option to use potions after every single fight, not just after ones with a chest. Not sure if that was intended or not.
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on 5/16/2022 1:17:12 PM with a score of 520
Amazing shops are hArd to come by but that what makes it fun
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on 4/5/2022 2:15:20 PM with a score of 0
Fun old school dungeon crawl. Reminds me of some early games I used to play way back. The story is not really the point, so lack of descriptive text is not a hindrance. Overall, a fun way to spend some time.
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on 3/28/2022 4:30:20 PM with a score of 980
Wow. Just... wow.
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on 3/21/2022 10:58:59 AM with a score of 114433
Not well designed except on the simplist level. Unable to heal after each battle ... even in fantasy there should be an opportunity to heal outside of battle. Which person\elf\dwarf\human would not be sensible to heal\rest or patch themselves up before each battle as it's not an endurance test. Also sometimes it doesn't keep tabs of what your character is using and resets your character to the detriment of the fight. Not worth playing
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— Paul on 3/5/2022 8:44:18 PM with a score of 190
Wow this was actually a really fun game, I found it a little hard but I was enjoyable to play. Will definately be recommending!
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on 9/2/2021 6:57:13 AM with a score of 0
This game was awesome. I really enjoyed all the subtle nuances even though some levels meant losing all my NPC's. I wonder if it's possible to beat this game without restarting more than once or twice (for example, I dropped quarters six times on the last boss). I always thought Grog would turn evil, but he didn't, so that's nice. The one thing I did have a laugh at was the fact that the final worm pic didn't show up. Otherwise, great game!
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on 7/15/2021 6:28:22 PM with a score of 76953
Amazing game, almost as good as Sammich. But not quite.
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on 3/30/2021 1:52:50 PM with a score of 0
Not bad. Just found strange that with great named weapons and armours like a Supernal Katana and a Profane Bone Armour my characters suddenly started making less damage than their attack scores or indeed the previous rounds.
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— Guinea Pig on 2/28/2021 7:06:16 PM with a score of 177456
It was fun but I kept dying and did not really know how to navigate my way around the game. Also I did not know how to get one of those third players.
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— Abbey on 2/19/2021 8:43:33 PM with a score of 0
I've played this before but never commented. I still can't BEAT it, but it's such a great way to spend a little time clicking when I need a distraction and don't want to think too hard, lol. I always go with a dwarf priest, maybe I should try a different character. But it's really incredible that the CYS engine can make a game like this that it's not even designed for.
RIP Dwarfy Priestbeard #9, slain by a biter ooze thing. (I did get a weird image that said Out to Lunch once during the battle, which I think was a bug.)
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on 1/2/2021 4:07:47 PM with a score of 0
Oh, the hours I spend on this.
I don't believe there are any bugs, except that I noticed a choice for "smoke screen"(which I never used) that costs 15 mana, and the rogue had none.
Definitely an 8/8, Especially for Grog.
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on 12/21/2020 5:54:36 PM with a score of 77994
Wow... I can't even begin to imagine the scripting and effort that must have gone into this game. While the format of the story editor may not have been the best way to create this style of game, it ended up working really well!
The shop system was a little clunky, I'll admit, but Honest Grog was great. I honestly thought he was going to be the final boss!
The flavour text was funny and kept me smiling, and the final boss fight, even with the "Go Back" button, had me feeling harrowed and like we only just made it.
The side passages were clever additions to break up the fighting cycle. I explored a lot of them, though I can't remember if I did each one.
This feels exactly like a video game or a dungeon crawl. Go in with your nearly-invincible characters, kill stuff, loot, repeat. Great job! 8/8.
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on 12/15/2020 11:28:22 AM with a score of 105686
very enjoyable!
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on 11/17/2020 7:46:12 PM with a score of 0
Just 2 problems found this time.
1- I found the iron golem on the last side passage and upon activating it than sent me to the dark woods where I couldn't neither do battle nor retiring. I had to go back and ignore it.
2- This one is minor, but I remember that the mini bosses chests used to have much more money.
3- The mini boss no the last level only had 210 hit points. I had a full evil party.
