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Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 4/2/2023 8:34:40 PM

Wait, another catfight? Yes, indeed, this time there will be proper blood drawn out of this event. On the one corner we have Mizal, CYS veteran and longtime procrastinator of at least three stories. Besides the curious quirk that the pronunciation of her name is so controversial that even Schrodinger was conflicted whether to use this example for his theorem or his convulsing cat, Mizal has perfected the art of cooking with salt and pepper, a very brave feat if I say so myself.

On the other corner we have Ant, one of the meanest and wetness obsessed teenage girl we have on the site (rumors say that she cannot take the heat, but who knows) who this time had submitted her story for once after flaking out on the last duel. Her writing chops are demonstrated by ahum deepthroat circus and deepthroat circus 2. Lots of potential guardians, such as Ford were fighting for her hand, some like a friendly neighbourhood Serbian or a snarling cat on a typewriter were however vying for her head, preferably separated from the body, but only Sent was brave enough to semi-offially adopt her. Can she bring glory to Sent and herself, or will Mizal take what little she has away?

Its fortunately not for you to decide. Well, Mizal said that only Gower's voice mattered when deciding on a winner, just like a real democracy. Feel free to vote for the stories anyways, not that it really matters, but comments and feedback are always appreciated.

The theme is fantasy by the way. And the stories will be posted anonymously. 

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Story A

It’s a windy afternoon. As the breeze gently caresses the face of the rich elites at another lavish party, blissfully unbothered by the suffering of the lower class civilians who are essentially working their lives away to fuel their Witchcraft. Only for them to use it for trivial things, such as spewing hexes at people they don’t like, and using it to stir up drama. 

Albrun sits on her porch with a joint nestled between her fingers, zoning out while looking at the rain outside. It’s so light and subtle, it looks as if the rain is ascending as the frigid wind blows across the echoing fields that seem to stretch out for miles, living relatively far away from the suburban area she works in. She looks at the time on her phone, the clock reads 11:23 PM. She sighs and mumbles to herself “Again, another nightshift” She snuffs out her joint as she makes her way into her house. The scent of water mold hits her like a baseball, the large holes in the ceiling don’t help either, being too broke to afford to repair them.

She shuffles through her closet and puts on her same old fast food uniform. She takes her purse. And begins to make her way out of her house to begin her long walk to work. Not having any vehicle, the walk usually takes around 20 minutes. The gentle droplets of water dancing around make the road ahead hazy, as the cold starts to make her face go numb, she clenches her rosary.

“God, please get me through this.”

After a long hard walk, her legs feel cramped. And the first signs of her home town begin to show. Poor people offering up their very life force to the rich elites loitering around for the misery of our people. To the left, there are a group of teen boys shuffling out of a grocery store with bags full of food that they, judging by how well dress they look, definitely don’t need.

Albrun sighs in annoyance, trying to ignore them. Just keeping her eyes on her destination across the street, Skyline Diner. Suddenly, she feels the faux leather strap on her purse snap as one of the teen boys run by with her purse nestled around their chest as they run away.

“HEY! WAIT!” She attempts to run after him. She corners him in an allie before he flies up out of her view. Damnit! She turns away, about to stumble her somber self to work before she hears a scream above her. She turns around as a tall handsome man falls before her.

“Here,” He hands her purse back to her. She feels hot in the face as her hand begins to shake, feeling totally enthralled by him.

“Th-thank you!” she stammers “I don’t know how to repay you.” 

“Give me your number?” They exchange phone numbers.

“I’m Niles, you?”

“I’m Albrun” She looks down at her phone, realizing how late she is, Albrun rushes back to the restaurant. She clocks in and makes her way to the back. The manager turns around and slaps her.

“Why are you so late! This is the second time, do I need to dock your pay again?” Albrun holds her head low.

On her silent and brooding walk home. She ponders about the man she met earlier, he’s hot and all, but she only really wants to use him to get a taste of the lavish life that she hopes to lead some day. No more working at a run down shack, for once, a life beyond the lonesome work and sleep cycle finally doesn’t seem so intangible.

