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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Your pets

10 years ago

So, do you have any?

I just got a 2 month old puppy and he is adorable! I did some googling and he looks like an Anatolian Sheperd but I can't be sure yet... May post pics later 

How about you?

Your pets

10 years ago

2 dogs. We also have a lone rabbit that wanders the neighborhood which is nicknamed Thumper.

Your pets

10 years ago

What breeds?
And lol, I've seen plenty of stray dogs and cats but a rabbit? Sounds like fun

Your pets

10 years ago

Full Beagle and a German-Shepard mixed with... something. I don't know. lol

Your pets

10 years ago

Got 4 female rabbits, one mentally deficient Gray Dwarf male. Lots of fun stories with that one. XD 

Your pets

10 years ago

I read that as a Gay male dwarf...

Your pets

10 years ago

I just thought that dwarf of yours had arthritis. I dunno.

Your pets

10 years ago

Didn't you say you hated rabbits?

Your pets

10 years ago

Naw, Aman hates cats.

Your pets

10 years ago

A bunch of koi, one of which (and he's the largest of the bunch huehue) is an albino.  His first two friends were eaten by a heron while he hid under the rock.

((I need to get a gun ASAP))

Your pets

10 years ago

2 dogs, a dumb, lazy, good-for-nothing Shi Tzu, and an over-energetic but cowardly, good-for-nothing Mini Foxie. As well as six-eight goldfish (stopped watching them ever since my favourite one died :c).

I'd like to own a husky or labrador, or maybe even a wolfdog if I get the license to do so.

Your pets

10 years ago

I'm kind of confused with wolf dogs. Do they mean a literal hybrid in English? In Greek it's used as a label for plenty of breeds.

Your pets

10 years ago

Yes, literal hybrid between a wolf and a dog. Depending on how 'strong' the wolfish traits are you need different types of licenses to own one.

Your pets

10 years ago

A three legged tortoiseshell cat.

Your pets

10 years ago

Are you in non-threaded view?

Your pets

10 years ago
1 lazy beagle and a couple of the same birds visit my back yard often.

Your pets

10 years ago

That's odd, I thought beagles were hyperactive

Your pets

10 years ago

Depends if they have something to catch their attention. Otherwise my beagle would just try and sleep all day I think.

Your pets

10 years ago

One one month old puppy and another 3 year old dog(not his mom).

Your pets

10 years ago

I have a duck that prefers the ponds that form in my yard after a big rain as opposed to the permanent ponds that are not in my yard. I usually rip sandwhiches apart and leave them in a trail so it'll get the hell off my lawn and back in the spot where it's supposed to be.

Your pets

10 years ago

Took him to the vet and turns out he'll become HUGE (also he is a mutt), so we have to give him away.


Your pets

10 years ago

Beagles or hounds are more suitable for size.

Your pets

10 years ago

No pets yet, but I'm going to get a bloodhound. Thinking of calling him ''Death Row'' or something like that.

Your pets

10 years ago

If you wanted a "Death Row" pet, you could've gotten a rottweiler-pitbull mix or a Wolf-Bernard mix (<----hilarious as fuck to name, since they're all so adorable)...

Your pets

10 years ago

I used to have a puppy called Lucky that I found wandering on the street one day (I was like, 6).

Note: Small children just suck all the balls at taking care of pets.

After leaving the poor little bastard locked up in my garage for about a month, my parents decided that it was time to give the thing a better home. So they sold it to some random old guy for like, 60 bucks. 

Oh, and I also had a bunch of goldfish when I was younger too. Did you know that highlighters are poisonous to fish? I sure didn't! 

A list of more things that will kill your guppies:

- Throwing them around while they're still in the plastic bag from the aquarium and having their little bodies get beaten to death.

- Them suffocating in the plastic bag from the aquarium.

- Them being boiled.

- Pen ink.

- Getting stabbed with said pens.

- Being taken out of the bowl to see how long they can breath outside of water.

- Being buried in dirt.

- Being overfed.

- Suffocating in fish food.

- Seriously, I had no idea what the proper food portions were.

- Like, an entire layer would block out the light. They lived in fishie darkness from all the food.

Your pets

10 years ago

What I now think of Drakilian-

Your pets

10 years ago

I always figured that girl knew what she was doing the entire time.

