Player Comments on WWII Grand Strategy
This was extremely playable, a credible enough reason was given for time travel, the items were well thought out and the story was well put together. Personally I would have preferred a bit more interaction with some historical characters (Churchill: "I want to give a speech, any ideas" for example) and possibly a sequel with a viewpoint from... the other side (a.k.a. the Axis Powers) would definitely be enjoyable.
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on 11/6/2014 5:33:51 AM with a score of 280
I had fun playing this. Would recommend
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on 3/2/2025 4:48:32 PM with a score of 245
I lost the war in 2 choices looks like i am not cut out to be a commander
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— Blue rocket on 1/12/2025 10:29:43 AM with a score of 0
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on 7/3/2024 12:54:57 PM with a score of 710
good fun in a cover lesson
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— john on 6/26/2024 5:57:40 AM with a score of 255
endorse your favorite food
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— Cuantum Cum on 3/6/2024 9:53:34 AM with a score of 0
very very bad kis didc not like irnw it was very very very ebrys ebhrysna bas......................iw iwdis didotnrmliek it that much you nubf I don't siliekd it because dhrit was not edumacajtionaln cx ,ncsxm,/xcm /nmnjdcealmsdnfcdgewhkdg
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— edge lord on 3/6/2024 9:47:37 AM with a score of 265
It's an ok story. Good historical accuracy, but you could use another look at your grammar.
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on 11/2/2023 9:54:25 PM with a score of 330
I got the ultimate victory!
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on 6/30/2023 6:35:04 PM with a score of 775
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on 6/21/2023 10:14:17 AM with a score of 430
Playing as the British? What? We should be playing as the Soviets and Chinese to stop Japan, Germany, and America.
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on 6/10/2021 10:10:51 AM with a score of 205
As the title hints, this is more game than story, with descriptions often bordering to high-school book levels of monotony. I had to say, someone named Rommel writing a WWII Grand Strategy piqued my interest.
However, I wouldn't call it a Grand Strategy. I'd call it more remembering of a basic high-school history lesson, and clicking the option that sounds familiar to what history happened. The presented facts themselves also require suspension of disbelief, something easy to do with the introduction being some time travel shenanigans. As Booty Boy remarked, there are many mistakes found in the representation of the second world war, so I'll refrain from going autistic on that topic. I'd just hope that Rommel would know Rommel did not go through Switzerland in the Battle of France.
However, some choices did irk me. I couldn't fathom why dumping all equipment and running for Dunkirk was a more effective strategy over leaving a rearguard behind. I guess in history all the mentions of rearguards were just flukes. You should just outrun the enemy armoured forces. I also had a hard time believing a mix of sniperboys and anti-tankboys were more effective in holding out a city, over a mass of boots on the ground, entrenched among the rubble. Other choices were as tedious as choosing the high ground over walking into an ambush.
Overall I'd say I am disappointed, the overall quality is more akin to a middle school kid ramblings than some serious Wehraboo take on wargaming within an IF format.
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on 7/30/2020 11:20:37 AM with a score of 500
I thought it would be bad when the author described the Germans attacking south of the "Manginot Line". This would have seen them attacking through Switzerland! As for spelling 'Maginot' incorrectly, it could have been worse. At least he didn't call it the Mangetout Line! He then detailed how the German attack plan was the opposite of the Schlieffen Plan. In reality it was a modified version of the same plan. His lack of research was made even more obvious when he stated that they chose to avoid attacking through Belgium, opting instead to attack through the Ardennes. Unfortunately for him, the Ardennes are in Belgium!
The whole story was littered with similar errors. The most glaring of which was describing 1943 as a quiet year! 1943 saw the Allied invasion of Italy as well as some of the biggest battles in history, on the Eastern Front. Including the largest tank battle in history at Kursk.
The point allocation appeared to be totally arbitrary too. Sensible tactical or strategic choices were frequently given fewer points than ridiculous ones. What writing there was, was poor and littered with errors. The main premise of the game was ill thought out and poorly constructed.