She stares ablank at her ceiling, she can’t help but feel as though she’s straying from God. She’s not so vain and greedy at heart is she? But the power, both metaphysical and physical, she could gain from becoming his girlfriend. But is it wrong? Would god look down upon her? All these nights she always wonders and questions the life she’s leading. But not once has she heard the warm voice of the creator she so loves with all her heart. Is he even real? If not, what’s the point of her suffering? And if he is real, why doesn’t he do anything about the craft that opresses the less fortunate. Why are they allowed to use our life force, stress and blood. Why are they allowed to cause chaos just to siphon the very stress they inflict on us? Like pigs rolling around in mud. 

She sits on her legs and looks out the hole in her ceiling, she clasps her hands together.

“Please, please god. If you’re real, just give me a sign, any sign, that you love me. Please just let me know what I’m doing wrong? Why won’t you ever just speak to me like how people always say you do?” She looks to her dresser, where another join is wrapped carefully in cloth. She lights it up tries to forget everything…

It’s beautiful out tonight. Albrun finds herself already coveting more and more as she hangs out with Niles. She vividly remembers last night, how they cuddled beneath the stars in the same echoing field she’s looked upon for 15 years.

“Will you marry me?” Those words echo in her head carefully as she recalls how gently he asked her. Of course she said yes, she looks down at her diamond ring. But she knows damn well she made a fake promise. And thats probably why God won’t talk to her. But the more and more she indulges in fine dining and riches, she seems to not care as much about what god thinks of her. What has he even done for her? At the bottom of her freezing heart, she feels fear and pain for rejecting him as her savior. But it’s none of her concern now. She sprays herself with expensive floral perfume, and puts on her red dress. Tonight, Nile’s is taking her to the club. Usually she would reject going to a nightclub, but just because it’s going to be an expensive rich people type of night club, she can’t muster up the strength to even care. Albrun’s phone buzzes, she sees the text from Niles

“I’m outside right now.” Her expression remains blank as she starts for the door, to her, this feels no better than it feels to go to work. Niles leans back on a Limousine wearing a fancy tuxedo with a large grin plastered on his face. The familiar feeling of humiliation swarms in her mind as she walks away from her rickety old home. She enters in with him. They leave.

The oddly nostalgic scent of water mold leaves her nose for what feels like to be the final time. She can’t help but keep her eyes behind her as her poor old house gets smaller and smaller, as if fading away forever. It almost makes her tear up as if the house is sentient and is being abandoned like a small puppy. They make it to a large bridge spanning across a lake, the water is glimmering under the starlit night. Swaying slightly. She finally looks out the window behind her to see the thousands of cars driving alongside. It’s officially the upper class part of town.

The limo stops at this fancy building with a glass door. Albruns stomach begins to feel as though it’s being tied into knots. Nile’s takes Albrun by the hand as they exit the car.

“I’m gonna be performing on stage for an hour” He says “Afterwards we can do whatever.” She sighs in annoyance. How much energy has be stolen from the poor just to be able to perform little parlor tricks for the shallow entertainment of the wealthy? It boils her blood. People have literally had their life force siphoned so much that they’ve lost their lives for the temporary amusement. There’s so much suicidal and existential dread that feels clumped in her throat.

They enter the bar and they part ways. 

“I can’t bare to watch this” Albrun makes her way away from the stage to take a sit at the bar. Ordering some Red Wine to sip on and dwell in her own hatred. She fights all urges to look, even when the bar tender herself looks at the back of the stage going “Woahh” She just sighs and stares at her drink. The performance finally ends after what felt like forever for Albrun, the audience claps and the regular music starts playing again, and the lights dim slightly. She hears the sound of footsteps rushing over to her left, she looks over and sees a couple of dumbasses throwing fire at people. Suddenly, she feels a warm hand on her shoulders, Niles holds out a drink to her. “Want another one?” She sighs and takes the drink chugging it. Niles looks over at the fight.

“Lets go somewhere else, yeah?” Albrun stands up slightly tipsy “Yeah.” He takes her hand and guides her through the crowd and suddenly, Albrun’s in the restroom. She feels a wave of nausea, she stumbles into a bathroom stall to vomit, she exhales slightly relieved. Albrun turns around to wipe her face before seeing Niles blocking the exit to the stall, he takes her hands and starts to take his clothes off, he unbuttons his shirt and he starts to kiss Albrun violently, lowering his hands to unzip her dress. She attempts to fights, “S-stop!” She falls onto the toilet seat and ends up banging her head on the tank lid. Remembering some of the magic Niles taught her about, she attempts to fight her way out of his grip as she channels her fear and anger, imagining it seeping through her skin and channeling itself into fire. Albrun lets out a scream with all the remaining strength she has as flames pour out of what seems to be her skin. He falls back and starts screaming in pain as the seething flames burn away his flesh. She hears footsteps grow closer and closer, she locks her stall and crouches down on the toilet stall.

