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Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Time to pester some noobs.


How do you feel about penguins?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Why are you so damn horny? Settle down girl, I'm sure you'll be able to legally take care of this problem in just a few years.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@mizal hold your horses I just like writing romance slow down

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Will Silver be the one to provide the renaissance of "the hottest and cutest guys in school are totally interested in you!!" genre around here? I'm personally looking forward to the one where the guy kidnaps you, but he's handsome and mysterious, so it's okay that he slapped a hand over your mouth and pulled you into a doorway somewhere. 

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Sounds criminal and pervy.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

This is looking more like the JAILbaiting and Hooking UP thread.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

... I have high hopes for the lulz ^_^

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@Avery_Moore “for the lulz?” What? And read my explanation.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

lol...Yeah Avery, read the

Mizal is my hero! She caught a live one! 

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

... OH! God, sorry, totally missed the explanation there. Feel like a prize idiot now. >.<

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@mizal and as for my profile pic, she’s my favorite actor. So no need to get annoyed, thanks! :)

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
holy shit your horniness aura is so tangible it's almost solid

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

We aren't annoyed. We are just having fun at your expense - see "lulz"

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
I don't recognize her at all, but I guess I'm just old. What movies is she in?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Probably "adult" films.

or one of those Nickelodeon kid dramas. Hard to guess.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Given that one fat producer with the teen girl foot fetish, those Nick shows qualified as both.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

To me... She kind of looks like a really high quality blow up doll.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
It’s Maia Mitchell

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Is she one of those Disney child stars that went on to become a singer?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
And my profile name? There’s an explanation for that too. Tell me if you wanna hear it- if not, I don’t want to have to take the time to type it.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Good job defending your non-horniness by responding with sentences clearly written by a horny person. If you have that much pent up sexual energy what are you doing on here?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
I want to hear it. :3

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

I think the explanation will boil down to the fact that she is just horny. 

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Damn it! Now I'll never get to properly lol fag at her creepy lesbian crush on some no name porno actress that doesn't even know she exists! Thanks a lot! >:(

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Oh, I like this.


How's the Brown House seem to you so far?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

I would call this gold, but it's actually shit, sorry Peng

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Not proud of it myself, Wizzy.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@DemonOfTheNight Are you really a demon of the night? I find it hard to believe because it's almost 12pm where I live.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
lmao. Maybe. Maybe not. Too lazy to think of a funnier answer rn

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Could've just said you were pulling an all-nighter, or, I suppose, in your case it would be an all-dayer.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

I'm pulling an all-nighter.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Being a Demon of the Night is actually just his day job.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
lmao yep.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

@Bobberman @applebear @jennamcc @DemonOfTheNight

Why don't yall go and rate Wrath of the EdomiteProphetess, and The Gods are Angered? They are all stuck at 6-7 ratings.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

And, if you really wanna impress everyone, write a review!

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Go read  It's a Boy! too. It is a very family-friendly game, suited for all ages :)

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
I just want you to know that I read this comment and not the description, so you should feel bad.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago


Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
Good... now you have suffered as I have. My pain is shared and I am released of my shackles. Now I can live freely knowing someone else read that story without knowing exactly what they were getting into.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
The Reign of Terror meanwhile has been sitting there over two weeks...

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

I rated that today. It was great.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

@Sun11111 are you the kind of person who sunburns or tans more

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@Lux_Inferni you like dick and balls? I bet you like cock and nuts too.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago


Hmm...tell me why you like dragons so much.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
A "chicken dragon" is likely some kind of cockatrice.

We already have one of those who likes dragons. Thus I'm more interested in how he feels about javascript.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@girlwohder I think you meant girlwonder, but girlblunder might be more fitting.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago


how is that "stuff" going lol

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago
@Kaladin_Stormson Why would a fan of the best book series decide to have such a cringe username? Shameful.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Do you really think you can compete with the glory of @MasterfulMystery ?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one year ago

Haha. I will leave the title of "Master" to the one who has rightfully earned it. I am content with my "Mysterious" status for now. ;)

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Tell me more about the campaign your name is from.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago


Why do you only rate storygames with the word 'and' in the title?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Commended by Ford on 9/18/2023 1:04:01 AM

To fill the ever-expanding. all-consuming void of loneliness in my soul.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

@ArunimAhm how did you find this site

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

@Short are you short?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

That is a very old account. We have members younger than that account.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Oh dear. I didn't mean for this post to draw the attention of the IRS.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

The CYS IRS has stolen my points!

Oh well.

And more points are gone! I have the birthday tax but also a message saying "shouldn't have been online. get taxed on. IRS out"

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Any reason too for this penalty? 

I didn't recall that I've irritated an admin in the last couple of weeks?

-pee pee poo poo poopy pee *farts in your face*

And why also the birthday penalty? Kind of feel a bit bummed out because I was so close to getting a new title. Oh and I still didn't get any points for the scavenging hunt. 

Tldr: I'll reward any person who gets my points back a drawing.


Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
I like how you said in the last couple of weeks. I try to mess with admins once a month until they threaten to ban me.....PLEASE DONT BAN ME MIZAL, ILL MAKE A GOOD GAME I PROMISE

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Can you please just shut the fuck up?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Wow that sure is a mystery.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Commended by mizal on 9/20/2023 10:51:50 AM

As promised, since you didn't specify what kind of drawing you want, I did a grumpy Jack the bean counter. (I would like my birthday tax returns back too if it's possible) well, I also am not sure who gave me them back, but it must be Mizal.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Hey! This is really good!

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Do they even have birthday parties in the Netherlands?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Enter still has them, so why not? 

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Damn no need to put yourself down like that; we're here for that.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
The picture is quite good so I will pay you 25 points, but I'm afraid that birthday welfare is a thing of the past and CYStians will just have to get used to being taxed. Ford it seems finds this a preferable solution to just coding in a thing that will adjust them retroactively.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

Thank you very much and glad you like it! And know that I can always be bribed to do more drawings in return for points.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Art whore

Good art though

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago

You see, I'm the exact opposite. I make a drawing, and points are taken away. 

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago


Was zero not available?

(Also, yes I know they're not a noob)

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago
Yes, Zero is a 2007 account.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

10 months ago


Why should we believe that you're not the true End master?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

7 months ago

Since the site regulars are busy, I'll try to reel in some noobs instead.


What are your thoughts on The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost?

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one month ago

How much is ground bat by the pound, and what do you make with it?


I will forever be disappointed you didn't decide to be the inscrutable CaesareanFinger instead.

Baiting and Hooking part 6 (part 7?)

one month ago
I would not not know as I am a rat, though I imagine it would be useful in a witch's brew.