Player Comments on A Stack of Cats
Overall, a logical game with an illogical story.
The wording in the wire puzzle can be a little confusing, but I was able to get past it by working the problem out on paper. It's very clear when the wires aren't in the right order, so that helps when you aren't sure where the red and violet wires go.
I was surprised at how easy I found the catnip oil puzzle to be. Usually, I'm not that good at those kind of puzzles and ended up doing the math to make sure there wasn't a bug.
With the riddles, I took the time to figure the answers out and it was nice to get an explanation as to why the answer is correct. The first two, I didn't realize the answer could be found as quickly as they could. I found the answer to the third riddle by accident. I thought the answer was in the riddle and didn't know the reason for why it was correct. The answer wouldn't have been as easy to find if Mittens had stayed a day less or more.
Defeating the doggo can be done anyway you want as long as the points add up to 71. But I'm lazy, so I did more math and figured out how to win with the least amount of clicking.
I don't have much to say about actually stacking the cats. How many cats you get of each type is random and it's best to get all 36 cats before you start stacking them. Personally, this was one of the easier puzzles.
Not so much enlightening as it is encattening. Although I don't understand why the Emeowsary had to eat and impersonate Snowblob.
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on 7/10/2021 1:18:26 AM with a score of 36
A pawsome story by undercase m mizal! Unlike other games that I have experienced before in the "puzzle" genre on this site, this one stands heads and tails, claws, and fur above the rest. I mean, it has cats! There's so many cats and even one that has a intermediate and budding love for felines such as myself, well I felt that love grow.
Unlike some other games I played, trying to simply use the back button and brute force a solution essentially was something that was not possible with this game that mizal created. Some degree of knowledge in math, riddles, and general logic was a required necessity. Something like that was a gentle breeze and akin to a welcome breath of fresh air, as it made reaching the end after some trial and error that more exhilarating!
Meow-velous. This game is simply just that. It has humor, charm, it tests your brain to see if it is working in your noggin, and it is also so well made. I don't believe there ia any reason to not give this game a try and make an effort in reaching the conclusion, or simply failing at doing so. There's a degree of enjoyment in both, really.
Cats have been stacked, and my enjoyment had.
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on 6/16/2019 11:49:39 PM with a score of 34
That was… well, that was something. I like logic puzzles, so I certainly liked this one (and actually worked through the puzzles without just clicking randomly until I found the answer). I wish I could explain exactly what I did, as I got the same issue uglick did with only stacking 32 cats. It showed me retrieving 36 and it didn’t show any cats left in any of the columns, so I’m not sure what happened to the other four cats. Was it because I pulled the handle to retrieve all the cats before I started doing any stacking? I don’t know.
It was fun, and silly in a demented sort of way, mostly. Actually, I’m thinking the author might need to see a shrink if these are the kind of ideas that are wandering about in that head of yours. But it was still fun and appeared to have some nice puzzles with the scripting that appeared to work well with different options (though I’m still not sure about that 32/36 calculation there). I could ask why I am forced to be a man in this story, but that, perhaps, is a question for another site.
I did get the best ending, but I’m not sure it was actually all that good. (Spoilers ahead, oh no!) After all, if Snowblob is that large, can you imagine what it’s going to be like to clean that litter box? I can, and I’m not pleased. Keep up the nice work!
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on 5/30/2018 3:09:05 PM with a score of 34
It is rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyy bad dont recomende sucks
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— Mash on 3/6/2025 10:40:33 AM with a score of 0
This one was really good. Funny as well as challenging. It took some time to think through the problem with the eye colors. That was an excellent logic problem. Easy for cats, I'm sure, but hard for people...
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on 2/3/2025 10:39:14 PM with a score of 36
I feline never want to see another coloured wire again! Let me paws and collect my thoughts.
Yes, the puzzles were troublesome enough to exercise the grey matter, but not devious enough to cause despair. The mirth-inducing storyline threaded the puzzles together very well. You could say there was even some character development - or degeneration- fancy serving a cat!
Mizal sure can tail a goofy story! In fact, it's about time for someone to whisker away to the planet of the cats, where I'm sure she will be very happy.
