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Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 4/25/2023 12:19:30 PM

Well, I've got an AP Art Portfolio due May 5th, and I have 1 out of 15 drawings done and about 5 in the works. Unfortunately, I have about one original thought per week, so I thought I'd refer to the many creative individuals on this website. And I've always wanted to do one of these drawing requests (and involve myself in the community a little more), so this is my excuse. My theme is storytelling and character design.

You can request whatever drawing you want, as long as it's SFW. Thanks!

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
Can you draw my profile pic baghead holding this wholesome dog?

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 4/25/2023 3:13:14 AM

Your wish is my command! 


Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

On a side note, how do I make a clicky link to the imgur image?

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Aw, this is amazing! Thank you!
This article should help with the hyperlinking (but I'll do this one for you, since you're already edit locked and all).

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
holy shit that's good, jesus

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 7/17/2023 9:48:05 PM

Coming back to a drawing thread after it's thought to be forgotten? Ridiculous! 

Anyway, here's that kappa, Ford. It took a while for me to draw something that I liked. 


Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
Beautiful thing to see someone uphold their commitments

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Bruh x3

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
>using x3 as an emoji

deviantart level cringe

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

The cat from my profile picture with a typewriter, please.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

A demonic Angel holding a scythe 

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

A man in a wheelchair. His arms are much bigger than his legs.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
A lil guy(something like this?) holding large sign with the word TOMORROW plastered on it!

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

10 months ago


I made this in 5 seconds in ms paint.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

10 months ago
Wonderful! He shall live on my profile.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

A fat knight with red hair, a burger emblazoned on his shield, and a spatula as a sword.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

My avatar doing a cartwheel? Preferably looking unreasonably happy and childish

(other avatar picture for reference)

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
Super cute turtle

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Your clean lines and soft colors look captivating. I'm unsure if blood is considered SFW, but could you please consider this request: my avatar looking serene with some light blood splatters or smears on her face, perhaps with her hands folded to her chest like this? If that's inappropriate, then may I instead request her in that pose or something similar to this, except with a blank expression, her eyes downcast, and tears trickling down her face? Thanks for your time.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

My D&D character: a 5'7", middle-aged man, with yellowed skin (as if by jaundice) that has patches of scales faintly showing. He's bald, but has a bushy gray beard. His eyes show no signs of jaundice, and have brilliant green irises. He has baggy green pants, a fine gray tunic, as well as a black cloak and boots. From his belt, on a chain, hangs a binder, brimming with pages, a ruby on the cover. From an interior pocket of his cloak, a dagger, ruby on the pommel, glints. He holds a walking stick that is covered with intricate designs, some of which look like mathematic formulae, while others are depictions of polar animals (e.g. narwhals, moose, bears).

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago
not much of an artist

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

I think she failed

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Our suggestions must of been too weird.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Or perhaps the work produced was so striking she has been swept off to New York or Paris to setup a gallery showing of CYStian folk art for the entertainment of the idle elite.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

I got my wholesome dog picture, the thread is an automatic 10/10.

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago

Forgive me Ford, between my AP art and other work owed I haven't had time to focus on this. I am about halfway through yours and have a sketch of typecat's done. I should be done with yours by tomorrow. 

Also, don't worry about the weirdness of all of your requests, I recently did a drawing for a friend of a quadruple amputee anime girl. :,) 

Suranna's Last Minute AP Art Homework

one year ago