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Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Anybody have them? Share your experiences here.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I barely remember my dreams, and they are never vivid. Also, the way I see them sucks, since they are always blurry for some reason.

I once dreamt I got to the kitchen at night, found a man and a woman who had broken in, tried to scream but couldn't, had the woman tell me I shouldn't of done that and then she stabbed me and I fell.

I then got back to sleep and saw the exact same dream.

That was like 4 years ago or maybe more. Nothing cool has happened since :(


P.S: Though my guess is you wish to know more about Lucid Dreaming? I tried it but it didn't work. Lots of google guides though.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Nope, I'm just curious what weird dreams other people have so I can control their minds. Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I've had dreams about school all summer. But during school? Nope. The day school ends? Every night for a week after.

Then they became slightly rarer, but still having them around 7 times a month.

It's not always school, but somehow related to it, often my classmates.

I actually had a dream that summer vacation lasted for two weeks, then it was a week of school, another two weeks of vacation, a week of school, so on so forth.

I guess my mind just needs school, one way or another.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

This is so me!

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I had one tonight, actually. Then I woke up, fell asleep again, and guess what my dream was about?

Well, not exactly school, more of a hockey riot... But a few of my classmates were in it.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Then there was this one dream, where I was Bently from Sly. I used a time machine that was Minecraft boat, to fly up, and hit my head to some gutter of some house.

Then my wheel chair broke, and suddenly these rats started attacking me.

I tried to pause, because clearly I can do that, and succeeded a few times, but it would only bring up the pause menu, and not stop the rats.

So then I was lynched by the rats. yes

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I can lucid dream. That means that nightmares do my bidding when I have them.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I've had these occasional dreams that are so detailed, that they might as well be reality.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Oh yes, those can be tricky but I rarely have them.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I can't really remember any dreams. I've always wanted a lucid dream though.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Studies show, that saying "Tonight when I'm dreaming, I wish to know that I'm dreaming" before going to bed, increases your chances of having lucid dreams.

So does stuffing your pillow with lavender.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I'm not going to share a specific dream, but I can tell you what they're like: I shape-shift a lot in my dreams. I mean, a lot, and it's almost always completely involuntary. I've been various superheroes, anime characters, random actors, escaped mental patients, both genders, cyborgs, monsters, random animals, even objects. I've changed my age, my size, my clothes have shifted mid-action ... no idea why, it just seems to be an on-going theme.

A lot of my dreams also either start out as or end as nightmares, usually involving the death of someone I care about, scenarios in which I'm about to die, or some kind of body horror / implied body horror. On rare occasion, they're just about negative emotion, like rejection, embarrassment, exc. If I have powers in a dream, about 90% of the time they don't work properly or just stop working shortly after I obtain them, which is frustrating as hell.

The other 10% is usually brief. The dream either cuts off just as I'm starting to have fun or the dream itself just changes into something else, which is also ridiculously frustrating. I also tend to move slower in dreams. If I'm running away from something, for example, and I can't think of a better solution while I'm running, then I don't have a prayer. I will get caught.

Aside from horror dreams, the other ones are usually sad in some way, or bizarre. If they're neither of those ... I have a much harder time remembering them. I've had a few truly good dreams, from start to finish, but not many. The good dreams tend to be family related, but a couple have just been me screwing with reality to make up fun scenarios. I love lucid dreams if I can change the dream--but my subconscious doesn't always let me.

TL;DR? My subconscious is an asshole to me on a regular basis.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Try running away on all fours next time. It's weird, but it works when your dream tries to slow you down for whatever reason.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I tried it as an animal and it didn't help, but I'll try to try it as a human next time, I guess. Thanks, haha.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

^ this works for me too.  

Instead of running slowly in dreams, I end up floating a few inches off the ground. At least that way it's more like swimming.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Yeah, I got the floaty slow down in the past too. It's really annoying.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago
With the amount of shape-shifting I'd say your subconscious is telling you that you want to be someone else, or that you don't feel like you're being true to yourself.

All the death/injury/feelings stuff just means you're afraid of bad things happening. Maybe it means you're depressed since your dreams can't focus on anything good and you're unable to change them.

Dream Analyst - Complete.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Makes sense.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I was diagnosed with depression a while back, and PTSD, and it's been suggested that I may have a form of OCD, so that's not surprising. I've also dealt with dissociative amnesia and depersonalization disorder (as a result of what caused the PTSD), so those could very well explain the shape-shifting.

Or maybe I don't like my life / being in my own skin, and me being unable to change the dreams means I feel trapped, I don't know. The death dreams are actually more likely to be due to the third diagnosis, not the first two.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

@Kiel_Farren Finally someone else with those kind of dreams?!  I never thought of them as "shape-shifting."  

90% percent of the time in my dreams I'm someone else.  I don't actually change into, though- either I'm already them when that part of the dream begins, or at some point in the dream (which I don't realize til I wake up and remember it) I changed viewpoints into another character. Often from a book/show/game my dream self was watching.