Overall, the game was a complete mess.
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— Bootboy on 5/5/2019 9:43:22 AM with a score of 780
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on 6/16/2018 8:34:19 AM with a score of 285
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— Chess on 4/11/2018 12:15:33 PM with a score of 245
Very nice.
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— Sinister6 on 12/14/2017 2:22:56 PM with a score of 250
i got platnum
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— bob on 11/20/2017 4:51:03 PM with a score of 730
This was fun. I always love strategic games like this. GOLD MEDAL FOR THE WIN! Plus its world war two and im a bit of a history buff.
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on 7/4/2017 1:46:37 AM with a score of 205
Got that platinum medal yeee
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on 11/27/2016 8:37:00 PM with a score of 720
Should have left it alone after the first time. I re-iterate..., excellent idea. Needs development and some further detail. Something called "Grand Strategy" should not be able to be completed in 5 minutes.
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— Major Shred on 5/4/2016 8:04:31 PM with a score of 105
Excellent idea. Crazy short. Played through to a score of 260 pretty quickly. Easy peasy, but I'm kind of WWII buff, sooo... I will play through again, be riskier in my choices and maybe find a longer story in it.
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— Major Shred on 5/4/2016 7:47:03 PM with a score of 260
Playing as a Time Travelling Military General was definitely fun.
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on 1/11/2016 12:05:30 PM with a score of 730
Pretty great... Went to the future and killed people in WWIII 10/10
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on 8/2/2015 5:26:12 PM with a score of 290
Love it
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on 7/28/2015 12:30:06 AM with a score of 430
Meh, it was okay with grammar mistakes and spelling misakes
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on 4/22/2015 11:16:12 AM with a score of 245
Extremely linear and kinda boring
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on 3/27/2015 8:55:45 AM with a score of 235
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— Ginger on 3/24/2015 1:17:59 PM with a score of 0
Okay I guess
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— CHOWHALL ON THE TRACK on 2/3/2015 5:31:41 PM with a score of 780
as a matter of fact its a nice game...
but writing and choices weren't fun...
but don't bother taking my advice cause even CYS's best games are boring...(except few ones)
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on 12/14/2014 1:09:54 AM with a score of 450
Very fun, I love these strategy games.
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on 6/14/2014 7:52:46 AM with a score of 445
Not bad.
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on 5/11/2014 2:14:42 AM with a score of 320
This was really entertaining, please make a WWI grand strategy too.
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on 3/5/2014 1:11:12 AM with a score of 335
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on 2/21/2014 8:25:01 AM with a score of 180
Honestly, I was a bit doubtful about this game at first, but it was actually better than I thought it would be.
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on 1/27/2014 5:20:08 PM with a score of 660
only 375 points.
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on 12/11/2013 7:04:49 PM with a score of 375
Yay i got good score, mostly because i privatly studied about this
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on 8/9/2013 1:57:07 PM with a score of 730
I love WWII so in a very biased opinion, I enjoyed this idea. Now as a reader, it's a great educational concept but past that. Lacked some added creativity. Though, I enjoyed it a lot and it's great to see more stories that I'm excited to read.
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on 6/30/2013 11:49:45 PM with a score of 405
Wow awesome and original concept. I don't really know about the rest though, will leave that up for someone else.
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— Tgetruegamer on 5/22/2013 1:19:52 PM with a score of 240
Intresting concept
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on 4/5/2013 11:46:15 AM with a score of 365
How come my score is so low?
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on 4/5/2013 8:16:38 AM with a score of 240
860 is the limit definitely.
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on 3/17/2013 7:55:03 AM with a score of 860
Yayyyy, I got 780!^_^ I stopped world war 2 from ever happening! :D Nice job!Very informative game, seems like you know your stuff about WWII!^_^
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on 8/20/2012 2:46:34 AM with a score of 780
335 is low(and i tried my best). How do you get 700 and above?!
