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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

This week's reviews

one month ago
Here's what people are reading and what they're saying about it. This thread dedicated to @RKrallonor, the only one who was interested in seeing it! I'll update every few days, at least for awhile or as long as there's interest. Giving you guys the real scoop here you won't find in the Gazette, the RAW and UNCURATED peek into the obscure cracks and crevices of the storygame list that all the random driveby readers briefly wash up against as they pass into the great unknown, never to be seen again. (And once in awhile it's one of you guys!) I'm not doing any editing on these except for putting in line breaks between them, if I see a big review I'll just mention it and link the actual storygame. Listed from most recent to oldest, because that's how we roll here. ***** Demonya07 on 2/17/2025 for Orpheus [delete] A WONDERFUL MASTERPIECE!!! Demonya07 on 2/17/2025 for Forgotten Rose [delete] Interesting... It just needs much more details. chuck on 2/17/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] suck my cock chuck FakhryINDO on 2/17/2025 for Eternal [delete] Its good Lucas on 2/16/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] I’s gud you should also touch some grass NotSoSpecial on 2/16/2025 for Could YOU be a pilot in WW1? [delete] Very cool and informative, no nonsense. A bit dry in prose and storytelling, but a very good contribution to the site! Looking forward to seeing more stories you publish! MushMan on 2/16/2025 for Could YOU be a pilot in WW1? [delete] 5/8 as someone who likes history, I really enjoyed this game. Rydia on 2/16/2025 for The Tale of the Foolish Princess [delete] Amazing but I've read much worse rating wise on this site, the rating on these compares with level 6 of others work. Great story by the way! Mizal on 2/16/2025 for Fluttershy's Secret of gods and Satan - Zombie Edition [delete] Also, read Mercer Gang! Mercer Gang! Mizal on 2/16/2025 for Fluttershy's Secret of gods and Satan - Zombie Edition [delete] Lol, who has been commending all these? Anyway, I feel like ISentinelPenguinI had the most insightful comment on this one elsewhere, so I'll just shamelessly paste it: "In reading Jung he made the same mistake that Jung did, in that flattening unique products of the human experience to archetypes is a useful thing for *starting* to learn about something, but when you treat these broad restructuralizations you came up with for comparison as if that's what they actually are, you come out with a fundamentally narrowed worldview that severely compromises your ability to really understand people who aren't *you.* Which is the main thing I get from the story. It's this repeated and annoying diagnosis of what other people *must* feel because that's the way flutter would feel if he were them, in the place of actual empathy and understanding." MOUSA on 2/16/2025 for Escape School [delete] ME HIRE ME SCHOOL ESCAPE Sherbet on 2/16/2025 for Fluttershy's Secret of gods and Satan - Zombie Edition [delete] Just commenting so that ThatChicken doesn't have to be the only one in the comment section who isn't featured. I see you, and I'm here for you. Story's pretty bad btw ... on 2/16/2025 for The Quick Dating Game [delete] eh it was okay but i was confused a lot of the time Mikey on 2/15/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] This is the best..I’m in raven claw!!!😇10/10!!! RKrallonor on 2/15/2025 for Who wants to be a Supervillain? [delete] This game was short, but it has a lot of potential! I really like the use of items in this game, and there are a lot of stuff you can do. The major issue is that the game quickly ends once it starts to get interesting, but it shows a lot of promise. Demonya07 on 2/15/2025 for Seraph Serenade [delete] There should definitely be a second part where the boy looks for the girl and finds out she's in the Orphanage. He asks his parents if they can take her in as their daughter in order to help her. Ventuoro on 2/15/2025 for Through Time [delete] This is just Gold, everything is it. Just, i wish endings may be easier to find, cuz i after many tries of being myself in the game, i didnt get any good end until i checked walkthrought and discovered that taking Tina from school didnt let me get the Allison ending. Anyways, i love this, and would love to get a girlfriend like Allison... Fire_Of_The_Universe on 2/15/2025 for Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? [delete] 8/8 As a geography nerd, I had a lot of fun playing this! Fire_Of_The_Universe on 2/15/2025 for Hockey Quiz: What NHL player are you! [delete] 2/8 This was poorly made Lila’s on 2/15/2025 for The Yandere Game [delete] It’s nice BOB on 2/15/2025 for Exploding Alarm Clock - Return that item! [delete] best game so far gonn g play prequell orionshine on 2/14/2025 for Heavenspire [delete] I sail for Heavenspire. I fight for Heavenspire. I am loyal to Heavenspire. I am its savior... orionshine on 2/14/2025 for Mercer Gang [delete] this story is bussin orionshine on 2/14/2025 for The Affair [delete] my stupid bitch mc became a single mom pp on 2/14/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] I am very happy wit hmy cavemen bros RKrallonor on 2/14/2025 for The Ocean's Daughter [delete] This was really sweet. I can totally see why it's featured. I love the way the author used specific details like Marina's love of strawberries, the secret garden, and the smell of ocean to create such a wholesome experience. I felt that the relationship between Marina and Brandon was written really well! I did feel that the ending was a little rushed. After all those sweet memories, there's no way Marina would leave just like that. I think you could have written the ending a little better, or at least made the farewell a bit more emotional. Regardless, this was a good romance, and until the ending I had no complaints. Well done. Isaiah on 2/14/2025 for Phoenician Trade Game [delete] good very good GoldenZephyr on 2/14/2025 for Goldbird and Whispers of Snow [delete] This had real promise, but most choices lead to the same place. There's very little player control, which is too bad. C'EST MOI on 2/14/2025 for The Quick Dating Game [delete] I'm allergic to peanuts :) definitely better than reeses mason on 2/14/2025 for Kidnapped...or not [delete] kidnp I don't remember on 2/13/2025 for Life as a Dog [delete] Good i guess yaffa on 2/13/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] it was really fun and amazing RKrallonor on 2/13/2025 for Monster [delete] Monster was a really good story! This was even better than Warden! And warden was already a really good story! I thought that the monster would be impersonating her grandpa, so I was surprised that it was actually her grandpa. I think you integrated the family aspect really well here as well. I like that it was quick and easy, yet scary as hell! The lore of the "Reborn" company was really interesting. But why did that "Reborn" rep end his sentences with :D, that seemed odd to me lol. I did love that chilling messages he leaves after knowing the grandpa can't respond anymore since he turned into a monster, that was evil as hell! I liked the different endings available. I think the only criticism is that we didn't get a fully happy ending where we cured the grandpa or took down the company, but then again, this is horror, so just escaping alive or killing the monster is as good as it gets. Nicely done! RKrallonor on 2/13/2025 for Warden [delete] Good job Sherb, I really enjoyed this story! This is my second Sherb story, but the first one I read in its entirety. I started with Reborn, and I'll probably revisit it to discover the full story, but for now I'm going to review Warden. This is a really short story that does an excellent job of packing in a ton of story. I like how you didn't waste any time getting to the horror. For a story like this, you want to start in the midst of the action. I feel like if you started with actually describing the car chase and meeting the demon, it wouldn't be as effective. This story was really scary. I enjoyed all the charadcters(MC, daughter/sister demon, father demon, and mom demon). I think my favorite character was the girl demon because of how ordinary her speech was. I liked the dysfunctional family dynamic, it was a creative and interesting choice. As well as making the girl demon talk like a normal person, that was interesting. For such a short story, there was a good amount of branching. I liked how so many things could happen to you. The writing was top-notch, you did a really good job establishing the suspense and mystery of this strange family of demons. I also liked the different monster descriptions, this was cool! Thanks for this story Sherbet. Mythico214 on 2/13/2025 for The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost [delete] Ok that was intense but fun no on 2/13/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] terrible John on 2/13/2025 for Phoenician Trade Game [delete] The game was massive Fire_Of_The_Universe on 2/13/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] 5/8 I really liked the amount of options you had and that you also included the handwritten notes when you originally wrote it. GoldenZephyr on 2/12/2025 for The Sanguine and Blackbeard's Cutlass [delete] This is fun. All hail Xolotl. I'll have to look up that guy. Most of the Aztec gods weren't very nice... remey on 2/12/2025 for The Hunger Games [delete] bad Ogre11 on 2/12/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] It was kind of mysterious RKrallonor on 2/12/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] I enjoyed the integration of the notes you wrote as a kid into the story, that lends the story a homemade feel. It was really adorable, and that was a nice touch. I’d also like to commend you for 14 years on the site, that’s really impressive. I enjoyed the hand-made quality of the story, and I liked the branching. And for an 11 year old this was really impressive. Thank you for this story, I thought it was really cool. Obviously, the writing could use some work, but I think you already know that. The passion for writing is obvious though, and for that, well done! SunnyBee2004 on 2/12/2025 for A Day In The Life of A Slice of Bread [delete] Really simple and silly but it is kind of fun! Not really a story driven game, it reads more like it was a test game to warm up on writing. fresh_out_the_oven on 2/12/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] This story feels quaint and endearing. The inclusion of images from the notebook it was originally written in is a nice touch, and there’s a nostalgic feel added with the page numbers added in the links. Even the name has a childlike charm. Your handwriting was awful, though. Since you wrote this a long time ago, there’s not really any point in telling you how you could improve the writing; part of the story’s appeal is that you’ve copied it down exactly how it once was. Not bad writing at all for a child; a decent length, too. And don’t worry, we’re all nerds here. LONGER on 2/12/2025 for Choose your Life [delete] NEED TO BE LINGer Galen on 2/12/2025 for Phoenician Trade Game [delete] This game is not better than Fortnite but it is pretty good, I think they should add a ninja skin and maybe lazarbeam too overall Fortnite double pump out of 10 Bryson dotohdot on 2/12/2025 for Unbroken [delete] Not bad per se, but not as good as the comments make it out to be. btw is there a good ending RKrallonor on 2/12/2025 for This Fate [delete] This is really good. Wow! This story blew me away with its quality and storytelling. Nicely done! Kaitlyn Dawn on 2/11/2025 for Forensic Toxicology [delete] I wanna say I was hooked from the very beginning involving this case due to the fact I wanna do this as a career. I was so invested I made calculated decisions and took note of everything and every major and even minor detail and even before the end I knew who did it because I had a gut feeling and I trusted it. 9.6 7 FM on 2/11/2025 for Choose your Life [delete] THIS IS SUCH A BULLSHIT GAME FRRR like theres no fucking options

