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Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
I was curious if all this nonsense was still going on, and yep, Seattle at least is still full of twats: This guy is a journalist or something for ESPN. Pretty crazy world when even Starbucks isn't safe from the hipsters it created...

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago

Portland is worse. 

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Yeah, but who cares about Portland?

That's the only potential silver lining of most of this. The cities where all this has been happening don't have very far to fall.

And for the rest of the country, well popcorn is one thing equally available to all races and people of any income.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago

Was going past Seattle and you can see billows of gas coming up from it. Heard somebody was shot from some bastard who was running their car into a crowd. Portland in flames. Louisville full of BLM militia ala black panther. More feds being sent places to enact fascism or something. 

My hometown had yet another BLM gathering, but it was yet again like a comfy barbeque. Joining the celebration was several middle school track coaches who are well known Proud Boy organizers. What a lovely time.

I don't care for destroying random properties but at the same time it's fuckin' Starbucks, they treat their workers like shit and have more than enough money to build three more gentrified slave houses down the block. I'm not kidding, it's Seattle there is a Starbucks on literally every street. Hipsters go and take selfies at ralies to show to the rest of their white friends over their zoom meetings for creative writing. Real activists gear up and go.

I don't like people getting hurt, but sure as hell nobody cared before we started dunking white guy statues into the river.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
No, I'm with you. Burn these cities down, just make sure you guys all stay inside while it's happening because normal people don't want you seeking refuge in their towns, spreading the plague and being blood sucking, backbiting leeches hypocritically expecting shelter or relief from the people you hate. (aka the non-whiny people with families and jobs, who go to work every day to keep society functioning and provide you all with the things you need to live while you actively scorn them.) Normal people really should see the writing on the wall and just get out. I looked into it more and the guy in those screenshots was actually downplaying the whole situation a month ago. Now he's had to abandon his home and is looking into buying a gun because that's just the state of things, every man for himself. But please don't call yourself an activist, Puds. Running around like rabid dogs destroying people's places of business and driving people out of their homes has nothing to do with racial equality. But I can see how out of touch you are when you pretend to get angry on behalf of the people oppressed by the BiG eBiL cOrPoRaTiOn giving them money in a voluntarily and mutually beneficial arrangement, while cheering on the assholes who went and deprived them of any income at all. I know you haven't worked in awhile and have barely worked at all in your entire life though, so I guess it's not fair to expect you to understand what life is like for people who do need their paychecks.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Thanks, I worked really hard on it.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Any time I hear BLM, I automatically think Bureau of Land Management.

And WWF has always been and ever will be World Wrestling Federation.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
This is one of my favorite tee shirts:

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Of course it stands for wrestling. What else would it stand for? Genuine question, I'm not aware of any other usage.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

I wrote this at 3AM and decided to crash instead of waiting for the replies. OTL Good morning! I'm sorry that I came off angry, I'm more tired than anything. There are still things I stand by and I'm not just some hipster, I'm somebody who actually goes to protests because it's something I care about. I don't expect to move anybody with my words because I know the way this place works but I guess I'll clarify things.

"My privilege" has me giggling a bit, although I know I certainly have my own advantages. I'm not going to attack you or make any judgments of you because I don't know your life, and from what I've heard you're in a very difficult situation and you work very hard. I'm sorry that you have to go through so much trouble. I am only 21 but I have worked at least somewhat, as hard as I can and it hurts to hear you tell me I haven't because I am a person on the internet who is a younger than you. We come from different perspectives.

I am half Arabic but I look just brown enough to get people to tell me to go back to Pakistan, even though that is not my heritage. My mother raised me mostly by herself and we were in low-income housing with other mostly colored children. We ate some form of cheap-bought couscous and sausage every week. It was kind of fun. My mom worked extremely hard at a family restaurant where I tried to help out as much as I could, cleaning the place after hours and filling up salt container because I was a dopey 8 year old who thought I was really doing well. Later I would take jobs around the docks, cleaning people's boats and my neighbor taught me how to patch sails. I worked at one of my father figure's construction sites, doing all manner of things but messing up because I had no muscle lol. Lots of fun really. As soon as I turned 18, I escaped my household and enrolled in college. We did not have any money. My mother was injured and still injured and unable to work. I ended up working at the town McDonalds (it was the only place in walking distance, 50 hours a week) nightshifts so I could got to school (basically studio style development, 3 days a week, two hour bus drive there and back, 7-9 if you include that ride). I would show up to school without sleep and by Wednesday, I would be going to work without sleep. Then I would walk home an hour and crash into bed smelling like fries. They made me work overtime but still managed to underpay me. A friend of mine had seizures several times there but they only closed the store for a few hours before opening it back up, even if he was still shaky on his feet. I know it's just McDonalds but it was a hard, miserable experience and I would rather break my arm in construction than go back.

I do have privelige. I am lucky. I get to work from home doing the thing I went to college for with a comfortable rate where I make my own hours. I do not have to go out and deal with people. I have that luxery. I worked for it, but I have it because I was lucky to get that email for that job. I still have to pay back my college. They kicked me out a few times, because I was unable to make the monthly payments with my shitty job. I am very young still so I have not had as much experience in the world, but I would like to put forth that I have had some valuble experience in regards to wage-slaving, to being bottom of the barrel in terms of money, in going hungry for the night, in being told that you don't belong here you fucking sand nigger. So I am not protesting because I am angry on behalf of the injustice or that i see myself as some kind of savior, it is actually because I have seen the world from a certain perspective and I wish for things to be different. So it is not just blind rage. 

I can see how violent I sounded before. I do believe that destruction of property can be protest, specifically when it is federal monuments or government related things. I greatly dislike the destruction of small businesses. They are innocent people who have their small company trying as hard as anyone else. I might've been a bit bitter about Starbucks, as my experiences there were less than pleasent but I am less concerned about that place specifically getting wrecked as there is LITERALLY A STARBUCKS ON EVERY CORNER (sometimes even two) and it is easy as hell to transfer. So I'm still not upset about that.

There of course, are rowdy "protesters" that do no good. They cannot be excused. But I still find it upsetting that we judge protesters by their worst participants when police officers and other federal workers are simply considered "a few bad apples". I can see why people are upset. There are loud and annoying people marching in the streets, screaming and disrupting the status quo, and everyday life can no longer go on as it always has. The bottom line is that it is this country's right to protest, and the government is not allowing that or changing in the slightest so people are taking matters into their own hands. It is messy, is scary, but it is the voice of a people who cannot continue to survive with this life that's been stacked against them.

Ah! What a long winded speech! So meandering! I'll get off my soapbox now. "It hurts to hear you tell me I haven't because I am a person on the internet who is a younger than you" is a line sure to get anyone over the age of 12 snickering, I'm sure. Ahaha, no matter anyhow. I hope I explained the perspective a little bit better? I doubt anyone is going to care, but if ythat's the case, you're all just randos on the internet and we live in a simulation. I'm gonna eat cheerios now.


wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

"There of course, are rowdy "protesters" that do no good. They cannot be excused. But I still find it upsetting that we judge protesters by their worst participants when police officers and other federal workers are simply considered "a few bad apples"."

What's the difference between this and ACAB?  The protests as a system are subject to issues similar to the ones experienced by policing as a system.

Part of the problem is also that a lot of information is getting twisted, suppressed, or weaponized.  Most people can get along with most people, but enough people are assholes to make it seem like they can't.  But hate doesn't create love. 

Pretty damn sure you and I would get along just fine in real life, for example, despite our differences. 

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

I'm sorry, I hope I'm reading this correctly. Protests certainly have their own issues but the issues are vastly different from those plagueing the police system (the corruption, provoking of violence to create crime, tampering with evidence etc etc)

I'm afraid saying "most people get along just fine" is a very niave thing to say. Are you refering to the racist/political issues of today? I have no reason to believe you would treat me indecently. I'm sure you are a very fine person. But you being a fine person does not fix the underlying problem of what we are protesting. You being kind to me does not fix the fact that people are getting lynched, that my hometown is a hub for Proud Boys, that my uncle is very proud of his Klan ring, that my best friend was threatened to be killed for walking down the street. If you are refering to political issues, it's best to think of it like this: Give them inch and they'll take a mile. Maybe your neighbor is nice and peachy but if he's proud of his Nazi flag, don't tolerate it. If he claims that the confederate flag is a part of his heritage, don't tolerate it. I don't keep in contact with members of my family who are pro-MAGA because the movement is reflective of their character and beliefs. It's one thing to simply have coffee, say, with a friend who has a different view with you but it's another to tolerate harmful beliefs that essentially say certain types of people should not exist simply because of what they were born with.

The BLM movement was peaceful (taking a knee, petitions) but very little was done at that point.

Again, I'm sorry if I misread you so feel free to bash my internet skull in if I took this completely the wrong way. I hope this makes sense.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

I don't feel the need to bash skulls online, it's the most pointless thing. I just don't think you'll be able to see things from a point of compassion, unfortunately. Whether you know it or not, I can see the influence that your ties to the Klan and MAGA have had in shaping your views. 

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

...I hope you know I am very against these things? Of course these things have shaped my life, because they are very real groups that exist today. I remember being told to leave a certain part of town because of my camel jockey roots, and not understanding what that meant (mind you this is more East, in those small hick white towns with all the farmin' and whatnot). I refuse to treat hateful people with compassion because doing so is to allow people with the intent of destroying you into a community that is meant to be safe. You do not let your dog into the chicken pen. I don't know what else to say, but as somebody who has been hurt by these practices, I am completely justified in this line of thinking. I am very aware that my upbringing has shaped my views and it has allowed me to see the ugly side of small towns and everyday life that need to be changed. Are you telling me I should be kind to... Klan members?

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

Maybe look into Daryl Davis. 

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

He's a respectable man. But there is a very real danger of so much as interacting with Klan members. This man is clever, he's talented, and most of all he's lucky. Are you telling me, a young colored person to walk into a Klan meeting, stand up and say "I think we all gotta hold hands a little" and chill out over ribs? Do you know the violence these people enact? Do you know the gangs of Proud Boys that beat the shit out a black kid in my town until he took his own life? It is kind. It is compassionate. But it is a beautiful miracle that is even happened, a miracle that he did not get hurt, a miracle that they did not come after him first. I'm afraid you're painfully niave about many things. I don't know your background or if you have ever been spit on by a fully grown white man before for having a little more melanin than the average bloke, but to have the audacity to tell somebody at risk of being killed to walk up to the killer and make it their responsibility to save them....You are relinquishing the other party of their responisibility. That's all I'll respond to you with, I know I seem very angry but it's quite a blow to see people with such a light-hearted disposition when it comes to a subject where they are most likely not the ones at risk.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

I'm sure most people have been put through at least some serious shit for immutable characteristics.  As far as Daryl, you can't chalk it up to luck that 200 Klan members over 30 years hung up their robes. 

Even if you have trouble seeing it, we all share some level of a common human experience, and it is compassion and understanding that is the bridge in between, not violence and hatred. 

To your other point, it is necessary to sacrifice for a higher, more noble purpose sometimes, and you can't argue that it was safer back then than today. 

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

so you're literally saying the lives of my people is worth the redemption of yours

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago


And no. This is the worst possible reading of it. 

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

No, that's the exact reading of it. You said it is necessary to sacrifice for a higher, more noble purpose. That purpose being to redeem fully grown white men who hunt my people for sport. You literally said it's our responsibility to end racism. You're saying that sometimes colored people have to die to make sure white guys stop being in the KKK. That's what you're saying.

Look, I don't know if you're white or brown or what, but it doesn't even matter at this point because you clearly have no idea what it's like to be in danger for not being wonder bread.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago
this just in: white-minded clam confirmed racist after breif exchange of text on internet. expect to see him chained up in the street later this week apologizing for all things done wrong by the pale skins. back to corgi with the weather.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

we throw wonderbread soaked in whole milk at him. we shout "go white boy, go" alas, he is chained. he cannot go. the suffering continues. back to going back to corgi with the weather.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

I'm saying that everyone has a role to play in making the world a better place. I'm not referring to anyone by their skin color or responsibility. 

If you want a world full of love, add love. If you want a world full of hate, add hate. 

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago
Oh welp I just wrote a 500 word text wall, but it was actually all unnecessary because you're the only good and noble person in the world and the one who knows everything. My bad.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

noooooooo mizal pleaaaaaaaaase no i want to hear it. Me (an autist) has been arguing with this other guy (a bigger autist) and honestly i want to hear it. I'm having fun but I'm also learning a ton about the "harmless" racism ingrained into everyday life. I beg for text wall.