Another weird theme:  Replay dreams- story goes along, something bad happens, dream starts over but I remember what happened before. But things don't go the same as before, so it's still a frightening dream.


Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

@ Sethaniel  -  0.o ... I think you're describing what happened to me better than I did, lol. I mean, that's what I called it, but it's not accurate. It wasn't always straight-up shape-shifting. A lot of the time it was much more like ... body-swapping? Don't get me wrong, I really have had quite a few dreams where I simply changed forms / appearance without switching perspectives, but I switched minds/bodies with people on the regular, especially if one of them was in serious trouble. I do tend to realize it during the dream, it's just I don't stop to question it most of the time. Though, now that I think about it ... my actual body, (if it even existed in the dream in the first place,) usually disappears and no one ever questions it. >_> Thanks, dream friends.     

I remember this one dream, it was two characters that had Spiderman-like abilities, (Spiderman and Spidergirl? I dunno, one was a guy and one was a girl) and we were doing a bunch of air acrobatics, but I kept swapping between the two of them. It simultaneously one of the most awesome and scariest "hero" dreams I've ever had because it was really fun, but I was terrified that the switching would disorient me enough to cause me to face-plant into a building or something.

Oh my god, really? You have those? o.o I've had so many nightmares like that! Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy if I try to explain them. The deja vu and thinking you know what's going to happen and trying to prepare so you can stop it, but the events play out differently and it throws me off ... it's so weird.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

. . . I'm waiting for the twist ending where Kiel & Seth discover they're alternate personalities of the same dreamer. XD 


Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I'd watch the movie.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Knew I paired them two up for a reason in that couples thread.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I missed that one.  Linky anyone?

Sethaniel X Farren



Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Here, it's in there somewhere. I also paired you up with Morgan.

Apparently Kiel won with Quiller.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Out of all the people on this site :P

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

xD We do seem to have a lot in common.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

EDIT: Poor taste.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

So THATS where you get all your morbid ideas...XD

TacocaT's Slow-mo Solution!
Try to get seriously ***** mad, imagine flames and everything, and then turn around and fight it! :D That is, if dreams work that way...I honestly have no clue at all what-so-ever....

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

... Unfortunately, no. My subconscious gets those ideas for dreams from somewhere else in my head. I've had many more morbid ideas while awake than I've ever had while dreaming. Good guess, though. :)

Interesting idea, but uh, last time I tried something like that, I ended up in a maze made entirely of lava with no windows or doors. I'd rather not repeat the experience.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago are so much more morbid than I ever thought. XD But, who cares? We're all insane here! :D

XD At that point, get all scary calm and imagine everything freezing! Cross your arms and get bored.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

My dreams stray so little from reality that they can almost pass for memories. They're usually so sensical and bland that I sometimes don't realize I had been dreaming until hours later.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I lucid dream a lot. It's quite entertaining. Usually when I lucid dream I change it to be helpful and fun, though, so I don't have too many weird dreams, just dreams of my fantasies coming to life.

Back when I had uncontrollable dreams, I had a few nightmares that I have never forgotten. One was when I was at school and one half of the school was lead by the food tech teacher (I didn't like her much) and they had guns and were shooting the other half. I ran around the school for a while before being killed by my best friend (who actually ended up hating me a few weeks after and ditching me for this other girl named after a juvenile hall) and then I sat in the darkness for a few minutes.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Some guy took his pants off and then starting doing the nay nay. Meh, it was an average night.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

And what was your dream?

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Okay, since I'm the one who started this thread, I might as well tell you all some of my twisted dreams:

The Awesome but Weird One: This one happened when I was around eight or nine. I had a dream that I was in a YMCA camp in this isolated cabin in the mountains(?) with a bunch of other kids. There was a big field outside of the cabin and a giant mountain with a parking lot on the other side. The purpose of the YMCA camp was to teach us how to fly; apparently, the method was to jump up and tuck your knees to your chest, which sent you into the sky. We were told to go out into the field and try it, and since I have always wanted to fly, I loved it. I flew down the mountains and... then, well, I woke up. It felt so real that I got up out of bed and tried doing the YMCA flying method and was super disappointed when it didn't work.

The Scary Weird and Semi-Lucid One: I've never really had a totally lucid dream, but in this dream, I sort of had the recognition that I was in a dream, and I really wanted to get out. Anyway... so this one happened during winter break of my 7th grade school year, and it thus involved school, but I was a year younger in the dream. In the beginning of the dream, I started out walking around the hallways, going to first through fourth period and fifth period lunch. Things got weird in sixth period, which was a nonfiction class called "Integrated Studies." I for some reason thought that I shouldn't be going there, and then realized I was in my bathing suit and couldn't stand for that. So I stripped naked in my locker bay, with no one really caring, then ran into Integrated Studies butt naked and throwing rocks everywhere. I then jumped out the window and ran home. Once the dream was over, I threw up in the bathroom.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I thought I might put the dream that has stuck with me the longest out here for all to share.  I was only four at the time and they've gotten steadily worse since then.  Enjoy!