This week's reviews

one month ago
This is really good, wow. How do you guys keep track of all these reviews/comments?

Modding really is a tough job, and as always, major props to keep this site alive and well.

There are so many generic zoomer comments in this thread to the point where as I keeping reading, I felt my sanity slowly ebbing away. All the "fr"s and the one word comments are crazy. At least there was no skibidi this week.

Luckily, to counterbalance all those comments, there were a lot of really good comments as well that actually talk about the story they're commenting on.

This was a cool inside-look, thanks Mizal. I would love to see these keep coming, it's good that the site gets a lot of traffic and comments.

Also why is the Phoenician Trading game the one to attract all the brain dead morons? What about "phonenican trading" is so appealing for people who want to write stupid stuff in the comments? It's so random, lol, how that game in particular just happened to be the one that gets all the ridiculous comments.

This week's reviews

one month ago
On the mod page we have a very cramped little scrolling box from the days before modern screen resolutions that all game comments get dumped into in unformatted lumps. Kind of difficult to interact with on a phone, but it goes back a few days and it's enough to tell at a glance if someone is spamming or whatever.

The Phoenician Trade game is one of those that some teacher must really like, because it gets swarmed by classrooms pretty regularly. It might have originally been written by a student actually.

This week's reviews

one month ago

Maze Runner and Choose your Life get swarmed a lot too despite them not even being published.

This week's reviews

one month ago
Maze Runner hits all come from Google searches.

This week's reviews

one month ago
This is very interesting to see.

This week's reviews

one month ago
First we had the Weekly Review, now we have the reviews of the week. Thank you for this.

