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7 years ago

Alright people of CYS. A group of my friends have been getting into riddles lately, so I thought the topic might interest you bunch. If you are interested just post a riddle and see others struggle to solve it, or post solving a riddle. I figured this would be a nice exercise in thinking as well as some sort of poetry.

A few notes...

I suggest posting riddles of your own making rather than stealing them from I mean you could always do that, but you run the risk of someone googling the riddle and solving it that way. That way, your riddle would not only get solved, but you'd also be exposed for being a fake. 

The only prize there is is the satisfaction of knowing you're more intelligent than the rest of your fellow Cystians. (Assuming you are actually good at riddles and what not.) Of course, if the mods want to reward people then all the better. 


7 years ago

 I'll start off with an easy one.


White as snow

But black inside

If the liquid does flow

then life will abide.


People are afraid of me

Fear for me, falls from above

What I cannot see

They will love


My loved ones will die 

While I'm still alive

What am I?




7 years ago

A Tornado?


7 years ago



7 years ago

This is a wild guess: a pathogen.


7 years ago



7 years ago

A cloud?


7 years ago

Not that one either.


7 years ago

Oh that's easy, a grapefruit!


7 years ago

To quote Donald Trump, "Wrong!"


7 years ago

A cloud?

E: Whoops, already guessed.


7 years ago

I'm going to steal one of @Saika 's guesses: innocence


7 years ago



7 years ago

Whilst I doubt it's what you're going for, I feel semen is an appropriate answer. One sperm survives while its loved ones die, people are definitely afraid of it and its repercussions, life comes when the liquid of it flows, it is white as snow, no soul inside though so its "black" inside, and usually comes from the person on top. People also fear for it, like those old Catholics, as its deposited directly in it never sees what everyone loves (the actual vagina).

I'll be disappointed in you if this isn't the answer, to be honest.


7 years ago Not what I was going for at all. I'll deal with the disappointment.


7 years ago

I feel whatever your answer is, mine's better then.


7 years ago

Sperm cannot feel love, so your assessment of sperm as the answer is off by a bit. My answer, isn't off at all. IMO at least, and I expect in others' as well. That is, if the answer is guessed.


7 years ago

A shit ton of riddles are written from the perspective of things that can't communicate or think, that doesn't make them any less accurate. "Loved ones" could very easily refer to the brothers and sisters that are other sperm cells.


7 years ago

They could make them less accurate in comparison to something that actually is accurate. i.e. The riddle could refer to friends, pets or family, and that would a lot more accurate than sperm. You may be right in that it could have been sperm, and so I retract my earlier statement. Sperm may be able to feel love... so long as it is in the context of a riddle. Regardless of that, my other earlier statement stands true. My answer is more accurate than that of yours.


7 years ago

Just saw this, fuck you, vampies aren't alive so your answer was bollocks and inaccurate.


7 years ago

I might need to think about this one for a while...


7 years ago

Ninja editor. Guess I can't tell you your wrong. Yet.


7 years ago

I just posted a serious answer, so I guess you can.


7 years ago
How about a hint? Is it a natural/geological object, living thing, abstract concept or what?

The problem with these kinds of riddles is unless something jumps out at you immediately you're stuck comparing it against every thing in existence. And half the time when it's just some random person writing them, the clues only make sense to that person.


7 years ago

The Earth's core?


7 years ago



7 years ago

It has come to my attention that a hint may be needed. I've always had trouble on riding the fine line between not giving enough of a hint, and giving away too much. But here goes... 


It is a being.




7 years ago
Wait I've got this! Is it a black Klansman?


7 years ago

Ah, no.


7 years ago



7 years ago

That's not very helpful. A better hint would be explaining a part of the riddle in more detail (ex: what the "liquid" is)


7 years ago

I considered that, but it would have given way to much away imo.

EDIT: And that's another hint in of itself.


7 years ago

By way of hint,

The word "black" in the second line could be replaced with "dead."


7 years ago
is it MK?


7 years ago



7 years ago


7 years ago

Indeed. It is a vampire. 

Its fear falling from above refers to sunlight. The liquid is blood. What it cannot see is its reflection, and vampires are kinda made out to be attractive. Hence the love part. A vampire is immortal, so therefore all of its loved ones would die before it. 

Congrats mizal.


7 years ago
Good job me!

Okay, my turn:

What have I got in my pocket?


7 years ago
a, wait. are you just excited to see me?


7 years ago

Oxygen molecules.


