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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

But will it give you a 36 hour boner?

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Alright time for a new thread.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

My quest for the 36 hour boner goes unfulfilled :'(

Interesting comments 9

one year ago
What perfect timing for a new thread: Darius has outdone himself again. There truly is never a dull moment with this Dutchman. His words speak volumes. His actions shake the earth. There may never be another man able to surpass him. He has ascended to godhood. This game changed my life. Before it, I was depressed and suicidal. My wife left me years ago because of this. My kids hated me. I wallowed away my grief with alcohol and prostitutes. I raped many, many children. Then, one day, I found this masterpiece of a game. By the end of it, my wife had come back to me. My kids loved me. The children forgave me. Even my childhood dog came home after running away as a pup. This was all because of this storygame. I highly recommend it to anyone who is suffering. This storygame will change your life. — Suranna on 7/5/2023 5:23:38 PM with a score of 0 On the 900 word masterpiece, "This stupid storygame"

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

I'm curious... Did the puppy run away because it was also raped?

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

I'll... leave that to your imagination.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Darius is just getting all the attention with his latest story.

ISentinelPenguinI on 7/6/2023 for This stupid storygame
Citing a headache for something as fucked and quarter-assed as this feels like when the author of My Immortal said Gandalf Potter called some middle schoolers motherfuckers because his head hurt. I would have accepted cholera or the suffering of cancer treatments as an excuse, because those at least have the potential to take someone out of commission for the duration of a contest. But this is no justification! No justification whatever. Also fish don't have teeth you fucking clod. I mean they do but they're tiny little pharyngial ridges and cleaned by swallowing, they wouldn't be bloody the way big ass mammal teeth get.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

What about piranhas? Or... You know... Sharks?

Interesting comments 9

one year ago
Eliza on 7/7/2023 for The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost [delete]
It was good. I enjoyed the flexibility and variety of choices. I wasn't really expecting to die, but I suppose it makes a lot of sense. Honestly, there's no way I would survive a life like that. Simply because I don't like to die, but apparently I have morals and therefore must die anyways, I wish I could have been rewarded more or had some kind of benefit from spreading my skill set out a little more, but then again, it makes sense how that didn't help me becuase if you're just average at a bunch of things how can you beat another person's specific skill? Anyways, I enjoyed it. I aslo enjoyed the ability to go back and redo some things- let me see that there was really nothing I could do at that point and I would die basically no matter what. Definititely pulled me into the story and was very immersive. I suppose that I just don't like dying without any hope for the future. The ending didn't leave me feeling satisfied or resolved. Just kind of abrupt. Most stories have a happy ending- then again. I suppose that's kind of the point of having a story where you die. Despite my bitterness about dying (which I laugh at even now), good job, bravo to you, and best wishes on your further creations.

--Signed, a person who has never played a CYOA before but is somehow on a CYOA site

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Briar's been getting a whole bunch of comments on her story in general recently.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Yeah, I really should have written a happier ending where the protagonist actually survives, but as all POF players know, there is absolutely no way of surviving in Innocence Lost... Hence why there are no sequels. ^_^

Interesting comments 9

one year ago
Hey, I'm sorry about that comment. I found the site, played the game (absolutely amazing writing by the way), and then there was a comments section at the end, and I kind of just wrote what I was thinking in the moment (naively- of course- as I had obviously never played any other online CYOA games before). After playing a few more, I think I understand them how this site works a little better. . . and yeah. Sorry about that.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Awh! No need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. ^_^

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Never a need to apologize for a thoughtful and sincere comment.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago
It was just a funny comment, there's nothing to apologize for.

The origins of choice based stories like these just happened to be printed books that killed you a LOT. The plot branches all have to end somewhere or they'll multiply forever, and given the situations the characters are usually in, death endings often make sense. Well that and they're just traditional

Most of the storygames here do have winning endings. Price of Freedom is a stat based storygame though and some outcomes depend on whether your character develops the right skills for the challenges they face.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Develoos. That's my new favourite word. ^_^

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a mod. You can fix it. >.<

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Purple story description: 

fuck you jay

I didn't proofread this. This is all for fun and also a test for when I actually do want to make actually storygames lol. This is for an awesome Discord camp known as RAD that's like Survivor. So yeah...