This week's reviews

one month ago
cats1 on 2/23/2025 for Mercer Gang [delete] i found one mistake on the newspaper it said 1868 not 1870 ApexShell8495 on 2/23/2025 for A Day In The Life of A Slice of Bread [delete] Bread cats1 on 2/23/2025 for Mercer Gang [delete] good but but few spelling mistakes Caeli Nelson on 2/22/2025 for The Story of the Bible [delete] I love this! About the future and stuff. Really inspires me. David on 2/22/2025 for Hunting the Ripper [delete] Me entretuve mucho, fue excelente, había jugado antes pero me había aburrido pero ahora sí me divertí terminando lo😸 Itisiandiisme on 2/22/2025 for A Knight's Pursuit [delete] THERE IS ONLY ONE OPTION! Itisiandiisme on 2/22/2025 for A Handsome Man [delete] AMAZING Itisiandiisme on 2/22/2025 for ...In Love And War [delete] It is FULL of suspense & surprises Itisiandiisme on 2/22/2025 for Find a Date Before it's too Late [delete] Meh it could be better Itisiandiisme on 2/22/2025 for College Romance [delete] It was a VERY quick game Itisiandiisme on 2/22/2025 for ChooseYourLife [delete] ❤️❤️❤️❤️ TREVDog2025 on 2/22/2025 for HOW NOT TO WRITE- A Pokemon Adventure - Part 1 - Chapter I - Section A: The Beginning of the Start [delete] very creative Zoei Nelson on 2/22/2025 for The Story of the Bible [delete] Oh thank so much for this! This gave me a mixture of thoughts, and God listened to them. Madhavi Kukreja on 2/22/2025 for Christmas. [delete] it just reminded of my school times. as I studied in a catholic school. I just love reading it back. RK reviews True Life! Cece on 2/22/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] poop Kshitij Rana on 2/22/2025 for The Ramayana [delete] it was fun mephisto on 2/22/2025 for The Quick Dating Game [delete] this really wasn't fun, srry Jordan on 2/22/2025 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) [delete] This is an absurdly great zombie story. I managed to get to the best ending possible after being either bitten or deaths (reached for fire axe, went behind the school, and chose the wrong barricades for the bus). I felt very bad for Abby, but I did not want to take second chances and risk Jacob's life after she turned. 😭 Great story yet again. Favour on 2/22/2025 for Witch Hunter: An Uninvited Guest [delete] I will not be afraid god is always there RKrallonor on 2/21/2025 for Monster Trivia [delete] Awesome! This game was fun! RKrallonor on 2/21/2025 for So You Want To Join A Cult [delete] This was really good for a quiz game. It was funny and made me think a little. Coyote on 2/21/2025 for Awakening of the Tower (Roguelike RPG) [delete] NEAT! WISH I COULD HAVE SAVED. CJ on 2/21/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] easy. laccaca on 2/21/2025 for Wheeler & Brandt LLP [delete] no Kareemah santnanalowney on 2/21/2025 for A Titanic Experience [delete] I like the book and i think you should do more about the Titanic also I thank you for helping me persuaded me to read this book again have a great rest of your life suriyah on 2/21/2025 for A Titanic Experience [delete] this game is fun like I love The Titanic now Zoyo on 2/21/2025 for Edithe Zilonis [delete] This story had a unique style and some well-written characters. The premise, of an undertaker who can speak to the dead, is very interesting. However [SPOILERS AHEAD] the story doesn't feel like it concludes properly. We can learn WHAT happened, but not really WHY. Certain lines of enquiry are not really fleshed out fully, and it feels a bit... lacking. There are also some english language errors that make it a little hard to follow at times. Overall it's an intriguing story but it's very clear that it's just an add-on to a core concept that's played out in other stories, and is not great as a stand-alone. 2763 on 2/21/2025 for 8 goals, 28 rolls [delete] its just good. Josh Nauert on 2/21/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] It was good but too short JonJonny on 2/20/2025 for Through Time [delete] ..This was beautiful And, I don't cry at much.. but this bring tear or two . Wow this was... f-wow this was incredible. I was in a mood for, romance, something big, epic - needed something uplifting. And this was.. so bittersweet, and incredible!! And, interesting - really intriguing story. I have no idea if this is considered overreacting or not - but first thing's first I'm gonna see if you've made anything else! Shit this was beautiful.. Thank you for making it . :) More, please.... sneals2big on 2/20/2025 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) [delete] I LOVE BIG CHUNGUS!! big chungus on 2/20/2025 for Rogues [delete] i like Ana Ross on 2/20/2025 for ChooseYourLife [delete] hi it was very funny to do your game x Rydia on 2/20/2025 for What Triumph Looks Like [delete] Welp, I really hope you continue the story. RK reviews Rockstar! Will on 2/20/2025 for Phoenician Trade Game [delete] It was good fether on 2/20/2025 for Wolf's Story [delete] it was good needs more story line and other stuff JohnX on 2/20/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] That obviously had a high nostalgia value for you, which seeps through into the appearance of each page. Nice, quick and relatively simple story, just like it said on the packet. Evelyn Ni on 2/20/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] I love this quiz! Sunny on 2/19/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] It was fun but really short benholman44 on 2/19/2025 for Basic History/Geography Quiz [delete] I honestly hope your failure to log onto this site in nearly six years is due to you dying of COVID or something. oceankittyppp on 2/19/2025 for Go Get The Mail! [delete] I died like 10 times trying to get the mail. Why must getting the mail be so dangerous?! a man on 2/19/2025 for The Affair [delete] not bad, I don't like reading allat tho Steve_the_Lemon on 2/19/2025 for Lemon Simulator 2015 [delete] Nothing like being burnt with my muffin to make it feel like a productive day. Do lemons even have mouths? Steve the Lemon on 2/19/2025 for Lemon Simulator 2015 [delete] Never before had I known what a hard life lemons had. I have sympathy for them now. JK, I just made lemonade. oceankittyppp on 2/18/2025 for An Honourable Gentleman? [delete] this was soooooooo short. Like, i finished`this in like, less than a minute. soooo stupid im soooo cute n popular, like, OMG im a knockout to all those boys out there. Theres one stinkin' girl in my GRADE\ who is prettier than me. i hate her so much like shes perfect\! she dosent even fart! its sooo surreal like, ughhhhh!!!! Bonnie on 2/18/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] Great job! I finished it in a relatively quick time but it was so detailed and thought out. Props to you! Suranna on 2/18/2025 for Exploding Alarm Clock - Sabotage! [delete] This game sucks. Suranna on 2/18/2025 for Ineptitude 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO [delete] My favorite <3 Celicni on 2/18/2025 for Gay and Depressed in Prison [delete] I love these kinds of lolrandom games, but this wasn't as homophobic as I would've wanted :( Fran on 2/18/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] It was fun but the weird noises scared me. Thanks for the content

This week's reviews

one month ago
It has indeed been noted that cats1 committed thought crimes against the Mercer Gang and we are pursuing all possible avenues of legal action, you can all stop writing me irate letters now!

This week's reviews

one month ago

It's interesting to see who the more regular commenters are (even if they're just commenting one-liners or words in all caps). I suppose if any noobs start making a lot of good comments, this is a good way to keep track of that and maybe reward them with points for longer-term retention.

This week's reviews

one month ago
The thought of showing up on this page consistently is almost enough to make me write some reviews.