“Oh god oh god oh god.” Her eyes wander up to the window above the toilet. She takes off her heels and she stands up on the tank lid. She crawls out of the window and she falls out the window. 

She looks up at the sky as rain drops start to slowly fall from the sky. She holds her arms trying to keep herself warm as she starts walking home with her mind blank. The road is now mostly empty, it being relatively late at night. The bitter cold and the seething silence drives her to the point of insanity, she screams and falls to the ground while keeping her eyes up at the sky.

“I feel so filthy…” She clasps her hand together.

“Do you hate me now? I’ve murdered somebody, I’m no longer clean. I-I” Her eyes water up with tears as she starts running to the bridge. She rushes over to the end with the same lake they crossed earlier, the rain trickles down on the water. She leans forward on the gate, her tears increasing

“Oh god, guide the ocean to bring me to you, so that when I may arrive, the ocean will have cleaned me of my sins” her blood shot eyes stare down at the infinitely flowing ocean as she stands atop the gate. Her bloodshot eyes look up at the sky as the rain washes across her face. She leans forward and falls, beginning her downward spiral into the ocean.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Story B

The Greenway Revival

You’re fighting sleep on a comfy bench made of living wood, half a glass of something smoky-sweet and strong still clutched in your hand. The sun is bright out in the field where the gathering is, but it’s pleasantly shady here, and some of the broad leaves have been trained to fan their guests.

Lots of green and orange robes out there. Lots of excited chatter, flowering headbands and flowing headdresses. Lots of attractive young women, but not usually the kind that liked men. As the last couple of times you’ve been out here regretfully proved

Maybe that’s why the mouths of the watchmen are all set in such grim unsmiling lines under their hawk masks this year. The company has been very lacking, but anyhow you’re not getting paid to socialize. Just here to drink, and nap, and then walk Lord Faraway’s butterfly-brained daughter safely back to the city. A waste of your skills some might say, but you have become a man of lazy disposition since the last war, and his lordship pays very well for this easy work.

With this reminder of your duty you stand and stretch, trying to get the blood flowing to your limbs again. Twisting a bit and rubbing your stiff neck, you see a Sister of the Circle lowering herself gently on a living ladder from one of the towering goddess tree behind you; one of the real Sisters that you can recognize by the fact her robes didn’t go through a city dye house or ever fall into the hands of a tailor specializing in twee embroideries of fauna.

More of the Sisters joining them, all the girls out there are spreading out into circles now, each holding hands around one of the goddess saplings planted last year. You’ve seen this before, they’ll all close their eyes with incredible concentration, clearly trying to wrap their minds around something unfathomable to them, you don’t know what--maybe doing a day of real work.

Well, that’s not fair, you did have it explained to you. They each try to make contact with the goddess, to let her power flow through them. A successful acolyte will make the sapling grow in a visible way, and with the goddess’s attention they can make a request for the coming year. Nothing practical of course, none of them can wish for the packed lunch you forgot on the table this morning to materialize in your hands right now. But bounty for the river or the health of the forest, something vaguely well meaning like that can be passed on in theory. (You say ‘in theory’ because this is the third year in a row you’ve been here and you’ve never seen it happen. It does make you wonder though whether the Sisters have their own ceremonies once the hopefuls from the city leave, or if they just collect their tithes from these well to do young ladies and consider that fortune and bounty enough.)

Ah, but there’s your girl now. Sweet, precious Delisandra is stepping up to her sapling. You raise the rest of your glass in toast to her and drain it. What a treasure this girl is, you think in fatherly fondness, watching her screw up her eyes and try really, really hard to make a deity of wildest nature commune with a girl that never leaves a paved road without a personal bodyguard.

You might just be able to buy a new horse after you collect for this job, you think, even more fondly.

Somewhere behind you, from above, comes a sudden shrill cry. That’s different. You set your empty cup down and as you turn your curious gaze that way you see the hawk masked guards, they of the surly disposition, exploding into motion. Weapons flash and Sisters fall with rivers of red staining the green of their robes. By reflex you hit the grass and roll under the bench before even quite processing what’s happening. You come out in the leafy shade on the other side, partially hidden from view as you scramble back up next to the trunk the benches all spring from and draw your weapon. An arrow thuds into the tree a hands width from your head--not hidden enough.