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on 1/25/2025 11:00:03 PM with a score of 23
This was a lot of fun to play! Not really something I could play more than once...well, I could play the stacking part more than once, I suppose, but after answering all of the riddles, as well as solving the wire one, playing it again would just have me answering what I already knew the answer to.
I liked the story (if it could be called a story) behind the cat stacking. It was pretty engaging, and I was definitely invested in solving the riddles. I did get the wires one wrong, to start, but that was more because I misread the clues than anything else. I had to make a note in a Word document, though, just to solve that riddle and make sure the wires were next to the ones they should have been.
I did notice that one of the pages had one of the cat names wrong; I believe Houidini was called Hector, though I'm not 100% sure and would have to check on that.
I liked the ability to fight the dog right at the end and how the different weapons dealt different types of damage. I'm not sure if it would be possible, but maybe including a time limit would be good? I was able to take quite a bit of time to figure out which weapons to deal the right amount of damage, and I think a time limit of some kind would be good to add a bit more tension to the whole thing.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing this game! And I loved being able to stack the cats. Thanks so much for this!
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on 1/6/2025 10:49:36 AM with a score of 30
Loved it. Struggled with a couple of puzzles (looks like I need to brush on my logic puzzles), particularly the third one but overall, a short and enjoyable experience.
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on 12/17/2024 12:28:35 PM with a score of 36
B=Most amazing game I have ever played on this website (as of now). 8/8, even though I never beat it. Very nice.
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on 10/8/2024 9:11:27 AM with a score of 0
SUPER HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!
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— G on 9/30/2024 2:44:38 PM with a score of 0
I wouldn't like to play this game again. Do not play it. It will frustrate and make you angry, or I am dumb. Second option maybe.
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— Jiggleshut on 9/30/2024 9:03:10 AM with a score of 0
this was way too hard 1/10 wouldnt play again!!! :(
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— maya on 9/30/2024 9:00:51 AM with a score of 0
Very entertaining. Decent-level puzzles that were doable but not too obvious.
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— Monza on 9/14/2024 5:19:10 PM with a score of 31
beastmoded this with my high IQ. ignore the comment from the person confused by the eye question, they're special x
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— bella on 5/8/2024 11:28:01 AM with a score of 36
It was ok but the green eyed question was incorrect. The only true answer is that none of them transform into seagulls, because the alive cats comment did not clarify to any of them that they themselves have green eyes, none of them would turn into seagulls. Also the wires question had 2 solutions. Still kinda fun but I feel edged
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— Zak on 5/8/2024 11:13:49 AM with a score of 0
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on 4/6/2024 10:43:31 PM with a score of 36
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on 3/31/2024 11:48:49 AM with a score of 34
Loved this. (I think there is a 'directly' missing in the first riddle "Blue directly over Red" but it is clear from the context)
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on 3/2/2024 10:32:32 AM with a score of 32
Fire Game
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on 12/11/2023 10:10:01 PM with a score of 36
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— lyla on 10/2/2023 2:33:11 PM with a score of 0
Incredible Puzzles!
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on 6/30/2023 6:03:04 PM with a score of 0
I love this game. It was quite funny, even from the start. I was intrigued by the name and was not disappointed.
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— justsomerandomperson on 5/11/2023 5:49:13 PM with a score of 36
Fun, funny, sweet, and slightly challenging, even if some puzzles I recognized variants of from puzzle books I'd read. This was a good read.
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on 3/7/2023 9:26:43 PM with a score of 31
Cat riddles. Yes!
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on 1/24/2023 3:59:34 PM with a score of 0
This game mid+ skill issue+ ratio +yb better
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— James the fourteenth on 10/7/2022 1:46:00 PM with a score of 0
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— Henry on 10/7/2022 8:37:34 AM with a score of 0
u suck
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— this was too hard on 10/6/2022 2:47:02 PM with a score of 0
Very fun, love the nanme "snowblob" funny ending
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— Assyla on 10/6/2022 1:22:36 PM with a score of 34
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— Hi on 10/6/2022 11:14:27 AM with a score of 0
this wires is impossible. DO NOT DO IT UNLESS YOU ARE GOD AT LOGIC!