Also I have no clue why me explaining my experiences would make me so great and noble. OTL I'm just giving background for my viewpoint. So you can feel free to poke holes in that.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

The "your" people remark was pretty funny, I don't have Klan family members.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago
You're probably an at least mildly right leaning white person though and that's exactly the same as being an unapologetic Nazi.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago
We were talking about this more in the discord (that you're still banned from because you won't write a review) and really the problem is so many people have had their brains scooped out and replaced by one of exactly two expertly crafted political worldviews injected into them by the media. Everyone installed with their package is Good, everyone who isn't is Bad, and as long as they keep themselves segregated enough from unclean influences they can't process any situation more complex than that even when people on their 'side' are doing the same thing they demonize the other for. And of course they refuel themselves nightly with the infinite rage generator that is the internet. I'm gonna ramble awhile now, but it's this weird mentality I used to only see in obsessive football fans. It actually is pretty bizarre to me because I thought there'd been a couple of generations now that had Tolerance and Understanding and Don't Generalize Because Everyone is Special and Unique hammered into them from birth. I don't get why it's so hard to acknowledge when shitty people are being shitty regardless of what team they play for. But if you look at history it's just so depressingly cyclical and reactionary, the bad things are always a cause by fanatics on one side grabbing control before the pendulum swings to the opposite extreme and then it's time for fanatics on the other side to shine. If there are 'teams' in play, it goes something like: destructive, manipulative malcontents and shit stirrers // people who just live their lives and mind their own business and wish others would do the same // people who are genuinely positive and compassionate and good. Politics have very little to do with any of these things, and you can find all of these across the spectrum through all history at anywhere but the most extreme ends. But keep people thinking the world is defined by whatever series of boxes society demands they check, and they can't recognize the snakes they're in bed with and just let them ruin everything rather than identifying and purging them. Social media is going to be recognized by historians as the root of the toxicity and tribalism in this era anyway, and anything that follows from that. If I had to pick a conspiracy theory, I'd say the whole idea is just to keep everybody at each other's throats over manufactured drama so that they don't notice that literally everyone important or famous is a pedophilic child rapist.

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

John Cleese sums it up pretty well. ^_^

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago

We should all unite against kid diddlers.  Seems like a reasonable common cause most people could get behind. 

i said i wouldn't respond but what the fuck.

3 years ago
absolutely. get rekt.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
If people want to be treated and respected like decent human beings, they can start by trying not acting like retarded savages.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

Gah, I keep digging myself a hole! I feel like I'm falling down an abyss of internet shittery. What mistake this all is. But I'm fired up, so I guess I might as well~!

And also! I like you, Cricket. But now I'm scared. I reeeeally hope my reading comprehension has taken a flight to Jamaica, I really hope I'm reading this threaded view all wrong, I really hope this doesn't say what I think it says. I really hope you're not saying that if colored people stopped "acting like damn savages" they wouldn't get lynched. That these hate groups wouldn't exist if us damn colored bloods wouldn't stop niggerin' up the place. I really hope I'm reading this all wrong. Please confirm I am reading this wrong.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
I can definitely identify the reason you're getting lynched right now is not because you exist, but because you're being a faggot.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
this is exactly what shes saying and you read completely correctly. she specifically called out black people and the other colors for acting like they still live in mud huts.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
Puds saw 'retarded savages' and immediately in her mind that became 'black people'. That seems a little racist.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

Aw shit. Looks like I have things to work through. I forgot to take my anti-racism pills this morning. I have the urge to draw extremely offensive Jewish caricatures right now...

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
But if people go offline then they have to interact with real people, and that's so uncomfortable.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
But it might help you to understand if you occasionally interacted with a normal person and didn't see the entire world in terms of extremes and of people who should/shouldn't be allowed to exist. Isolating yourself from your family only makes sense to me if they were actually abusive or something. (I didn't read the big text wall of your sad life story so maybe they were.) There isn't much of my family left that I have anything in common with and I place very little value on social interaction in the first place, but that still seems sort of petty and dramatic. Humans are complex enough that "character and beliefs" comes down to a lot more than just whatever political message they accepted after it was carefully packaged and labeled and fed to them. I'm around people every day whose ideas about the world I'm constantly facepalming at, but there aren't many that I can't be civil to or work with when needed. The majority of people aren't defined by their politics and only the truly obnoxious sorts will constantly bring them up in the first place...generally the louder someone is, the less they know. But ignorance isn't the unpardonable sin, and half the time the asshole boomers I hear repeating the same talking point they saw on Fox all day are the first ones to step up and help someone when they need it. I know everyone is addicted to being angry now and the internet magnifies this a thousand times, but it's interesting to me that the left has rejected the idea of 'tolerance' altogether after so many years of claiming they were the sole source of it. Now these same people have more in common with an old timey Baptist preacher frothing at the mouth and banging on a Bible while screaming that everyone else is going to Hell. But stereotypical ideas about groups of people basically can't survive prolonged neutral/positive contact with those same people, because unless they try really really hard, humans are always going to have more in common at the most basic level than anything keeping them apart. There's a reason this whole unnatural 'othering' and demonization process has to happen before violence can occur. (Although life in all the modern American rat warren cities and the internet both are unnatural and alienating af and a breeding ground for that...) Just sayin, if everyone is a product of their circumstances, then anybody else can be the change in those circumstances in a positive way as easily as a negative one. Hate just breeds hate, and other cliches. Everybody in the world sees themselves as the noble underdog hero of their own epic story, refusing to even try to understand them is a failure of basic empathy and slams doors shut that never needed to be. And cutting yourself off from people just leaves them to their echo chamber and removes any chance that they'll ever have a reason to reexamine any idea they have. I mean, it's okay to just not give a shit too, but not many people have the luxury of being that puritanical about every bit of company they keep, forever.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
Well anyway I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that all eleven of the mom aged Mexican ladies I knew who voted for Trump were actually secret KKK supernazis all along. As the whitest person at the table I should've refused to tolerate them and...??? Done something, I guess. Segregated myself. I'm gonna go away for awhile to try and sort through these complicated feelings, no more text walls today.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
I lied.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

Hiya Mizal! I'm gonna go through this, respectfully, so let's get this bread. I doubt anything will change and everyone will continue calling me a faggot but unfortunately for them, I like being called a faggot. It gives me power. It's such a fun word. Is it a kink? Who knows. Resuming getting that bread.

  • "But it might help you to understand if you occasionally interacted with a normal person and didn't see the entire world in terms of extremes and of people who should/shouldn't be allowed to exist."

I don't know how the red line quote thing you do works, so we'll be working ike this. And yeah, that IS how the world works! I don't wake up everyday thinking "man who is gonna lynch me today". In fact I am very unaware of my skin until it is pointed out. I don't constantly think of extremes. But as somebody who is not within the demographic of "normal everyday American", I am often subjected to a rude awakening. What is your definition of "normal"? My friend Johhny, a native man, recounts tales of being called "Dirty Fuckin Indian" when leaving the rez. My friend Samson still vividly remembers getting beat to shit at his Alabama school for being trans. A plane crash was being reported when my step father abruptly said "put all the queers on a plane and crash it, it'd be doing God's work". Look, I don't wake up in the morning looking to get slapped in the face with this stuff. But it happens. Because some people view others as targets and they're ready as hell to shoot. I do interact with a wide array of people! But unfortunately this IS normalcy. We live in the same world but we are seeing different parts of it.

  • "Isolating yourself from your family only makes sense to me if they were actually abusive or something. (I didn't read the big text wall of your sad life story so maybe they were.)"

Lmao, sorry about that one! I got very fired up. I was basically saying that while I am young I do have experience in working, although I'm sure not as much as many other people here. I do have an abusive household, I've lived with extremely right-wing people all my life who openly talk about me in a very bad light due to my race. Despite my acheivements, I am not worth the time of day. So it's pretty epic that I ditched them as soon as possible!<3

  • "Humans are complex enough that "character and beliefs" comes down to a lot more than just whatever political message they accepted after it was carefully packaged and labeled and fed to them."

  You're right! But if I were to vote for Trump, that means I'm supporting his cause. That means I'm supporting my neighbor getting deported, that I'm supporting the ugly words he says. Does everybody who support Trump support rape? No freaking way! But they are still holding him up, still backing him, and that kind of ignorance is the kind that hurts people.

  • "But ignorance isn't the unpardonable sin, and half the time the asshole boomers I hear repeating the same talking point they saw on Fox all day are the first ones to step up and help someone when they need it."

  I take back a little something I said. I haven't cut off one particular set of MAGA supporters: My grandparents from my adoptive family. They are very kind to me, and I am kind to them. We have a good time. It still is deeply upsetting to hear them regurgitate harmful nonsense at the family dinner, though. Things that genuinely hurt people in real life. They are sweet, but their ignorance doesn't exactly excuse the harm their ideology causes.

  • "I know everyone is addicted to being angry now and the internet magnifies this a thousand times, but it's interesting to me that the left has rejected the idea of 'tolerance' altogether after so many years of claiming they were the sole source of it."

  I brought this up when talking to the ninja guy. Don't let a wolf into a field of sheep. The people we aren't tolerating are literally racists who don't want us to exists. You have to shut that stuff down before it grows. I'm confused as to what you want me to say here, because the answer seems really obvious. There are people who want to kill us, and we don't think that's cool. And I guess some people really think us saying no to these guys is bad thing...?

  • "humans are always going to have more in common at the most basic level than anything keeping them apart."

  It's true. But real shit? Not everybody sees people like that. The KKK in that Daryl Davis interiew literally says that black people have a latent violence gene. These hate groups see others as somehow less than human. There is an actual history of scientist fudging numbers to show that black people are less intelligent than white people. Natives are regularly refered to as savages. This subtle language seems like a joke, right? But it's indicitive of a culture that view some people as people and some people as others. I can garuntee you that the white guy that told me to get out of town did not see me as an equal person.

  • "Everybody in the world sees themselves as the noble underdog hero of their own epic story, refusing to even try to understand them is a failure of basic empathy and slams doors shut that never needed to be. And cutting yourself off from people just leaves them to their echo chamber and removes any chance that they'll ever have a reason to reexamine any idea they have."

  You're right here too. It's important to look at other views, to analyse your own, and to be highly critical of both. I am half white. I have lived with white people. I do not hate white people. They are people, so I am truly no different from them. But I can see the ugly underneath, the folks who say I shouldn't be there, that I should never have been born. And then I see my mother, a true blonde blue-eyed damsel laugh awkwardly when Uncle Kenny asks if I've washed enough with all that sand in my skin.

  I am half african. I have lived with colored children. We have fun with the white kids too, running around the jungle gym and rattling off naughty spanish slang we learned from each other. It is fun and diverse and the food is cheap and good. But I can see the ugly underneath when a mother tells my neighbor to learn the fucking language (and she does) at a student teacher conference. 

  You're saying the right things. You're asking for empathy. I'm asking for empathy but nobody will give it because we are lying, we are making it up, we are annoying and baseless and maybe if we just shut the fuck up and sat still and were good little niggers we wouldn't get shot in the street. We are begging for understanding. This entire conversation people have been calling me faggot (my favorite word) and saying "if they didn't act like savages". How can we be empathetic and kind when the other half of the conversation refuses to look us in the eye? To even attempt to put themselves in our shoes? CYS is very much an echo chamber and even as I bring my point, i've been yet to be met with any kind of respectful answer (I guess you, Mizal, but you seem really put off for some reason). I don't mind all the words. It's just difficult to see a site I grow up with with writers I admire talk in such a way. I'm happy to recommend reading on colored people's experiences, if anybody wants to shoot me a dm.


Ah, how long winded! I expect you skip all that. My hands hurt a lot, you know. I blame you, even though this was my own decision to write this! I admit i'm a little sad as well. You encouraged me to write, and I was a bit depressed but I did it because somebody appreciated it, so I'll be always thankful for that. I'm afraid I can't sit well with these views. Nothing I can do to change them. It is hot out today so I will take a break and eat some edemame. Fake virtual money on you calling me a faggot again <3

