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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

feels good

4 months ago
Love my new M, I waited 13 years for this moment!

feels good

4 months ago
@MizalbutCapitalized rolling in his grave rn

feels good

4 months ago
Commended by Ford on 3/12/2024 11:15:04 AM
I will be working on a CYS plug-in, for those who desire it, that will replace the capital M with the more proper and traditional lower case m

feels good

4 months ago
this is why you're not a mod

feels good

4 months ago

feels good

4 months ago
Happy 13th Birthday miz!

feels good

4 months ago
Hey! Give it back!!! >.<

feels good

4 months ago
Cry more, moore.

feels good

4 months ago

feels good

4 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 3/12/2024 5:17:34 PM

Now we need a way for the rest of us to change our 12 y/o self’s choice of username.

feels good

4 months ago
Finally, a way to monetize the site!

feels good

4 months ago

Fuckin amen to that

feels good

4 months ago
WizzyCat sounds like Wizzrobe...I think your fine! :P

feels good

4 months ago

I'm bad at RTC though

feels good

4 months ago
mcdevs corprape polic peevents yousage to lowr ass peons sutch as u

feels good

4 months ago
helo whalecum to mcdevs meaty mystories what u want 2 day.?

feels good

4 months ago

It's the end of an era. Never thought this moment would come.

Unrelated but there's 255 guests right now, tf is up with that?

feels good

4 months ago
Yeah, just noticed that when I logged in. 336 now. Usually means we got a mention somewhere.

feels good

4 months ago

I just found a Youtube channel that's basically teaching English using stories on here. Maybe class is in session. (Going to post stuff to the Media Archive later)

feels good

4 months ago
Congratulations! You have definitely earned that M.
(This is now a national holiday.)

feels good

4 months ago

feels good

4 months ago
Well this is interesting.

feels good

4 months ago
An interesting test.

feels good

4 months ago

feels good

4 months ago
Didn't see this earlier and thought I got Mandela effected by your username ngl

But congrats!

feels good

4 months ago

I thought the lowercase M was for 'aesthetic' reasons.

feels good

4 months ago

Wow.  I've been out of town on vacation for a couple days and everything changes.  Almost didn't recognize mizal now that she's dressed up fancy with a capital M.  

feels good

4 months ago

feels good

4 months ago

Congrats on the new M, mizal! Welcome to the capital M club.

feels good

4 months ago
Only the best

feels good

4 months ago
Cool Beans Mizal!

feels good

4 months ago
Oh hey! How have you been? I did hear you were creeping around throwing trophies through windows in the middle of the night.

feels good

4 months ago

Well done, Mizal! We're all so proud of you!

feels good

4 months ago
Oh, hello. Thought you were dead!

feels good

4 months ago

I more or less was, as far as anyone knew! I'm poking my head back in here because honestly, I missed you kooky folks!

feels good

4 months ago
End and I were just discussing this, and except for Tim we're not sure how many from your previous social circle of Forum Game Gang plucky street urchins are still around. It has definitely been awhile. Have you picked up any wacky new traits on your travels?

feels good

4 months ago

The people that really stuck out to me were Chris, Tim, TharaApples, Wigglewigglewiggle, Cdrive... I'm sure there were more forum gamers but I remember those names. When it comes to new quirks, not too many! I'm more or less still the goofy religious guy. I play a lot more tabletop role-playing games though. I plan on running a dungeon-crawler in the Creative Corner soon. Stay tuned!

feels good

4 months ago

inside. flip on the telly

feels good

4 months ago
Say it ain't so.

feels good

4 months ago
this way is a waterslide away from me

feels good

2 months ago

I don't know how I feel about this.