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— daniel brand on 10/6/2022 11:14:21 AM with a score of 0
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— 45 on 10/6/2022 11:08:58 AM with a score of 0
yo dis was good
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— joe on 10/6/2022 11:02:01 AM with a score of 0
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on 9/2/2022 3:18:39 PM with a score of 69420
loved it. i used excel for spreadsheets to make it easier to visualize and solve hahah
still made a mistake, welp
so much fun though
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on 6/14/2022 6:41:56 PM with a score of 0
Truly a masterpiece.
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on 4/27/2022 2:54:08 PM with a score of 32
A very fun game. The puzzles are challenging but not too challenging, and the Cat Stack is pretty lenient. The one complaint I have is that the final fight was maybe a little too easy, but other than that it was a pretty fun experience.
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on 10/5/2021 12:16:08 PM with a score of 25
A cute story about encountering fur-ocious beasts, building machines, and, you guessed it, stacking cats. While the puzzles aren't incredibly difficult (the description does boast that they're all solvable by middle schoolers), they are still quite entertaining to solve. There's a nice combination of classic logic puzzles like wire order and figuring out fuel, fun riddles, and the creative, purrfectly done cat-stacking puzzle.
I'll admit I'm not usually one for puzzle games, especially storygames, but this is a very unique and well done game.
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on 3/31/2021 10:25:11 AM with a score of 34
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on 2/12/2021 11:39:37 AM with a score of 36
Great fun, squawk...
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on 11/18/2020 2:11:14 PM with a score of 27
I got the best ending “pawsible”
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on 10/8/2020 12:03:43 PM with a score of 28
Hey! I am the one who commented first to star that friendly conversation and this is what you do?!?!? why.
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— KyleRuleZ_11 on 7/30/2020 10:44:21 PM with a score of 6
VEry Hard. But I memorized it. I reported You to The Devs. Good luck!
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— KyleRuleZ_11 on 7/30/2020 10:33:26 PM with a score of 32
Pretty good story.
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on 7/12/2020 8:48:14 PM with a score of 34
Good Stuff. Pretty Easy, except for the cat stacking.
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on 5/15/2020 12:17:00 PM with a score of 30
Hilarious. Awesome. But based off of a true story? That honestly doesn’t make sense. My opinion only, and I respect your opinion.
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on 12/17/2019 10:35:39 AM with a score of 0
I liked the game, although I did notice a couple bugs. For example, it seems that YBVROG and YBRVOG are both valid solutions to the first puzzle (we are never told blue has to be directly above red). Also, I managed to stack all 36 cats in the second-last puzzle - it said there were none left over - but for some reason the screen read that I'd only stacked 34.
I particularly liked the puzzle with the green-eyed cats; it took me a few tries to get that one correct, and it was well-thought out. Good job overall. 6/8.
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on 11/29/2019 4:59:31 PM with a score of 34
Plot: Unexpected storyline. The cuteness level practically overwhelms me. Really adorable and unusual.
Difficulty: The kitties riddles especially frustrates me though. I had to cross reference the answer and clues more than a few times to get what the riddle wants. Most puzzling is the second kitties riddle, where we are asked which of the 3 kitties (Cupcake, Mittens and Houdini) are sleeping, licking themselves or fighting the dog. During one instant, Cupcake's name was randomly changed to Hector, but I supposed that's just a typo. Might help readers understand the riddle better if you change the format of the clues to 'When Cupcake..., Houdini does...'. I initially thought one of the 5 clues is flase and I have to find out. After some pulling of hair and killing of brain celss did I realise that all 5 statements are true, and I have to find the situation whereby all 5 clues fit. That's why I suggest changing 'If' to 'When', and stating the rules of the riddle more clearly.
Length: It took me longer than I thought to complete the game. The plot and game description deluded me into thinking it will be a short game, but I took hours to complete it, mainly because of the kitties riddle and the stacking. Not a bad thing though, stacking the cats was rather therapeutic. Would be suitable for readers who just want to clear their heads of mundane everyday problems.
Overall: The writing was supercute. The set of three kitties riddles needed more explanation . This story will be stuck in my head for a long time to come.
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on 11/24/2019 1:54:41 PM with a score of 31
Yay!!! I solved it!!!