Your pets

10 years ago

*Snap* I'm a piranha! They're in the amazon ^_^

Your pets

9 years ago

Lol, that's a pretty good description. 

Your pets

10 years ago


Even I could take care of hamsters better than that at your age.  Did you never read the instructions or know what impaling meant?  >.>

((Then again, I was pretty damn scarred after I slammed the shit out of a retard who sliced all the silk-worms with scissors.  I should've killed that bastard when they were lighter on the kids back then))

Your pets

10 years ago

Ha, my old science teacher had an awesome story about his hamsters. He had two as a kid back home, and he kept them in the same cage. He had some nonsense cute names for them (I forget, let's call them fluffernutter and fluffwald the third). So they were both these vicious, evil little bastards that would constantly bite and scratch anything that came near them; one day he came back to find Fluffwald the third laying down by the water body in the cage. He was belly-up, and red-marks were on his throat. Apparently Fluffernutter murdered the shit out of Fluffwald while he was out. Ha!

Anyways, I wasn't trying to impale the guppies. I was just trying to, you know, poke them. But the bastards just moved so quickly, so I had to move faster too! And, you know, when you're sta - I mean, "Poking" at something that quickly, well...

Your pets

10 years ago

Well, my hammy "Sunny" did die by cardiac arrest or a seizure from shock when a stuffed animal was thrown NEXT to him...


They're difficult bastards to work with.  I should probably get a guinea pig or chinchilla next time (all they do when in distress is swear at you in their barking language)

Your pets

10 years ago

Ah, yes, hamsters also die of sheer fright when you fly them around on remote-controlled planes big enough to get them 5 or so feet off the ground...

Your pets

10 years ago

Agh, I think i need bigger prey-item animals.  Capybaras sound nice...

Your pets

10 years ago

Had several, including some exotic-ish ones (if Ferrets count as exotic pets) and have none at the moment.

Your pets

10 years ago

Turns out I'm keeping him :D


Your pets

10 years ago

I have three cats.

Patch- A calico she-cat with one blind blue eye, and one green eye

Moose- a gray tabby with blue eyes

Phantom- a glossy black she-cat with green eyes, and a white diamond on her chest


Your pets

10 years ago

3 cats huh? Do they ever fight?

Your pets

10 years ago

Moose and Patch will hiss, but that's it. But most of the time, Moose steals all the food before any cat can get it. He's fat!

Your pets

10 years ago

i have two cats a lizard and a dog that got ran over by a car

felix a black tom with amber eyes and all black whickers all but one that is white

ocar a light brown tabby tom amber eyes brother of felix

and my old dog a little lazy 2 month puppy 

and a gecko called wizard

Your pets

10 years ago

I thought you were leaving Mousepaw? Anyway, welcome back I guess. 

Your pets

10 years ago

 I have a turtle named Ziggy Stardust and a dog named Janis Joplin. 

Your pets

10 years ago

I have a cat named Niko

Your pets

10 years ago

Aren't you a little late to this...?  ^-^'

Your pets

10 years ago

Just a little :P

Your pets

10 years ago


Your pets

10 years ago

I have a pedigree 130 lb Alaskan Malamute male I call Puff McRuff, and a cat I call Cattabis/Meowijuana. Those aren't their real names but they respond to those regularly.

Your pets

10 years ago

I had lots of animals, but they all ended up... in  bad ways.

My first dog, which I received as a gift,  was apparently a  special breed that everyone wanted. i received death threats  saying that if I don't sell it, I die, so .... sold..

My second dog, yet another gift, was named Lily. She was instantly attached to me, but in the same day I got her, i found out I had a severe form of allergy to her fur. After I managed to sell her to someone who would take care of her.... she escaped their new owners' house and returned to my house.  I tried giving her away. Same result. I got mad, i threw her in a bag and threw the bag in a train that was leaving for another country. Three days later, she was barking at my door.  my neighbor tried to poison her, to no avail (he got caught for it, finally, he was poisoning all animals in the neighborhood). . I gave her to an animal shelter, and they put ehr in a cage. Six hours alter, she was back at my house.  meanwhile, my allergy was getting worse, and i got sent to the hospital ( which is in another city). When I woke up the enxt day, the Police fined me for BRINGING A DOG. But I didn't.... oh, she followed the ambulance.  They tranquilized her, sent her off to a place 500 miles away... and 5 days alter she was back at my house. A part-time exorcist offered his services for free and I took him up on the offer... and it was finally over after he said a prayer and sprinkled her with some stinky water. The dog started acting like a normal dog, no longer attached to me.