Jay at last responded!

forcing your host to fucking play this was the worst mistake you can make, Purple. I'll be seeing you soon.
— JayChachi on 7/15/2023 5:23:24 PM with a score of 0

Interesting comments 9

one year ago
Suranna on 7/19/2023 for Wheeler & Brandt LLP [delete]
It's the summer of '18. I'm 13 years old. I wish to spend my computer time playing choose your own adventure games. I come back to the site where I read all those weird warrior cat fanfictions. I think, "Hey! I like love stories. I'll check out some of the ones in the Love & Dating section." I click on Wheeler & Brandt LLP. I ignore the maturity level. I obtain my first exposure to BDSM. I shoot myself 3 times in the head.

Suranna on 7/18/2023 for The Make-Believe Sandbox [delete]
This was so kawaii desu! (^///^)❤❤ I especially loved Yuina-chan! She was sooooo tsundere OwO. Arigato for this awesome work, Senpai! Daisuke! UwU ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Suranna on 7/18/2023 for A Handsome Man [delete]
My partner, Swissyoutuber is so handsome. He cares about me. He thinks about me. He loves me. I think about him too. He caught my eyes. He's inside my mind. I think I love him so much. He loves me too. I hope he'll come for me. I'll wait for him. I'll always be there for him. Suranna ❤ Swiss Cheese

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Suranna, we love you. ^_^

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

I love you guys too! 


Interesting comments 9

one year ago
Suranna on 7/18/2023 for Hey Mom
Unrealistic, I'm Lesbian.

Interesting comments 9

one year ago

Especially the women. >:)

Interesting comments 9

one year ago
Charli on 7/23/2023 for Live the Life of a Cat [delete]
The Role-play was great. Even if it wasn’t warriors.

IT'S 2023

Interesting comments 9

11 months ago

Interesting comments 9

11 months ago

Who still wants to be a supervillain

Can someone commend that comment of Petros. It's a good thoughtful one. I couldn't even manage to complete the first part.

And Petros, buddy, you haven't written a story about a supervillain yet lol.

Interesting comments 9

11 months ago
What happened to the really old thread whose purpose was to allow people to draw attention to these things?

Interesting comments 9

11 months ago

People stopped using it and it was sort of pointless and a chore as time went on.

Interesting comments 9

11 months ago
Thanks Darius. Now I have to actually write it to save face. I was hoping this was forgotten

Interesting comments 9

10 months ago
RayRiv on 9/1/2023 for Ground Zero
After going through and obtaining all four Epilogues, this remains one of my favorite "choose your own adventure" type stories I have read this multiple times over a decade, and it never fails to keep me enraptured. Good job mate.

Not funny, I just thought it was very wholesome and sweet.

Interesting comments 9

10 months ago
With Chuck and Pippin deleted the site has lost one of its true classics.

Just saving a couple of reviews here so that historians will know what they missed.


This. Was. Amazing. There was so much rich detail on each and every page. The story just flowed so well it felt you wrote this just for me. The main character, Chuck, was so well-described he felt completely real. And the magic? The magic was woven into the world in a way that just made sense from the second page. There might have been some inside jokes there, but they were so carefully woven into the details of the world and the story that you couldn’t really be sure. Oh, and the world? Yes, this world feels like the result of a world-building that has taken years to clearly think through, develop, and work. People talk about how writing should include realistic worlds and ensure that things are consistent throughout the world, and this story really does that better than most. There were good options, and the puzzle was simply brilliant. This was a unique way to implement a puzzle with the CYS interface that I’ve really never seen before. It took me quite some time to figure out the puzzle, I was really stuck for a long time (sorry, no spoilers, you’re going to have to figure it out yourself). It was worth the wait, as the story beyond the puzzle continued along with rich storytelling and lots of excitement. The story really built throughout, making me not wanting to stop reading until I found the end. I may have ended up staying up way past my bedtime because I simply could not stop reading until I had found my way, along with Pippin and Chuck, to the end. I want to live in that jungle home with Pippin and Chuck by the serene pond.