This week's reviews

28 days ago
Whoops, waited a little long on this and a couple of days got chopped off the feed. I think we still have a fine selection though. Jay barnes on 3/3/2025 for Medieval Adventure [delete] great ashton on 3/3/2025 for Medieval Adventure [delete] well well well Mizal on 3/3/2025 for KKN - Demo: The Game of Life [delete] Best story I read all year! I'm pretty excited to have finally found the winning ending. Avery_Moore on 3/2/2025 for KKN - Demo: The Game of Life [delete] Look at the cool little squares move. ^_^ imadgalaxyx on 3/2/2025 for The Land of Bad Writing [delete] Certainly an entertaining parody of writing mishaps, but I think HOW NOT TO WRITE is much better. LovelyLuna_ on 3/2/2025 for Snow Love [delete] I LOVE IT SO MUCH GREAT JOB Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/2/2025 for WWII Grand Strategy [delete] I had fun playing this. Would recommend Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/2/2025 for Deep Inside the Forest [delete] 7/8 I had a fun time reading this! Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/2/2025 for Indivisible [delete] I really enjoyed it as a history nerd hi on 3/2/2025 for College Romance [delete] really bad, and what the hell happned with doug and eric ugh STAY AWAY hi on 3/2/2025 for Love Triangle [delete] hi its goood bu ADD MOREEE Mizal on 3/1/2025 for Sixteen Words [delete] Sixteen Words nōn insula est. Nōn oppiddum est, et quoque nōn fluvius est. Est pauci vocabulae. Coolio on 3/1/2025 for Bloodthirsty Revenge Seeker!! [delete] Cool! This was fun. imadgalaxyx on 3/1/2025 for Bloodthirsty Revenge Seeker!! [delete] This has potential, but is littered with crappy grammar & formatting. Quote-Unquote: "**AND THEN JAKE EMERGES OUTA NOWHERE!! HE SHOWS HIMSELF WITH HIS LITTLE EVIL SIGNATURE SMIRK ON HIS FACE.**" ApexShell8495 on 3/1/2025 for Kitchen Nightmares but Gordon Ramsay is contractually permitted to kill the owner during filming [delete] this story is RAAAAW HUMOUR! Monty Mole on 2/28/2025 for Could YOU be a pilot in WW1? [delete] This was a cool storygame. :D Misha romanoff on 2/28/2025 for The Cellar [delete] Scary! Ogre11 on 2/28/2025 for The Cellar [delete] Not Mercer Gang. I'm Bonnies other friend RKrallonor on 2/28/2025 for Enchanted Labyrinth [delete] I got the suffocating death! Damn. This was game was interesting, but how do you navigate the maze? Irakoze3 on 2/28/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] slighlgmore fun tha homework ThatGuy on 2/28/2025 for The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly [delete] Made my day. CBT enjoyer on 2/28/2025 for Could YOU be a pilot in WW1? [delete] Cock and balls bbg. Come suck my dick already bbg. OMFG IF YOU DON:T GET YO 10 YEAR OLD ASS ON MY 40 year old dick RN DBNB on 2/28/2025 for Enchanted Labyrinth [delete] This really sucked a lot. It actually both sucks and blows at the same time. CBT enjoyer on 2/28/2025 for Rockstar [delete] COCK AND BALL TORTURE OR CBT IS A SEXUAL ACTIVITY INVOLVING TORTURE OF THE MALE GENITALS. THIS MAY INCLUDE GENITAL SPANKING, SQUEEZING, AND GRABBING. Also reese's cups are ass imadgalaxyx on 2/28/2025 for Enchanted Labyrinth [delete] It was indeed a very hard game. I'll try to get through this game later, as long as it's still up. The beginning is very weak and cliche, which consists of a mummy coming out of his tomb. You have two options: to run or go investigate. If you investigate, you die immediately. If you run, you go through a labyrinth of mazes, where the true challenge begins. The game itself was very boring. Sometimes you end up in a loop of intersections by picking the same directions. Speaking of which, how do you know which way is North, South, East, or West? I'm facing North as I'm typing this but most people can't figure it out on the fly. Instead, do left, right, or straight. You can script if you don't want to The only thing interesting in the maze is this shrine I found. Other than that, there's 'endings' where you can collect them as items. How does that make sense? Additionally, you can 'refuse death', which doesn't make sense. To be honest, this isn't the worst thing I read, but I'm still giving it a 2/8 because I read worse things. ezekial on 2/28/2025 for Amish Adventure [delete] I love this game it makes me feel more Amish than I already am and when I get back to the barn I am going to eat the best meal ever of scrapple Gower on 2/28/2025 for Enchanted Labyrinth [delete] If you would like a series of choices that say West, South, or North over and over, with no particular description or information as you choose a direction over and over, this is your game. I would not recommend, but granted, I am not "Noremacs friend." Commas: they are your real friend, Noremac. They will help you avoid sentences like this: "You try your hardest to get it to stop but it's spreading fast and next thing you know its just dark." jefferson torrence Shinne on 2/28/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] students will love this CavusRex reviews Basement rats! Carlton A on 2/27/2025 for What Magic Ability Would You Have? [delete] Loved it! Got the rarest one. DBNB on 2/27/2025 for The Cellar [delete] Not as good as Mercer Gang. Please do better. Jack on 2/27/2025 for Silver Horn, Silver Hooves [delete] bro quinnaras ded Jack on 2/27/2025 for Silver Horn, Silver Hooves [delete] Bro unicorns suck Noremac2018 on 2/27/2025 for The Cellar [delete] This shit bussin bussin (For some reasons references my game which has the name switched from mummy maze to Enchanted Labyrinth) StarSilverSword on 2/27/2025 for Ship Wrecked on Misty Island [delete] Kinda hard, definetly gonna go back and see what other paths I can do. I didn't get to use all the items I picked up so I'm curious. me on 2/27/2025 for World War 2 [delete] don't die dummy Coyote on 2/27/2025 for Now You Gotta Deal With This S*** [delete] NOt Too Shabby! Neat for it's kind. great story but i just can't rhyme SmartSandWing9 on 2/27/2025 for Could YOU be a pilot in WW1? [delete] POOP ON IT I DIED CUZ I HAD NO WILL TO LIVE BUT I DID HAVE WILL TO LIVE!!!!!! SmartSandWing9 on 2/27/2025 for Silver Horn, Silver Hooves [delete] SO. COOL!!! kitkat_neko on 2/27/2025 for The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost [delete] ... ... I'm lost for words... This story had me tense, smile, and cry.. I haven't felt like this for a long while. Last time I read fiction was awhile ago. Years. Nothing could really capture my interest as I'm picky about story flow and hold high standards. This exceeded my expectations tenfold. It was beautiful. I could not for the life of me, get my eyes off the page. This was incredibly satisfying. I wish it never ended. I need more of this. All the characters are phenomenally written, and you really do get the sense that you're making impactful choices, unlike certain other titles (wink wink). I'll be closely following the creater and their works of art. If you are reading this, and you're still debating wether you should give it a go, I beg you to do so. Craft your own story. Make choices. - Neko out. SH00T1NG_MY53LF.1NTH3.H34D on 2/26/2025 for Why I left you [delete] my girlfriend shot herself <3 i also cut my wrists open with razor blades!! This game has some triggering things but overall its pretty good!! Pls help on 2/26/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] THIS IS A VERY MORBID GAME U WILL NOT AND I MEAN WILL NOT SLEEP TONIGHT! Slay queenie on 2/26/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] a little morbid be carful Hopkun on 2/26/2025 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) [delete] It was great! It's awesome to see a well thought-out interactive story about zombie apocalypse! I want to write my own later on and I hope I can at least get somewhat close to this one! Truly amazing and the best story in this genre! Thank you, BerkaZerka! Xanax on 2/26/2025 for Your Adventure in Wonderland [delete] As a theater kid my first ever play was alice in wonderland and lets say you did it purfectly 10\10 StarSilverSword on 2/26/2025 for You are a Fish [delete] Super fun. I enjoyed going down all the different routes. and the story was fun. vasyl mukha on 2/26/2025 for Cows vs. Aliens! [delete] ITS GOOD AshPhoenix on 2/26/2025 for Suzy's Strange Saga [delete] Excellent work. I only wish it had a bit more game in it. rick on 2/26/2025 for The Quick Dating Game [delete] shit nonsense game Your mom on 2/25/2025 for How not to be eaten by a dragon [delete] LETS GOOOOO!!!! imadgalaxyx on 2/25/2025 for Love SICK [delete] A delightfully gruesome story. I'd give the maturity rating an 8/8, but the site doesn't allow that rating. This story goes overboard with the gore but it was pretty funny for me. My only concern is that: why are some outcomes different, even though the setup is the same? For example, if you answer the door you get the girl scout. But if you ignore it they will knock again and you eventually open, this time being the mormons. However, everything seems realistic and the 'tell' parts give a vivid image of the main character's life. This is a solid 7/8 for me. Yael on 2/25/2025 for A Blaze of Glory: Chapter One [delete] Uh... well I knew what I got myself into, going for a story rated 4/8 from 2012... For skimmers and the tiktok skibidi toilet (wtf is skibidi?) generation: Turn your brain off while reading. Don't let your contrarian voice nitpick and argue over everything (from the first sentence). Let the writer "cook". >Altheria's History Welcome to the colonized land of peace and joy! We decided no blood would be spilled on the island (besides the filthy indigenious population, but who cares anyway). One of our dumb youths got himself into a ship, got himself a fancy throne, got ovethrow and then preceeded to embarrass his ancestors by acting as a cheap imitation of a true necromancer🤦‍♂️ As can be seen, the entire thing is on the first page, with a horrible pacing and the boring.. info dump? Wasted my time reading it. Should have just clicked one of the three clicky links at the end of the page. > Danny's Campaign A whiny little... who apparently was both picking berries and a master craftsmen. Odd descriptions for his "complex" and all over the place emotions. Too much telling, little showing. Note: the grammwr needs work on this path too.

