If people are actually gloating and not just insulting Wizzy, I'd like to remind everyone once again that I'm legitimately pretty much the ideal human beings that exists. I'm not some depressed saddo constantly whining about life, or cutting, or constantly trying to change themselves because they don't like who they are. Instead, I'm pretty much only capable of feeling joy and anger, and since I really enjoy being angry, I've achieved the ultimate goals of a hedonistic life and anyone who uses happiness as an indicator should realize the world should just be billions of me, constantly fighting or banging or whatever.
My lifestyle and lack of a will to reproduce also means I won't burden the planet by growing old and draining resources or increasing the population to such a point this planet gets raped to death by my descendants draining the last drops of oil from it. So environmentally, I'm again an absolute delight.
Also, pretty sure I'm smarter than almost every single one of you, probably comparatively more skilled in the fields I've, I don't believe any of the drivel most of you concern your lives with like religion, exceptionalism, puritanical bullshit or the fucked up notion that Logan was in any way a good film, I have great taste and I have the prettiest eyelashes out of all of you. Also, I'm capable of finding cute snake pictures, and that gets me bragging rights.