Yeah, it's a possibility. Victim said it wasn't. I was arguing with him. I was right. You've wasted my time by arguing about this shit when you had no point to make. You just wasted your own time in a pathetic attempt to argue when you had no point that you were making.
So i wasted my time because i didn't follow some kind of obscure, arbitrary rule you've set up for your imaginary debates? Sounds legit.
Never said i was in Victim or your side, i added that the whole discussion was pointless because it wouldn't lead anywhere. To Victim, it isn't possible, to you it is. Congratulations, in your imaginary world it all works, in his version it doesn't. So you basically wasted everyone's time to "win" over a technicallity.
And i'm the pathetic one here. Sure, Steve, sure.
Because rape can be traumatic, and you're concerned about yourself right after. Because there's a difference between a dude getting away with a crime he would've almost definitely got away with otherwise and someone saying nothing while the person they know did awful things becomes a supreme court judge.
So you're concerned with yourself first and leaves a rapist to roam the land, raping people and doing whatever, but when he gets a promotion to a symbolic and powerful position you're suddenly the model of civic duty and lose all sense of self-preservation you previously had? To me, that's suspicious and unlikely.
Here's my version: She wanted attention and opposed Kavanaugh's political alignment (or whatever else), so she created a false rape story to appeal to the left wing, capitalizing on an already existing social and political conflict that regarding rape and the demonification of men. Conflict which didn't exist before more recent times and was created by and in favour of left-wing "social justice" groups.
There, we disagree and neither of us can prove shit. Case closed.
Seriously, whining about personal attacks when you made them many times tonight already? God, you're such a pussy.
By your logic, if someone punches you out of nowhere and you punch back you can't really complain about being punched for no reason in the first place. You attacked me first with no reason, at all.
Point out to me a single instance where i insulted you or attacked you personally before you started acting like a moron. Show me, please.
Now quiet down, let people speak their opinions. I mean, their actual opinions, not what they make up to win imaginary debates.
I've been raped and sexually assaulted before, sure. I don't have proof and didn't report it. This is common news that you're behind on.
Hmm, that surely excuses you acting like a moron all of a sudden. "lulz i was raped before, i can really speak about everyone's reaction in regards to rape because i really know how you'd act hurr durr, i was raped so it gives me the right to start calling you names all of a sudden"
Stop claiming the moral high ground when you act like a moron yourself.
Chase? Are we doing a weird bit here or were you planning to skip to a point? Either way, I think we both know that you're pathetic, and you know that you're an unhappy little fuck. Let's not waste time and pretend otherwise when it's clearly true, you weak little faggot.
Aww, little Steve can't really get jokes. He's so mad he needs to use swear words to confirm his false sense of superiority. How sad, this little narcisist.
Yes, someone committing perjury doesn't make them a rapist. God, you're such a pathetic fuck you just have to get the last word in rather than admitting I'm right. Yes, perjury is bad and Kavanaugh shouldn't be on the Supreme Court. Glad I've twisted that out of you.
"God, you're such a pathetic fuck you just have to get the last word in rather than admitting I'm right."
Zoom in there, great, now keep still. Keep it there.
So you're just complaining about something you've just done?
Like, how hypocritical of you. I've tried to end things in an agree to disagree note and you attacked me out of nowhere for this exact same reason, and now you pull the "You're so pathetic, you needed to have the last word" card? Wow, Hypocriteve, you're really consistent.
Consistent in being contradictory, i mean.
I can accept that you view the situation differently from me. But when you start insulting and doing personal attacks because you can't really let a discussion end in a civil tone or a fundamentally irreconciliable disagreement and have to "win" to feed your ego, it just shows to me and people your answers aren't credible at all.
You want to "win" and not find solutions or, really, information, which is the fundamental reason discussions and debate exist. You got to the point, Steve, where you shut down people whom you disagree with and mock them publicly in a sign of disrespect (as in, lack of civility, not admiration), which shows how intolerant and not morally right you are. You're a wolf disguised as sheep.
To end it all, let's take a moment of silence for Steve's braincells. They all died in the valiant effort to make him stop twisting people's arguments to fit his own narrative and agenda so he could have actual, fulfilling and nice civil discussions. I am certainly not wasting any more of my time with this dude, but you can if you really want to.