This week's reviews

28 days ago
Good job on the "Basement Rats" review, Cavus! I was surprised by you giving it a 4/8, but I agree with your points that it's a challenging game to classify and review.

As always, I love seeing the reviews laid out like this, especially when a long review is written, your name is highlighted! Makes me want to get back on the list so I can see my name there!

This week's reviews

28 days ago
It did make me chuckle when I saw it got hyperlinked due to length instead, but that makes sense when most other comments are between a sentence and a paragraph. I actually had a lot of fun with trying to somewhat match the game's style as I wrote it to hopefully give people a better idea of what to expect inside.

And yeah the 4/8 is totally arbitrary. For a bit I considered giving it a made up score of something like "a cup of frozen coffee and a bag of flour out of 8", but ultimately figured it'd be too much.

This week's reviews

20 days ago
Whoops, I let this sit a little too long and a couple of days got cut off again. But anyway, here's your weekly unformatted text dumps. @Circle_Guard_27 has really proven himself to be the noob of the hour, with JohnX and RKrallonor still plugging away, and cameo appearances by StoryTurtle. We seem to be having a little dead period on the site so the chest compressions are appreciated. Not shown: a few comments I just deleted instead because kids are annoying. nottelling on 3/10/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] it was kinda poinless, just gave me what i wanted. Bella on 3/10/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] it was really cool and I like it you should do more like this. audri on 3/10/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] absolute cinema MRMATE on 3/10/2025 for "Mussolini: The Fascism Trail" [delete] Hi this game is so fun make sure to play it also by the way become Mussolini and create robot to eat Europe, easiest way to win the game. Hi Mr Mate gallantcheese on 3/10/2025 for Kitchen Nightmares but Gordon Ramsay is contractually permitted to kill the owner during filming [delete] I love roleplaying as a murderous Gordon ramsay Mrwheelbarow on 3/10/2025 for Fey Light [delete] Great story game. Very compelling. Bruh on 3/10/2025 for The Quick Dating Game [delete] The girl personality was kinda boring, but meh nice writing ig auron on 3/10/2025 for Survive the Zombies [delete] Love the puns ollieboiwin?? on 3/10/2025 for Survive the Zombies [delete] this is actually an insane game and if you dont reply to me ur gay Circle_Guard_27 reviews Theriocide! Djudziak48 on 3/9/2025 for Mercer Gang [delete] Firstly I just want to say that the story has an intriguing flow to it as it made me want to read to the end. I believe that you could've separate the group to have more memorable conversations and relationships. I notice that when a member gets injured it doesn't impact the story badly or make me care about the character. Apart from the grammar mistakes, you did a great job with the action sequences so I gave it a 4/8. coco on 3/9/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] the game is very short boreddallthetime on 3/9/2025 for "Mussolini: The Fascism Trail" [delete] My teacher made me do it, it was really, really boring; just pick sonnio and then fight for fiume and then resign from politics and the fight Mussolini as the us and then you win. Bobby doo on 3/9/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] don't like the killing questions PaTeKorForgot on 3/9/2025 for The Cellar [delete] I would say it's worth it to at least try to look for all the endings Circle_Guard_27 reviews Jack the Bean Counter Circle_Guard_27 reviews Yet Another World-Ending Scenario! Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/8/2025 for Death Becomes You [delete] I got reincarnated Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/8/2025 for Vocab 1 [delete] It was okay. Then ending was abrupt Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/8/2025 for The Dragon Hunter [delete] I chose the choices based on what I would choose If I actually were there. Every other time I died. This story showed me that Im cooked if I go out on an adventure, so its best for me to stay home Circle_Guard_27 reviews Heavenspire! StoryTurtle reviews Rockstar! Mash on 3/7/2025 for Escape the Room 2 [delete] It sucks I cant us the key AbdulahiH4 on 3/7/2025 for Farewell, My Childhood Self [delete] One of my Favourites. Absolutely Perfect DAVID_CT on 3/7/2025 for Ground Zero [delete] "I liked it, but with so many positive reviews, I expected it to be even better. The secondary characters lack depth, and I would have preferred fewer time jumps. I'm not sure if that was due to the choices I made or if it's the same in all scenarios williamtheslayer004 on 3/7/2025 for Attack of the Grue [delete] I played zork and this game is very hard williamthedemonslayer2004 on 3/7/2025 for Day of the Dog [delete] its the best game i played Diddy on 3/7/2025 for Biscuits and Ghosts [delete] STOP! I DONT LIKE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭 Diddy on 3/7/2025 for Private Game for Natalie [delete] I NEVER WANTED YOU!!! Diddy on 3/7/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] Fuck you jake mcleod on 3/7/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] kinda good alexi kulker on 3/7/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] it was good to know what it feels like to picture how they felt StoryTurtle on 3/6/2025 for Gay and Depressed in Prison [delete] 7/8 rewarding experience only downside was it wasn’t gay enough in the prison EXSS3R_YAFE3 on 3/6/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] finished the game in less than a minute boring ahh game twin. Mash on 3/6/2025 for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quiz [delete] it is f up i hate this game where is the on 3/6/2025 for Find the Hat [delete] i hate it bad not recomeded Mash on 3/6/2025 for ChooseYourLife [delete] not the beast but i liked it the Bebe part was cindov sexy Mash on 3/6/2025 for A Stack of Cats [delete] It is rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyy bad dont recomende sucks Mash on 3/6/2025 for It's a Boy! [delete] It is soooooooooooo boring to long it sucks Mash on 3/6/2025 for What Magic Ability Would You Have? [delete] I love it it was really fun maybe i will shape-shift into you MOUHAHAHAH Just joking Mash on 3/6/2025 for Escape (Strategy) [delete] I love it you have to make a 2 one Wonderful on 3/6/2025 for Eternal [delete] Though I haven't seen every ending, haven't really digested or read every single line, I can tell, even being the uncultured dick head that I am. This is truly masterful, bittersweet, and sadly true. Give it a round of applause, and please, remember it. Medpack7070 on 3/6/2025 for Mercer Gang [delete] Very basic and simple, one of the best grammatically incorrect stories on here. Circle_Guard_27 on 3/6/2025 for Boobs!!! [delete] Well, this story isn’t what I expected for sure. SPOILERS FOLLOW I was expecting a story something along the lines of a kid starting to like the girls in his grade because they had started growing boobs, so this was quite a twist. It was nice to include the link to bee information, plus the little facts about bees were cute. I don’t know why you felt like writing a story with some little bee facts but ok. Congrats on getting enough ratings to be rated, it’s a nice little story with a bit of humor. Circle_Guard_27 reviews Mercer Gang?! (DID HE LIKE IT?!?!?!?!) Circle_Guard_27 reviews Alpha Wolf! RKrallonor on 3/5/2025 for Boobs!!! [delete] I know this game is a joke game, but the point it was trying to prove did make me a little sad. Makes me further understand and truly appreciate initiatives like admins featuring comments and Will11's review competition. After reading the thread that inspired "Ogre's boobs", I realize that this is actually a really good time for authors. Within a few days, you can expect to see good quality feedback and reviews for games that you worked hard to create. Sure it's slow at times, but based on that thread, it's better than it used to be. Thank you to those who came before us. This game has inspired me to leave quality comments for as many well-made games as I can. As for the game itself, it was funny and concise. Ogre made a good joke game without stretching the joke and wearing out the reader's interest by making it too long. I also learned some interesting facts about bees. The last part where the ending was the same regardless of choosing to mate with the girl bee or the boy bee was a nice touch in parody. Definetly going to check out more of Will11 and Ogre's games after this. JohnX on 3/5/2025 for Saoirse [delete] This was a deeply moving portrayal of a sad history. I grew up in Britain in the 70s where 'the IRA' was the fanatical terrorist group that for some reason wanted to plant bombs in London and elsewhere. There was a deal of anti-Irish sentiment. The shockingly violent history of the English lords and occupiers over the centuries only became clearer later, reading around the subject. This story thrusts the reader right into the heart of the conflict. The turmoil felt by the protagonist when a house-burning job goes horribly wrong was perhaps the strongest bit of 'character development' and all too realistic. I'm not a historian to know how accurate the details are here, but it does seem exceedingly well researched. In light of that, it hardly seems worth pointing out various typing, grammar & spelling errors, so I'll say no more. JohnX on 3/5/2025 for American Outlaws: The Wild Bunch [delete] Now this is another worthwhile trip through wild-west history. I loved it - it inspired my imagination - hiding out in the hills, laughing with the boys and drinking coffee over a campfire while the coyotes howl... There was meaningful character in there - sizing up the new recruits, seeing brothers argue. I just wish I could have influenced their decisions more and kept them back from needless deaths. Ah well. Thanks for the adventure! Coyote on 3/5/2025 for Answer The Call [delete] I think i i mean we, i mean you, no us might have had a stroke while reading this. very good though. NEAT! very creative JohnX on 3/5/2025 for Enchanted Labyrinth [delete] Wow, excellent maze! I think I explored it all and found quite a few endings. But I never seemed to keep hold of the relic and escape too. Well written.