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

I never disrespected you.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
I'm on mobile now so I'll probably get burned out before I fully respond to this, but: "Normal" here defined as stable people who contribute to society in some way, usually have families, have some sense of responsibility for themselves and others, some form personal hygiene, and generally create the baseline by which Useless Party Sluts, Perpetually Destructive Fucktards, and Very Online people with their intense autism and four forms of mental illness can be compared against. They can have entire conversations without bringing up politics or something they saw on the news even once (which in recent years would be Always Politics). They are necessary for everything we have but rarely noticed or appreciated because they don't give a fuck about the trendy talking points and don't lose sleep obsessing over things happening a thousand miles away that they can't affect and that don't affect them.
I'm asking for empathy but nobody will give it because we are lying, we are making it up, we are annoying and baseless and maybe if we just shut the fuck up and sat still and were good little niggers we wouldn't get shot in the street.
You're half Arab, but this sounds like you're identifying as a black person now. Do you have the Fazz disease? If you're wondering why you're annoying though it's because you keep phrasing things and putting words in people's mouths in this very dramatic and emotional way that makes it seem useless to try and have a real discussion. You're the one that keeps bringing race into this whole thing as well, anyone who disagrees with you in this conversation that wasn't about race to begin with is a racist and makes you S A D. Never have I implied any specific race a person need be to be a twatwaffle shitting where they sleep and eat, in Seattle or in any other city. It's all about (lack of) upbringing, and usually being in a certain age range. You keep bringing up the KKK and shit which is also not what any of this is about. The KKK is at most a tiny fraction of people having their lives disrupted right now. In fact there are probably many, many more black people etc who have lost their source of income over this, on top of all the other uncertainty with the virus which was PLENTY to deal with on its own. And although I'm sure that after all this right wing extremist groups are going to have a lot more recruits, it doesn't change the fact you dumb fucks are doing the equivalent of burning your house down with your family inside to get at some cockroaches. Plus, and I guess I actually have to point this out, the fact you have interacted with "colored people" and have racist family members doesn't really make you unique at all? I'm not sure if bringing all the personal life story up is relevant, you have to be aware that 80% of site members can top you in the Sympathy Olympics.
I do have an abusive household, I've lived with extremely right-wing people all my life who openly talk about me in a very bad light due to my race.
80% of site members reading this are also going to laugh their asses off that you just called this 'abuse' with a straight face. Anyway, personal anecdotes don't do much for an argument except on the emotional level. In my experience, lefty kids are the most bitter, bloodthirsty ghouls I've ever encountered, openly lusting for mass death, while a group of old dudes sitting around in MAGA caps doesn't mean zomg Nazis...likewise the Confederate flag stickers on their trucks don't mean they won't get the jumper cables out to help you if your car won't start, no matter who you are. But I wouldn't try to use that as a basis of an argument that legitimate white supremacist assholes *don't* exist. But yes, it's hard to have empathy for people acting like a bunch of rabid, frothing fucktards. This isn't about race and it doesn't mean I think cops should be allowed to murder people, it means I don't like people acting like rabid, frothing fucktards. There was a point during all this where I was supporting the right to protest and said so, but that was two fucking months ago when it was honest and understandable anger in play instead of everybody muddying the issue with their own personal agendas. But militant socialist anarchists were trying to seize the wheel on this whole thing early on and they're the ones that keep slamming down on the gas pedal when all reasonable people are ready to stop. George Floyd is not the reason people are out there destroying shit today.
CYS is very much an echo chamber
Most site members are actually pretty liberal, and we have a lot of racial/alphabet people diversity among prominent members here. (If we've really reached the point where that's something that needs to be kept score on...) If you didn't know that, you haven't been paying much attention. They're just not reading/posting in politics threads because, yeah you guessed it, they're not a bunch of faggots. Also Trump is going to win because the other choice is Biden, lol. Just like he won the first time when all the dems could find was the one person in politics who was somehow unable to beat him. Lefties hate Biden, they won't stop rioting for him and he's incapable of making them stop, so great job in making Trump the only chance normal Americans have for a return to semi-normality. (It'll probably help that all the cities full of liberal voters will be in chaos...have fun getting to the polls, and enjoy the next four years! You guys did this to yourselves with your usual inability to see the forest for the trees.) Anyway I typed out this stupid text wall while everyone was looking at Canary's dick pics in discord, I have made a terrible mistake but I'm gonna post it anyway.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
this is a disgusting amount of words

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
I think I did more, but, I'm avoiding writing so I have an excuse.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago

I havent read much if the thread but...

Puds, I like you, but I pee on you. A lot of pee.

I pee on those dumb fuckers that took six blocks of seattle. I especially pee on the perpetrators of the numerous shootings in that area. Im glad that the police apparently rode in there a while ago and gave them the ass beatings their parents forgot to. I hope they made the guy leading the thing cry like a bitch.

I saw a video of a bunch of veterans who got into a fight with those antifa asswipes. The majority of the antiffies trying to swing got swung on and I only wish I could have been there to literally pee on one. Thise vets deserve some trophies.

I pee on anarchists, communists, rioters, all the other similar scum and wanna be not so civil rights activists.

I pee on anyone that doesnt love our flag and the beautiful constitution and what it stands for. 

I drank alot of water to prepare for this and my bladder hurt a lot, but the relief was so much more sweeter.

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
My neighbor does have a Confederate flag. And a skull and crossbones, and a snake.

Not only is he a racist and a rebel, he's a pirate AND a Satanist. I checked my Bible for how to proceed but couldn't find any advice on not tolerating my neighbor. Do you have any recommendations for me, kind sir or madam?

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
... What the actual fuck did I miss? :p

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
pbuns killed some white people for killing black people but really nobody involved has ever seen an actual black person so now we're all dead and pbuns is getting raped by a horse while corgi gives us his useless weather report of "its ok to pee outside" as though there arent a bunch of corpses littering the streets for children on the way to school to trip over

wOrLdS SaDdEsT sToRy

3 years ago
So... The usual ^_^

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Lol I looked it up and on average Starbucks pays a full $4 above minimum wage to any fuckwit that can fill out an application and show up to pour a cup of coffee.

LiTeRaL sLaVeRy

I literally wiped other people's asses for eight years for that amount. Please Puds, your privilege is showing.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago

They also have some sort of college program, but I don't know the specifics.  All of the people who work there that I've spoken with liked it. 

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
But but you don't understand! It's popular! People enjoy being there and it provides hundreds of thousands of jobs! All these things are bad!

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Can confirm that wiping old people's asses is not fun work. I'd much rather serve a frappuccino di latte chocolate maria with added sugar.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago

Chill dawg.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Lol, yeah I just saw that.

These idiots are actually just going to hand Trump the election.

We have a lot of timid, liberal soyboys on this site though, I've been bumping this thread waiting for even one of them to push back a little. I guess I finally unlocked that achievement with Puds but it's pretty underwhelming.

Times like this I really miss Steve.

A feeling that I'm sure would evaporate instantly were he actually here, of course.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
I'm pretty liberal, but then I'm a limey. Our police don't go around killing random black people on a daily basis, so we don't really have anything to complain about. (Really not sure why they decided to join in the protests over here, since the British police haven't killed an innocent black man in forever. Honestly, I think that people were just bored from months of lockdown and wanted and excuse to get out.) :p

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago

Of course they're not killing black people there, they're too busy beating up pakis.

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Well duh! Have you seen their beards? They're clearly hiding something in there. >.>

Born A Poor Black Child

3 years ago
Uhhh, so the rest of this thread can be found in the second half of this thread. There was a slight thread splitting mishap, but do not be alarmed. Please remain calm and stay inside while the royal we considers how best to fix this.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
@puddlebunni I'm not trying to get another argument started and I'm not disrespecting you, but I have serious questions about some of the things you said. You say "we" when you're talking about throwing statues in rivers so I'm taking that statement to mean you're out there rioting the same as your friends are. Is there any organization to what you or any of the others are doing? Did you ever write out any kind of statement that you all agreed to? Do you have goals and a point where you're all ready to agree that racism is fixed now and you're all ready to go back home? Are there rules about what the people with you are and aren't allowed to do? If you can't answer yes to those then its like Mizal said, it's just a bunch of people running around like rabid dogs causing chaos for the sake of chaos. You don't know the motivations of anyone with you or what they're capable of, and when they do things they shouldn't you shrug it off and act like it doesn't matter. You said you don't like it when people got hurt, but I bet that's what a lot of cops were saying every day before just looking the other way and giving a pass the same way you are. There are rioters that use any excuse to do harm because they know they can get away with it, and there are cops that do the same, and if all cops and the entire system can be blamed for what a few of them do then its the same for you guys. People are being shot and killed, a lot of them are children, and it's you guys that allow it by keeping all the chaos going while you also protect the killers. Nobody is innocent. And the reason people are angry at this if you really can't figure it out is because when a cop murders somebody, EVERYONE KNOWS WHO THE COP IS. He can be held responsible. And if he gets away with it, if there's a whole pattern of getting away with things, every bit of it is recorded and everyone knows exactly who is letting it happen, everything is public and in the open. If one person in a group of rioters kills somebody or does something else wrong, no one will ever be held accountable. That's how a mob works and why people hate them. It's a bunch of cowards where everyone hides behind everyone else, and depends on not being held responsible for their own actions while they lash out at others anonymously. There are always going to be people with no morals who do whatever they can get away with, they can't be an excuse for others to go out and do things just as bad and they can't be an excuse to just tear all of society down because it's not 100% perfect. If there's a leak in the bathroom faucet you fix it, you have tools to fix it. You don't douse it in gasoline and light a match because it just makes you so angry. I'm going to stop now because I feel stupid arguing with someone named "puddlebunni" and because I could just keep going on about some of this stuff. For one thing you hate people for voting for Trump and basically call them all racists, so are you saying you want them to vote for Biden? Biden and Obama deported more immigrants than Trump ever did. Lots more. Where were all the people crusading for them? Hint, they were all looking the other way and ignoring it because obviously a black president could only be criticized by an OH NOES EVIL RACIST. Most people are racist to some level, yes, including you and me. It's human nature and just how the human mind works, it's always finding differences and separating and labeling others. Like the way you already are casting shade on hipsters and people who support BLM, but not as strongly as you think they should and in not exactly the way you are. But you are imagining everyone as some secret SuperHitler when that's not the reality. Most people with racist beliefs are just poor and uneducated and haven't been exposed to much to challenge the way of thinking they grew up with. Or else (like you) they had bad experiences that skewed their thinking. Most people with racist beliefs also don't go around demanding people of other races be wiped out or shooting or lynching them "just for existing". I mean I feel silly even having to say this and I at least hope you don't really, REALLY believe anything that, well, dumb. It's just a set of assumptions and generalizations people form, a lot of times negative but not always. It's the same mindset behind sexism or anything else. It doesn't mean the OH NOES EVIL RACIST can't be in another room with a person they make these assumptions about without automatically insulting or attacking them like some deranged animal. (But I have a funny image of you meeting OriginalClamurai at a diner to talk about your differences. He says hello and you stab him with a fork and start yelling to everyone that he just admitted to being pregnant with Hitler's lovechild.) I think you were just upsetm but it's a sad and lonely way of seeing the world if you really believe this stuff to this extreme and can see yourself and your "people" as nothing but victims. But people's private thoughts can't be controlled, not even by themselves, and definitely not by anyone else telling them what they SHOULD think. Actions are all that matter, and more people need to start taking responsibility for their own no matter what their views are on anything else.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

So I don't have time to read through this whole thing and I don't really know the jist of what's going on here so can someone inform me. 

I'm going to be civil and not get mad so I hope that you can open your eyes and try to understand and see logic.

The reason why I'm responding this post is because a lot of the things in this post are actually misinformation. Yes, #BlackLivesMatter actually does have a goal. The group of protestor's are different and seperate from the rioters. Now when it comes down to tearing down confederate statues and flag's then it is rioter's and protestor's combined because tearing down symbols of hate is a group effort, but when it comes down to burning down bussiness or burning down things unrelated to the blm movement protester's and rioter's are different. 

About 75% of looter's are actually white, and yes there are black rioter's but we can't condem them. You have to understand that rioting is the language of the opressed. So yes I don't encourage burning down bussiness but the people who are burning down bussiness are in blinding rage, (thankfully most riots have decreased, and the ones left are police insinuated). 

Here's an anology imagine having someone kill your child, and then kill your neighbor's child, and then kill your neighbor's best friends child, and they're only killing your children. Wouldn't that be infuriating as a parent wouldn't you want to burn the people who are opressing you and taking your children away down. You would, if you wouldn't you are either a lousy parent or lying to yourself.

Now some of us proceed to burn things down, while other's pray and peacefully protest but you need to understand the anger that the Black American community is feeling right now. It's the type of rage that will mindlessly lead you to burn down a bussiness, it's the type of rage that will leave you with erratic insomnia, it's the type of rage that makes you hate yourself for not being able to make change. 

And then add in the fact that the majority of rioter's are just white teenager's from the suberbs who want to see shit burn. 

And then add the fact that WHITE SUPREMACIST: CIVILIANS, AND POLICE OFFICERS are doing something called acceleration, which is basically the tactic of causing mass civil disrupt just to tear apart the political system and ensue chaos. 

Article Link Here

Youtube Video Link Here - This is the video of the infamous "Umbrella Man" who was a white supremacist's that broke into an AutoZone bussiness with an axe, later that day the same AutoZone was set on fire. - Here's another white supremacist Inciting Violence.

So we can't condem the rioter's who are just mad, we can't support them either. And we definitely can condem the boston

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Now you can say "Well what about the protests that start peacefully and then turn violent later"

The majority of those conflicts are started by unmarked secret police which where sent by Donald Trump to capture and detain peaceful protester's. These federal agents are violent and have been inciting violence 24/7 in Minneapolis and since the departure of these Federal Agents data shows that the riots in Portland have significantly decreased, infact the OVERWHELMING majority of protests in Portland are now very peaceful.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Please be careful.  There is a lot of disinformation being put out.  I won't say who is right and who is wrong, but please make sure that you check multiple sources, including original footage.

A lot of people are being lured into falsehoods.

I will say that I do disagree with the subject line.  Riots should be condemned because we can't function as a society when any one group can decide that they are going to turn everything upside down through violent means.  Imagine if the riots were coming from the other direction.  As they say, the pendulum swings and I kind of like living in a peaceful society.  Peaceful movements have the most profound impacts, violent gains often are only temporary.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

That's actually incorrect not to be rude, but the history book's time and time again show that revolting and rioting is the most effective way to free yourself, although it is the most painful. The American Revolution, was started by the Boston tea party, where American's rioted against unfair taxes, yet the same people who are condemning the riots today, treat the founding father's like hero's when in fact they burnt businesses down, and dumped tea in the ocean and killed people to get what they want which was a free nation.

This nation that was founded on VIOLENCE, has sustained itself for almost 400 years. India although most people use Gandhi as an example of peaceful protesting, but that's not true Gandhi wasn't the only person who was against the British oppression.

Next example the civil right's movement, most people weren't taught this in school classic case of propaganda that Martin Luther King Jr. was the reason why the civil rights bill was passed, incorrect. What actually happened was that after MLK was shot 8 days of absolute demonic rioting was ensued, which forced the hands of politicians to pass the Civil rights act.

Now im going to address your point about living in a peaceful society, that is your problem. You don't understand that AMERICA WAS NOT A "PEACEFUL" NATION FOR COLORED PEOPLE. Everyday we are being beat and lynched and then having police officer's claim these obvious lynchings as suicides. We are being killed by the very people who were hired to protect us.