My third dog, Cody ( actually named Coditza , "Little Tail" in Romanian, but shortened to Cody,) was just a puppy. He was cute, playful,  and an overall perfect pet. Until one night, a ferret sneaked in the backyard and murdered him.


My fourth dog, Lucky, was actually a stray dog. he had three more brothers, whom I named Ostrich (he kept on putting his head in holes in the ground), Hyena ( he was skinny, and had a stature and color scheme similar to hyenas)  and Meerkat (he liked to stay on two feet and look around, like meerkats ). While Hyena and Meerkat became fully-fledged stray dogs by three months of age, Lucky and Ostrich were accustomed to my house , but then winter came, and all 4 had a common shelter in my backyard. lucky always chose to stay at the entrance, exposed to the cold weather, to protect his brothers, mostly because his fur grew faster, while the others barely had any fur. But one night, it was too cold, and in the morning, I found him frozen to death.  I tried to dig a small grave for him, but his brothers dug him up and ate him, leaving his bare skull on my doorstep. The next night, Ostrich also died because of the cold weather  , since Lucky was no longer there to warm them up. To this day, Hyena and Meerkat prowl the city streets , barking enraged at anyone who dares to get close to them, but still afraid of me, for some reason .


As for cats......

I had many cats, but always had to give them up to other people. Except little Tommy. I loved Tommy, he was my last pet. But he was only three months old.  I used to give him shelter in the other half of duplex i live in ( the half i live in in normal, the other is  in construction. ), until the owner decided to allow two hobos to live in the other half. So I had to keep him outside. In the very day they moved in, after i came back from skull, i found poor Tommy , dead, on the doorstep, with blood still dripping from his mouth. Apparently, a car ran him over, and one of the hobos brought him on the doorstep (  #hobologic? )

After this, I've decided to never EVER get another pet. Ever again. Too much attachment and too much disappointment  when they finally die.

Your pets

10 years ago

Holy shit

Your pets

10 years ago

wow but i would try to take care of animals and not let hobos live in the same house as you and here is a hint try getting a hermit crab they are easy to take care of all you have to do if get sea salt and mix it with filtered water and put it in a bowl and then mix filtered water with hermit crab water conditioner  to be exact 8 drops and for the first one a teaspoon of sea salt and for food just cut up a apple or a pear and for the waters put them in 2 different bowls

Your pets

10 years ago

Necro-ing threads much?

Your pets

10 years ago

It's not that I let them, the house isn't fully mine and the main owner calls the shots, and they were his relatives, so we had no choice. Also, while it is technically the same buiIding, it's not the same house.  Different entrances, separate facilities, no access from one to another...., so yeah, don't try to make me look like a hobo, because I'm not. I would die before i'd let that happen

And really, hermit crabs? In Romania? In mountain region? You're crazy.

Wait, they EAT APPLES AND PEARS?  Dafuq, man, fruit are expensive  here. 



Your pets

10 years ago

dude i live in florida its 80 degrees here im lovin it

Your pets

10 years ago

You still haven't answered my question

Your pets

10 years ago

what question?

Your pets

10 years ago

you could get a lizard all you have to do us keep them warm let them have water and feed them bugs

Your pets

10 years ago


>in mountain area




Your pets

10 years ago

its not like i know where you live i live in florida i have no problem getting warm

Your pets

10 years ago

I hate florida!.

Your pets

10 years ago

dang it but i live in the good part of florida i live slightsly off the cost in ormend beach thats where i have my sand castle with my mermouse mom and my mermouse dad and my merdork brother

Your pets

10 years ago

Lol. adorable mousepaw. I hate the bad part of florida, I actually have family there....but they live in a bad part.

Your pets

10 years ago

is it orlando or jacksonvill?

Your pets

10 years ago


Your pets

10 years ago

i knew it jacksonvill is not supah bad but not as good as my mertown

Your pets

10 years ago

Lol. Every place has it's good and bad parts mousepaw.

Your pets

10 years ago

i know but my mertown is better then everywhere else

Your pets

10 years ago

This is a good story. I think. I didn't read it.