Two of the hawk masks converge on you. Spilling the guts of one, you slash the other across the neck and back away. Blood is flowing from a deep cut under your arm. You clamp your hand down to try and staunch it, retreating further into the shadowy green. A woman’s deep voice intones steadily, and more of those shrill cries fill the air.

Through the foliage you catch glimpses of the masked guards fighting fiercely among themselves, while the pop and sizzle and searing light of magical combat suggests a few Sisters still remain to defend themselves. Or are they a part of this too? In the midst of this it’s quite beyond you to tell friend from foe.

You do manage a glimpse of the owner of the voice from above. A woman in the Sisterhood’s robes standing high above on a platform of the central goddess tree, holding a staff aloft while words in a strange language tumble from her lips.

One of the Sisters below calls out and sends a blast of green fire her way, but then her cries turn to dismay as she’s dragged into the foliage by...something.

With a sinking feeling you realize not all the crackling and rustling sounds you’re hearing are caused by conventional battle. The foliage crowning the tree above the deep voiced woman crawls with suggestions of movement, though you can make out no specific form.

“To the Hells with this…” you gasp out, backing up and turning to run. Something plummets towards you then, thorny talons and a clacking wooden jaw amid a confusion of branches and leaves. Slashing at it with your sword sends some small bits flying, but the bark deflects your blade. Hurling you to the ground, it pins you with its talons, spitting some kind of sticky sap onto your chest that immediately starts sizzling through your armor.

A split second later it emits a shrill shriek as an axe crashes into its back. Its wielder nodding absently at you before twisting the weapon free of the writhing form, bashing it again for good measure and then hurrying on, familiar hawk mask dangling from his belt.

“Gods luck to you, you beautiful bastard,” you mutter, frantically shedding your chestplate and discarding it before the substance can continue melting through.

As for you, you’re getting far away from this accursed place as fast as you possibly can.

Moving swiftly now, dodging sounds of battle and any suspicious rustling, you very soon find yourself completely turned around. This had seemed to be the right way, but there’s no sign of the clearing you’d started out besides…until you catch a glimpse of bright green and orange from a city dye house. One of the would be acolytes from earlier is impaled pitifully through the chest near the top of a smooth limbed tree with green wood, long auburn hair dangling down from a crushed flower crown, and blood dripping down.

Then more trees, more girls. Crushed and mangled bodies tossed this way and that, some in permanent embrace of the forest. You know these trees weren’t all here before. “Is this…the clearing?”

Then a familiar voice is calling your name. Your eyes widen and you hurry towards it, peering past a tangle of green limbs. “Delisandra!” you stammer hoarsely, “I’ve been…looking all over for you! Quick, we need to--“

“I’ve communed with the goddess, the goddess is within me. I am the goddess, and so are the others.”

You stop. Seeing not Lord Faraway’s sweet and ditzy daughter, but her voice…and even her face, recognizable now in shape as it presses through the smooth trunk of the largest new tree. She smiles at you, wood curving like putty to eerily mirror the exact expression you remember so recently seeing in flesh.

“Delisandra, what’s happened? Gods, what am I going to tell your father?”

“Be not afraid. Tell him the goddess has risen here, to speak to the people. War arises. The true Sisterhood has driven the false pretenders from this sacred place, but they will not yet be uprooted. But with our guidance and blessing the kingdom can…”

“This is insane."

Though you can indeed hear that the sounds of fighting seem to have ceased.

She smiles again. “Many things are possible with faith. Perhaps I was only in the right place at the right time, like you are now. But carry my message, and rejoice in this service to the goddess.”

You nod mutely, and depart.

Your horse may be getting a little aged, but he makes beautiful time. Halfway back to the city, you turn onto a crossroads and make for the coast instead, mentally calculating how much you’ll have left over if you sell him to buy passage on a ship.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 4/2/2023 8:35:09 PM


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

@Gower here ya go, have fun with judging these two stories if you have some spare time left.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Wdym ford was fighting for my hand wha

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
The theme was fantasy and and had to involve someone seeking contact with a god, to be more specific.