We make up 13% of the population but make up 34% of deaths by police shootings, we are THREE TIMES more likely to be killed when unarmed by police officers, FOUR TIMES more likely to be tasered, FOUR TIMES more likely to be expelled or suspended, ONE IN FIVE black American's live in poverty which means worse school systems, and all around less opportunities to succeed, we are FOUR TIMES less likely to be accepted into a college, and having a white name gives you a FIFTY PERCENT better chance to get a job when having an equal resume, and here's the worst one of all of them we are  SEVENTEEN TIMES more likely to be sentenced to life for minor crimes, such as robbery, or making a school zone violation.   

America is racist, so this "peaceful" America you are talking about only exists for white people, and when it is much more easier for you to ignore out cries for help when were not burning down your bussineses or waving torches in your face. I know it is uncomfortable I know it doesn't make sense to think of America as racist, because you were brought up on propaganda that showed cops always got the right answer out of criminals when they used excessive violence, and that black people are angrier and wild. I mean literally racism Tigger the tiger from Winnie the Pooh, was used to stereotype and represent black people as goofy and animalistic in children's minds.

You where taught that everything is as it should be and it's not and know where waving torches in your faces and you can see the inequality. This same thing happened almost 300 years ago with the American Revolution which was founded of off riot's, and America hasn't seem to have fallen yet. So if 10 years rioting and revolting means implementing a system of love and peace that will last for 300+ years I'm all for it. 

Here's a good quote, "Protesting can't be deemed peaceful by the system that's being protested." 

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

This is why it's important to be careful. 

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago
I dunno, I have a hard time disliking the only culture in history that has ever been willing to give up the practice of slavery. And not only give it up themselves, but fight a war to prevent it elsewhere. That's pretty amazing, but as is typical nobody else in the world likes having a paladin in the party.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago
But I thought the American Revolution was understood today as a war started for hilariously petty reasons by a bunch of prima donnas. They had things infinitely better than the subjects of any other monarchy at the time and many were proud to be English citizens with the rights that only the English enjoyed.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Are you talking about America? Slavery still exists today in England, America, and other developed countries. Most slaves nowadays are actually women who are being sex trafficked and being forced to work in factories, this is especially bad in England.  

And right now we have a president who supports concentration camps in China, we have our own miniature holocaust in the U.S. to called detention centers where I.C.E had killed over 3,000 kids, raped over 2,600 and these are only the reported cases. We have a president that has a ban on almost all African, & Muslim countries when 70% of terrorist attacks are actually domestic. 

Sooooo, if your talking about America, where actually still extremely racist in fact we where ranked the second worse developed country to raise a family.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago
>>>America is racist, so this "peaceful" America you are talking about only exists for white people

And for all the black people, and Hispanics, Asians etc who live their entire lives and go to work and raise families and barbecue on the weekends without being shot or arrested or lynched or whatever. No one is saying things are perfect or that there isn't a problem, but the black population alone is something like fifty million and their lives and experiences are as varied as anyone else's, it isn't all the one sad snot-soaked tissue of sadness and woe you're pushing here.

Whatever urban shithole you actually hail from (I can't tell right off because you're hiding behind an alt account and a proxy) isn't the center of the world, but I know you guys like to pretend it is to distract yourselves from the hobo that wakes you up every morning by pissing in your mouth from his half of the greasy cardboard box you're sharing for $2800 a month.

Anyway, just chill out a little. You're not going to convince anyone of anything when you just come in here all angry and wild and waving a torch around like some kind of tribal savage. Gosh.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Look I know that they're are a lot of minorities who live in the suburbs, In fact I myself live in the suburbs, I went to a racist school in the country and I have a lot of experience with these type of things.

I actually remember wishing I was poor because everyday I would be getting bullied because of my skin color. I remember wanting to commit suicide at age nine because I got suspended for four days for standing up and to the kid's who where bullying me and then I got home coming home to my parent's who beat me and called me a failure for getting in trouble. I remember my Mom who almost got arrested because she called the cop's on someone who was abusing her, and they told her they "didn't understand" and that they where going to "arrest them both"

White privilege, is having everyone in magazine's look like you, it is having to not fear for your life when pulled over by a police officer, it is not having to be scared every time you see a MAGA hat, or someone with a confederate flag, it is not having to be thought how to react when a police officer is around, it is having everyone in the history books being white, it is not being allowed to play with bb guns, or paintball guns when your 9 because someone might take it as a threat and shoot you, it is not being allowed to go to open houses because someone might think your stealing and shoot you, it is not being allowed to wear a mask around your face because you have anemia and someone might take it as a threat and shoot you, it is being allowed to jog, play, breathe, walk, live without having to constantly be self-aware of every white person you pass, because you can literally never know, white privilege is having to not have to be on your knees at age nine, with tears streaming down your eyes begging Jesus to have mercy on you and make you reborn as a white person your already tired of being black, white privilege is not having to be perfect because if you are caught stealing a backpack you could be sentenced to life by a racist judge, and an all white jury.

White privilege isn't about what you have gone through, it's about what you haven't gone through, and honestly I wish the pain & sleepless nights I have experienced as a black person on nobody.

Cause in the end racists don't care whether I graduated from or what house I live in they care about the color of my skin. So yes America is only truly peaceful for white people, us minorities are suffering and we need your allyship to stop this oppression. I listed of numerous facts in my last post and I can list of more if you need me.

So that's what I mean America is like my super skinny 6'1 150 lb body the promise is great, but it's going to take a lot of work to get there. 

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

I've always thought that the TV (or in this case a magazine,  but there's not really a difference) white privilege argument was so fascinating.  Wouldn't it make sense for the appearance to represent the majority? I don't think it's really a white thing. Also, why can't people relate to and enjoy experiences that are different from their own?  I was obsessed with Family Matters growing up to the point that I slept with a talking Urkel toy.  I'm not an alien or Japanese, but that didn't stop me or my black friends from absolutely nerding out to DBZ after school. 

People are capable of sharing cultures and they should, since that is what brings people together. 

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Family Matters was a good show. I have a hard time re-watching if because I find laugh tracks too cringy now to listen to, but as a kid it was a lot more interesting than the usual fare. Urkel was great. Never had a toy of him though.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

One of the daughters on Family Matters (the one that disappeared suddenly mid series) grew up to do porn.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

He would say,  "Hehehe... did I do that?"

I 'member. 

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Did you just miss the whole point, there's accepting eachother's culture's which is great, I'm all the way for it and I completely belive in that. And I guess you are right about the whole magazine having white people but that's beside's the point please stop turning a blind eye to the issue.

I wanted to kill myself because I wasn't white, I fear for my life because i'm not white, there are so many things I have to go through just because of my skin color, being brown or black is literally initself an issue. 

There's a difference between ignoring culture and turning a blind eye to someone's pain.

That's like watching your neighbor's house light up on fire and saying that "it's their culture."  

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

I'm sorry that you felt that way.  I did move past a lot of things that you've said because of flaws in the reasoning.

So, what's the solution?

(Just have to say that your analogy is poor) 

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Those are rookie numbers, I'm 5 times more likely to be killed by our police and we're even the same color!

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago


Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Really! In fact, we don't even have to do anything. They will just randomly pick you up for extorsion and/or murder. You just have to wait for them. You wouldn't believe my surprise the first time an American told me the police were meant to keep people safe. As if!

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Yeh, wow that really is insanity! I once heard a rumor that American Police incarcarate more people in the world than any other developed country combined like I said before INSAAAAANITY!!

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago
Dark, I'm not sure he understood you, and I'm not sure he realizes other countries exist.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago
"I won't say who is right and who is wrong"

I will.

I'm right.

Everyone else is wrong.


Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago
>>>And then add in the fact that the majority of rioter's are just white teenager's from the suberbs who want to see shit burn.

I've always assumed this to be the case, but then the thread suddenly wwnt off into racial stuff. And obviously that was what ignited the whole thing in the beginning (ignoring that two of the four officers that were involved in Floyd's death weren't even white...) but from what I've seen there were a bunch of bratty college students grabbing the wheel and making it about their pet agenda pretty early on.

Now I did see footage of a bunch of black dudes cracking open cash registers in a Target in an impressively professional manner like as SOON as this stuff started. And then there was that utter shitstain who murdered David Dorn. So even early on when you expected to see the most singleness of purpose, it was obvious not everyone was out there for the same reasons and that this was going to be an utter mess.

But yeah the arson and most of the senseless property destruction were the usual angry socialist kids with their usual brain chemical imbalances.

I don't know wtf was going on with police and federal response. I've considered alternately that they may have wanted to accelerate so that they could justify a more immediate crackdown or even bringing in the military, or that the idea is to actually keep it going until elections. Most likely trying to find a clever supervillain plan in there is useless though and it's a matter of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing (political references not intended) and people in charge being just as reactionary as anyone else. This has all definitely helped shake some of the bad apples out of the tree, but even the decent ones can't be expected to not crack a little under the solid wave of sheer hate they've been getting. Police don't get paid enough or nearly enough training or psychological help as it is. Really they need more funding, not less. Better training, better screening, and enough pay that people WANT to be police so they can afford to just fire the ones that are terrible.

That and just a clean sweep of the people enabling the corruption in all the local elections.

But damn, I said I wasn't going to take part in any more of these discussions. I guess you win this round, mysterious noob stranger.

You guys that are in this stuff neck deep have really really got to understand that most of the world and even most of the country isn't paying any attention to any of this at all though, lol. If I wasn't around all these woke kids online it would not have been a topic of conversation past the first two weeks, and barely was even then. So hearing all these tearful tirades about how all the black people are killed just for existing and white people are evil monsters or whatever has been really strange when I'm seeing all the "people of color" (various) still at work and out and about on their business like normal every day, and the virus still the main topic of conversation.

Well the virus and now that bitchin explosion today which everyone of all races agreed was cool af.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

Um, I'll address the last 2 paragraph's which are really insensitive, first of all I'm not painting white's as racists, or monsters, I'm painting racist's as racists. This isn't white against black or black against cop's it's everybody against racists, and it just so happens that 92% of republican's are racist and that the overwhelming majority of these 92% are white. 

I'm sorry that you haven't been hearing about the suffering that African American's have been going through for just existing and I hope that you take this moment to inform yourself and your friends, so that you can be on right side of history. I'm also sorry that black people aren't complaining 24/7 at work about systemic racism. Um... most black people are just grateful to have their jobs because they know how hard it is to get a good paying job as a black American. 

And yes the virus sucks and it is affecting us all but sadly the president of the united states thinks that it is still a hoax and literally said "It is what it is" when asked in an interview about coronavirus deaths. Sadly because of poverty and black & Latino people working more essential job's, having more people per capita, and having health issues because big fast food companies like McDonalds' & Burger King target these communities with very low prices forcing them to eat from their fast food joint's which is actually leading to obesity in the Black & Latino community. Black & Latino people make up 52% of the coronavirus death's when they make up almost 30% of the population weird right.

Same with Native American communities which because of their culture and their more natural lifestyle's are being disproportionally affected.

Why we shouldn't condemn riot's immediatly.

3 years ago

I do enjoy a good old natural casino

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Starbourne we'll takle the issue of why everyone who votes for Trump is racist tomorrow Good Night everybody!

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
I'm sorry but I can't let you near any of my kids until you take off the mask and put on some pants, whoever's alt you are.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

They should say what they need to say. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
If I take this one at face value, they're some noob whose entire reason for existence here is just to spam text walls. The political faggotry here lately is tedious enough even when I'm the one doing it.

More probable that it's a some spineless alt. I suppose a troll is also possible, but that's much more effort than we get from the usual crowd.

Either way, I humored them tonight but after this I have much more limited attention to offer an account that joined today and has never even rated a game. I can't set a precedent for letting noobs act like they think they're people. You folks do whatever you like of course. Have them tag Endmaster a few times if there's any trouble.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Always a good option. It is annoying, the whole "here, let me drop a wall of text but gotta go!" thing, though. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

They concluded by saying that America has been great for the last 300 years.

Well, can't argue with that.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I was saying that America has existed for the past 300 years, oml I meant like sustained, like existence. We are definitely not great.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

So you'll listen If I start rating games? 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Yes. After all, what better way to show your superior opinion than to do something for the other party?

Be sure to write a short review/ thoughts at the end, too!

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I was asking Mizal? & no i'm not going to @ her

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Alright little bitch, listen up because I'll drop you some real deep thoughts instead of your semiwoke shit you've been spewing lately.

First up, I am not an American. So I don't have a horse in this race. This ramblebamble is just from a guy across the ocean laughing at the sheer bullshit you all are putting yourself through.

And that's basically it—nothing less and nothing more. You're just people riling up each other. Your whole movement has lost all legitimacy the moment fires started spewing and riots took place, destroying everything in its path. It's been one big laughing stock; you are one big laughing stock. Especially you.

The way you paint your picture, you're coming off as a kid living in the middle of a warzone. It wouldn't surprise me if you talked about having to walk 20 miles for a bucket of water, narrowly dodging KKK lynching parties and rabid militias. It wouldn't surprise me if you talked about spending your days hiding in a bunker, eating tasteless cans for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert, illuminated only by a flickering lightbulb. And it definitely wouldn't surprise me if you talked about fighting in small battles, enlisting your fellow neighbours in a desperate stand against the angry hordes.