This week's reviews

20 days ago
Yeah, I did like Mercer Gang.

This week's reviews

20 days ago
Good job on the reviews Circle_Guard! Heavenspire, Theriocide, Yet Another World Ending Scenario, Jack the Bean Counter, Alpha Wolf, and Mercer Gang is an absolutely based set of stories to review as your first activity on the site. There's great variety and different genres in this list!

Also, shout out to StoryTurtle for her review of Rockstar! And JohnX for his review of Saiorse! He added a personal touch in his review with his experiences with the IRA that was cool to see.

This week's reviews

20 days ago
This is a good noob.

This week's reviews

20 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 3/10/2025 9:22:47 PM

This week's reviews

20 days ago
Circle_Guard, you got to put this on your profile! This is sick, well done Circle_guard!

This week's reviews

20 days ago
For your sake I think we ought to just officially nickname him Circle

This week's reviews

20 days ago
RK is a big fan of CG.

This week's reviews

20 days ago
I like this idea! Also in a not weird way I am actually a girl, though I can certainly understand you all not knowing that :)

This week's reviews

20 days ago
>admitting to being a girl on the internet

This week's reviews

19 days ago
27 is shorter and also can be a hidden reference to a meme

Also good job miss 27. You're making my review efforts look lazy in comparison. I mean they are, but I'd rather not have that be obvious.

This week's reviews

20 days ago

I love the idea of this award, and well done Circle Guard!

This week's reviews

20 days ago

I like Circle_Guard

This week's reviews

14 days ago
She's still going. Just did one of Milton's stories now.

