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Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Did you watch Hamilton?

Cyto is a retard

one month ago


Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I like Hamilton, I mentioned it in the movie thread. But it seems to have permanently damaged your child brain in ways you may never recover from.

Cyto is NOT a retard

one month ago
oh no

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I like Hamilton. I really do, yes I do.

But this... this concerns me.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
??? what do you mean

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Not live, but a recording of one of the Broadway performances.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
same here chat

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I have no idea who you are but you're already annoying.

Kill yourself, retard.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

My favourite part of Hamilton was this bit!

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

You know you threw the home page into disarray by posting this video.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Mwahahaha! ^_^

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

You are pure evil. But the video is pretty great.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
holy crap man ur so mean lol

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

It's basically a musical celebrating straight white slavers and rapists.

So of course.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

But in the musical, the straight white slaver rapists are black, so it's okay! ^_^

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I've never seen any Hamilton movie, I do like the Hamilton musical though. 


"He's a bastard, the son of a whoree, his name is Alexander hamiltonnnn 🎶"

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
@CytoCookie Crimson just agreed to help you with your weird fanfiction.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I will work on his fan fiction but only for a fee. 600 dollars up front and 100 dollars per page wrote, along with a 4℅ interest fee per page, cumulative. (inflation is a real problem) Take it or leave it! 

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
take it i have no time- also i suppor phillidosia for no reason idk

im broke

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Its sad to be both broke and have no time. If i have no time i better at least not be broke, you have my condolences, but since youre broke our communications end here. Once you get your money up we can initate discussion once again. 


EDIT: im on a different browser and didnt see it automatically logged me into this account smh

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
i'm 10- i have no money

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
You're either ten, or you have no time; you can't be both at the same time.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I felt instantly that Cyto was one of the more retarded noobs we'd had in awhile, I suppose being ten would explain it.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
bruh i am not retarded

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

This thread demonstrates that you are, in fact, retarded.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Bruh I am not retarded.
That's what I think you meant. You could also word it like your from Hamilton's time.
Brethren, I do not have the quality of an idiot.
Anyways, you are retarded.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I rightfully disagree, brethren.
Your distasteful insults are futile and only reflect back on thyself. Furthermore, you have made a spelling error. In your reply, you stated, "You could also word it like your from Hamilton's time." Notice how you said "your" instead of "you're"? In conclusion, I am not retarded, and saying insults doesn't make you the better person.


Cyto is a retard

one month ago
You believe I am throwing insults, even though I simply state facts. Also, stop gay LARPing

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Pardon me, but what is "gay LARPing"?

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
A Live Action Role Playing session consisting of severely homosexual members, such as yourself.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Where can I sign up?

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
As long as you bring your mom to the shoe store in GTAV, you're automatically in. Special code.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
>>bruh i am not retarded

Backreading one day later and ample evidence speaks to the contrary.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
im ten and i have no time wdym

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
The meaning of my sentence is pretty clear, but sure, I'll clarify it even further. If you are a dumb child, you have plenty of time. If you are a retarded adult, you don't have any time.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
i'm a smart child who does his homework, giving me almost no time to work on this.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Your homework takes up all of your free time as a ten year old. And you think you're smart? You can't even capitalize the first letter in your sentence. Anyway, I had plenty of free time when I was ten, and I still made A's and B's on everything. Actually, I can't remember if I made A honor roll or AB honor roll that year. Still had plenty of free time while doing it, too!

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
A's and B's? How distasteful. Only truly intelligent people can get A's in a row. Additionally, you most likely cannot remember because you didn't get an honor roll at all that year.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I played around all day and still got the presidential award in 5th grade, and was on a 9th-grade reading level.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Excellent job. My biological male sibling received a letter from Ron DeSantis. (I think I'm college level [whatever 13th grade is idk])

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Nerd ass, tryharding and only getting 13th grade. I was reading Stephen King and Tolkien at your age, pal.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
NGL Stephen King makes good books

(I read the Wild Robot series in 2.5 days. I recommend and I also got 100% on the AR test.)