7 years ago

A grapefruit!


7 years ago
Trick question everyone, I'm not wearing any pants. :)


7 years ago

Then it must be a shirt pocket.


7 years ago
I do want to point out that the first line would make Wesley Snipes want to have a word with you.


7 years ago

Uh, lame. Vampires can just as easily be ugly as fuck like Count Orlok from Nosferatu or Dracula or Varney, and they sure as shit don't feel love for pathetic mortals.

More importantly, if liquid flows, life doesn't abide. This riddle was stupid and broken, and you should feel bad. One person dies from having their blood drained, the other person is undead and there's no life there.

Meanwhile, Steve's answer works.


7 years ago

So a vampire can't love another vampire? Pretty sure that's happened in a lot of vampire-related works. Their loved ones would therefore die only if they were not other vampires, and if none of them were humans turned into vampires. This also assumes we mean "die" in the sense of dying of old age only.

As good a riddle as it was, it still seems kinda flawed. I spent a bit of time convinced that "falling from above" referred to rain or something, and started thinking about fricking snowmen.


7 years ago
Vampire was an okayish solution, but a really good riddle should have descriptors that are universally true about whatever the answer is. 'Vampires CAN be beautiful and CAN feel love in certain specific circumstances' or having your first line fall apart if the vampire in question isn't a pasty Caucasian are flaws.

Using white as a color and black as a stand in for 'dead' was also misleading.


7 years ago
meth head?


7 years ago

@Chanbot For some reason it won't let me reply to you. Anyway, your answer is incorrect.


7 years ago
If not for the first two lines, my guess would be a baby. Otherwise I got nothing.


7 years ago
Is it a cavity?


7 years ago



7 years ago

You might wanna put a comma after "fear". It's a little ambiguous otherwise.


7 years ago

Alright, here goes my serious guess:

Is it an egg/chicken?


7 years ago

Regretfully, no.


7 years ago


Do we get any hints?


7 years ago
I'm wondering at the middle section. Being afraid OF something and fearing FOR it are two completely different things, but I'm not sure if it's intentional or a slip up in phrasing.


7 years ago

Intentional. Probably wouldn't have posted a riddle with flaws that easily recognized. 


7 years ago

I'll do one.

I can make it hot.

I can make it cold.

I can make the Earth rotate.

Things are destroyed within me.

Things are created within me.

Nothing can last within me forever.

I pass every day, yet I never die,

What am I?


7 years ago

Oh that's easy! A grapefruit!


7 years ago

You must like grapefruit. That is not the answer, though I wish it was. If a Grapefruit held that much power, we could all be Gods!


7 years ago

Actually I hate grapefruit.

Really the grapefruit answer is a reference to something I doubt anyone here is going to know and only I would find amusing in the first place because I got a weird sense of humor.


7 years ago

I'm assuming you're referencing the YouTube video "Grapefruit your man".




Actually, I'm probably wrong.


7 years ago


It's from an old Infocom text game called "Leather Goddess of Phobos"

During your adventure in trying to build a machine to stop her from taking over earth at one point you're at a Martian sultan's palace who asks you a riddle. If you get it right you get to have sex with one of his harem girls. If you get it wrong you get fed to some alien beast.

Before you even get a chance to answer the question, the dude you're traveling with suddenly blurts out an answer.

"Oh that's easy! A grapefruit!"

Of course that's the wrong answer and he gets ripped apart by the sultan's alien beasts, then you have to answer the riddle correctly or suffer the same fate.

(Your friend isn't dead for long though since he gets killed multiple times in the game and then will suddenly pop up again explaining how he managed to survive)


7 years ago

Wow. I was so off.

I need an infocom emulator to play that right?


7 years ago

I think all the old Infocom games are online for free somewhere. Or at least there was a site that had them.

I know there’s an app called “Lost Treasures of Infocom” that has almost all of them.


7 years ago

Cool. I'm gonna go looking for that then.


7 years ago

A cloud?


7 years ago



7 years ago

The Sun?


7 years ago

Good guess, but no.


7 years ago



7 years ago

That answer could work, but no.


7 years ago

Time passes everyday but never end, the only thing that makes the Earth rotate is time passing, things are created and destroyed within time, nothing lasts forever and as time goes on things can get hotter and colder, like food cooling or a planet increasing in heat because you guys didn't listen to Al Gore.

If once again I've found a better answer to this then the one thought of, I'll be even more annoyed than I usually am towards you.