This week's reviews

15 days ago
Can't believe it's that time again already. Well, Circle Guard is still at it! All that newblood energy is great to see. Fire of the Universe has, for reasons known only to them, also really been soldiering on through the pre-2015 archives as well. And then there's the rest of them. Again, trimmed a few useless ones from children. Since deleting one review unearths another that was cut off from appearing in the box, I'm more likely to do that now so the random kids writing more sincere confused one liners show up here. (And if you're putting 'nigger' in your name and bashing letters at random, ngl I'm sure that was funny a few of the many times this has happened in the 24 years the site has existed, but not today.) ***** Circle_Guard_27 on 3/16/2025 for Escape From School! -- [Has ANYONE finished this game before????] Circle_Guard_27 on 3/16/2025 for Emperor's Fireworks! Circle_Guard_27 on 3/16/2025 for Fall to Hopelessness! Mrs. Sencen on 3/15/2025 for 90 Minute Storygame: Prepare To Die [delete] It was pretty good! Why all the hate comments!? But yeah, certain parts could be rewritten- it kinda feels like a demo. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Hastings, 1066: Aftermath 8/8 As a history nerd, I had a lot of fun reading this. I even learned some new things I didn't know before! I would definitely recommend anyone reading this to give this story a try! Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Surviving Pre-School [delete] 7/8 I enjoyed playing this. It was funny at times, and I really like how the "prison" allegory. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for 8 goals, 28 rolls [delete] It was a bit confusing. Hate to say it, but I got a 2. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for A Man to the Slaughter [delete] I was okay. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Broken Wings [delete] The ending was sad. I don't think there's an ending where you live. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for A Night in Heck [delete] It wasnt really that difficult Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for The Javan Rhinoceros [delete] This felt like some sort of repetition cycle at times. Did not manage to find the Rhino. Got eaten by a Tiger, and pushed off a cliff by a Snow Leopard. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for My Sweet Anna [delete] This felt rushed. Still pretty good though! Would recommended everyone to give it a try. Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Final Destination: Cheating Death [delete] I got 3 deaths. I also found a few spelling errors Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Cat's Day [delete] Short but I liked it! vast_maelstrom on 3/15/2025 for Blackbirds [delete] First piece of work I’ve played on this site. Heavily enjoyed it 🥰🥰💙💙💙💙 Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Welcome to Pablo's! [delete] 6/8 I made it to the questions part Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/15/2025 for Marios Adventure Island 3: Sports Extravaganza! [delete] This felt like it was made by a kid because of all the spelling errors Circle_Guard_27 reviews The Gods are Angered! Mrs.Sencen-Ruewen on 3/14/2025 for The Brave Polar Bears [delete] Whoa. Didn't expect any of that. -- [For those of you actually reading these comments, please give this story a look over if you never have. The title, 3/8 maturity, and 'family friendly' designation are deceptive af, I wonder if I should move it. Lol.] Emily on 3/14/2025 for Love Triangle [delete] This has endings where either someone dies or someone hurts themselves. HORRIBLE 😤 born2die on 3/14/2025 for Inseparable [delete] Being gay in an abandoned town sounds nice right about now. born2die on 3/14/2025 for Blood in the King's Court [delete] No one can know I fw vampire stories. DrRyd on 3/14/2025 for Wholesome Dog's Birthday Adventure [delete] I got the magical ending! DrRyd on 3/14/2025 for Squirrel Life 1 [delete] this was hilarious, but I wish there was a way to save all the eggs born2die on 3/14/2025 for Kitchen Nightmares but Gordon Ramsay is contractually permitted to kill the owner during filming [delete] As someone who's watched Kitchen Nightmare, I can confirm this is accurate. TitusOneal on 3/14/2025 for The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost [delete] It's cool wish it was longer though Ryder on 3/13/2025 for A Pug's Purpose [delete] Ok this is adorable lol zyrayne on 3/13/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] it was soo cool i liked it Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/13/2025 for ChooseYourLife [delete] 8/8 Not clickbait Mr mate on 3/13/2025 for "Mussolini: The Fascism Trail" [delete] This is mr mate I want to become the dictator of our school because I love fascism #fascistdictatorr DAVID_CT on 3/13/2025 for Marooned on Giri Minor [delete] NICE justarandomperson on 3/13/2025 for Gay and Depressed in Prison [delete] still confused. so confused. so so confused. waylon on 3/13/2025 for Life or death survival [delete] chill guy skibidi on 3/13/2025 for Harry Potter: Sorting Hat Quiz [delete] This actually started to get creepy towards the end, I was what the sigma Linnea on 3/13/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] I love you Julian on 3/12/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] It was a good game it was really fun. Gari on 3/12/2025 for The Guardian of the Scythe [delete] Awesome story, i was very impressed, and very engaged. Thank you for sharing. Very wattpad /p :)))) Joa on 3/12/2025 for Button-Pusher [delete] Cool game!! I would recommend to have given a bit more time to the preparation stage of the game. Maybe have planed what would happen and draw a little graph to see in a glance all the game before having it in front of you! But I enjoyed it a lot and it made me laugh almost at every option :3!! justarandomperson on 3/12/2025 for Gay and DepressedER!!! [delete] I am still confused. Guess it's still a funny story! justarandomperson on 3/12/2025 for Gay and Depressed [delete] I'm so confused, which means I found this funny. I am mildly traumatised form scene 13 however. born2die on 3/12/2025 for Mission Sunshine [delete] I just joined cys, and this was the first story I read. Since I was still getting the hang of everything, I didn't quite get the funness restarting and choosing new paths, but nowww I do. The first ending was Konstatine's death, which left me disappointed, but after going back to hunt the other endings down, I got excited. Overall I thought it was pretty cool--the idea of possibly becoming a star creature was very intriguing. I know it only happened in a dream(?), (I haven't exhausted all the endings, so idk if you did do this), but an ending with that actually happening would be very fun. Also starting to fall in love with a starman...kinda iconic and also real. justarandomperson on 3/12/2025 for Reckless Young Man [delete] The author was right. DAVID_CT on 3/12/2025 for Marooned on Giri Minor [delete] I LIKEND aquib_98 on 3/12/2025 for Eternal [delete] its amazing but add an ending with semra :( aquib_98 on 3/12/2025 for Eternal [delete] goddamnit what an amazing story. Never read such a masterpiece. although i achieved the 11th ending, im gonna play again and try to get with mommy semra lol the best gamer to play this ga on 3/12/2025 for Choose your Life [delete] this is a masterpiece my teacher tryed to play it in class and then abruptly hung himself on the ceiling -- [okay, this was probably worthy of the Interesting Comments threads...] MasterVerse101 on 3/12/2025 for Marvel Universe: Fallen [delete] The story was fine, pacing could have been better, but overall it was a 7.2/10, so good job! charlotte on 3/12/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] i like mazes -- [damn, should've checked out that Enchanted Labyrinth game because you might be the only one who feels this way] Jake on 3/12/2025 for Z-DAY Survival Quiz [delete] This is a wonderful opportunity for success in survival Suranna on 3/11/2025 for Ye-HAW [delete] Cool story bro And this concludes our list. Cool comments bros.

This week's reviews

12 days ago

This week, I was planning to just change the name of the award, but since Circle has been so productive, here's an upgraded version.

I don't know why I found Fire's comment of 'I was okay' funny (probably a typo, but I prefer the implication that after reading the story, you aren't supposed to be okay). Also, props to born2die for having reviewed a number of stories since she arrived!