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on 11/18/2019 4:11:44 AM with a score of 35
This was a really good game. Combined with some logic and math, it brought me delight. What I couldn't figure out was the wires—I did everything according to the manual, and I checked twice, but it didn't work. (mizal please tell me the right answer I'm dying to know it) The machine exploded and I went to (spoiler ahead) cat heaven as a mouse. That was sad.
With no grammar mistakes and such a fun idea, this game deserves to be rated 8/8!!!
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on 11/18/2019 1:09:10 AM with a score of 0
I love trying and solving these puzzle games! They are just the best to kill time when I’m in school and not paying attention. It’s a nice memory and brain teaser if you want to do that sort of thing. the cats have taken me
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on 11/14/2019 11:00:55 AM with a score of 27
Meowliciously absurd and purrfectly logical.
While the dressing is cats and a strange maniacal cat god, this game has a handful of logic puzzles at its core. Some are fairly straight forward and can be put into a grid, but others require thinking outside the litter box. A couple are classic 'math' type logic problems, where you must figure out how to achieve a specific number. The wire and fuel puzzles were my favorite because they are classic puzzle adventure type problems to have, but the stacking cats was certainly the most inventive.
There are three major segments: building the device, stacking the cats, and fighting a supernatural dog creature. There is a save option before the cat game, which is useful as the first time through the game timed out and crashed on me. The assortment of cats you get varies, which can change the best strategy used to stack them.
The only minor thing that threw me off was in the wire puzzle, where it says everything is laid out in a "row." "Column" would have been more accurate.
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on 10/23/2019 2:58:22 PM with a score of 36
That was great but those puns hurt me inside.
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on 7/28/2019 10:43:43 PM with a score of 26
This game is an acid trip. It's an acid trip with logic puzzles and cat puns which makes it so much better in my opinion. There's a few points where names get mixed up in the puzzles. A Hector got thrown into a puzzle about cats with much sillier names. Hector was not mentioned before. Someone should quest to learn more about Hector.
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on 4/5/2019 2:29:34 PM with a score of 28
It was fun
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on 2/28/2019 3:01:39 PM with a score of 31
I really liked this game! The puzzles were quite interesting, with a humorous plot to accompany it.The cats will take over...
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on 11/30/2018 6:14:52 PM with a score of 33
I'd feline if I said I got the best ending first try. But who am I kitten? It almost ended in cat-astrophe. I'm only so-so with logic puzzles, so the eyes part seemed impawsible at first. I loved the twist of the best ending, it made purrfect sense, as any cat lover would agree. This was a meowsterful production. Easily on par with the great works of Ameowdeus.
Extra props for assigning relevant tags.
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on 11/12/2018 10:02:03 AM with a score of 36
entertaing :)
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— michael on 9/19/2018 6:20:56 PM with a score of 35
Who doesn’t want to stack cats
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on 9/19/2018 12:02:43 PM with a score of 35
Wow. I even hate logic puzzles but I guess I felt the need to see what a stack of cats looked like.
The best comments here both agree that this is indeed "... something", and I reckon that if you managed to make us play little frustrating puzzles with a side of vexing cats, a laser pointer is in order.
Just two minor bugs:
1) the mysterious Hector infiltrating among the various Houdini, Mittens etc. and
2) the stack ending with 34 cats and 0 left when I had retrieved 36 of them.
But maybe these really were planned details that I am too lazy to understand.
Anyways, kudos on getting a comment out of me, keep fighting the good fight or whatever!
And I really appreciate the "Socially Important" tag.
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on 9/16/2018 5:22:29 PM with a score of 34
It is very good but I didn't understand the third question to prove that Ibwas worthy. I like how Edgar had the flu! That was a good game!
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on 9/12/2018 10:36:23 PM with a score of 28
Hector? Who is Hector? This was in the chapter that contains the last of the three riddles.
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— BristoeJeremiah on 9/8/2018 7:08:01 PM with a score of 0
Good choices of puzzles. Not too hard, but also not too simple either. Writing was clear and entertaining. Only puzzle I might change is the last one - it's lacking something in comparison to the other puzzles. I agree with another comment out there suggesting our own health pool or something so that we don't just press +2 30 times.