DBNB, insightful as always and quick to get to the heart of any story:

Your writing is masterful as always,Ford. The storygame itself is dense with content and choices, and it kept me entertained until the very end. I couldn't help but be curious in all of the possible outcomes and decisions that are so neatly and wonderfully placed in this story. I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this story. I'm tempted to say that you have outdone yourself, but your writing is always consistent in just how good it is. Thanks for yet another wonderful read, I eagerly anticipate the next storygame that you may create. Be it some inspired sequel to this storygame, or something completely different altogether. At this point I think that it is safe to say that it is only right for me to look toward to your next piece. The level of care and attention to detail that you place into each of your stories is always a treat to read and enjoy. Thank you once again, for writing this wonderful and enthralling story.

Interesting comments 9

10 months ago

Gay and DepressedER!!!
GayDoge (Score of 0)
5/30/2023 12:45:55 PM


I mean, it fits the vibe of the story I suppose

Interesting comments 9

9 months ago
Somebody has strong feelings about the only surviving cat story from 2015.

Not_mean_just_blunt on 10/17/2023 for Live the Life of a Cat [delete]
There are no choices that actually effect anything, there is no plot, and you can't even choose your own name or gender. Also is very unrealistic, with every character always being extaotic about everything, never getting sad, and don't even ms started on the scene on the hill with the girl and her boyfriend. One: who brings their cat to fuuuu... Fuuun timesss..?

Two: the story never said anything before or even implied that the cat can talk. If that were an actual thing in the story, that would be okay, but for the cat to just randomly go, "EWWW GROSS" and then never speak again,.. why? Just why? Three: Who the heck just goes, "haha my cat thinks it's gross so now I can't have a love life hahah so funny"

And in the birthday party scene, the cat does lots of things that could have altered the story if it has gone differently but we don't even get a choice in the matter! What if I want to scratch her instead of giving her freeking two dollar necklace kits. Which is another unrealistic thing. It said that she had wanted that HER WHOLE LIFE. Imagine your entire life goal is to get a two dollar necklace kits.

Plus she was in middle school at the time. Kids younger than that can earn their own money through lawn mowing and lemonade stands and crap. And she just waits her whole life for a couple pieces of yarn and some plastic needs.

Interesting comments 9

9 months ago

Vincha by Cel

Okay so, it's pretty rare to have stories set in the Byzantine Empire around 600 AD. Or, mediaeval fantasy stories that have actual historical fiction and aren't just "medieval" themed. So this one was a treat, the fictional worldbuilding was pretty great and layers well with the historical elements. There were some ahistorical bits here and there (Examples: The Byzantines wouldn't have been able to send 20,000 men that far north in 626! Also they would've been called the Romans) but nothing that takes you out the story.

And this story isn't a wall of text historical fiction, it's the fun kind that doesn't boggle you in too many details. That said, I have a few complaints.

Firstly, this story is too horny. Secondly, the main character's 14-year old sister exists purely for everyone to thirst over. Like, she has no other purpose in this story than to give fanservice, it's very weird. There's not a single path in this story that doesn't shoe horn in a detail about how sexy she is or has one of the characters lusting over her. Yeah, a wee bit off-putting ngl. I'm not sure if the fact that it's otherwise inconsequential to the story makes it better or worse, because on one hand it just feels even more unnecessary as a result, but on the other hand the story can be enjoyed while ignoring it.

On another note, I like the format of this story being mostly the build up to the main event. Okay, so now I'm going into spoilers (warning)

there's a little bit of me that wonders why there's like three romantics in this story, but there's a few interesting paths that get barely any detail. That one path where the MC eats the artifact is really cool but there's no forking or choices after it. Idk it would've been interesting, I wish the story did more with it. I can say the same about a lot of the choices you make, many of the story endings feel like they, rather than a forgettable love interest, the MC's 14-year-old sister, and the witches horniness, could've gotten more focus. At times I wondered if this was a well-written porn story.

Apercent on 10/20/2023 12:11:41 PM with a score of 0


Interesting comments 9

9 months ago
I mean, Cel probably dates 14 year olds all the time. (Is normal in Serbia). I don't know if any of them are related to him, but an 18 year old sister would just be an old hag.

Interesting comments 9

9 months ago
creed on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
this is way better than homework

Ezekiel Endicott on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
This poem was very funny and made me laugh a little.
cooper on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
it was cool

Cameron Holt on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
Good, I like that allowed you to choose what you wanted.