Your pets

10 years ago

Your mom

Your pets

10 years ago
best pet ever - what breed is it?

Your pets

10 years ago

I was going to say the word that means "female dog", but then I realized you knew it already.

Your pets

10 years ago
Lol nice xD

Your pets

10 years ago

None =(

Your pets

9 years ago

I have a ferret named Jason, a husky named Poseidon and a sister called Silla. Yes my sister counts as a pet. 

Your pets

9 years ago

Are you fuckin' serious?

Your pets

9 years ago

If you've seen my sis, you'd agree.

Your pets

9 years ago

No, dumbass, Delta was referring to the fact that you necro'd a nine-month old thread. LEARN SOME NETIQUETTE, YOU BASTARD. 

Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago
Internet Etiquette.

Your pets

9 years ago

-A. Hippo Krit

Your pets

9 years ago

The stupid is strong in this one.

Your pets

9 years ago

Two dogs, a cat, one cat that lives outdoors, some horses, and a bird. 

Your pets

9 years ago

...I have an apple pie. Does that count?

I'm a crazy cat lady who's allergic to cats, so I have like fifteen dogs...

Your pets

9 years ago

2 kittens. Both from the same litter, but completely different in appearance. 

Your pets

9 years ago
You still have those things? XD

Your pets

9 years ago

Do  foxes eat kittens?

Your pets

9 years ago
They can...

Your pets

9 years ago

Why wouldn't I?

Your pets

9 years ago

They could've been eaten by a fox

Your pets

9 years ago
I don't know. I'm not implying that you would conveniently let them outside when there was a hawk circling. It's just that the last time we talked, you were cursing their little existences.

Your pets

9 years ago

Well, yeah, I don't particularly like them, but that doesn't mean that I'd get rid of them. I'd get in trouble big time by my mom. I have been tempted to 'accidently' let them outside to run off several times now though. They have destroyed six pairs of my headphones, seven charger cords, two couch cushions, four of my little brothers stuffed animals, eleven socks, and one of my fired clay figures that I had made myself, among dozens of other things. And we've only had them for a few months.

Your pets

9 years ago

Sell them to that creepy Chinese guy living across the street.

Your pets

9 years ago
Yes, just remember, you can't kill cats. Even if you manage it, they don't die; they just get banished and come back as a different cat. So, your best option is to tolerate them or consult the vigil of Stendarr.

Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago

I remember having a fuckton of cats when I was around 2 or 3. We started accidently killing the kittens by sitting on them and jazz like that.

It was terrifying for my small mind.

But killing cats is fine with me now, because I have fantasies of murdering people! *Jolly laughter*

Your pets

9 years ago
My little sister accidently broke a kitten's back once. It was very saddening.

Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago

My sister killed my first bird by laying on it... It happens

Your pets

9 years ago

The vigil's a punch of pussies. They couldn't even withstand  the Aryan vampire horde.

Your pets

9 years ago
I don't see how vampires are a problem. Just let them eat some people and they lose all their powers.

Your pets

9 years ago

Haha, true. I don't think they're objective is to let people get eaten, though. XD

Your pets

9 years ago

Two cockatiels ^_^ 

One is my little sister's, his name is T-bird.

The other is mine, her name is Pickles. (We didn't name her we bought her off craigslist 

Your pets

9 years ago

Your pets

9 years ago

This put me to shame. I'm going to stand in a corner and think about what I've done.

Your pets

9 years ago
You're Fallen_Leaves?

Your pets

9 years ago

Nah, she just continued feeding the Necro. I can't exactly speak for her though.

Your pets

9 years ago

No it's because she didn't even notice it was necro'd.

Your pets

9 years ago

What Sentinel and Lexi said.

Your pets

9 years ago

It wasn't her who necro'd. 

Your pets

9 years ago

Senpai noticed me! :O

Your pets

9 years ago

Legions of re-animated corpses and a Labrador called Sooty

Your pets

9 years ago

I have a pitbull that's around 3 or 4 years old. He's fucking awesome, in spite of being a major dick at night by laying on my fucking pillows to annoy the fuck out of me.

Your pets

9 years ago

I just saw some images of pitbull attacks on Google the other day.  No matter how well trained they'll still attack out of the blue.  It's why they were bred.  Luckily I haven't had to shoot one yet, but collar or not if one shows up's worm food.