I played on a tablet this time.
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— Debugger on 10/18/2020 7:36:49 PM with a score of 121554
A nice little dungeon crawler.
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on 9/19/2020 2:01:48 PM with a score of 0
Additionally, the inability to use healing/mana potions or manage your inventory between encounters is also frustrating.
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— H on 8/1/2020 10:36:32 AM with a score of 0
I was disappointed that there seemed to be no way to go back to the shop after leaving it that first time. Of course, there might have been another shop further down the main path, but I feel that your character should have been able to find the first shop again.
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— H on 8/1/2020 10:21:20 AM with a score of 0
VERY and when I say VERY I mean VERY well made!!!
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on 6/4/2020 6:01:09 AM with a score of 0
Amazing Game! The coding was probably insane, but the result is defiantly worth a few hours. The reputation of this game's creator set a high standard, but this game goes far beyond my expectations!
I try to give a few suggestions for any game I play. It was hard to find anything to improve, but I noticed that the bone spear grants back-stab bonuses, even though a Rogue can't use it. Am I missing something?
Also, it would be nice if there were less stats on the items page. What I mean is that it's a bit overwhelming to see that your sword has +0 mana regeneration, +0 hit point regeneration, +0 hp, +0 instakill, +0 stun, you get the point. Maybe if +0 stats could be hidden, that would improve the game. You might even be able to make a setting where you could toggle that on and off at the start of the game (although that might be a bit hard).
Overall, amazing game! I hope the rest of you love it as much as I did!
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on 5/21/2020 9:39:18 AM with a score of 97204
Great. I noticed a grammar error on the end boss intro page, but nothing other than that. Very great game, even better than dungeon stoppage (and that's saying a lot)! Thanks for all the hard work and time this must have taken. After this game, I am left with the thought: "If you can find games like this for free, without even any ads, why by more expensive (and possibly worse) games?"
Over all, GREAT game. I hope it gets featured some day!!
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on 3/7/2020 2:55:44 PM with a score of 109743
Finally completed it, and was AMAZING. I love this love much! Infinity/8
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on 2/18/2020 3:19:46 PM with a score of 96532
This game is so damn hard and I only managed to get to level 100 by using the Go Back button every time I took fatal amounts of damage. Some of the items were bugged like the swag bag (couldn't equip it on human rogues) and the holy wooden shield (couldn't equip it on wizards,fighters and rogues) but the bugs like
the aforementioned bugs involving items are pretty few and far in between. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of effort that went into coding this. 8/8
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on 1/11/2020 9:14:11 AM with a score of 113723
This is the best game on the site. 100 levels of an Elf Wizard magically slaying countless beasts, abominations and sinners. Thank you for this gift. Thank you for creating this. This is a love letter to fantasy games. Worth every second spent playing.
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on 1/6/2020 4:04:28 PM with a score of 61855
really good, my only complaint is that you cannot frequently access your inventory
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on 10/21/2019 10:25:15 AM with a score of 0
Very nice.
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— boomboom on 10/12/2019 2:33:34 PM with a score of 115067
Fun little dungeon crawl. Needs cheats or something once you've completed the thing. Would like to see more of the item generation but don't want to play through again.
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on 9/21/2019 2:53:53 PM with a score of 134560
this game is fun
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— Shooter lee on 5/10/2019 3:12:10 PM with a score of 0
I loved this story! I thought it was very well written. There were a few spelling mistakes. It took me forever to finish. I loved the creative options and love your work Berka!
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on 3/9/2019 10:43:19 PM with a score of 660
my backstab missed causing me to die, 0/10 game sux sacre bleu
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— fracois on 1/29/2019 11:13:12 PM with a score of 0
You sack a dungeon. Illustrations are nice, occasional jokes don't take away from pace, and running gags are worth a smile.
Can be more or less difficult depending on your start. I picked a human rogue the first go round and got trounced, then I chose the elven wizard and had it easy.
One criticism: Inventory management is a bother, but it's also as smooth as you can get in a text based adventure.