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on 6/22/2012 5:57:44 AM with a score of 335
decent game
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— cm on 6/4/2012 5:41:21 PM with a score of 380
Loved it, I am the second one to get this score!
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on 5/30/2012 7:43:10 PM with a score of 860
How to get all 4 parts?
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on 5/30/2012 12:09:25 PM with a score of 380
i got 210 6/8 very acurate
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on 2/14/2012 1:18:16 PM with a score of 210
i died
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on 2/14/2012 1:13:38 PM with a score of 105
I love time travel games. I made one myself. But wish it was longer. (as I usually do.)
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on 9/14/2011 5:16:23 PM with a score of 245
Intresting idea for a story. Maybe you could do a storygame about a time traveler who got stuck just before the dark ages and trys to (survive/take over the world/return to the future) I would write a story like this but Time-travel stories are not my type. I like reading them tho...
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on 9/12/2011 12:55:18 PM with a score of 480
pretty neat.
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on 9/7/2011 11:47:21 AM with a score of 150
great job
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— bob on 8/10/2011 2:33:05 AM with a score of 270
sweet i got the ultimate ending
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— randomman on 6/15/2011 4:16:24 PM with a score of 710
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on 6/1/2011 11:43:09 AM with a score of 355
i got
SCORE is 645.
this game is win
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on 1/3/2011 5:31:06 PM with a score of 645
yeah i got 760 points
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— colton johnson on 9/20/2010 8:54:51 PM with a score of 760
It's a very interesting game. :)
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— Anne on 4/10/2010 9:20:34 PM with a score of 240
Very interesting concept, lots of fun, and quite well-written. Nice work!
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on 12/29/2009 6:06:54 PM with a score of 390
it was still good but i didn't get a higher score
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on 12/3/2009 1:57:19 PM with a score of 840
Relllllyyyyy good game kinda hard from my perspective
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on 10/7/2009 7:53:37 PM with a score of 300
A lot of fun.
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on 7/17/2009 3:15:05 AM with a score of 825
One of the best i've ever played so far!!!
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on 2/14/2009 6:48:55 PM with a score of 860
Awesooome. I like the different approach you took to WWII.
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on 1/2/2009 7:16:46 PM with a score of 360
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on 10/25/2008 8:56:36 PM with a score of 255
All right! I just went through it again and got to WWIII, AND got a higher score! like I said, great game!
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on 6/23/2008 1:21:24 PM with a score of 420
I got the Gold Time Medal! It was fun to see how history would be like if you could change it. This was a fun strategy game. I never got to WWIII though....
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on 6/23/2008 1:10:05 PM with a score of 220
Awesome strategy game. It can be linear at times, and I'd rather have links open up than have to use my item, but other than that, excellent. 6/8
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on 4/25/2008 11:50:00 PM with a score of 285
very good
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on 9/25/2007 5:57:05 PM with a score of 200
im not very good at this game but i still thoguth it rocked!
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on 7/26/2007 4:16:16 PM with a score of 0
Good game, I got a silver medal.
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on 7/11/2007 7:46:06 PM with a score of 275
This is the highest score- 810
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on 7/9/2007 12:05:00 AM with a score of 810
better - definitely better. Put a little more thought into "getting me into the character" and actually give me that medal you promised in the beginning. That done, I'll feature it.
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on 7/5/2007 4:26:27 PM with a score of 780
It's getting better Rommell. Add some pictures of WWII to make the experience seem more real. Also you don't clearly define: who am I (the player) in this world? Am I member of the British Army? Am I a general in the army? What's my role in this whole thing. It's well thought out and almost complete - now put me in the story.
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on 7/2/2007 1:05:46 PM with a score of 260
After Replaying again I will give you props for major improvements. This would win the award for most improved. However, although I would agree that it deserves to be featured above "How to play a game", it may not stay there. Props man! 6/8.