The truth is, most likely none of those facts are true, much as I seriously doubt any of your embellishments. You are just some bored and bullied rich kid. With nothing much to do and with nothing much to accomplish, you seek out your thrills and battles on the wide interwebs. You've found a community of fellow bored and bullied rich kids and are creating your own struggles, making a huge problem out of the smallest thing.

However, you truly are a special bored and bullied rich kid. How the fuck do you perform the mental gymnastics necessary to actively want to be poor after some other bored rich kids told you mean words. If your posts are anything to go by, you weren't bullied because of the colour of your skin, but due to your own character. Isn't that just wholesome?

That's the whole fucking problem. The defeatist and problem-seeking mindset. Instead of trying your own way at life, it's just easier to scream into the void about the unfairness of it all. Instead of focussing on your future, trying to climb up (guessing by your own admittance you live far from a ghetto, so you already have a headstart over 80% of all your fellow Americans, both black and white) and ensuring the best possible future for your kids, you just want to be absorbed into the black culture. And that culture is repressed, so obviously you don't have any standards to hold yourself up to.

It's the mindset of the beaten, the lazy, and the hopeless without any initiative. It's the mindset of the husks. It frankly disgusts me.

Truth is, apart from the few close acquaintances, friends, and family you've cultivated over your life, nobody cares about you. A city blew up yesterday- over a hundred died. Nobody cares about them. It's news for a maximum of a week before even the biggest bleeding hearts move on to their next tragedy. Everybody else is too busy living to be impacted. Why should they?

The same is equally applicable to you, or to me. So instead of whining about, changing absolutely fuck all, step away from the internet. Look towards your life with some objective eyes not influenced by all the fellow crybabies that hold up these delusions. Truth is, you have options, you have all kinds of opportunities, you have a bed and food, you have people you can count on and people that depend on you. Focus on that, make that life more fulfilling. Take personal responsibility.

Before you pump your fists in a rage against this filthy racist called enterpride on the terribly relevant CYS site (would you even do that, or would you rather give me your parents' hard-earned money?), I won't deny shitstains exist everywhere, and racism isn't a thing. But instead of rioting, plundering, and destroying monuments, take a moment to realise that shit won't work.

So you're an extremist on the one side. Please imagine being on the other extreme. Imagine yourself being all about Trump: you like his hair, you like his sexy fatty chest and you even love the way his lips move pronouncing his true wisdom. Mmmm... Trump... Yes. You also think blacks are gay and dumb.

Now, what would you think if you knew those damn blacks are rioting, destroying Trump's god-given order, and the holy monuments too! Would you stop thinking all blacks are gay and dumb? I don't think so. You'd think they are against America and against order, nothing more than rebels. See how generalised the thinking is? It's the exact same as yours, just flipped over.

So I'm getting tired and bored now, bad timezone for me, you know. It's getting late. I'll just call you a little bitch one more time to ensure you'll be so full of emotions, nothing here will reach you, and be done with this post.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Wow, this is kind off depressing. People like you are the reason why change never happens. Landlubber's, you just go with the flow and never rock the boat. Truly depressing, I hope you enjoy your average life, with an average wife/girlfriend, and maybe even average children. 

Personally that couldn't be me. When I see someone drowning I go after them and pull them back up to the surface even if it means I have to rock the boat. As long as people are being oppressed I will fight for their freedom.

I get what your saying in fact you sound just like my father. With your pessimistic "shit happens, just have to rise above it" view of life, and YOU should live YOUR average life that way. I'm not going to tell you not to. But for me I won't rise above the unfairness of life, I will fight so that other's don't have to "rise above" the unfairness of life. I will fight for every child to have an equal opportunity and I will fight so every person will be able to at least have a home as a right. I will fight for free healthcare, and fight for racism to end, because I am a fighter. I refuse to live a non impactful average life, I refuse to sit and turn a blind eye to the suffering of other's unlike you and apparently everyone else on this website. 

I do have initiative, more initiative than you have ever had in your lifetime. My initiative is to make a change everywhere I go, with everything I do. My initiative is to fight for the freedom of other's and sure the path might be tough, sure I might get criticism but I will keep on fighting. So no my mindset isn't of the lazy or the beaten, I have the mindset of a warrior and you will not bring me down. 

I don't give two craps if nobody care's about me, or if I'm a worthless loser with a trash personality. I don't matter to me, what matter's to me is the fact that you are turning a blind eye to the painful cry of help from your fellow brethren. What matter's to me is the fact that people see the horrific things people are going through and they don't care. What matter's to me is that ignorant's like a lot of the people on this website exist, and are okay with being on the wrong side of history. As long as everything stays "peaceful." That's what bother's me

Sadly, I understand now that there is nothing I can do to make an impact on this website. You all have already decided to once again be on the wrong side of history. It is hard to argue with an intellectual but impossible to argue with an ignorant. 

Also by the way, those monuments you are talking about aren't actually monuments they are stautes of hatred, and opression. Basically the modern equivalent of a statue of hitler. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Too bad you didn't have the initiative to kill yourself when you were 9.

When was that, two years ago?

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
I like how you call a Dutchman a landlubber, it's one of the better words that has found international usage. Call me biased.

I also like how you immediately call everyone that doesn't join your violent cult either average, racist, or just plainly on the wrong side of history. It's that black and white view on the world, often quite literally, that spells the doom of your little endeavour. I guess you didn't learn from my above example.

My guess is that you also see your father that way. The poor fellow that has worked his ass off for his entire life to give you all your opportunities, only to see you piss on them. I feel for him. He gave half his life only for you to call him an average shitstain. Guess you're also a little ungrateful shit.

The thing is, what you're doing won't work. You're putting all that potential, all that effort into moving a mountain. Wouldn't it be better to start with lifting a rock, your own rock? Wouldn't that result in much more effective lifting done at the end? Wouldn't that give you the impact you oh so seek? But I guess pushing that mountain feels so much better.

So I was right. You are a kid, both bored and bullied. You are at the bottom, sad and tired of being everyone's bitch. You call yourself a warrior, but you spit on your heritage. You spit on the sacrifices everyone's made to give you your privileged position.

Shit, you'd have to go on your knees to thank them. In today's society, anyone can make it. You have first-generation immigrants who go on to learn the language, go on to study, and finish top of the year. Brilliant and passionate minds who, instead of crying at big brother, recognise Western Society finally gave them both opportunity and safety to allow themselves to prosper. Hell, if they can do it, any well-off native could do it. Go on. You'd make your father proud.

But I guess you won't. It's easy being a warrior if you've never faced hardship in your life. It's easy to try to liken yourself to some hero if you've never sacrificed as they did. No, some mean words from some dumb Dutchie on some site on the internet don't count.

Hell, I applaud you. You made a difference today and yesterday. You showed your initiative. You exerted all your effort. You once again showed how laughably pathetic all those online woke kids are, for everyone to see. You even admitted being a worthless trash loser yourself like a true little bitch.

Alright, I should stop on that low (or was it high?) point and be content on an ad hominem whipping. But I really should address the Hitler card you played at the end. I was wondering how long it'd take before you restored that nuke. It's the only logical conclusion to the woke kid flow diagram you call having an argument. It fits perfectly well with all the talk of standing on the wrong side of history.

You really think the world revolves around you. You do all your mental gymnastics hoping you'll be remembered as some MLK or Malcolm X. I think you do care what everyone thinks about you. It's because you don't have the strength to stand on your own feet.

Finally, keep Hitler out of it. You can't in honest intention liken his genocide and concentration camps to whatever petty struggles are going on in America, the land of the free. My late grandfather sacrificed himself, fought the invaders until the bombing and consequent razing of a whole city took us down. He later volunteered to go to a slave camp in order to save other fathers, families from that horrible faith. In the end, he forgave the Germans. He was a warrior. He showed initiative. He started in a mud shed and ended as a director. He was an extraordinary man. He's everything you wish you were but aren't. He is my heritage.

He wouldn't want Hitler to be erased from history. He wouldn't riot, pillage, and destroy monuments. He'd advocate to have them as a reminder that within us all hides a monster. he knew that only remembrance and diligence keep that monster in check. Destroying that only leads to ignorant doom.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Godwin's Law says this discussion has been over since DeepThroat's last post.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

It's been over since Zanzibar. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago


I mean most of the time I don't have a black & white view of the world. Like when it comes to healthcare for all or other political issues. But when it's about human rights, and the rights of homosexuals, minorities, and women. There is no agree to disagree. There is no middle ground. 

Silence is on the side of the opressor. You stay silent you are on the worng. Just like if your a bystander while watching someone get bloodied for no good reason. So yes it is black or white, your either racist, or anti-racist, there is no middle ground. 

Also who said you had to be violent to be anti-racist? Please don't make assumptions you don't have to be a rioter to be anti-racist. All you have to do is sign petitions, protest (preferably peacefully), and vote for people who aren't racist. I never said you have to be violent to be racist, I said just like MLK to not condem the violent ones because they are fed up with the system. 

Please don't talk to me about my relationship with my father is a narcissist who manipulates and prey's on others weaknesses. I trust God & know in all my heart that God will guide me to the right career, and lifestyle for me. I don't want to become a doctor drowning in death working a job I hate to get underpaid by my employers, same with being an engineer, or a teacher. Because thank's to our beautiful president every middle class worker is getting scammed by billionaire's who don't even have to pay taxes.

So yes in today's society anyone can make it if making it means slaving 80 hours a week to barely get ahead of your student debt, mortgage, and credit card bills. I mean what's the point of working so hard, if you never get to enjoy it. I want to live a life were I don't reap my success in my 60s after I'm old and broken. I want to live a life were I enjoy things in the moment, were I enjoy my children, my wife, my God. So your right, I can make it but I choose to enjoy life instead.

Also don't tell me that I haven't had hardships in life we all have. Everyone suffer's that is inevitable so please don't that was really rude even for you.

What do you mean don't play the hitler card. I understand that I can never understand everything your grandfather suffered to keep you safe. But you can't understand what my ancestor's went through. Your grandfather sounds like an amazing person. And I'm glad he set such a strong foundation for you and your life. But please don't talk for him, you don't understand what it feels like to have open symbols of hate waved around you 24/7. Nobody (besides neo-nazi's) erect's statues of Hitler, and I'm sure if someone did you would want them to be destroyed. Your grandfather sounds like a smart man, smart enough to realize that you don't need statues of hate to remember the past. They don't erect giant statues of rat's yet we all know about the black plague. Historian's and great teacher's preserve history, not statues.

I mean 70% of these monument's which help us celebrate murderer's were literally erected during the civil right's movement to scare black people back into submission. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Dear DeepThoughts,

I hope this reply finds you in both safety and wellbeing. I am short in both time and energy, so I'll keep my section short. I hope you'll in no way interpret my briefness as a lack of either my engagement or manners.

Let's start with the fact I feel we are talking past one another. I make my points, you ignore most of them and cherry-pick only the most shallow of concepts at hand to throw your dichotomies against. Thus, I'll strain myself to bridge the gap in name of equality and try to reconstruct your tone. I intend nothing more than a more sound exchange of information with this fact and bear no ill purpose.

In fact, I do feel offended by the fact you likened me to your father. I naively used that given piece of information to extrapolate my personality onto his image, only to be now met with the fact you've pulled that rug under me. That was a low blow, calling me a serious psychic diagnosis, and now on top of that, you are calling me rude as well. I do care about any further explanations on these events, and, quite frankly, I also wish for an apology.

With these troubling emotions out of the way, please allow me to retrace my steps. I used the mountain and rock parable. I wanted to use this likeness to illustrate the sheer ineffectiveness at immediately changing the whole system. There are hundreds of millions of people living within the USA. And even if you would exert such a heartfelt initiative, write to every single one of them, you'd be dead before you made any significant progress. Another parable, but this time hopefully more grounded in reality.

Instead, I offered another solution. You told me you have significant experience in people (your father) preying on other people's weaknesses. Instead of lifting that mountain, I offered to lift just a single rock. Live life as you want; don't let other people exploit your weakness. This route would mostly involve personal growth as to later on have a better position for either giving to the next generation or changing the current one.

Am I correct in presuming you don't wish to be a doctor to battle against disease and death, teacher to inspire the next generation, or engineer to innovate people's lives? Those are all respectful jobs that add true benefit to society as a whole. They do good. Now, rather than refusing for some morally just reason, you refuse because of your greed at material wealth. Now, that's hypocritical.

I am talking about responsibility here. How can you even phantom to claim responsibility for a whole minority, people you've never met, if you can't even take it yourself? The moment you put a group ahead of your own life, you lose it. I even see this in your reply, trusting an immaterial God to pick and choose for you. Depending on which religious thought you follow, it's been either preordained, or God would much rather you choose yourself.

I won't even reply to the next paragraph necessitating an 80 hours workweek to stay alive. That's either terrible personal finance, or a greed for luxury influenced to live a life above your capability. In fact, this should motivate you to make sure your kids won't go through the same. Which is also simply untrue as you admitted yourself you were from a rich family.

This ends us at the Hitler card once again. Your sheer ineptitude to comprehend a systemic and clinical genocide does not in the slightest equal the situation in America baffles me. My guess is that this is once again the result of your dichotomous vision, which sadly takes away the option to see the world clearly.