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— Scout on 1/18/2019 9:16:07 AM with a score of 151958
Loved it. ill have to replay as the other classes
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on 1/16/2019 11:39:25 AM with a score of 86964
Glorious game indeed. Enough content to keep you occupied for quite a few hours. Writing flows smoothly and is really funny at times. There are a few instances of items not being consistently labeled in the inventory (e.g. stout sword is shown as 'extraordinary sword' in the list instead). There's also a few UI issues that could be addressed, such as the menu jumping to your inventory after taking a chest item instead of going right back to the chest. One annoying aspect is being unable to see the stats of equipped gear, which means you'll have to unequip it first to compare. Overall though, these are small potatoes compared to this massive achievement of a game.
Also, I couldn't seem to find any particular gear for wizards outside of the (superior) wizard staff. I didn't see any gear that buffed magic damage until one particular staff at the very end of the game, which literally quadrupled my spell damage. Oof.
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on 1/3/2019 3:55:54 AM with a score of 117880
This is actually pretty fun.
I played as a dwarf fighter, and I died a few times towards the beginning, but as I figured things out and got cool stuff I really enjoyed smiting everything. The side passages were always entertaining.
Tip: Buy the Taco Party whenever the orc merchant offers it. You won't regret it.
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on 12/24/2018 2:20:44 AM with a score of 0
I'm not a fan of the grinding and at times the RNG could get a little annoying and straight up insta-kill my whole party in one stroke but besides that I really enjoyed playing this even if I accidentally had to restart the game over 3 times. Even if the system could use improvement, it still is an excellent use of the cys scripts and BerkaZerka is essentially pioneering the RPG scene of CYS with this game.
Aside from the little amount of story that there was in the game, I enjoyed almost every bit.
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on 12/6/2018 8:25:38 AM with a score of 98192
I thought it was pretty good, I can't imagine a game like that is easy to make and the time that went into it was probably tremendous. I played as a rogue and felt really weak, especially against more than one foe. It would have been nice to have different attack options, such as an AOE attack, or increased evasion if a range attack was used (sling for me). There seems to be no difference between ranged and melee attacks so whatever had the highest attack was the only real option. Typically I could one shot any one creature, but if there were two or more left I died in one-two turns. Admittedly I only played to the killer mushrooms, but I never saw a chance to do anything but fight until then. I even ended one fight at 1 HP and didn't have an option to heal up (go to town, buy more HP potions after the first shop, etc.). I feel like the game favors the warrior which probably has more HP and attack. It looked like you could recruit more people later one which probably fixed all the problems I am listing, but I never got that far. I am sure it adds to the complexity, but the option to return to town between fights to spend the gold you earn and more combat options would be nice. Still, very impressive use of the editor and item features and as a old fashion hack and slash game it works well! If you just wanna kill the goblins dead I recommend it.
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on 12/6/2018 2:00:52 AM with a score of 0
Man im gonna heal my entire party with priest... wait im dead (entire party got one shot from max health by lich king)
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on 12/5/2018 9:42:29 AM with a score of 116899
pretty lit my man. was stuck just backstabbing, dying, reviving, rinse and repeat after about two levels of the tallest tower. it was pretty fun most of the way, and i just had to find out what the ending was after the two hours of fun. kept me captivated the whole way through, good job!
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— big daddy on 11/25/2018 8:00:20 PM with a score of 102603
Great fun hacking and slashing through many varied dungeon levels. Wry wit and humor as well. Easily addictive. Suggestions include seeing hit points current/total and perhaps a primer for mana spells.
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— Me on 10/13/2018 6:18:04 AM with a score of 105723
Amazingly engrossing hack and slash action. Bring your quarters as you are going to drop a bunch in this arcade.
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on 8/22/2018 6:09:34 PM with a score of 100261
TBH not the greatest. It's certainly unique, as it's not a Story but instead an "RPG" in text form. But the issue is that it seems to glitch a lot, as whenever I was in combat with a companion we would BOTH lose life even if there was only one enemy, only one enemy of multiple hit, or multiple enemies only targeted my character.
And then there's the absolute repetitiveness of it. It wouldn't be too bad if all the buttons were within the page without requiring any scrolling, but the images are so large that they do require scrolling.