Your pets

9 years ago

For some reason my dog never really barks or does anything that pitbulls are said to do.

Your pets

9 years ago

You've been lucky so far.

When my black lab got old, he got senile.  I could still handle him, because he was just a lab.  Be careful...

Your pets

9 years ago

The most damage he's ever done is annoy me at night :P

I mean, when he was younger and we had a bigger yard, he was all over the place, considering we had an entire acre to ourselves, and we had 6 more dogs. When we decided to move to a smaller place, we had to get rid of the other 6. Since then, he's gotten fat, since we don't take him out much, and he rarely ever barks.

I'm sure that my dog won't rip my throat out in my sleep.

Your pets

9 years ago

That's what every pitbull owner believes.  Some are adamant about it.  My lab was the sweetest, smartest, and most well-trained of any that it has been my privilege to raise.  That didn't stop him from trying to take my head off when he was about sixteen or so (and labs aren't bred for fighting).

Your pets

9 years ago

Frankly, that's the fucking stupidest urban legend I've ever heard, and I've heard of Slenderman being real. Pitbulls DO NOT attack "Out of the blue", they ARE NOT bred to kill. If you treat/raise them right, they'll never hurt anyone. As I'm sure Chris knows, Pitbulls are highly affectionate animals that may as well think their owners are Gods Incarnate. The reason they get so violent is because their owners tell them to, and if their owner gives them a command, they will make sure that they do their absolute best. That's the reason they ended up in drug-dealers' back alleys and dogfights, it has absolutely fuck all to do with them being "Bred for Aggression" or otherwise inherently violent animals, because they are not either of those things.

Your pets

9 years ago

If a dog wouldn't fight, it was destroyed.  Only the most aggressive were bred for fighting animals.  That is how the breed came to be.

Your pets

9 years ago
And the time the 'd' word starts getting thrown around is the time I leave the thread.

Your pets

9 years ago

D word?

Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago

Well, I did call my dog a dick, so it could be that.

Your pets

9 years ago

Or maybe he's just against dogs in general?

Perhaps Dog is like the N-word for foxes?

Your pets

9 years ago

Or perhaps James knows that dogs are far more superior than foxes. Jk, jk.

Your pets

9 years ago

"Foxy, mah dawg!" 

Your pets

9 years ago

That is not how pitbulls originated, they were made to chase down rabbits and other small game. That's the urban myth I was addressing. Yes, most pitbulls would fight, if you could get them to comprehend the command, but that depends entirely on the owner, not the dog. Like a horse, it's loyal to whatever familiar face is commanding it. It's not some ticking time-bomb waiting to wreck shit up. Iraq Lobsters, on the other hand...

Your pets

9 years ago

Source.  And, yes, I'm from here, so I know it still persists.

Your pets

9 years ago


I've seen good dogs, and I've seen bad dogs, and I'm telling you, a Pitbull's aggression comes ENTIRELY from nurture, and not their nature. Hell, your own source doesn't even say that PBs were made for fighting. They were made for strength and speed, which are sought after features for more productive things, like hunting, but eventually Englanders started putting them into dogfights and shit went sour.

Your pets

9 years ago

1)  "Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of
Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers."

2)  When you read the full story, you'll find this:  "Please note: This position is statement is intended to be considered in its entirety and excerpting is not recommended."

3)  While I do respect Cesar Millan, I've seen him do some really stupid stuff on TV.  I don't know who Jon Bastian, the writer of the article, is, but I can decipher his motive...

 From my source:  "Many of these breeds were originally developed as fighting dogs. After the use of dogs in blood sports was banned, such dogs were used as catch dogs in America for semi-wild cattle and hogs, to hunt and drive livestock, and as family companions,[1] although some owners still bred and used them clandestinely for dog fighting.", it's in the very first paragraph, so you might have missed it.

Your pets

9 years ago

Gotta agree with Sentinel man. Pit bulls might have some vicious nature inside of them, but if you raise them right they'll only attack while trying to defend somebody. I've had three of them, and two were the sweetest dogs you'll ever know and didn't bark or bite anything. The other one was more of a loner that only bit a person on two occasions, both of which times said person was an aggressor in a physical altercation.

