This looks like something that is at the top of r/im14andthisisdeep. Granted, he's 15, so it's not too far off.
In fact, I think I'll take a picture of this and post it to the reddit and see what they think about it.
But anyway, I purposely went through my things and found something that was ACTUALLY written in the fourth grade. It was an essay I did in school about eating bugs. Luckily it's typed, so you won't have to see my atrocious handwriting during that time.

(My taste has changed since the 4th grade. I now think bugs are very cool. Though, eating them is another matter.)
This is what an actual 4th graders writing and thought process looks like. I was going to provide an in-depth analysis of my essay and your cringefest but I'm too lazy and tired so I will sleep and let you do that.