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on 7/2/2007 5:11:23 AM with a score of 255
Played it again. Much better, Rommel. Apart from the occasional spelling mistake this storygame is just about perfect. A seven out of eight. Seriously, this was heaps fun (I don't know if that's because I actually find the World Wars interesting seeing I've actually learned some stuff about it just recently, but I understand a lot more, and I see you've put in a lot more effort as well).
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on 7/1/2007 5:47:22 AM with a score of 270
That was a very different game very good for everything else but maybe it should be placed in edutainment even if it's not 100 percent historically accurate. This game is good even if I didn't fully understand what some thing ment. Or the reasoning behind some options. I liked it.
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on 6/30/2007 1:00:17 AM with a score of 225
**** 4 Stars!
YAY for you.
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on 6/29/2007 5:06:08 PM with a score of 215
This game is great! I love it and hope it gets featured!!! 7/8
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on 6/23/2007 5:10:39 PM with a score of 370
Woah, this is much better...
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on 6/23/2007 2:38:23 AM with a score of 310
Wow, it's a lot better now. Last time i gave a 4, now i gave it a 7.
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on 6/23/2007 2:32:25 AM with a score of 220
Not bad Rommell. Relatively enjoyable, fairly well written - let me check out the rest of this category before I decide whether or not to feature it.
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on 6/14/2007 1:36:36 PM with a score of 525
Ah, Rommel, this just keeps getting better and better. Experience a WWI flashback. . .
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on 6/11/2007 7:44:33 AM with a score of 315
The game was okay, Well, I stopped WWII from happening...
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on 6/10/2007 10:21:07 PM with a score of 225
Not Bad
I liked it
Good subject area
However, I didn't like how you put it in a list with Finals week, which in my opinion is a "grade" higher :P
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on 5/12/2007 9:11:18 PM with a score of 465
Hey, Rommel. Played it again, still like it quite a bit. I think a lot of people like this game, judging by the comments.
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on 5/8/2007 8:29:36 AM with a score of 255
Gd game Rommel Gd game :D bring me the halo 2 morrow.
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on 4/11/2007 6:42:46 AM with a score of 0
correction-THIS is the best score for the game.
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on 3/14/2007 5:57:37 AM with a score of 735
Good. It was pretty cool and well made
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on 3/11/2007 12:28:46 PM with a score of 230
Yeah... I got the best ending! try and equal this score!
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on 3/10/2007 8:36:01 PM with a score of 690
Cool! I liked it.
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on 12/11/2006 4:54:08 PM with a score of 0
It could go in Edutainment instead. It's not really Modern either.
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on 10/27/2006 9:46:07 AM with a score of 0
pretty good-- could've gone in edutainment with a little more description
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on 10/25/2006 9:02:54 PM with a score of 255
That war was really interesting, and you recounted it pretty decently here. Would have liked more descriptions on each actual battle. A little too short.
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on 8/4/2006 4:08:59 PM with a score of 245
Pretty neat.
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— somerandomperson on 6/11/2006 12:58:22 AM with a score of 320
it's okay!
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— simpsons on 6/2/2006 4:49:48 PM with a score of 0
I like this game. Lots of options and strategy kind. Pictures are ok, not a long, but for me, pictures are not that important.
and wow, i never thought u would even put WW1 in there. That must have take a while, good job!
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— GodsSlayer on 4/8/2006 5:30:09 AM with a score of 350
Reinactment of World War 2. If there are any German people on this site, you best find out and open your checkbook, because they are most likely going to sue the living crap out of you. Good luck with retirement.
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— anonymous on 2/21/2006 6:42:00 PM with a score of 15
Bah decent game for a freekin 12 year old
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— gfxtsrd on 2/6/2006 9:41:13 PM with a score of 70
When do I use the inteligance? How do I kill hitler without his bodygaurds? How do I a perfect score?