7 years ago



7 years ago
(Might as well guess.)

The Sun?


7 years ago
Already ruled out.


7 years ago

Huh, not sure how I missed it, whoops.

Might as well guess again...


7 years ago

Life. Gravity. The universe. Atmospheric pressure.


7 years ago

First guess would've been the sun. Time also works.


7 years ago

The sun will die.


7 years ago
This is a riddle, not a science quiz.

Time won't be around forever either, if we're going that route.


7 years ago

How so?

Edit: Also, doesn't make things cold.


7 years ago
Use Google you lazy piece of shit.


7 years ago

Just did, lots of theories, nothing solid. Time is eternal, cunt.


7 years ago

I suspect that none of my answers are correct so far, so I will go for another guess: Water.



7 years ago

Wind. Humanity. Love. Death.


7 years ago

Right, as I'm almost certain the answer doesn't work and hence we'll never get it, tell us, Minnie.


7 years ago

Is it Weather?


7 years ago


7 years ago

Saika was correct: It was indeed Atmospheric Pressure. Though Steve's answer was probably better, just not the one I had in mind.


7 years ago

How the fuck does atmospheric pressure make the earth rotate, you fucking clown, or nothing can last forever within it? You absolute uppity fucking monkey, screw you.

I goddamn knew my answer was better than Minnie's.


7 years ago


I wasn't even being serious with that one. I just threw that in because atmosphere on its own didn't quite fit. Oh well.


7 years ago
Here, I made one:

Vessel of gold
rubies within
Refreshes in morning
Treacherous mint

Slain with sword
Pillaged with spade
Touch of amber
Soothes bitter fate.


7 years ago
that one cherry-red alcoholic beverage basic white bitches get at the bar.


7 years ago

A grapefruit!


7 years ago
Unbelievable! On your first attempt, too. No one could have predicted this.

Okay, move along kids. End is just better at riddles than the rest of you.


7 years ago

Grapefruit was shit and you shouldn't have done it. Once again, Steve is needed to give a better answer.

Canopic Jars, because they could be made of gold and held the blood red heart and other organs inside of a great king slain in a war against conquering Romans who brought in new coins with the head of the enemy leader minted on them. In the afterlife the king's spirit is reborn everyday, but his canopic jars have been pillaged by grave-robbers in the modern day. A bitter fate, but the amber that Egyptians used to preserve mummies in their religion helps keep him somewhat preserved, and thus his legacy is unending.


7 years ago
None of this matters in the face of you admitting you had to google a grapefruit to find out what a grapefruit looks like.


7 years ago

My country isn't a good climate for them.


7 years ago

Here’s an old one

I can make a gray sky blue
I can make it rain whenever I want it to
I can build a castle from a single grain of sand
I can make the seasons change with just a wave of my hand

I can turn a river into a raging fire
I can live forever if I so desire
I can change anything from old to new
But the thing I want to do the most, I’m unable to do

What am I?


7 years ago
LOL. Took me a moment.


7 years ago

A filthy Scottish whore?


7 years ago

Okay guys, this one is tricky and hard, be prepared.

This is a bitter yet sweet citrus fruit, oh and its somewhat sour.

What is it? 


7 years ago

Mizal beat you to it, you dumb basic bitch, she is your superior.


7 years ago

Huh? But the answer isn't grapefruit, fag.

Guess again.  


7 years ago

From now on, my answer to every riddle is going to be a grapefruit, just like my answer to those Rorschach pictures all look like vaginas.


7 years ago

Think perpendicular.


7 years ago

An orange?


7 years ago

Depends on the type of orange, but you know what... this riddle was exceptionally advanced so I'll give you a passing mark. 


7 years ago

Is it a lemon?


7 years ago

Well, since the only other riddles on offer are blatantly wrong and awful, I'll put up one. I wasn't going to put it up because it's not very good and I don't think it'll work, but after seeing what you've all had to offer I feel drawing for last place isn't too bad.

My body is cold,

Acrid and burnt is my breath.

I'm quite quite fearsome to behold

And my true name is death.


I was born yellow and upbeat,

I put men in a trance,

But I soon learned to eat

Through the prick of a lance.


I dived the waters with the Great,

I soared the skies of the hexagon.

My hunger never is sate,

And worldwide are my spawn.


You can try tame me, though

I bring death and disaster.

It's best you all know

I have no true master.