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I read like 4 Harry Potter books in like 4 hours, along with perfect AR scores. You take too long to read pal.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
First of all, that is most definitely untrue. Secondly, I have a reading rate of 505 wpm. I read the series day-by-day and during a school day, so I didn't have much time.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
You just aren't built like me, you ain't Asain you're Bsian and a disgrace to your ancestors. Bet you're a Japanese person too.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
(Bsian is so funny)

What is your ethnicity? My bloodline derives from the Philippines.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Korean, the only good one.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
APT lookin ahh))

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
First of all she bad, second of all Mileena better.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Simping much?

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
You mean Super Intenst Minecraft Player? Also, I enjoy Mileena as an artist, also stating a subjective opinion of a female doesn't mean simping. I know for a fact your the type of person to get a girl and leave all his homies too, simp boy.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Congrats kid, 505 wpm is really impressive. Mine is around 250 words per minute, I can't imagine being able to read that fast. That's a really good skill to have.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Uhh, thanks I guess

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I wish I could read that fast

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Train your eyes by tracking down an annoying fly.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I don't really know what my words per minute rate is, but I know it's probably just average lol, I'll have to check that actually. I have a friend who would Livestream her playing persona 5 to me sometimes, and I'd have to make the decisions, but I was like "wtf you doing, you're skipping the dialogue so fast, I can't read shit" And she was saying she'd click next when she read the dialogue lol, so I'm definitely not that fast, or she's just freaky fast idk 

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I'm not sure my reading speed either; they have found it very hard to get an exact count of what I can do.  I got recruited by a lab right out of college, and then they juiced me with some stuff that put all my scores way off any known charts.  Later, they used CRISPR to further enhance my abilities.  My IQ and pattern recognition is beyond anything they have ever seen.  Needless to say I don't get out much.  Basically, I spend 24/7 in a facility, which usually is under Los Alamos, but they sometimes move me around. It's pretty nice and they make sure it's comfortable with green spaces.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Biological male sibling.


Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Brother lol

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

"I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT. I'm like a smart person."

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I got a letter directly from Joe Biden. I'm not sure how good that is now I know more politics, but I'm kinda proud.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I just went out playing with my friends all day as a kid, couldnt tell you what i got on my test papers, all i do remember is that one of my teachers was so concerned by my performance that she had specialists come in to check my eyesight and hearing, just to be shocked that i was completely normal lmao

pretty sure it was so bad they even did an IQ test on me, i didn't go into the special needs class so i guess it mustn't of been that bad. 

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I got one F on a spelling test and was yelled at for over 20 minutes.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I dont think i ever did a single piece of homework in highschool, and probably not in elementary either. My dad didn't care at all. I was quite naughty in high school at first actually, i almost got kicked out a few times. I just kind of grew out of it once i hit 14

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Tell me your white without telling me you're white. Or your parents don't care about you one.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Both are true! lol, all things considered though im doing really well in life compared to my peers, despite my lackluster school performance, education and general upbringing. 

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I am very proud of you Crimson, I'm glad you are succeeding in life. Also, why is MrCrimsonClean's pfp smoking her cigarette backward? The orange part is supposed to go in your mouth, because the orange part is basically just a plastic filter.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Yey! Another humble brag of the day! ^_^

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
How do you get an F on a spelling test

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
I'm not actually sure, I don't remember the test, more of the being yelled at.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
oh ok

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
pardon my spelling

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

No, this is a writing site. Learn how to use spell check. Even retards can manage that.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
my spell check is ass fr fr

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
My spell check is ass for real for real.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago


Cyto is a retard

one month ago

(where did you come from)

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

I live here. Where did you come from?

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

Hamilton: I love this play!

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
reply to this message to become a co-author

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
Bet, you need so much help.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
W mans thx

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

No. But I'm sure it's lame and gay. lol.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
philidosia is not gay and (i think) historically accurate

may be lame tho-

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
how far can this reply go

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

who is your fav char in hamilton and why

Cyto is a retard

one month ago
how and why the fuck does this exist-


Cyto is a retard

one month ago

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause—there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action.

Cyto is a retard

one month ago

... Yes ^_^