Your pets

9 years ago

I saw the aftermath of when one got hold of a cow.  Not a pretty sight.  I didn't really care at the time, because I was just a kid, but I have a greater respect today.  And the cow was probably minding it's own business, like they are apt to do.

Your pets

9 years ago

Y'know, I had a horse growing up, and I'm still not convinced horses recognize specific people. I've seen him occasionally since, and he certainly didn't seem to care one way or the other... unless I had a treat handy. XD

My old cat, on the other hand... well, I went to visit him at my parents' house, and he (being blind and deaf at the time) was all *sniff sniff* "OMG IT'S YOU!"

My parents were going to have him put down, so I took him home with me. He got by remarkably well with just his sense of smell and whiskers -- it took him like five minutes to explore my room, jump onto my bed, and make himself at home. Every evening he'd lie on my chest while I lay in bed and read a book. I still miss him sometimes. :/

Your pets

9 years ago
Recognizing people and giving a shit are two totally separate things.

Your pets

9 years ago

...point. XD

Your pets

9 years ago
Still, I love my cat when he decides to grace me with his presence. Now, I'm not a "cat person". But, I'm not a "people person" either, and there are a few of you I get along swimmingly with.

Your pets

9 years ago

Am I one? :D

Your pets

9 years ago

I can't say if my cat "cares" about me. She consistently chooses to be in the same room as me. 

Your pets

9 years ago
I don't know if cats can actually love you or if cat-human relationships are strictly pragmatic. That said, Samuel Clemens actually managed to develop some close bonds with his cats and even train them to respond to certain commands.

Your pets

9 years ago

I'm looking for a good home for six outdoor cats.  They are excellent hunters and would make some farmer really happy.  I just live too near a highway...and I'm tired of burying them.  :(

Your pets

9 years ago

i cri evrytiem

But that's really sad. We had to bury a fuckton of our dogs back at our old house. I remember when my favorite dog got hit by a truck. I was only 6 and it scarred me for life...

Your pets

9 years ago

Having my German Shepherd put down at about that same age because he supposedly had rabies was my first traumatic memory.  It's really sad.  I do love animals, contrary to what my above posts indicate.

Your pets

9 years ago

Who can't love animals?

Your pets

9 years ago
To me, someone claiming to be an "animal lover" falls into much the same category as someone who says "I am not a racist".

Your pets

9 years ago

Did you see it get hit? I remember the first time I ever saw something die was this one time, when I was, like, seven or something, this really old dog we were taking care of for my sister-in-law's legs gave out. Poor girl was miserable, couldn't walk, see or hear, and was snapping at everyone who came too close. We had to slide a mat under her to take her to the car to be put down. 

I was stroking her when she closed her eyes. : / 

Your pets

9 years ago

Say that to the fatty I'm staring at while I write this; she whinnies when I walk into the field. 

Your pets

9 years ago

... Man, that's a fucking awful mentality. Shoot it if it gets aggressive; don't shoot it because of it's breed. :P

Your pets

9 years ago

With other breeds, it's different.  When pitbulls get aggressive, it's almost always too late.  I have responsibilities to myself and mine, as does the owner of the offending animal.

Your pets

9 years ago

That's pretty fucked up man. 

Your pets

9 years ago

What can I say?  Only irresponsible dog owners would allow a dog to run loose, which reflects poorly on the animal.

Your pets

9 years ago

So that means you have to kill it unprovoked? 

Your pets

9 years ago

It's either that, or go after the owner if the dog kills something here.

Your pets

9 years ago
If you're so certain the dog's going to kill, just go after the owner first. :p

Your pets

9 years ago

Or just nuke America.

Your pets

9 years ago

Or, just maybe, the dog doesn't kill anything and goes about it's day?

Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago

Your pets

9 years ago


Your pets

9 years ago

It can go about it's day somewhere else.  They know where the boundaries are.  I'll afford it the same opportunity that a grizzly would.  :)

Your pets

9 years ago

Why does this logic remind me of black people in Detroit? XD

Your pets

9 years ago

two boxer bulldogs josie and buster

Your pets

9 years ago

I used to have a female Sugar Glider and was absolutely in love with her! :(  I had to give her away because I didn't have the time to truly care for her.  I was single at the time and was shipping off for Basic Combat Training for 2 1/2 months.  Just didn't feel right leaving such an exotic animal to someone else's care, and they are very person oriented.