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3 months ago
If I were write story game as an epic, what do you think would be the best one to make? I was looking through EndMaster's games and I saw Death Song and got the idea.


3 months ago
Maybe first finish the sheild and rougelike stories.


3 months ago
I am working on them, but I have to have like 4 projects going on at the same time and rotate or otherwise I end up getting bored of one and watching my phone for the rest of the night. I got ADD or something like that.


3 months ago

If you struggle focusing, then an epic should be your last priority honestly. I have tried a couple times, and failed both times, to write something over 100k


3 months ago
Over a year or something though just little bits at the time would eventually let me finish the story. I already figured out which story I'm using though.


3 months ago

Yeah, legit, have done it just once and it took me more than a year with multiple hiatuses. Only do it if you like torture and pain. I really now wonder how long it took to write Eternal. 


3 months ago
Weird, it only takes Sherb and Mystic a couple of months.


3 months ago

They are in a separate plane of writing speed. Their speed is what I would expect in webnovel authors and even then most of these people are big outliers. With me I tend to slow down after about 40 k words, mainly to yank out/double check continuity errors. In short, Sherb and Mystic be typing faster and better than me.


3 months ago

If you write 1-2k words a day, even with a few days off, you'll be able to reach 100k in 3 months. 


3 months ago

About 3 years. I think Rogues took that long as well.


3 months ago
I wonder how long it will take him to write Rouges


3 months ago
Death Song is only a compact 50k.


3 months ago
I meant like the idea to make an epic, because it says song in it, and it's about a bard who took levels in warrior and ranger.


3 months ago

... What?


3 months ago
Bards are famous for singing epics, and that dude plays an instrument and travels, which is a bard thing to do. He also fights with swords and bows, bows being something rangers use and swords being something fighters use, which is what I meant by warrior. So he is a bard who took levels in fighter and ranger.


3 months ago

Maybe put the whole story in verse? Make it read like the Iliad or the Odyssey!


3 months ago
That's what I meant, I was gonna put a story into verse, which is what an epic is. Think I'm gonna start with Necromancer first, then Death Song


3 months ago

Gotcha, sorry for stating the obvious. Just got excited there. I'd be down to read something like that if you write it.


3 months ago
When I eventually finish it it's going in the writing workshop for proofreading, so stay tuned I guess.


3 months ago

OH! So you're going to write a song about Necromancer and Death Song... Took me a really fucking long time to get that. >.<


3 months ago

I second this.


3 months ago

Well, when I hear the word "epic" I usually think of a really long story, rather than the original meaning of a story told through the medium of poetry. :p


3 months ago

CYS definitely influenced my perception of the word 'epic'. Now I wonder if it's possible to write an epic epic (100k words poem). 


3 months ago

That would be epic! ^_^


3 months ago

We actually do have a few stories done in bard ballad format, though this is the highest rated one that comes to mind.'s-tale


3 months ago
My favorite poem game is A Slaying Song.


3 months ago
More and more these days I click on threads, sort of squint at the contents, then decide I can't be bothered to figure it out. Must be getting old.