Max Myers on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
It was fun

Kooper on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
My story was cool.

lukas on 10/24/2023 for Adventures of a Cute Cat: A Poem [delete]
fun to play

This is a very well behaved class, but damn do people need to start telling kids not to just plug their full name in everywhere they go. That used to be the FIRST rule of talking to others online.
(And I immediately removed Kiel's featured comment when I saw children getting too near to it.)

Interesting comments 9

9 months ago
ur mom on 10/24/2023 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
i loved this little inquiry of yours hunny bun! make sure to have everyone safe and i'd love for it to be a bit less violent, but you did awesome and were very creative. the guns and weapons werent maybe a good idea because youll shoot your eye out. excellent!

Interesting comments 9

9 months ago

From our lovely mod @mizal :

But how can a man even remotely understand and respect the complexity of a fictional character not having a peepee? I demand you stop at once.

Interesting comments 9

9 months ago

YouAreImportant on 10/30/2023 for Necromancer
idk why but i feel like fucking up the chick on the cover


Interesting comments 9

8 months ago

Olga on 11/27/2023 for Why I left you
Made me cry inside. Reminded me of my own experiences in my mid-life crisis. I'm a mother of 3 in a mid-life crisis. It made me realise I still have hope. Loved reading this!!!!

Bob on 11/27/2023 for Desperate Heart
Reminded me of my desires! Hope for this to happen to me one day. Sounds like a fairytale! I really enjoyed this, and I hope you keep writing these great stories

The normies found us.

Interesting comments 9

7 months ago
ILOVEtHISGAME on 12/4/2023 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
this is the most AMAZING EPIC GODLIKE GAME EVER!!!! i love this game. i also got the best and worst ending i dont realy know if i got the worst ending. now i really hope more people play this game this is again the most AMAZING EPIC GODLIKE GAME EEEEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEER!!!!!! play it now

Always nice to see some enthusiasm around here.

Interesting comments 9

7 months ago
Dacer on 12/23/2023 for Cat's Day
Can yuo make a seqle

This is it folks, we have reached peak dumb.

Interesting comments 9

7 months ago
proffesor on 12/23/2023 for Harry Potter Hogwarts SImulator
it is useless and rubish

And this guy is mad at an unpublished game from an author that was active for three days in 2017.

Interesting comments 9

7 months ago
Hayden White on 12/27/2023 for Z-DAY Survival Quiz
In the quiz and I said I can survive on my own please give the highest fucking score you bitch

Interesting comments 9

6 months ago

Nora on 1/10/2024 for Ground Zero
I hate words

Guess I should have just stuck with the pics on that one.

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6 months ago

Interesting comments 9

6 months ago

But if he hates words, giving him sixteen of them wouldn't help.

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6 months ago
Never even played the game but I love this new rate and comment button.
— shemale on 1/20/2024 1:52:21 PM

On Eternal.

Interesting comments 9

6 months ago

Rated it an 8 too if it's same drive by rating at the same time. 

Achieved a diverse audience without trying. Winning!

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago

poopy butt face on 2/26/2024 for Tower of Riddles
this game sucks, but also i hate niggers


Interesting comments 9

5 months ago

He hates my game. He also hates niggers. By my logic that means... Anybody who doesn't like my games must be racist. ^_^

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago

I like your games. Does that prove I'm not racist?

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago

Cannot be. I like her games and I'm racist as fuck.

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago

Not all racists hate my games, but everyone who hates my games is a racist. ^_^

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago

Incubus on 2/20/2024 for Eternal
Overall one of the best stories, though it's a shame the MC didn't get it on with Semra

Incubus on 2/20/2024 for Love SICK
I do have a kink for sisters (and daughters) and an extreme disregard for human life, so it's like he wrote it for me!😊

Incubus on 2/22/2024 for A Very Special Choose Your Story
This is cursed, in the best way possible! I've read all the pathways, both male and female (which I recommend you all do!) and I will remember many of them for the years to come. The only sad thing was difference in sex pathways (1 for male, 2 for female). And even that puny one for the guy resulted in !!!SPOILER death, sacrificial death! As a conclusion, I would remind EndMaster that all straight incest is wincest!

Incubus on 2/23/2024 for Tales From The Basement
After reading this, one quote will forever remain dear to my heart! “Tis better to have fucked your cousin and die, then to have never fucked your cousin at all.”