And I do enjoy the public votes, but I had very good reasons for not doing that this time. I know the lengths some people have gone through with these threads to be funny.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I'm confuuused what did darius mean

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Ohww, Ford joked about adopting you, could be someone else, but thought it was him. If it wasn't then it would still be funny.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Who tf even is ford

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
you're retarded. sent got ant. I'm disgusted by ant. she is repulsive and revolting and retarded.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Right back at you fucking tranny

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

You dare slander the kappas XD

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Man that's a well written introductory post.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Who is ford :D 

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

A gay faggot.

Also, I expected nothing from you. I am pleasantly surprised.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Thank you! I tried 😍😍😍

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I will have a JUDGMENT shortly.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 4/2/2023 8:34:48 PM

Story A:

  • I really liked that image of rain being so light that it seems like it ascends.
  • I thought there was a good opportunity and scope for some world building in your opening; I would like to know more about how the stress/power situation work—how the elites siphon from the workers.
  • You have a good sense of where emotional weight can be used, and you have a good balance of plot/emotional language.
  • This story’s author uses a lot of adverbs to do its heavy lifting.  The breeze gently caresses; civilians are essentially work; living relatively far away.
  • Stuff to work on—how quotation marks interact with the lead-in (She sighs and mumbles to herself “Again, another nightshift”); avoiding comma splices (mold hits her like a baseball, the large holes in the ceiling don’t help either)—there’s a *lot* of comma splicing; avoiding fragments (And begins to make her way out of her house to begin her long walk to work)—there’s a lot of fragments as well. 
  • I recommend learning how to punctuate quotations.  (Th-thank you!” she stammers “I don’t know how to repay you.”)
  • The story uses adjectives that are not as interesting as they might be and which might usefully be leave out—rich elites (used twice here), gentle droplet, frigid wind in the echoing fields.  Adjectives are good things, but they can be overused; I think they are here.
  • I was confused by who “their” is in the second sentence—I assumed the antecedent of “their” was “civilians” but it clearly must be “elites.”
  • If it is windy (paragraph 1) it’s weird that it is only in paragraph 2 that you mention that it is also raining. 
  • Quite a few typos: just to point to a few:  an “allie”; “how well dress they look”; “ablank”; “another join”; “I can’t bare to watch.”
  • I don’t think “stumble her somber self to work” is the reaction I expect upon seeing someone fly out of one’s view.
  • I don’t know what is going on with the guy flying up and then she turns away and then she turns around and the man falls before her.  I’m not sure exactly what’s happening, why she is reacting that way, or why these things are happening in this manner.
  • The transition to the “It’s beautiful out today” was really rough.

Story B:

  • I immediately get a sense of narrative control here; there’s interesting sentence structure (e.g., “Lots of green and orange robes out there” has a good rhythm and gives me a sense of what kind of personality the narrative voice has.)
  • A few places I want to tighten up to make the sentence more powerful, like the “waste of your skills some might say” bit—feels slightly too cliché there, or “stand and stretch” but also “twist and rub your neck.”
  • The world building in the robes of the Sister is primo.
  • I don’t know about “you did have it explained to you” in second person.
  • “More of the Sisters joining them, all the girls out there are spreading out into circles now, each holding hands around one of the goddess saplings planted last year” is weird structurally.   Actually, that paragraph I am longing to take a pencil to.
  • Sixth paragraph-- I’m feeling something ever-so-slightly drop off in the energy.  That parenthetical phrase, but also the bit before it, doesn’t feel like it’s in the right spot.
  • The tone and arch attitude—the “try really, really hard” bit is well written.
  • I wanted to see more about what the speaker does in the battle – going right from the hawk masks converge to “spilling the guts” is slightly rough.  The battle overall feels lightly sketched until the “thorny talons and clacking wooden jaw” bit—then I was immersed again.
  • I think some of the fragments work here, but not all of them (like “Its wielder nodding absently…”—I don’t think that works as a fragment.  But I like the cumulative clauses appended to it!)
  • The overall plot hung together and had a clever resolution.



Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Okay, but who wins?

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

It's Mizal of course.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 4/2/2023 8:34:56 PM

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
I will say Ant's story was a lot better than I expected. I especially thought she did some interesting things with the setting given that's not where most people would have gone with "fantasy". It just needed to be fleshed out a little more. That and more attention to formatting and proofreading/polishing would've gone a long way.