This also reminds me to call you once again a hypocrite and a cheat. Starting with the reprimand to not talk for your father, you end your reply with talking for someone quite literally an ocean away. Someone you never met before.

That brings me to my very last point of calling you an extremist. You started your post with the following saying: you either stand with me, or against me. Next up, you dehumanise fifty percent of your country, likening them to rats, and you openly condone violence. For someone so quick to pull the Hitler card, and as far as your intentions originally started, this sounds awfully close to his playbook.

I hope you'll reply to my points both earnestly and totally. Quite frankly, I'm the only one here to still take your points serious enough to put in the effort to rebuke them in such fashion.

With the utmost of regards,


Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
I haven't been able to keep up with this thread because I have been breaking my back in the hot sun like a poor oppressed Negro, but are the rest of your posts like this? How can you type something this cringe and not realize it? You just whine so much and nobody ever asked you about how you got bullied when you were nine or how mad your dad makes you, you are obsessed with yourself and how smart you are and you love to hear yourself talk. You told me you were going to explain why all Trump supporters were racist, and I knew that was stupid and impossible unless your next words were "because I'm a wizard and read the minds of millions of people." But I was going to see what you had to say and take you seriously, and now I can't. Lol. I'm glad I can't vote yet, everyone else has to make such an impossible choice and I don't want to be a part of it, it will be bad no matter what. But if a cat came up to me with two dead rats and said "eat the one on the left or you're a racist!" you know what I'd do? I'd kill that fucking cat becaUSE WHY IS IT TALKING?????

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Real talk. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Is Starbourne vs. Deep Thoughts considered black on black crime?

In anycase, so far Starbourne's winning.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Well I at least know which one I'd be sending the paperwork to for the N word passes.

That is if he survives Mara reading that bit about the cat...

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I'm sorry if it felt like I was complaining. I wasn't if anything I thank God for my pain because I know he's going to use it to his glory later on in my life. My whole point of that section was me trying to explain the struggle's I a middle class kid from the suburbs have to go through still. 

Like I said before privilege isn't about what you've gone through it's about what you don't go through. So I'm sorry if I came off as whiny that was not my intentions/

Now, here's the reasoning behind every Trump supporter being racist. It's pretty simple. You can say your not racist, right or say that you care for everybody. Which is great that you believe that but in the end as the popular saying goes, "actions speak louder than words."

So than to show that your not racist you would have to do one of these six anti-racist actions.  You could post information on social media, and support BLM on social media. Which is the most basic thing you can do as a BLM supporter. Next level is signing a petition, which is very important and does a lot, but is still not the highest level. Next level is holding friends and family accountable for racist comment's and actions. You can donate, which is really helpful because you are helping fund the movement. You can hold friends, and family accountable,this is very helpful if you help someone realize how they are acting wrong even if they refuse to change, because now they know they are in the wrong. Next level is protesting, this one is very helpful because you are giving up your body for this movement. As we all know police in most police in America, are very violent and a lot are also racist. They tear gas, and beat peaceful protesters for know real reason. Going out and protesting is very telling of whether someone is racist or not.

Now here's the most important thing you can do to prove your not racist is to vote for non-racist officials. 

Yes Biden is racist, and not the brightest, but Trump put a ban on ALL Muslim & MOST African Countries, has tried to kick Immigrants out of our country multiple times, has raped 22 women, molested a 13 year old, and is a good friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump knowingly sent American soldiers to Iran & Iraq without briefing them on the fact that Putin put bounties on his head, Trump has killed approximately 105,000 American's through Horrific Coronavirus response, Trump has made so many racist statements that I will have to post them in their own separate post. Anyone who votes for Trump either lives on a remote island or knows he is racist. That action in itself is extremely racist and hateful. You cannot tell someone you care for their livelihood's and then vote for someone who is actively working to have that same person or people killed.


If you scroll to the very bottom you will find a comprehensive list of the major racist things Trump has says. Not all of them not even close to all of them. 

The action of voting for Trump is one of the most racists action someone can make so yeah, it is not comparing a rat to a rat. It's comparing your creepy pedophile uncle Lester, to a psychopathic serial killer who rapes his victim's after he kills them.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Well I guess I'll be voting for Trump again because as they say, "Why vote for the lesser of two evils?"

Trump probably won't win, but hopefully Sleepy Joe will provide 4 more years of foot in mouth entertainment.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Okay I will respond to all of your points, my bad If I cherry picked some it was hard to format my response, but I would hope you would give me the same respect. You too also cherry pick some of my statements and only respond to certain ones. Like how you ignored the point I made of how not all anti-racist people are violent, after calling us all violent cultist. I would like an apology for this to please.

Firstly, I will humbly apologize for calling you a psychopath indirectly. I did somehow liken you to my father and then call him a psychopath. I wasn't meaning to set a trap and then pull the rug out from under you but I somehow did. I won't assume your personality you sound like a very respectful and bright human being. 

You are kind off right about the mountain & the rock analogy. I don't plan on writing every citizen in America a personal letter on how to change. The only reason I decided to stop by at CYS and write, was because I just could not look away from the misinformation being spread. I just wanted to stop by and show people how the information they were spreading was incorrect, and how they could fix it. Because I consider you lot for some reason, as friends, and I'm always preaching to my in life friends to always hold people accountable whenever they make racist comments. So I just decided to practice my preaching. Yes it is an uphill battle but there are a lot of us, too. Hopefully one day I myself can become a respected influential person, with a platform where I can spread my "deep thoughts" but for now CYS will have to settle as my stomping grounds. 

I also don't plan on living a life where, in the name of enjoying my life, I ignore the cry of help from my fellow brethren. I personally feel as if there is a middle ground. Where you can help lift the mountain but also live your own personal life, and I hope that one day I find that balance.

No, you are incorrect in assuming that I would refuse to be a doctor or a teacher. I know that my dream job is a job where I'll be able to impact many people's lives. I personally feel as if making music, creative arts, and maybe even running for a political office would be the way for me to make the biggest impact on people's lives, but believe me I would not mind settling down to be a teacher, or a therapist. I feel as if those jobs would fit me very well also. So no you are incorrect but I won't hold that against you because I did make it seem like I would refuse to pick a normal job as my career.

Um, I would ask that we live religion out of this. My religion is my religion, and I know my God exists. Yes it might seem that I'm giving up my individuality when I allow God to pick my life path for me, but God created me and knows me inside out. He know's things my pet peeves, my flaws, and my strengths. He even knows things about me that I don't know. So I trust God to choose my life for me because I know that he will guide me to a life that best exemplifies his glory, and makes me happy. It's like the good dictator theory. I personally would be okay with someone being the dictator of my life, if I knew they love me, are very knowledgeable, and only wants the best for me.  So yes it might seem I'm giving up control over my life but I'm okay with that as long as someone who knows all is the one governing me. 

Um, yeah ignore the whole 80 hours a week thing. My Dad wants me to be a doctor and I see no point in being one, so that was a little bit of my emotion taking control sorry bout that. Like I said earlier I would rather help people learn how to take care of themselves, and lead healthy lives. Than heal people when they are sick. 

Ah, the Hitler card. You kind off completely ignored my point though. We don't need statues that where literally built to subjugate the African American community in fear. To remember slavery, just like we don't need statues of Hitler to remember the holocaust. 

When it comes to racism, you are either for it or against yes. That's just common sense you can't be in the middle ground when it comes to human rights. I said not to condemn them, if my child was taking part in the riots, you better be sure Imma punish my kid, but I can't condemn and speak from others, because you don't know their experiences. I mean MLK literally said the same things that I'm saying so are you comparing MLK to Hitler? 

Lastly, I did call around 30-40% of the people in my country rats, so what. Being American does not make you a good person. Just like having a daughter doesn't automatically means you can't be a sexist. There are a LOT of racist Americans out there, just like there are a LOT of racist Asians, and Africans, and Europeans. The only difference is that 92% of racist Americans are self-absorbed, hypocritical, ignorant, a-holes who refuse to see how their actions are detrimental, and racist. 

I mean the same people who would vote for Trump, are probably the same people who would've voted for Hitler during WWII. I mean Trump has openly praised Hitler, calling him a "genius", and "great person." So I don't get what your point is? 

I too hope we can continue this intriguing discussion

From your neighbor across the pond, Deep Thoughts.

Deep Thoughts With Black Faggots

3 years ago
Dear Deep Thoughts,

First off, I'd like to officially accept your apologies, both based on your recent cherry-picking and the direct assault on my character. Acts like this give the proper foundation for productive discourse without it sinking away into fruitless discord.

However, I sadly can't admit to the same. See, I did not want to delve deeper into topics that would cheapen this discussion. The logical end, seeing I am quite certain of my opinion about the topics you won't by nature budge even a bit on, would be that we'd fall back into saying yeh-eh and nuh-uh over and over. As demonstrated above, the points I did explain further showcased remarkable progress towards an accord. But, now you've pointed it out twice, I can't ignore those topics any further.

So let us, for the conciseness, focus this post on the two points you accused me of ignoring: the violence debacle and the statue humiliation. I hope I explained my reasoning properly as not to be accused of cherry-picking again. I'd love to say my thoughts on your dictator paragraph, but I'll respect your wishes.

I called the rioters violent cultists, which, as you self-identify with the rioting group also by inclusion, calls you a violent cultist. Now a cult can have many meanings, both positive and negative, let me define it further in calling it a small group of people who have extreme, self-propagating (religious) beliefs. This is a mostly negative interpretation following my negative view of the subjected group.

Now, you claim to fight to end racism and achieve equal human rights for all. Now at this, I'd raise my eyebrow as illustrated by the mountain analogy. Sadly this is only the base of all the beliefs the BLM movement holds. Now, according to the United Nation's Accord, (clickable), the USA achieves the criteria, some misgivings on privacy like the Patriot Act notwithstanding. If you'd truly wished to fight for these rights, you would focus your attention on the parts of the world where these rights, including the one on slavery, are still lacking.

Now I went through the BLM site earnestly wanting to see their values. Sadly, I've only been bombarded by popups of calls to action (against 'injustice' and other extremely vague buzzwords with absolutely nothing backing them up) and demands to donate. It got my blood pumping, ready to against whomever without questions asked until I took a breather. This extreme belief in something unsubstantial is why I feel safe calling the movement a cult. A cult that has already had multiple attempts and acts of violence.

I hope that explanation sufficed. Let's continue towards the statue humiliation. This point also stems from your dogmatic and dichotomous view of the world. You would rather proof of different thought be destroyed than tolerate, which is quite a slippery slope into becoming a totalitarian menace yourself, of which the starting symptoms already arise in the current internet woke culture from which the BLM originated. The violence against statues is another example of this.

Another reason is that you are so quick to attribute both emotions and interpretations towards what is nothing more than stone husks, humans of the past holding up beliefs of the past. You are extremely quick to call them objects of oppression and subjugation. They are stones stapled onto each other. The meaning is for everyone to decide, same as Auschwitz is far from an object of oppression, but one of remembrance, sorrow, and warning. By exacting your violence born from momentary emotions at these monuments, you are denying the historic progress we've made thus far, dooming lessons learned into obscurity.

Now please indulge me ending the post with a third point: the fact you had the audacity to reply 'so what' towards calling not 30-40%, but 46% (official vote tally in 2016) of your country rats. I hope you know the impact those words have, and how they, historically precede dehumanization of often genocide. Of the top of my head, Jews were called rats as well, and the Tutsi genocide was precedented by repeatedly calling them cockroaches. This substitution of humans in favor of filthy animals severely lowers the inhibition of both violence and other anti-social acts. This once again brings me to the above point of calling you violent cultists; the rhetoric is there.

I am sure MLK would frown on everything about it. He knew the power of the words you so carelessly throw about. In calling half your fellow countrymen rats, racists and nazi's, you are ever more widening the gap to reconciliation. Normal people who would join your cause are now actively being discriminated against. Instead of helping them see your point of view, your hostile words only meet them with active enmity. Instead of defusing the powderkeg, you are only adding to it. These aren't words to combat injustice; these are words acting as a call to arms, leading you to a very dark and slippery rope towards the historical figures you so despise.

These red flags, so to speak, are why most of us here would rather distance themselves from your movement, than join it. These words are why hatred is being riposted with even more hatred.

As always with the utmost of regards,


Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

To be honest Puddlebunni has probably already forgotten this thread and is now preoccupied with the latest shota porn.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Yeah I think Puds may not be seen around these parts for awhile, unless she took some pills or something and is DeepThoughts now.

I kept the thread bumped actual months waiting for someone to challenge anything at all. It really was a shame she had to be the one to finally spring the trap, but it was her own fault. She was dressed so revealingly, too.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
But now I read both threads the entire way and it made me even MORE of a faggot.

Well, you're not wrong about that.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
I'm going to stop now

*doesn't stop*
*continues for six more paragraphs*

Most people with racist beliefs are just poor and uneducated

Yeah honestly, most of the problems I see with the world (America) are just cultural. So many cultures are just shit, and when there's correlation to race some people get confused.

