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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago



So I guess this is a thread about bragging, such as how crushing your debt is, or how many people have threatened to carve your eyes out with a rusty fork, or how large your Tupperware collection is.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

EndMaster: Typing swear words at some name in a chatroom doesn't count as a girlfriend

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I only go on G-rated chat rooms because my parents beat me otherwise.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I pity the woman who fell in love with you. You have less brains than I have in my elbows.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

You have some smart-ass elbows!

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I refuse to look at you for you infect my eyes. Good day.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

How can you look at me if you don't know what I look like?

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

The mere letters you smash out from your keyboard makes my eyes bleed. 

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

You know that I use the same letters as everyone else.

?? ? ???? ???????????? ?????? ?????.


?EDIT: this website doesn't understand russian, so *shrug*

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

See, this is the AYT I like, not the annoying cunt who wants weird nicknames, but the innocent, naive one who hears "I have a girlfriend" and thinks "A woman has fallen in love with you", it's adorable.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

And how old are you? 14? 
Did you get one just for bragging rights, or because you honestly want to be with her? There's a bit of a difference there. Good luck. ^_^

But, you said this was a bragging thread, so here we go: 

I'm currently taking college level courses. I've composed 5 separate piano pieces. I have an average of 2-4 drawings a day be it digitally or traditionally. I've been commissioned, paid money, to do art for people - I'm actually just finishing one up today, which is going to be put in an actual Dungeons And Dragons book. I can make 3D models, understand how to make an actual rudimentary game, animate basic things. I've made a story here that I pulled out of my ass in half of a month and still is a high 4/8 despite that. My PSAT scores put me at the 95th percentile nationwide for reading/writing - meaning that 95% of the population scored the same as or below me. 54th percentile nationwide for math, but I didn't realize you were allowed to write in the book so I had done it all in my head, yet still scored just better than over half of the nation. 
By my last count, I had 81 active characters that I still mess around with and plan stories and backstories for, and dozens of retired ones that I'm not going to touch anymore. 
Despite being a nerd, I have a pretty healthy social life.
Also. I'm badass. I regularly wear a trenchcoat and a fedora. I love the pocketses. I normally have about 10-14 pockets.

Mind you, I'm a chick who still hasn't even graduated highschool yet and is struggling to keep her GPA above a 2.5 because depression is a bitch.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Feeling an urge to edit lock this so here goes.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

This one is probably heading for deletion soon anyway.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I feel so honored that you would spare some of your time on us mere mortals, considering you have so many better things to do.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
I asked Axiom if this was her in highschool and after the expected reaction she said she might post something here to shame everyone.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I got a girlfriend because I honestly want to be with her, since she's a nice person, smart, and cute.

Bragging rights are a side effect.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Your hand doesn't count.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

You're gross and pathetic and your girlfriend's probably a slag, ugly and/or nonexistent.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Anyway I guess this is a thread for bragging

I can breathe

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

No, this is now a thread for insulting Wizzy cat now. Go on, give it a go.

Wizzy, your deep down unhappiness is your own fault, because you've failed as a person. The depression that runs through your life is entirely your own fault, and you're too incapable to fix it, you pathetic fuck.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Why should I fix my depression?

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Plenty people all over the world have a girl/boyfriend or a wife/husband. You're not special and nobody will miss you when you die. Go play outside, kid. :)

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
I obtained a degree in mathematics in under a year. During my first semester in a mechanical engineering program I've created an aerospike nozzle rocket engine that uses 40% less mass and used ANSYS CFD function to determine optimal fuel efficiency.

I've programmed an adaptable multi-layer recursive neural net AI bot.

I have a girlfriend that might actually love me.

a great many people have threatened to carve my eyes and testicles out with a rusty fork.

ps im going to uni for free without having to pay for literally anything and I'm jobless which kind of sucks but I have no costs so it doesn't matter much

please delete the thread soon

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Well now I'm probably going to leave this thread up forever.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago


Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Oh, so we're supposed to brag about something here?  Hmm, okay.

When I was in high school, we won first prize for being the best marching band in a parade.  Perhaps my sterling trumpet-playing skills played a major part in the judges' decision.