Not to mention that enemies will A L W A Y S attack my character despite my being a low-HP mage and having someone in my party with over twice my HP, causing Game Overs far more often than they should. And then my comrade, despite having a weapon that statistically does more damage than my attack (according to how it's advertised to me), and he does less than half the damage than I do consistently.
Quite frankly, the only reason I'm rating it this highly is because of its uniqueness, despite the (in my opinion) poor execution.
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on 5/16/2018 11:27:16 PM with a score of 180
This is probably my favorite story on this website. I've played through it twice and I plan on going through it again. I wish there were more stories as fun as this one.
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on 2/28/2018 9:50:06 AM with a score of 97896
Ah so wish to use this... why only dropped after final boss fight?
Your Supernal Dragon Scale Armor of Regeneration is worth 2000 Gold Pieces
Good Fighters Armor:
+170 Hit Points Bonus
+15 Hit Point Regeneration per Round
+0 Evade Bonus
+4 Damage Reduction Bonus
+0 Immunity to Effects Bonus
+40 Mana Bonus
+4 Mana Regeneration per Round
+15 Magic Damage Multiplier
+25 Attack Bonus
+0 Damage Reflection Bonus
+30 Crit Bonus
+15 Crit Multiplier
+15 Damage Multiplier
+0 Backstab Damage Multiplier
+30 Vs. Undead
+0 Vs. Flying Creatures
+40 Stun Bonus
+0 Trip Bonus
+0 Burn Bonus
+0 Freeze Bonus
+0 Poison Bonus
+0 Instant Kill Bonus
+0 Find Gold Multiplier
+0 Find Items Bonus
+0 Extra Item Slots
Special: Fighter Only
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on 1/28/2018 10:46:37 PM with a score of 103991
Yeah, just gotta leave this message! Can you imagine the amount of time it takes to design and write a script for an awesome item like this one?
Your Assassins Elven Chain of Defense is worth 1425 Gold Pieces
Rogues Armor:
+100 Hit Points Bonus
+0 Hit Point Regeneration per Round
+30 Evade Bonus
+6 Damage Reduction Bonus
+0 Immunity to Effects Bonus
+10 Mana Bonus
+0 Mana Regeneration per Round
+0 Magic Damage Multiplier
+6 Attack Bonus
+0 Damage Reflection Bonus
+50 Crit Bonus
+15 Crit Multiplier
+0 Damage Multiplier
+20 Backstab Damage Multiplier
+0 Vs. Undead
+0 Vs. Flying Creatures
+0 Stun Bonus
+0 Trip Bonus
+0 Burn Bonus
+0 Freeze Bonus
+75 Poison Bonus
+0 Instant Kill Bonus
+12 Find Gold Multiplier
+0 Find Items Bonus
+0 Extra Item Slots
Special: - Class Restricted as bolded above - Wizard/Rogue
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on 1/11/2018 2:28:58 AM with a score of 89191
Well just one suggestion... is it possible to replay the game over again with the super items and status obtained after finishing the game for one time? Because I got all those marvelous weapons after defeating the final boss but no chance to use them! =D
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on 12/15/2017 9:11:25 PM with a score of 106328
This was amazing. Hey, can I borrow some of that spare time? You seem to have a lot, judging by the length you go to for these games.
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on 12/4/2017 10:02:25 PM with a score of 160
Yay! 5th time around! ;) No chance to use the legendary great bow of regeneration since i got it after beating the ancient worm. :(
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on 11/28/2017 11:49:10 PM with a score of 93108
Cool battle concept but I confess the lack story early on made me lose interest.