Not everything has to be about race though. It's perfectly reasonable to just hate poor people in general without bringing that element into it.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Not sure why any of you even entertained Puds' posts, let alone the wall of text noob, when a "Lol, fag." would have been the correct answer to all of it.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Hear to posh kids that never had a problem in their short decade how much they have accomplished and how they will Solving the struggles of economic system and cultural appropiation... They are cute, like a retarded dog shitting everywhere . Thankfully, this solve when they start to have sex and or watch porn first time then they use the hand for something better than pandering the masses

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
  • 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to previous discrimination.
  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
  • 1988: In a commencement speech at Lehigh University, Trump spent much of his speech accusing countries like Japan of “stripping the United States of economic dignity.” This matches much of his current rhetoric on China.
  • 1989: In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four Black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running an ad in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent seven to 13 years in prison, and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016 said he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary.
  • 1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a Black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred Black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
  • 1993: In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
  • 2000: In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a series of ads suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.”
  • 2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump fired Kevin Allen, a Black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’”
  • 2005: Trump publicly pitched what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He said he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”
  • 2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and offered to buy out one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
  • 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first Black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a “carnival barker.” (The research has found a strong correlation between “birtherism,” as this conspiracy theory is called, and racism.) Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private.
  • 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump claimed, “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”

For many people, none of these incidents, individually, may be damning: One of these alone might suggest that Trump is simply a bad speaker and perhaps racially insensitive (“politically incorrect,” as he would put it), but not overtly racist.

But when you put all these events together, a clear pattern emerges. At the very least, Trump has a history of playing into people’s racism to bolster himself — and that likely says something about him, too.

And, of course, there’s everything that’s happened through and since his presidential campaign.

On top of all that history, Trump has repeatedly made racist — often explicitly so — remarks on the campaign trail and as president:

  • Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
  • As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy.
  • When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.”
  • He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
  • Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign.
  • He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it.
  • Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
  • At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of Black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
  • In a pitch to Black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
  • Trump stereotyped a Black reporter at a press conference in February 2017. When April Ryan asked him if he plans to meet and work with the Congressional Black Caucus, he repeatedly asked her to set up the meeting — even as she insisted that she’s “just a reporter.”
  • In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters who stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists — and many of them took it as one, with white nationalist Richard Spencer praising Trump for “defending the truth.”
  • Throughout 2017, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players who, by kneeling or otherwise silently protesting during the national anthem, demonstrated against systemic racism in America.
  • Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments.
  • Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly Black countries are bad.
  • Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race.
  • Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, again calling her “Pocahontas” in a 2019 tweet before adding, “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalized “TRAIL” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears — a horrific act of ethnic cleansing in the 19th century in which Native Americans were forcibly relocated, causing thousands of deaths.
  • Trump tweeted later that year that several Black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that Black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of the four members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US.
  • Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu.” The World Health Organization advises against linking a virus to any particular region, since it can lead to stigma. Trump’s adviser, Kellyanne Conway, previously described the term “kung flu” as “highly offensive.” Meanwhile, Asian Americans have reported hateful incidents targeting them due to the spread of the coronavirus.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Geez, I said I'm already voting for the guy, you don't need to convince me.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Hmmmmmm. I'm just curious, how long did it take you to write these 1800 3000 words and create all these links? And can you describe your emotional state for us as you did it?

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I didn't write them I copied and pasted it just so you guys could see the enormity of his racist comments, these aren't even close to all of them.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

This is exactly why I said you have to be careful.  There are a lot of people dictating a narrative with zero regard for you or anyone else.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
I love the old Trumpinator.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

True, very true. Welp I think my the website I used was preety credible, but you can disagree if you want to. That's something that we can agree to disagree on.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Unfortunately, what you think is credible doesn't really matter as just at a glance I noticed some lies that are easily refuted just by going to the source, something that is rarely done, apparently. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
He's dead, don't worry about him anymore. Returning moron/troll who went and admitted it for some reason.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

It needed to be entered into the record. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Ya cállate pinche gringo

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
So I tested the first line, and this is just a big copy and paste from elsewhere. Should've known it wasn't an intellectual DeepThoughts original since it wasn't full of typos and narcissism.

Going by the couple of other posts of his I've read, it's a really good thing rioting is the language of the oppressed by the way and not English.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

To be fair, he never said the deep thoughts were his own. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
While scrolling up, I happened to accidentally read a line from one of his posts, and I discovered that he's also an apologist for the 600lb life people. Fast food "joint's" are literally entering the homes of people of color, strapping them down to the bed and force feeding them KFC gravy through a funnel, what an injustice!

Note that doing this with a BBW and filming it would bring in good income from certain circles of the internet, so I guess McDonalds just steals that money too. Does their wickedness know no bounds??!

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

"The action of voting for Trump is one of the most racists action someone can make so yeah, it is not comparing a rat to a rat. It's comparing your creepy pedophile uncle Lester, to a psychopathic serial killer who rapes his victim's after he kills them."

Now I wouldn't want to assume here, but I'm guessing in this analogy, Biden is the pedo and Trump is the serial killer. If this is the case, then this is a really bad one if we're supposed to be choosing Biden, since the serial killer is the better one to go with.

The pedo will be molesting a ton of kids. (Not killing them though) These kids will most likely grow up to be all fucked up. At best, they're going to be going through therapy, have orientation/gender mental issues, having a lot of random sex spreading diseases like whores, etc. At worst, some of them becoming pedos themselves and perpetuating the cycle.

The serial killer on the other hand is at least killing his victims, so they won't be fucking up anyone else with their PTSD. When the serial killer dies, all his evil dies with him. There's no mention of who he's targeting either, so there's also a chance he's killing a few people that deserve to die anyway.

Hell, he's not even raping the living. He's raping them AFTER he kills them, so there's not even the sexual torture involved for the victim before they die.

So basically what all this means is the serial killer AKA Trump is the better choice.

Also "Your Creepy Uncle Lester" sounds awfully specific...

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Salient points. Team serial killer for the win. 

Personally, I think S.M.O.D. is a great candidate. Something for everyone.

Discriminate? Never! The Sweet Meteor of Death will destroy all lifeforms equally. (Except maybe deep sea bacteria.)

Hate working for a living? SMOD will end your need to ever work again!

Hate high tax rates? SMOD will not only wipe out your taxes but your debt and all oppressive regulations to boot.

Hate Trump? SMOD will wipe him out and even the memory of him will be erased from the Earth.

Hate the police? No police either once SMOD splashes down! 

Hate anarchists? Not a single anarchist will be left. Enter any group here - men, furries, Republicans, social justice warriors, people who take forever in the check out line - S.M.O.D. will wipe them all out, never to concern you again.

And to top it off he's the most honest candidate there is, isn't an old white guy, isn't a career politician, and plans to bring perfect peace on Earth at last.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
You make some excellent points. I know who I'll be voting for now.

And to think, I hesitated.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
To be real a moment though, there's nothing about being a terrible person that would keep someone from doing well in public office. It's practically a requirement in fact, the only difference here is Trump isn't a career politician and doesn't hide it.

Of course there needs to be good results to go along with the trolling and unfortunately he didn't deliver on those. But I've not seen any proof yet that there guy who forgets his own name and what year it is and what office he's running for on the regular will be able to either. (But of course I know it's stupid to expect an angry 16 year old who C A R E S deeply about the things that fit his worldview to be able to separate wishful thinking from practical results.)

Obama seemed like a moral guy, but had a pretty shaky legacy as far as human rights go. Actual intentions are meaningless. Trump on the other hand, pretending a moment he hadn't been talking out of his ass and actually built the wall, his personal reasons wouldn't have mattered so much as the fact that he'd have done a huge amount to stop human trafficking in my area. Something everyone would have benefited from for years to come even after whatever happened with immigration reform with future presidents.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

One question, you said stuff about sex trafficking, how has Trump a known sex trafficker helped stop sex trafficking in your area.

Also Trump didn't even build the full wall he built about 76 miles, of a 500 mile wall.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Please learn to read. You'll find there are many free resources out there that can help you.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Yeah, it does sound awfully specific...

And I meant creepy by touchy, and a little bit starey, not molestery. Like he's always trying to unrobe kids with his eyes, not actually physically unrobe them.

Also I have to ask how Trump being racist, and self destructive makes you want to vote for him more. Do you really want to see the end of humanity, I thought that was just your site name? 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Wow, so much detail. You sound like you're speaking from experience here.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago


Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Your word count is that of a medium length storygame at this point, but other than the general theme of AMERICA BAD, ME INTELLECTUAL it's all devolved into disorganized flailing and now, unsourced copypastas. It's never been funny and never been interesting and almost no one has read more than 16 words of it.

I'm not sure why you're still here after you declared everyone ignorant and a waste of your time to talk to. But since you are, and still flinging shit at everything you see, I want you to explain, in 300 grammatically correct words or less: Why you are on this site, what your presence does to improve it, what point you're trying to make in this thread, and where you fall on the autism spectrum.

You have 12 hours. Don't make any other posts until you've made this one.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I'm not going to read his reply, so I want you to hand print it verbatim, provide hand drawn illustrations, and take a picture. Your handwriting needs to be clear and legible.

I'll extend your Discord protection 48 hours if it meets my standards. You have until the end of tomorrow. I know you'll be happy to do any pointless and demeaning task in exchange for a paltry reward like that, so I'm not even going to pretend I'm framing this as a request.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
@Starbourne Now you can come in and ask your question again.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Okay, thank you for allowing me to be able to speak. I'm not really sure why I'm still rambling on about all of this anyway. I mean your right, no ones listened to me, and nobody here really cares about what I have to say. Maybe I gave myself the false illusion of being able to help others when in reality I can't convince everybody. I used to be on the site back in 2016 made an account participated in a contest and then I got banned and left for like 2 years. I would check up to see how you guys were doing every now and then. So August, 1st I think I went onto the site to see how you all were handling current events and what I saw shocked, and disappointed me. I thought that I would try to show you & all the other Cystians' why you were wrong , and how to not be in the wrong. 

My purpose in this thread, is to just show you all what white privilege is, why you shouldn't condemn rioters, why voting for Trump is in itself a racist action, and why America is a bad country (ranked 2nd worst developed country in the world by the U.N.), and how to fix help make us a better place to live.

My presence on the site doesn't really do much, I'll probably drop in with some deep thoughts, and use this as an outlet to get my views out. I might write one story game for a contest I joined, and I might review a game or two, but so far I'm pretty occupied with convincing you lot to see. I don't fall on the spectrum but I probably have ADHD, although my parents refuse to get me tested. 


Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I appreciate your perspective, though I don't appreciate your arrogance.  It's fine to have a point of view and all, but refusing any possibility that you could be wrong (or misled) and expecting others to have the maturity to accept someone else's position (as long as it's yours) is ridiculous.   I am willing to have a good faith dialogue, but that's not what any of this is. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Attitude goes a long way when trying to convince anyone of anything. I would think just about everyone in here is against police brutality and being a shitty racist, but when the message is, "No no you see, you're not against it ENOUGH and therefore you suck and are all ignorants and basically Hitler, something something something my intellect and initiative, P.S. no dad, you shut the fuck up, you're not the boss of me!" all it does is make you want to push a little bitch down in the mud and make him cry.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

 I'm sorry if I sound that way, but you do have to do something though. You can claim your against police brutality and all, but if you haven't done anything ( I'm not saying you haven't ). Than you're in the wrong, silence not taking action is on the side of the opresser. I mean voting for someone who's openly condoned white - supremacy and police brutality is in itself racist. That's all I'm trying to say, I only came here to clear some things up that I saw and knew where mis-information. I'm not saying go vote for Biden or go do this or go that. What I'm trying to say is that you have to do something anti-racist, like signing a petition on or holding your friends accountable, or abstaining from voting for a racist. 

If not I'm not comparing you to Hitler. I'm comparing you to the people who supported him.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
That's right folks, if you haven't personally tackled a police officer today, you hate black people.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I mean were talking about racism? That's like saying that I should be open to believing Hitler was correct? There are certain things that yes I will be open to changing my view, but when it comes to human rights that's a no go.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

How many times do people have to tell you that Trump isn't Hitler

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
What do you expect? He's probably some kind of junkie.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

No he's a more idiotic version, they share the same ideals. We have concentration camps in America, and Trump has openly supported the concentration camps in China. The only difference is we live in a different world than the 1940s and Trump is stupid.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

That may be, but from the looks of things he was trying to be diplomatic.  It still doesn't excuse saying something like that, but it doesn't make him Hitler.  Even if he really did mean what he said, it still doesn't put them in the same league. Last time I checked, he's not actively rounding people up and murdering them or attempting to take over the world.  The fact that you're even allowed to say something like that proves my point.  If he were really that bad, you'd already have been arrested by the secret police for treason.

Trump says some really stupid things, I'll give you that, but it's like you said, actions speak louder than words.

EDIT: Oh, he's dead. Guess that means I win the debate. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
>The fact that you're even allowed to say something like that proves my point.

This is a big one. The fact the press and individuals can bitch about the government and dig up dirt on powerful people and spread it around 24/7, and the fact that Trump could've been impeached if there had been actual evidence provided and if anyone so eager to get him out of the there had respected the established process for this stuff (once again the Dems botched the whole thing and sabotoged themselves) is in itself all the proof anyone needs that America and the rest of the first world has way more freedom than these people want to admit.

I mean, you don't even have to look back to the 1940s to find what an actual oppressive government looks like, there's plenty of them around today. The president has very little power in the scheme of things which is why more than half the complaints about him boil down to 'said idiotic thing on Twitter today'.

Fucking hell, just the fact that Twitter can and has slapped the POTUS on the wrist for that says a lot.