However, honestly compels me to mention that we were the only marching band in that parade.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

If people are actually gloating and not just insulting Wizzy, I'd like to remind everyone once again that I'm legitimately pretty much the ideal human beings that exists. I'm not some depressed saddo constantly whining about life, or cutting, or constantly trying to change themselves because they don't like who they are. Instead, I'm pretty much only capable of feeling joy and anger, and since I really enjoy being angry, I've achieved the ultimate goals of a hedonistic life and anyone who uses happiness as an indicator should realize the world should just be billions of me, constantly fighting or banging or whatever.

My lifestyle and lack of a will to reproduce also means I won't burden the planet by growing old and draining resources or increasing the population to such a point this planet gets raped to death by my descendants draining the last drops of oil from it. So environmentally, I'm again an absolute delight.

Also, pretty sure I'm smarter than almost every single one of you, probably comparatively more skilled in the fields I've, I don't believe any of the drivel most of you concern your lives with like religion, exceptionalism, puritanical bullshit or the fucked up notion that Logan was in any way a good film, I have great taste and I have the prettiest eyelashes out of all of you. Also, I'm capable of finding cute snake pictures, and that gets me bragging rights.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

You can't be ideal if you have typos in your writing, on a writing site.

"pretty much the ideal human beings that exists" You wrote being in plural.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I said "pretty much", dumbass. You said that yourself in the quote, you absolute fucking spastic.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Oh yeah I didn't see that. I'm pretty much the most ideal human being, except for the fact that I am a lazy as hell and worry too much over tiny details, and I'm addicted to sugar and I'm also lazy as hell and I sometimes repeat myself.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Already, being lazy means you're far from the ideal human being. You're also stupid and unhappy.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I said pretty much. Also, how am I stupid or unhappy?

I'm perfectly content with everything I have, my grades are exceptional, I study math 2 grade levels above me, and I have written an 83000 word novel, which I am currently editting.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Stupid? I don't know how this one's even in question. You're not intelligent. Your opinions are almost certainly mostly wrong and ridiculous. 

The happiness one is also pretty simple. Happy people don't make posts just to gloat about having girlfriends, they're usually content enough not to have to waive it around.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Opinions are opinions for a reason. They're technically all correct. Freedom of speech! You wanna throw Jews into ovens, sure, as long as no one gets hurt! Also, something being ridiculous doesn't make it stupid, although I'd say that my opinions are not very ridiculous anyways.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Um... no. No, that's not how it works. It could be my opinion that the world is flat. That's not correct. This is why you're an idiot. I like that my explanation about why your life was shit wasn't disputed, though.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Well, can you prove the world isn't flat?

Also, your argument about why my life is shit wasn't disputed because I don't really have a comeback to that. I mean, it makes sense, so kinda hard to dispute.


Can you please delete this thread, I feel kinda dumb now...

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Yeah. I've sailed over the horizon.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

There are a multitude of ways you can prove the earth isn't flat. That statement in and of itself is horrendously stupid.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
He can't. No one can. I wrote an educational game about this and everything.

Also, End was planning to delete this thread, and now that you're begging him to I'm pretty sure he won't. Excellent. I want it to remain here as a monument to all of you being obnoxious fucktards.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

At least he got an "achievement" out of all this. Lol.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

-100 Points

+100 Gamerscore.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
You constantly talk about how great you are and how awesome your life is. Sure, you never talk about a girlfriend, but it's similar. Does that make you less happy, too?

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I'm confused about your phrasing, are you saying that my girlfriend is making me less happy? If so, hell no. Also, I don't constantly talk about how great my life is, I've just talked about it in this thread since it ironically turned into an insult-fest.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Mayana was replying to steve.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
I'm confused, too. Are you replying to my post? If so, I was actually replying to Steve, though it's possible I pressed enter on the wrong reply link.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Oh sorry.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Yeah, but that's because I'm a vain braggart in a constant attempt to shit talk everyone, even subconsiously. If a normal person feels the need to start talking about how fine and happy they are, they're not.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Ah, delightful. The seven year old furry has resorted to petty playground insults to get across the point that he’s attention starved and bitter over not creating anything worth notice. 

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

You can shut up, your insults are lame. Steve is good at arguing, and there's no way in which you can help him prove a point.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I wish you only happiness with your new girlfriend, Wizzy. 