I'm gonna do some light tweaking to mine. I also didn't care for the sixth paragraph, but was too lazy to fix it, and I suck at combat scenes. And if Ant wants another commendation she can get it if she takes your advice for some revisions to hers.

Thanks a bunch to Darius and Gower for hosting and judging these, and to the three or four of you who will read them.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I had a lot of fun even if I didn't win. I'm glad to see people actually thought my story had potential. Also what do commendations do exactly?

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
They give recognition, actual value to a member, and points.

Also contributes to your order's total comms, or the Sages.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
They are a gold star from admins for meaningful contributions to the site, and also go into a pool to increase the prestige of your Order in case anyone ever starts to care about that again.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

ooh okay. I might revise the story when I have time. I'm tired since I stayed up till like 4 am

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Congrats to Mizal for winning.

Congrats to Ant for submitting, and providing a proper entry that demonstrated clear effort.  

Enjoyed reading them both.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Thank you! I mustered up all the braincells I had for this, which isn't much but

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Congratulations to Ant for winning!

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Of course you're excited that the underaged one won.


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I don't think you understand-

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Oh I understand perfectly, believe me.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

b-but I didnt win

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
I had expected less from Ant, even if she lost. So be it.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Yay i'm honored :D

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

A request. Can we please drop the whole "Ant" thing I'm not an ant even if I have the IQ of one

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
Declined from my end. Ant is a good name imo.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Request denied, we're not going to type out your whole long ass name everytime we reference you.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Call me something other than ant then :sob:

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I mean given what you write about "Throaty" would be a possibility, but we already had a member using that nickname until we shortened that to AYT.

Deep Throat Circus. Hm, I guess we could call you DTC, though I can't promise that will catch on since it would imply having to read your stories, while Ant is a lot easier because it's right there.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

O-Okay I'll take Ant

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
Don't get her hopes up, she will always be Ant.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Say, can I republish DTC, I fixed all the broken links. I want it up for posterity :heart_eyes:

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Very glad mizal won.

I hate kids.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Rich coming from someone with the mentality of one :nail_care:

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Strike one.

Two more and I ban you.

Only I can insult you, not the other way around.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I'm shivering

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

That's called a seizure.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

[insult redacted for the delicate blossoms]

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Was it the seizure?

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I'm hungry can you invite me back to the discord

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago


Ask mizal or Sent.

I don't think I have that responsibility.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Or permission. I just hang around like furniture there.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

can you remove my strike I'll be a good child :D

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I can't ban you anyway. I'm currently not an admin, and I wouldn't because you're not too bad. Also I couldn't because you have an admin's protection already apparently in Sent.

So the strike thing was pure cap. As TikTok zoomers say.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Thank you :D I hate main stream tiktok zoomer language, learn flop language instead

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
People write stuff here? I'm amazed.

Nicely done, you two.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Update: So Ant issued this duel because she got kicked from the Discord, actually wrote something and impressed some people, got herself back into the Discord, and was then banned within a few hours.
For tagging End three times.
Can't make this up. This may be the biggest fumble, possibly ever.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

She exceeded all of our expectations.

In both ways.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
I didn't invite her to the Discord, but I didn't ban her this time either and I don't recommend she try challenging the person who did.

I am certain Ant has a potential future as a beloved and contributing member of the forum though.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

I didn't even at him 3 times in a row

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

You still did it 3 times in less than 4 hours. It counted.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Tell him I'm very very sorry it was so unaesthetic I wont do it again 🥺

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago


Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Its not funny endmaster is act1ng unaesthetic

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

It's pretty funny.  Tagging EndMaster is a time proven method to get banned.  And CYS threads are full of the bodies of those that have violated this law.

EndMaster is not bound by the mortal definitions of Aestheticity.  His judgments at times may seem arbitrary, but He exists and functions by His own set of laws.  In Cystia, He is all powerful and His decisions are just by definition.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago
If you remain here in the long run, then I feel very blessed to be a part of the community that will one day savagely beat this incoherent lingo out of you.

Mizal vs Ant

one year ago

Good entries from both of you, and congrats to Mizal for the win.  I agree with Gower's notes, particularly the comments on the individual magic systems.  Ant's entry sounded like a very cool idea, but the way it was demostrated seemed too nebulous and arbitrary.  Mizal's magic felt more cohesive, even though the details on its execution were equally vague, I think because it was all acting towards an obvious common goal.