This week's reviews

10 days ago
Once again deleted a shit ton of comments on The Maze Runner and the other usual suspects. I had been noticing RK didn't seem to be around as much, but he has stirred from his slumber and clearly is trying to challenge Circle Guard, they really both went all out this week. Perhaps when the Thunderdome reopens those two would be ready for another kind of match? TinyTinyCinnamonRoll on 3/20/2025 for Tastes Like Chicken [delete] This review contains spoilers. This is a good little story, certainly worth the time it takes to read it. I liked how many choices there were throughout the whole story, it definitely felt like a storygame. I would’ve appreciated it if there was some way to actually catch the firebird and bring it to the king, but that didn’t seem to be the point of the story. I did enjoy that there were several satisfactory endings and several failure endings and that there was a lot of variety on how to win and lose. There were some spelling, grammar, and punctuation issues throughout the whole story so it could’ve been a bit smoother in that regard. I also wish there were more descriptions about the characters, they seemed really basic and lacked much personality. The setting was also pretty undefined, and I would’ve liked to be able to visualize where this story takes place. Another thing that could’ve been more detailed is the action, no action scene exceeded five sentences and all of them were lacking in the excitement department. All of that being said, this was still a fun little storygame with a lot of funny bits. I wish it were a bit longer and more detailed, and it could stand to have been read over another time, but overall it’s a good little story. I had fun reading it, and I think other people could too. jarethflash17 on 3/20/2025 for 90 Minute Storygame: Prepare To Die [delete] Its nice and especially for only being made in 90 minutes TNBY on 3/20/2025 for Aenigma Academy [delete] I Loved this game even though I was able to beat it by spamming answers and going back if I died :| jarethflash17 on 3/20/2025 for On the Western Front [delete] It short and sweet and I like it. jarethflash17 on 3/20/2025 for Will the Real J. Jonah Jameson Please Step Forward? [delete] Quite a logic puzzle,nice jarethflash17 on 3/20/2025 for Behemoth [delete] Fun and simple. Circle_Guard_27 reviews Re-election Campaign! Confidential Secret on 3/20/2025 for HOW NOT TO WRITE- A Pokemon Adventure - Part 1 - Chapter I - Section A: The Beginning of the Start [delete] I thought it was funny. Anthraxus on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] This is pointless and obviously just an initial outline to test the engine and general building. Feel free to unpublish this and give it more than a sentence a page. You've got a really deep hole of negative reviews to dig out from, but it's not impossible if you really put in some effort. imadgalaxyx on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] Remember that writing stories is not a race. It's been over a month and I'm still writing Betarune. This story is clearly rushed and would benefit from more detail & better choices. For example, randomize the selection for the hat sorting (See the 'How to use Random Variables' Article in the Help & Info tab), or use habits that determine whether or not you ace the final exams or not. Overall, come back and publish when you get more effort done into this and maybe it'll be a great story. BeaBee921 on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] It is such a bad game. Also, haven't you noticed that most of the good ratings have been made by someone with harrypotter in their name? Seems like the makers of the lame so-called game are despreate for players haha. Anyways, it is just lame yes or no questions like: Ace your test or not ace your test. DO NOT PLAY THIS SO-CALLED GAME. IT 100% WASTES YOUR TIME. Ogre11 on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] It's no Mercer Gang Circle_Guard_27 reviews The Dolls' Quest! Person on 3/19/2025 for Merlin: Origins [delete] Nice story. I wonder what happened to the missing blacksmith. It doesn’t seem to get resolved in any of the paths. wiiz on 3/19/2025 for Magus: Betrayal [delete] nar nar RKrallonor on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] I'm really sorry, but this was genuinely bad. I really recommend reading the articles in the sidebar before making a game, because there's nothing I can really say. This game will be unpublished on account of its lack of effort and obvious plagiarism. RKrallonor on 3/19/2025 for On the Western Front [delete] This shows promise, and I like how there's evidence of branching. At the same time, it reads more like a summary of events rather than an interesting story. I would recommend working on it some more, but good effort. Mizal on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] ...I'm going to be charitable and assume you hit the publish button by mistake. harrypotter12345 on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] best game ever harrypotter12345678 on 3/19/2025 for life+of+a+wizard [delete] the best game ever!!!!! RKrallonor reviews Witch Hunter: An Uninvited Guest! Malachi on 3/19/2025 for Life as a Dog [delete] Makes me cry when wife dog dies )`, Circle_Guard_27 reviews Slay the Dragon! Ohio on 3/19/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] Wtf are these comments -- [Can you guess where a lot of my deletions were???] Circle_Guard_27 reviews Falsely Accused:The Telenorian Kingdom's Worst Prison! Austyn on 3/18/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] Pretty neat story and cool concept, just wish it was a tad longer Anonymous on 3/18/2025 for Escape From School [delete] Tried playing the game twice and it crashes when picking up the beaker. Not sure why this happens to me and not other players - maybe because of Private Browsing or Safari. The game is fun, though, and I'd like to finish it if the crash is fixed. Judging from the reviews, I was pretty close to the end already though. Outside of gameplay, I guess 2 things to note are the "skimmability" of the descriptions like Circle_Guard_27 said and in contrast, the protagonists' comments on the "progressive" stuff. Skimmability- I feel like the consistently dry room descriptions are fun at first, but readers will probably start skimming them and that's totally okay - to treat them more like information to solve the puzzles than a description to entertain you. Progressive-at first I felt a bit awkward like the author was expressing their views, but then realized it was probably meant to interpreted as the (young, teenage) character's thoughts. I also think this game has good marketing or presentation because it's pretty much exactly what you expect from the description. The crash error: Server Error in '/' Application. PostProcessed already! Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: -- [deleted for doing weird things to the format of this post] ROZlynn on 3/18/2025 for A Witch's Inheritance [delete] I enjoyed this story immensely. There were plenty paths to not make it feel liner, and all of the endings felt as if they were wrapped up with great care. While most of the endings affected the protagonist negatively, there were a handful happy endings as well. I hope future readers enjoy this as much as I did. RKrallonor reviews The Lonely Inn! Circle_Guard_27 reviews Hunting the Ripper! Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/18/2025 for A night in Dark Chicago [delete] 8/8 I got a few endings which I liked! Fire_Of_The_Universe on 3/18/2025 for Songs to Say Goodbye -Second Part- [delete] Its such a shame the writer never finished this. RKrallonor reviews PSYOPS! Someone on 3/18/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] This is a very good and morbid game, I suggest playing this game. Brookelynn on 3/18/2025 for The Donner Party [delete] This is a really fun and interesting game to play to learn about what is might be like to be part of the Donner party. I love how you can choose your fate and your story. -- [WHOLESOME.] Shyanne on 3/18/2025 for The Donner Party [delete] This was pretty easy to get through and only took a couple minutes. johnyfront on 3/18/2025 for Suzy's Strange Saga [delete] It was like a movie +++ jarethflash17 on 3/18/2025 for HOW NOT TO WRITE- A Pokemon Adventure - Part 1 - Chapter I - Section A: The Beginning of the Start [delete] AMazing.The pacing was great and the story was amazing JJ on 3/18/2025 for The Mystery of the Mysterious Time Machine [delete] Pretty intresting, but really short tho. I was the type of guy to have and cure his curiosity :) RKrallonor reviews What a Terrible World! Circle_Guard_27 reviews Nautilus! Austyn on 3/17/2025 for The Maze Runner [delete] Pretty neat story and cool concept, just wish it was a tad longer Gmail on 3/17/2025 for Eternal [delete] I didnt read it lil bro sparkle on 3/17/2025 for Silver Horn, Silver Hooves [delete] Neigh, winny winny Christopher vazquez on 3/17/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] dark scary and I think its telling me to not get a wife RKrallonor reviews Gay and DepressedER!!! Avery on 3/17/2025 for The Apartment [delete] its not like i expected it to be... maybe make it a actual game???!!! lol xander on 3/17/2025 for Surviving The Black Plague [delete] thanks for the game And a few others got cut off in the feed here. But I did recall that Circle Guard reviewed Gol'burger!" Whew! And that concludes this week in reviews, "Mizal had to make way too many links" edition.

This week's reviews

10 days ago
Yeah I really wanted that shiny trophy Mystic made for reviewer of the week! But it looks like I’ll have to get up earlier to beat circle guard, as she won by 2 or 3 reviews. Nicely done Circle!

Also, thanks for keeping these "weekly reviews" going Mizal. Sorry about making you make all those clicky links lol.

I would love to do a thunder dome match against circle when the thunder dome opens up once again. It will be a good opportunity for redemption after flaking on the ben+darius thunder dome.

This week's reviews

10 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 3/25/2025 11:24:44 PM

This is definitely one of the most productive and friendly ways we can compete. As for the Thunder Dome it would definitely be a fun challenge to go up against you RK!

This week's reviews

5 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 3/25/2025 11:24:31 PM

Congrats, Circle, you now have a shiny glowing trophy!

This week's reviews

5 days ago

Twice in a row, very impressive Circle Guard, good job.


Circle guard core dancing

♬ Circle guard core - Silly kai

This week's reviews

5 days ago
Three times, actually!

This week's reviews

5 days ago
Good job Circle!

This week's reviews

5 days ago
Eventually these are going to have to reach their final stage of evolution.