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— asdfgh on 7/15/2018 3:44:57 PM with a score of 36
Great puzzles, but there is an issue with the wire one. Since it says that Yellow must be DIRECTLY above Blue, but only that Blue must be above Red (doesn't say directly), it's only logical to assume that blue just has to be in any spot above red. However, this leads to two different solutions, where each one is just the other one, except violet and red are swapped. However, only the one with Red DIRECTLY below Blue works. So you might want to make it more clear so that people don't mess up like that.
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— Just a Guy on 6/26/2018 4:21:31 PM with a score of 36
Very fun game with challenging puzzles. And who doesn't love cats??
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on 6/19/2018 1:36:56 PM with a score of 36
This storygame has a good balance between story and game. Good job mizal!
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on 6/12/2018 11:52:44 PM with a score of 28
A well balanced story=game
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on 6/12/2018 11:46:19 PM with a score of 28
"Go forth, randomly chosen secondary backup monkey assistant."
That literally may be the most amazing sentence ever written in a CYS game.
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on 6/9/2018 4:19:50 AM with a score of 19
Guess I got the best ending possible. This was a great story Mizal, very entertaining and fun to read. Especially all of the cat puns!
The hardest puzzle was the wires, the rest were....easy or medium. While I only managed to stack 28 cats, not including Snowblob, I suppose it worked out in the end.
I always love to read your stories as they are entertaining and don't always take themselves too seriously.
Good job, and I look forward to reading more of your wacky stories with characters that belittle you every step of the way!
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on 5/31/2018 8:10:42 PM with a score of 28
Okay, Well I played it again and I got credited with all of my cat stacking! It's very possible I was just being a complete fool. Very nice game. Final battle needs something, maybe we need our own health pool which is bitten into every turn, giving us just enough time to reach the target number.
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on 5/30/2018 1:39:07 PM with a score of 36
This game made me smile throughout, and was also a great challenge. I would definitely recommend it.
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on 5/29/2018 7:06:23 PM with a score of 36
This game made me smile throughout, and was also a great challenge. I would definitely recommend it.
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on 5/29/2018 7:06:19 PM with a score of 36
This game left me purrsonally fulfilled. I thought it was odd however, I used all my cats, but it only showed me having stacked 32 cats, while retrieving 36.
I'll have to play it again to see how many endings there are. It must have to do with how many cats you stack. Great work. This was an inspiring use of the editor, and a good time dump. I need to up my editor knowledge if I ever hope to make puzzles like this!
Even though some people like steve are tools who don't appreciate a short adventure into the puzzling absurd when they see them, I do appreciate what you did here.
Weirdly, its originality this game lacks. It happens that I've encountered all these riddles...aside from cat many forms before, and recently. Still Asking for original logic puzzles is probably asking for way too much, I certainly haven't done better.
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on 5/29/2018 4:03:53 PM with a score of 32
Fun game. Forum members should be required to beat half of these to be accepted without SHAME.
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on 5/28/2018 2:32:30 PM with a score of 36
Well, I don't particularly like cats. In fact, I despise them. So I wasn't too big a fan for that. It was a bit too random for my taste, but riddles and puzzles have never been my thing. The actual scripting and that was alright and the writing was fine, but I wasn't a big fan.
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on 5/28/2018 1:17:09 PM with a score of 0
This storygame has two things I enjoy: logic puzzles and puns, so this left me feline fine!
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on 5/28/2018 5:10:37 AM with a score of 34
Well, that was... something.
The puzzles rarely got tedious. I was a bit confused on the wire puzzle, but what really gave me trouble was the catnip oil quarts. I really, really hate math, so...
Anyways, the riddles were simple enough. I think I aced them all in one single go asides from the green eyed one, so I can see what you mean by the game being solvable by middle schoolers.
The cat stacking was ridiculously fun. I got up to 35, with a single black cat remaining I wasn't able to stack. I think I only made a single mistake on the stacking, which I wish I had noticed earlier so I could've gotten up to 36, but oh well. The doggo puzzle was by far the easiest, I think I did 4 +11s, 3 +7s, and 3 +2s. Did it in literal seconds.
Anyways, great game. Not a huge fan of "omg random," but the detailed writing and brainteasers made me overlook it and I actually found myself enjoying the game. 8/8.
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on 5/27/2018 7:21:47 PM with a score of 35
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