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— Kim on 11/25/2017 10:05:20 AM with a score of 0
Well, I could rate this game more than once since I have played and finished the game more than once playing as a different class and race. Somehow every time I play this game there are more "special items and armors and weapons" dropped belonging to the dark\evil alignment, so I wonder if the author of this game secretly favors that alignment more. (It is also easier to beat the game if you are an evil alignment equipped with those accessories.) I find that the chance encounter with the gambler to be a very interesting aspect that most accurately reflects the preferences of this game. If you play with the gambler without cheating, you automatically lose due to poor cards of deuce. But if you play with the gambler and cheat, then you deal double ace and win and double your money. Now I wonder how many players would actually choose to play to lose and select the option that sucks? ;)
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on 11/24/2017 11:25:07 PM with a score of 133541
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on 11/23/2017 12:04:56 PM with a score of 91875
Yeah! Beat the game the second time without any characters dying in the final boss fight! ;)
Meanwhile, back in the Hidden City, among the carnage left in your wake, Honest Grog - the simple Orc merchant - sits upon the throne of the Lich King.
"An orc could get used to this," he muses a moment, before standing to return to his cart.
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on 11/22/2017 1:50:10 AM with a score of 97255
Awesome game, took me ages to get through it lol.
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— Mev on 11/22/2017 1:42:27 AM with a score of 111316
Pretty good, I died quick but I will be playing it again. I like how it was at your own pace though I wish they would explain a few things, like a backstory or something.
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on 11/13/2017 10:54:08 PM with a score of 0
This game has a higher difficulty curve than any RPG that I've ever played.
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on 11/8/2017 8:15:28 PM with a score of 0
Might as well go for the High Score haha! ^v^
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on 10/29/2017 2:51:23 PM with a score of 123189
Loved it! Well done. I really enjoyed every bit of the game.
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on 10/21/2017 4:45:00 PM with a score of 68421
Great time waster. Just completed the game a 3rd time and I'm still not fed up with it. Just a few questions.
Besides the gems, the fountain and the teleport what are the random encounters you can find in the side passages? Just wandering if I found them all.
Is the golem you find in a side passage just a regular clay golem for priests or is it something else? Each time I found it I never had a sufficient High level priest in my party or as main PC.
The extra slots items don't seem to work, is it a bug?
Does the Find Item bonus is cumulative witihin the party or ist better to put all the items that give a bonus in the same NPC?
Do the classes influence the quality of the items you receive or is it purely random? Ie: my priest kept finding robes and regular items in the first levels until I found a Fate Stone and hired a rogue.
If the author could post the answers on the game thread, or just e-mail me if he thinks there would be to much spoilers, I would be much obliged.
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— Thordrin Gloimson on 10/14/2017 7:02:48 PM with a score of 118153
You have finished all 100 Levels of the Game!"
WOW! I can't believe the game had 100 levels! Woah! Awesome!
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on 10/10/2017 3:58:07 AM with a score of 106989
pretty dang good.
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on 10/9/2017 1:29:34 PM with a score of 0
Fantastically well made! A really amazing combination of coding and good writing :D
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on 10/5/2017 6:29:01 AM with a score of 0
It took a lot of going back, but I finally got to the end! I'll definitely be replaying it!
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on 10/2/2017 8:28:52 PM with a score of 128479
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— boomy on 10/2/2017 1:44:06 PM with a score of 98618
Bought a town...and let Honest Grogs imagination run wild!
R.I.P Dwarf Priest, Evil Human Merc, Elf Wizard, and Prophet.
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on 10/1/2017 5:55:49 PM with a score of 102305
Well i think it was fun and hook me up for a few hours while doing something else.
But the end... i can't tell if it was just a bug or its unfinish?
I was expecting something else, but it just left me hanging in there like waiting for more and no more encounters... made me so so sad >:(
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on 9/28/2017 9:09:00 PM with a score of 1010
This game is fun but a little repetitive. As always with Berka's games great use of the Editor and images. 6/8
Now I'll be waiting for Dungeon Stompage 2 or perhaps co-authoring and scripting Legend with EndMaster (an Elf can dream :))
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— Elrond on 9/25/2017 10:11:25 PM with a score of 102478
8/8 for the beautiful action-filled, Hack n' Slash, Roleplaying, constant'battling, magic-filled, enemy hoarding, adventurous, hard-worked-on, game with hundreds of other words that I prefer to not spew from my mouth, but I will anyway:
This f*cking game was so f*cking good that I sh*t my motherf*cking pants .
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on 9/24/2017 7:21:16 PM with a score of 0
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