It started with me standing in the middle of a cutout on a dirt road, the bank higher than my head on either side.  All the adults were scrambling about around me and pushing me this way and that as they hurried past in their panicked state.   As soon as I got the chance, I climbed up one of the embankments to see for myself what was going on.  There was a house on fire and everyone was desperately trying to put it out.  There were blackened, charred, skin-cracked bodies scattered about on the ground outside the doors and windows.  On the ground at my feet, I saw a wallet and picked it up.  It flopped open and pictures of happy, smiling people fell out.  After gathering them up, my attention was drawn to the engulfed doorway where a man was crawling out of the flames.  He was severed at the waist and his innards were trailing along behind him.  Someone (I think it was my grandfather) grabbed his arm in an attempt to pull him out.  The skin of his forearm slid off like some kind of grisly glove, but remained over his hand like a wrong-side-out sock and made it harder for him to pull himself along.  He kept coming, though, straight toward me and I was frozen with fear.  That ghastly grin spread across his face was barely recognizable as one of the photos I had in my hand.  All the while "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" looped over and over in my head...

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I once had a Ten Little Indians-esque dream where I lived in a family of six and each night, someone would die. There was a murderer in our family.

By the second murder nobody trusted each other and I kept a wrench in my pocket (for safety).

By the time there was only three people left, I woke up and never found out who the murderer was :/

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Odd dream.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I had one dream where a bunch of snot nosed kids/teens started circling around me and were generally being brats.

I ended up catching one of them and beating the hell out of him and then the wind started picking up and a whirlwind started to form around me and the kids tried to run away but they were having a hard time of it because the vortex around me was sucking them in.

Meanwhile I started floating off the ground and laughing with my arms raised in the air. I said something straight out of a comic book like "See what you have brought upon yourselves?"

Anyway I soon woke up and my arms were stretched out and the fan was blowing directly on me.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

It's kind of funny how the real world can influence your dreams. I've had dreams about being ripped apart by a giant, four-legged  monster that looked like something out of Dead Space, only to wake up to being licked by my dog.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago
I've had fans in my dreams, too.  They usually get spinning so fast that they inevitably fly apart, because a particularly evil looking Kelsey Grammer who's hiding under my bed has sabotaged them (like the Gremlin I suspect him to be would).

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

That dream you said you had when you were 4 reminded me of a creepy sort of dream I had around that same age. The thing is, I only remember the ending of it and I wasn't in it. It was more like watching the events unfold in a movie.

The background area was completely black. Almost like a stage with just an overhead light illuminating a small bed.

A little girl woke up from it and was crying presumably because she had a bad dream. Then after rubbing her face she then turned towards the "camera" and revealed a big evil smile and she had fangs like a vampire.

Then the camera pans down to a dog that is next to her bed looking up and whimpers a bit at the sight of this. Then afterwards, it does the same exact thing, turns its head towards the camera and smiles showing its fangs.

Then finally the camera pans down again to a much smaller dog in a box next to the larger dog and it again whimpers and looks afraid, but then just like the girl and the bigger dog, it looks towards the camera and reveals its fangs.

Then everything goes black and it goes into like a morning scene in a house where the girl's mom is saying its time for her to get up.

The little girl exits her room and heads towards the bathroom. Her mom enters her daughter's room saying something about cleaning it and then the camera is still following the little girl and then all you hear is the mom screaming and dogs barking, growling and attacking.

Then the little girl looks at the camera with a close up smirk on her face and all motion just stops and underneath it says "To be continued…"

Immediately after this, I woke up.

Decades later, and so far the dream never continued, or if it did I don't remember it.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago
I think the reason that I remember the dream so vividly is that I'm reminded of it every year around Christmas.  I doubt carolers would sing that particular song if it conjured the same images for them as it does for me.

I don't believe I've ever dreamed in third person before, but it would be preferable to how I normally dream. You should include it in one of your stories.

Edit:  I just remembered that in the First Grade Christmas Pageant, it was one of the songs they were making us sing.  I refused!  I was madder'n all git out and just stood there scowling at the audience while the other kids belted it out, and some of the spectators would smile huge toothy grins back at me to try and get me to smile.  XD

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

My dreams are always weird, and I usually die at the end of them. I think that the one dream where I didn't die was this dream I had in which THE APOCALYPSE happened and somehow I survived nuclear detonation without being in a bomb shelter. It was weird af.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I don't remember most of my dreams but the ones i do remember are so fucked up i go to therapy because of them.


Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

I don't dream....I wish I did though.

Weird and Detailed Dreams

8 years ago

It's not nearly as nice as TV / movies make it sound--of course, this is coming from someone who mostly has nightmares.