Incubus on 2/23/2024 for Tales From The Basement
There's a line in the anime obsessed one: "I wish you were 12!" Something about it shook me to the core, really made me question myself and my... open-mindedness to the age of a potential partner. 🥶 Hope I shake this feeling soon! My personality has a much higher stake in incest loliconness than I ever expected. (I'm exaggerating, if just a bit, so please nobody report me or smth 🙏)

Incubus on 2/23/2024 for Innkeeper
Irking that you couldn't get it on with Rita the gold digger. She's hot, mean, selfish and hot. Did I mention hot? Anyway, almost the perfect woman, as far as I'm concerned. Other than that, one of the less impressive of EndMaster's works, don't nobody go form an opinion on him just based on this!

Incubus on 2/24/2024 for Rogues
This is shaping up to be a great story, though I really hope the MC's twin sister is romanceable. So many rumors flying about, might as well make em true!😏 Don't get me wrong, Annah is great and all, being bitchy and high maintenance, but c'mon! A twin sister!

Incubus on 2/26/2024 for Eternal
The concept of nazi gnomes was certainly interesting...

Incubus on 2/26/2024 for Eternal
He did it! He created a master race! An objectively superior breed!

Well can't say I approve of ALL the comments made by Inky, specifically the suspicious one made about lolicon, but I do appreciate the enthusiasm. (I'll chalk up the loli comment due to him being an edgy teen from eastern Europe)

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago
When this kid is 20 he's gonna look back at these and have some emotions all right.

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5 months ago

I'm sure he's fondly remembering them all from his cell right now. ^_^

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5 months ago
is normal in Europe

Interesting comments 9

5 months ago
Meanwhile you're making new friends in this special ed class.

adhd haver on 2/26/2024 for Tower of Riddles
my brain died, cool thing thp

Interesting comments 9

4 months ago

Incubus on 3/2/2024 for Tales From The Basement 2
Marvelous! When I found out what was the ACTUAL deal with Casey, I just shouted 'Win for the desperate!'. (But if it turned out she really were a trap, I'd have sued; then killed her😊

Incubus on 3/3/2024 for Tales From The Basement 2
I loved every second of LoveSick(especially the sexy times😏) and I laughed at the Saw movies, but the Whining wokie storyline was the vilest, most uncomfortable piece of literature I've ever read, and that's saying something! The other 2 were enjoyable! The whole catholic girl debacle and the Storming of the projector room ending come to mind 


Not sure how the hell you've missed it by this point, but you'll probably want to read Repression next. Have a feeling there's several endings you'll like in that story.

Especially one in particular. You'll have to find it on your own, but you'll definitely know it when you find it.

Interesting comments 9

4 months ago

Stud Master Flash on 3/7/2024 for Eternal
Heard tons of good things about the game and story, specifically from the new book "50 Years of Text Gaming". Started the game with anticipation, only to be disappointed with tons of f-bombs and swearing in the first few paragraphs. No thanks. Not everyone talks like a juvenile.

Cool shit, Eternal apparently got fucking mentioned in a fucking book about fucking text gaming.

EDIT: After some searching I think I found a mention in the book on some weird website.

Eternal (EndMaster, Epic choice-based dark fantasy about a soldier with a chance to change the world; one of the most popular of all time on the web-based ChooseYourStory portal.

Apparently the website got mentioned at least 11 times in this book. (Some of it involving the AI Dungeon chapter lol).

Interesting comments 9

4 months ago
THis game was super educanatiomnlal and lots of funnies and good.
— bill on 3/18/2024 12:14:09 PM ]

I would rather play Fortnite chapter 4 than this dog crap, I got sold into into slavery twice, and drowned the third time. this is so flipping annoying
— curious george on 3/18/2024 12:07:28 PM

— hugh jass lobals on 3/18/2024 12:01:59 PM

It's that time of year again, and we have no way to block off the End Game links on the Phoenician Trade Game anymore.

I bet george's teacher would like to drown him too. (In Minecraft.)

Interesting comments 9

4 months ago

That's not as bad as earlier today where I had to delete outright spam comments which had weird copypaste of wiki articles.