But I haven't even read half of DT's text walls and I've seen so many unsubstantiated claims and flat out stupid or out of context statements that it's hard to know where to start, and not worth the effort now that there's a good chance he was trolling anyway. He seems to primarily just be parroting stuff he heard somewhere even during the times he's not directly copy and pasting, with no effort to look into anything.

But Dave was always a little special even before he turned out to be a weird liar with a fake personalty, so it's not surprising the only thing genuine he could bring us was a bunch of whining about his daddy issues.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Well if you're not going to keep an open mind, then there's no point in any of this.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I think there are probably two premises on which we disagree. 

The first is probably that we don't agree with what is actually taking place during modern events. 

The second is likely a disagreement on what is fully encompassed by the term human rights. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Lol, you just fucked yourself by admitting you were a former banned troll from 4 years ago.

As a general rule, trying to sneak in under the ban is grounds for getting banned again unless you're going to prove useful.

Besides actually writing something, making story comments, etc, you'll have to give us what name you used to go by.

Failing to at least give the old name out by the end of the day is going to just result in another ban. Granted, you could just pop up again, but the long winded "woke" schitck you're doing now won't fly since we'll know its you.

Don't worry though, regardless of what happens, we'll keep your posts up since they're hilariously cringy and retarded and we like to laugh at faggots like you.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
There were so many cringy little fucks running around in 2016. And knowing he would've been like twelve, I expect this to be good.

Let's force him to enter Camelon's contest. Nine days is plenty of time. Look how many words he wrote here in just three.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Look @DeepThoughts, here's the deal. What we know here is that, unlike the African American community, the CYS community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.

Four years later, you're still a cringy little fuck, but we accept that about you. What you can't do however is dodge giving up your profile when Endmaster is the one asking for it.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

"unlike the African American community"

I think we all know Trump is the bigger and nastier racist, but it's really sad what Biden has been allowed to get away with, simply for not being Trump. Some of the statements he's made about and to people of color are just unbelievable and would be career ending in any other situation. He really couldn't figure out how to acknowledge that Latinos are diverse without getting a jab in at the "simplicity" of the blacks, it's just baffling.  

And no, I'm not sure why I read this entire thread either.


Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Biden and Trump are both very entertaining men, if nothing else that should be the thing everyone can agree on. It is unfortunate there is so much actually quite serious semi-apocalyptic shit going on right now so it can't be properly enjoyed. The main reason to hope Trump loses now is that I want to read his post presidential memoirs, which he might not be in clear enough mental shape to write if we have to wait four more years. I have a feeling he will refuse an editor and apply the same internal filter as the one he uses when logging onto Twitter.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Almost too bad he got banned, since I'm pretty sure any entry would have been fabulous at breaking my patience and sanity.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Okay, I was the Davefaster account from a while back. Got banned in 2018 I think. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I've been watching this from the sidelines since the moment you joined and have done a pretty good job of keeping my mouth shut up until now. Political discussions really stress me out if I'm not in the mood for them, and I haven't been for a long time. But the sheer arrogance of this post gave me just the kick in the rear I needed to get off the couch and speak my mind. Probably gonna regret this later when I'm ten text walls deep into a pointless argument, but whatever.

Do you honestly think you're going to convince anyone of anything this way? You might have had some miniscule chance of changing someone's mind up to this point, but now you've pretty much thrown it away. Telling people outright that they're wrong and that your sole reason for being around them is to change that destroys all of your credibility. Not only that, but it's rude, close minded, and arrogant. Have you ever stopped to consider that everyone believes that they're right about everything? In that respect, you're no different than Trump himself. Once you realize this simple fact, you must also accept that not every one of them can possibly be right about everything, no matter how many facts and well reasoned arguments they can pull out of their back pockets to support it. This, of course, also applies to you and I. It is impossible for any one human to be right about everything. I guarantee that both of us have certain beliefs that are just blatantly false. I know this because there are a lot of very smart, wise, and kind people on both ends of the political spectrum, who really do want to change things for the better. It's just not statistically possible that everyone on one side is virtuous and good, while everyone on the other is malicious and evil.

You said you believed in God earlier, so that means I get to use Jesus as an example. Jesus didn't hang around sinners just so he could convert them. Yes, they needed him, and yes, he still helped them see the error in their ways, but it was never about him being right and them being wrong. Jesus ate with prostitutes and tax collectors because he loved them and wanted to be with them, despite their sinful nature. That's the entire reason for his death on the cross, because when it comes down to it, none of us are going to get everything right, but he still wants to be with us anyway. And just to solidify my point, the people Jesus came down on hardest of all were the hyper-religious folk who thought they were right about everything and looked down on others just because of it. 

If you really want to make a difference in the world, you'd better stop judging the people in it and start respecting them, regardless of what you believe. I'm not saying you shouldn't fight against racism or injustice or whatever, just that you shouldn't let it get in the way of loving people. If these were your close friends or family, it'd be a little different. You can, (and sometimes should), call the people close to you out on things when they're wrong. If you've built the relationship well, it won't come across as hateful or arrogant, and there's a good chance you might actually change them. But arguing with strangers on the internet does nothing but make them dislike you.

Some food for thought before I wrap this up. Even if fighting racism is the call on your life, it doesn't mean everyone else has to do it to. Different people are given different assignments by God, and it's not your place to judge them for not having the same one as you. Some are called to teach and others to lead. Some are here to fight suicide or drug abuse, others to spread the word of God. Some are called to aid the homeless, others to aid their peers. There are about a billion problems on earth, and if everyone put all their energy into tackling just racism, there wouldn't be anyone left to deal with the other stuff. It still breaks my heart that there are racist people on earth, but I've got other fish to fry.

And by the way, I don't think burning stuff down is the best way to go about making change. That just creates more problems, not less.  

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Now now, don't be so quick to assume he's into Jesus just because he mentioned God. A lot of these angry black kids are taking on the religion of the OG transatlantic slave traders and joining groups guessed it, want to kill all the Jews! Haha, what a unique and original target those Jews are.

Sure is a good thing Trump singlehandedly took out ISIS, or they'd be radicalizing themselves a fresh back of suckers now. Like taking cotton from a baby.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

You're really having fun with this one, aren't you?  This is seriously some great entertainment value.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
What? It didn't make it on the news that time Trump fought his way through all those terrorists, then punched the caliphate in the chest and ripped out his still beating heart to show him how black it was before he died?

Damn biased liberal media....

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

America bad

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
And why are you still here, for that matter?

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Because people still don't understand that America bad

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Six years here and you have 173 points. I thought you people were supposed to be overachievers?

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Excuse you, by the end of the month I will have a feature worthy storygame published, mark my words. 

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
By the end of the month End will have fucked your mom 173 times without even trying, and you'll still have done nothing.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Nuh uh

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

Coins is right, I will have at least fucked his mom double that amount by the end of the month.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Just saw the title change. Really wish DT was female so it could be Deep Thoughts With Black Thots.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I mean... it still could be.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

"Okay, I was the Davefaster account from a while back. Got banned in 2018 I think." - Deep Thoughts Throat

Fisted Dave joined in January 2019 and got banned December of 2019. Unless you were just some nameless lurker, you weren’t around on the forums in 2016.

This all sounds like bullshit, since the dates don’t really line up if I double check the emails, real names and IPs. Granted all those can be faked, but normally most return users are so retarded, they do something that links them to their old handles in some way.

Picking Fisted Dave as the black person to masquerade as was probably the WORST one you could have picked. Hell, even Jimmy would have been better.

But assuming if you really are Fisted Dave, this explains all the faggotry, which apparently only increased since you got banned multiple times last time (After you CLAIMED you were leaving FOREVER)

In any case, thanks for giving me a name, I’ll put this one with the rest of the trolling/spamming alts on your tombstone in the graveyard. 

Banned again.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Lol. He'd have had better luck claiming to be Shouja. Anyway, same state actually, so maybe it really is him. But he must have been drinking a whole bunch of retard juice back then. And now. Or else possibly just lying all along both times since his entire posting style and claimed background and age and personality changed. I preferred the old Dave, although I know you're not with me on that. He was weird and kept being an idiot but not remotely such an obnoxious little shit. He actually did remind me of Shouja a bit...although I get that's not really helping his case. Lol.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
Name: Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi AakI Sex: I No Use Condom Origin Story: Don't Have One Bio: Two ambitious explorers were wondering the foreign savannahs of Nigger Niger. These adventurers were taken captive by a tribe of starved African Boys. The courageous white adventurous were hung by a stick and were being toasted and cooked over a small wildfire by Primal black Africans. While the primitive African's made jerking motions towards the female one of the tiresome journalists. The explorers devised a plan to escape. They decided to offer the one thing the poor starving African boys could not resist. Food, abundant amounts of food. The white explorers using a plethora of advanced vocabulary told the boys that if one of them wins the chopped II contest, there would be mountains of food for them to chill on and that they could have all the sex that they wanted. Sadly there was one issue to this plan the contest entry, how were they going to enter a horny, wild, starving black boy, and that's when it hit them. A youtube video, what other way was there in the universe for them to convey the emotion of sadness, and depression on the unexpecting viewer. The video was shot and unsurprisingly sky-rocketed to number one on youtube, leaving corporate America with no choice to make an official contest entry. Who would have thought a cabalistic, skinny, starving boy from the country Nigger Niger would make a number-one youtube video and start a whole movement. Sure round I of Chopped II had already stopped but who was going to stop a horny African boy whose gofundme page was titled, Please Watch, And Donate To Support this Starving Black Child's Dream of Making It onto Chopped. No One! He may not know anything about food and might eat all the food he can see at first sight. He might try to have sex with every attractive white girl he sees, or walk around with a dirty toga and sandals; he may have been the archenemy of the civilized world. Still, he was Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aaki, which may translate to Horny starving man-child in Yoruba, and he was not going to lose not now, not ever.
After eating as much food as physically possible, Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aaki finally decided to join the competition. Thankfully, Being black has its advantages. Since Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Araki coming straight from Africa still had the fresh exotic vibe on him he was treated as a sex object by every woman over the age of 5. Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aak decided to make it work; he made a deal a win-win for him and the person he was dealing with. He decided to trade his virginity(Wild animals don't count as partners) to a random person on the corner of the street; she said that she would have sex with him. Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi AakI obviously agreed, thinking that today was his lucky day completely ignoring his objective. After having a magical night of fun, the lady starts demanding money, Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aak having no prostitutes where he came from, was completely confused and pressured and decided to make the most logical decision. Kill her! He planned it all out in his head after collecting the after juices of the night off of the wall and emptying them into a jar. Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aak sneaks up behind the prostitute and smacks her on the head with her own pot hitting her until her head was beaten to a pulp. He then severs the head from the body with his bare hands saving it for his buddies back home. He drains the body of blood and puts them in jars. After that, he takes the liver, brain, heart, and muscle's from the body and mixes them in a blender continuously until they have all been mixed into a liquid he then proceeds to mix this with large amounts of bourbon. He pours this out into twenty large cups for everyone to sample. After sprinkling brittle bone over the main course; scrambled prostitute ovaries with a slight side of cooked pigeon. He knew that he was on the right track, he did not know a lot about the system n illinoise but after repeating the process 3 times with 3 different prostitutes he did know that no white male could say they hated the ovaries of a prostitute. He then proccedded to fill the ovaries with bourbon and a slight amount of cocaine. He He called the meal, white males delight, with a side of bartenders delight (sllightly burn't prostitute liver), and cats delight (well cooked pigeon meat) there is normal and jelly food. With cannibal shakes, (a mix of all the extra organs, plus blood, and more bOuRBon). All of the meat sprinkled over with bone marrow. He even dressed up as a prostitute to add to the overall effect of the meal. After robbing awhite van from a random child predator, Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aaki fills the van up with food. Suddenly Realizing he forgot the condiments. Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aaki runs to the closest CVS and buys a bag of condoms (not for himself, black people don't use condoms) he then procceeds to label them condoments, proud of himself Omo Eniyan Ti Ebi Aak then buys a bucket of lion blood (very healthy for you), and a bunch, I mean multiple gallons of Grape Kool-Aid he then filled the condom's with Grape-Kool-Aid, Lions blood, and afterjuices of love. He procceeds to label these items CONDOMents. Alas his dish was ready.
Preach it, brother.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
@Micropen Do what I said earlier, but with his character bio (top section of this) instead.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago

I can't believe a guy who was this intent on posting thousands of words of moral posturing decided to ignore his chance to actually demonstrate these morals in a concise scientific test.

Deep Thoughts With Black Thots

3 years ago
7000 words of moral posturing. I still can't get over the fact it was fucking Dave, I wasted so much time trying to bait him and he kept responding to the wrong things, or else his general illiteracy made him fail at reading it at all. I felt so mega trolled I took a couple days off the site and added 5000 words to a story. Writing isn't supposed to happen, ever. I fear for my sanity. Dude once told me he made his income as an influencer though. Given the number of words typed to number of people influenced, I'd say he's bad at it. But with two personas presented it's hard to tell if either is real...I'm fairly sure there are no black people at all in Indiana for instance, let alone suburban Nigerian Muslims. Why would anyone leave the paradise of Nigeria at all and come to a country as dangerous and racist as America anyhow, it just doesn't make any sense. I always thought he seemed a little suspect when he started telling me his family was royalty and he needed my help getting his inheritance out of the country... But you should make your morality test into a proper storygame quiz. It would be better than half the quizzes on the site by default.