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— Paul on 1/14/2006 6:03:22 AM with a score of 460
Intresting. A good idea, though somehow I found the execution lacking. But I think you have the potential to make truly great games. Try to describe things better, have less no brainer choices, and don't include silly things like that you go to 1985 and die of old age
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— Paul on 1/14/2006 5:54:09 AM with a score of 395
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— Rommel on 1/13/2006 10:53:32 PM with a score of 790
Sorry guys, but im going to unpublish this game so i can give it some more bonus features. cya!
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— Rommel on 1/13/2006 4:06:48 PM with a score of 0
In the WW1 bonus level, you also need to explain what's going on: who's side are you on, where are you, and what are you supposed to do?
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— Badger on 1/13/2006 4:02:08 PM with a score of 100
Very good game! A good WW2 game with lots of historical facts, action and a creative plot twist. The only thing it's missing is more background analysis. I would have liked to know exactly who I was (I realize the protagonist is an army general, but what's their name?)
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— Badger on 1/13/2006 3:58:09 PM with a score of 130
This isn't bad at all. In fact it was actually pretty fun. :)
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— leon101 on 1/12/2006 7:11:01 PM with a score of 105
This game is actually not half bad. Congrats on that.
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— march5th00 on 1/12/2006 6:19:50 PM with a score of 355
DANG! Nice game, kid. Un-linear, good story, good game, and nice job.
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— da Ravemaster on 1/12/2006 5:50:52 PM with a score of 0
Good game
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— Innocent on 1/12/2006 3:06:18 PM with a score of 0
New Bonus Feature added!
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— Rommel on 1/12/2006 5:22:06 AM with a score of 710
Awesome Game!
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— Miccy2000 on 1/12/2006 12:12:19 AM with a score of 220
i think this is a bit o linear... on the other hand its a good linear game. i hope i see more games like this!
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— Monty on 1/11/2006 11:37:28 PM with a score of 225
Thanx. i'll get around 2 it.
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— Rommel on 1/11/2006 8:59:23 PM with a score of 0
Interesting concept and a good first story. Touch up the spelling, add a few links, and maybe a picture or two, and you'll be golden.
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— alexp on 1/11/2006 7:47:32 PM with a score of 35
not bad for a first game. pictures and more background information would be great.
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— nate on 1/11/2006 6:07:51 PM with a score of 275
1stly glue 5 this is original. there is not a single other WWII game anywhere on this website yet. i'll change that though. and secondly, simple games can be a bit boring.
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— Rommel on 1/11/2006 5:28:04 PM with a score of 660
Dude, you aren't supposed to make an Advanced Game as you're first game! You have to have more knowledge! Just, make you're next game an Original Game next time, k?
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— Glue5 on 1/11/2006 5:20:04 PM with a score of 15
Guys I'd like to tell you that this game is going to be unpublished to make it better. any ideas for mods? ive already got one so you cant time travel more than twice.
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— Rommel on 1/11/2006 4:08:34 PM with a score of 660
Have you guys got 600+ points yet? my next Game is a World War 3 game where you can lead troops from the front line.
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— Rommel on 1/11/2006 3:55:51 PM with a score of 660
What on earth is this?!!!
Sorry, kid, but man...
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— J Dog on 1/11/2006 3:30:45 PM with a score of 305
Do you guy know how to get 600 points? hehehe!
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— Rommel on 1/11/2006 3:21:30 PM with a score of 255
Being able to live 90+ years has gotten me through world war 2 3 times and well, that is unbelievable. Mabey you could make it harder by only allowing time travel once. You do know how to do that right?
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— havacoman on 1/11/2006 3:12:41 PM with a score of 680
Great Game Rommel! whare are the rest of the time-machine parts?
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— Anon on 1/11/2006 3:01:05 PM with a score of 250
Excellent Game. Mabey It could be in a section like Modern Adventure. Great game! This is better than most peoples' first games.
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— havacoman on 1/11/2006 2:58:33 PM with a score of 250
Good Game Rommel!
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— Mr. Omni on 1/11/2006 5:34:52 AM with a score of 0
Good game
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— on 1/10/2006 8:23:07 PM with a score of 0
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