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

That's an interestingly formatted insult.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I've been coming up with it for quite some time now, so thank you. 

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
@WizzyCat I dare you to show this thread to your girlfriend.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago


Ummm, sure. I'll try.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I actually saw your girlfriend walking down the street.  It gave me permanent erectile dysfunction.  

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

What a lazy insult.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Tell that to my now permanently lazy dick.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago


Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Have your girlfriend post in this thread or she doesn't exist.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I'm not gonna show this to her, mostly because I now feel like an idiot since I made a post bragging to a bunch of bigots on the internet about how I have a girlfriend.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

How is anyone being a bigot? Aren't you a dude?  Dude...and....girl.  Where's there room for bigotry?

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

You could be against the idea of straight people marrying, obviously.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

True, but generally gay people and such are the ones facing against bigots.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Yeah sure, but there's room for bigotry still. There's pretty much always room for biggotry.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Oh yes, I agree, I was just saying.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

"I made a post bragging to a bunch of bigots on the internet about how I have a girlfriend." - WizzyCat

"I forgot to mention that I hate liberals, and think that there are only two genders. Also, I think transgenders are people with a mental disorder, and I feel bad for them, and hope that a cure is invented sooner or later, because if you're born with a dick, you're a guy, no way around that. And while I would say that gay people and lesbians are unnatural, I have nothing against them since they solve the overpopulation issue (Also I think one of my close friends is gay)." - WizzyCat

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I never said that I wasn't a bigot! :D

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago


Well at least you're honest. Have another achievement.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Can you bring me down to -1 points? I wanna show my friend this.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

We both know you don't have a friend, lad.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Not on here, I don't.

I think I efficiently turned everyone on here into an enemy, wouldn't you say?

I'd like to conduct a social experiment now.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

No, I mean, you have no friends, you're unlikable, and you're utterly alone in life. You deserve the unhappiness that crushes you every single day.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Hate to break it to you, but there are probably very few on here who actually consider you to be their enemy. That requires a certain level of giving a darn.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Show your girlfriend this and have her post and you'll actually get all your points back.

Of course you're going to have to make us believe its really her.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I honestly want to be at -1 points.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

If only his waifu pillow could type 

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I find the entire concept of body pillows disgusting.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Sure you do.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I don't masturbate either.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Well that's a lie if I ever saw one.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I don't masturbate either. I just get Wizzy's mom on it.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Eh, it's possible. Lots of people don't masturbate for various reasons. Some people think it's wrong, some (like me) find no pleasure in it. Some have just never tried because they think it's disgusting. It happens.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Unfortunately JJJ changed the points display, so the best you'll get is "0" to show up.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

fucking lol

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Weekends are usually so slow around the forum, but I have to say this one was great, in large part due to threads like this. CYS Classic indeed.

Oh and I guess there was Bucky's small contribution too. But this needs to stop, weekends are supposed to be where I get my word counts in. D:

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago


Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Lol im a noob at this

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Well, there goes the last, measly, dried-up bits of me giving a fuck. 

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Who are you and what are you doing here? Can I see some identification?

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

i have literally no identification. i got here through the internet.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
Don't be silly. The internet isn't real.

Sir, please return to your room before I have to call security.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

This thread is amazing. :D

I've missed these gangrape sessions.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

uhmmm.... I'm at a loss for words.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

I kinda withdrew in on myself for about half a year, to various degrees at a time. I've kind of resolved some of my immaturity. Now I think I'm hot shit.

Edit: my situationally unaware ass damaged my tablet so it's kinda annoying to proofread.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago

Long ago I had so few important things to do, that I meticulously figured out how to go about winning forum games on this website. Like that Ant War thing we did, and Mafia Games....

I once wrote a passible story game overnight for a contest I had not known of prior because essentially everyone had failed to follow through on their contest entries and Endmaster had declared his certainty that no one else would manage an entry.

Pettiness powered my only - albeit lukewarm - achievement. 


Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
So it’s been what a week into your relationship.

Have you turned full fledged cuck yet.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago


He’s always been one.

Cringe Posting Thread

6 years ago
I didn't just fall off of a turnip truck.

Elegant in its simplicity because I both insulted and sang my own praises in just a few words.