Anyway, deleting that huge jass faggot anime shit comment. The other two are fine (Especially the guy bitching about being sold into slavery twice and drowning lol)

Interesting comments 9

2 months ago

Darius_Conwright on 5/21/2024 for Ysabeau backstory (f&h OC)
I refuse to have this be the representation of fear and hunger fanfic on this site.

@Darius_Conwright @Celicni

Well you two were the big Fear and Hunger fans as I remember, one of you could probably write better fanfic of it.

Interesting comments 9

2 months ago
That's the game all the trannies are into right?

I can see why you cast this particular summoning spell.

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2 months ago

Will11 on 5/26/2024 for Ysabeau backstory (f&h OC)
I found this one really baffling, is this based off of something? Perhaps if someone knows the source material this would make sense, for me I was just feeling "What? What? WHAT?" There were some acquirements in brackets which seemed to have no impact on the story, there weren't any characters apart from myself, stuff happened but it'd be over-generous to call it a plot, and there was a sort of setting but I know not where... on the positive side the story was largely free of typos, there was some branching and it ended quickly. Perhaps I'm not the best one to give feedback on this story; if the story was about something, I missed it :)

@Will11 Yeah, it's based on a somewhat infamous game made by RPGMaker called Fear and Hunger. I haven't read this story and haven't even played the game, but I'm somewhat familiar with the lore of the game.

A TL;DR version: it's a grimdark survival horror style RPG where everything is not just trying to kill you, but usually also trying to RAPE you in some way. A lot of body horror ensues, despair, eldritch abominations and just general nastiness all around. Also had a sequel, but that one toned down the sexual violence. (A relief for some and a disappointment for others)

Darius and Cel could probably fill you in more on the game since they're big fans of it, though I know Darius has already said this fanfic sucks.

Interesting comments 9

2 months ago
Now that the only entertaining thing related to this game has been preserved, guess I can unpublish it.

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2 months ago
Thanks End, it sort of makes sense now. Everything out there trying to kill and rape you... sounds a bit like the rough parts of Birmingham after dark :D I can see why it'd spawn a lot of fan fics though where incoherency is treated like an art form.

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2 months ago

Been a while since I played those (almost a year) so I forgot a lot of the little details but yeah the fanfic sucked.

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one month ago

I probably should.

Interesting comments 9

one month ago

TypewriterCat on 6/10/2024 for The Plot - Strange, Dark & Mysterious Collection
It’s really quite impressive that you went onto a site intended for choose-your-own-adventure type storygames and then proceeded to publish a completely linear story. You appear to not understand what an enter key is. The size of paragraphs is bordering on unreadable and none of the dialogue is followed by a paragraph break. I’m also honestly not sure why you chose to write the story of Rachel Burkheimer’s murder with some of the names changed by a few letters. In any case, you get a 1.


Interesting comments 9

18 days ago

M on 7/8/2024 for Survive The OutBreak
Doesn't work, you cannot choose the character. Game suck and the creator should eat shit

fresl fredd on 7/7/2024 for Boobs!!!
The bad grammar really drove me up a wall here! please tell me why there is a story title that is called "boobs". NO. just no.

beef on 7/7/2024 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
touch ass and grass baybeee

lol on 7/8/2024 for A Fowl Problem

Interesting comments 9

13 days ago

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for His Smile
well not what I expected but that was interesting

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for A Dragon's Legend
I love it!!!!!

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for A Pirate's Life for Me
that was fun!!! thank you for making it

Biru on 7/13/2024 for Life or death survival
I want to play real life game that pay me

jesus on 7/13/2024 for Choose your Life

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for Snow Love
I love it

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for Meant To Be?
that was good

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for Survive the Zombies
I loved it

Phoenixthe1st on 7/13/2024 for Rising Flames

that's really good I liked it.

The comment section is so inspiring these days.

Interesting comments 9

10 days ago
I guess the kids don't like cats anymore?
Heidi is a fat, whiny little retard though and I bet her parents regret everything about her even more than her teachers do. I hope she sees this on the front page and cries about it for being the only one in this group of fat, whiny retards dumb enough to additionally use her real name.

PoopyHeehee on 7/16/2024 for Live the Life of a Cat

??hehe on 7/16/2024 for Live the Life of a Cat

Heidi on 7/16/2024 for Live the Life of a Cat
Omg this was soooooooo boring its just READING its NOT better than homework. I didt like it one bit.