7 years ago


7 years ago

No. Fire isn't cold, and it sure as shit didn't dive waters with the Great, you gigantic cock.


7 years ago
Ashes are cold, smoke is acrid and burnt. I like how you edited this to make it more insulting after whining in the chat about how no one liked your riddle. That'll get more people attempting answers for sure.


7 years ago

We've been through this Mizal, you don't know how riddles work. Fire is not cold because eventually in its absence things can begin cold. The sun is not cold because it's absence means things get colder. That's not how descriptors work.


7 years ago
Its remains = its body aka what it leaves behind.

Calling it now that IAP's answer will be better than yours.


7 years ago



7 years ago


Edit: Also no to coins, but for some reason I can't reply to him.


7 years ago
I was wondering about a dragon actually, with reference to the myth starting out based on ordinary snakes and later sea serpents but then I remembered Steve insists on things being interpreted only extremely literally (because poetry is for faggots) and also I realized I don't care.


7 years ago

Some kind of bird?


7 years ago

A mosquito or a bedbug?


7 years ago
Huh. Except for the first verse, mosquito actually fits pretty well.


7 years ago

That's a pretty good guess. It's not it but well done anyway.


7 years ago

Give us a hint


7 years ago

Ummm... no.


7 years ago

A prostitute that has many STDs.

(Otherwise known as Steve.)


7 years ago
Don't call Steve a prostitute, jeez.

Steve has never once demanded money before fucking a random stranger.

(I believe the fancy Latin term for the way he works is pro boner.)


7 years ago

Well, Steve doesn't have to charge money to offer his services as a prostitute. He can be a whore that works for free.

Besides, it's all a part of his master plan to infect everyone with his many STDs.

As the riddle entails.


7 years ago

No, that's just being easy.


7 years ago

No, and I take some offence at this, although I note Mizal has mounted my defense already.


7 years ago

I feel like it's some type of drug. Some I'll just guess "drugs."


7 years ago



7 years ago



7 years ago



7 years ago

Are you uranium?


7 years ago



7 years ago

Let's get a real easy one so people actually have a shot at guessing it


I am no physical being,

But I dictate what people say

I can be expressed

In many different ways.

I have many different varieties

that go by location

I can also be changed

With hard concentration.


I'll be back in 12 hours to see if anyone guessed it


7 years ago

Oh, that's easy!

A ghost in The Sims 3!

Ghosts aren't physical beings, and they dictate what people say in the graveyard and if you have one in your active household. The sims can express emotion toward the ghosts in many ways, and they have a lot of varieties depending on their death. You can change a ghost using a cheat to edit the sim if you concentrate on the actions and panel hard enough.

Better than admitting I have no idea what it is, right?


7 years ago

That's a good one but no


7 years ago


7 years ago



7 years ago
An opinion?


7 years ago



7 years ago
That's your opinion...


7 years ago

What can you catch over and over again without any chance of hitting the ground?


7 years ago

The flu.


7 years ago

Not my answer but I'll give you that one


7 years ago

For like the hundredth time, my answer is perfect, and your answer will be inferior.


7 years ago

The clap


7 years ago

Same response for Steve. It's not an illness guys


7 years ago

Wind when flying a kite.


7 years ago

You guys are looking way to much into this


7 years ago

ok I got it this time, a train


7 years ago



7 years ago

Maybe provide a little more detail? There are about a thousand accurate answers to this.


7 years ago

Minnie, from this point on Steve's answer is taken as the correct one, unless a better one can be found.

A better one can never be found.


7 years ago

I guess so just scrap it then


7 years ago

What was your answer, asshole?


7 years ago

Your breath


7 years ago

Oh yeah, that is shit and worse than mine.


7 years ago



7 years ago

I am a million things to a million mortals

Harbinger of death, ambassador of ecstacy, bringer of plagues and all things forsaken and forbidden by saner men.

I am a wise and wily necromancer, I am a thoughtless, bloodthirsty animal. I am a vengeful god, or I am cruel vermin. I am many or I am few, I am civilized or anarchic, I am born or made or risen. I am a rabid man, an unpopular woman, a conspicuous baby, or a mangy coyote.

My teeth are either steel or bone, my flesh is rotten, warm, or incorporeal, my palms are either hairy or leathery. I am a stiff body gone hopping mad, I am a lithe lycanthrope, I am a magnificent bastard with lightning bolts for sideburns, I am a fruit left out in the sun a month too long, a floating head with guts dragging behind it, a tree growing in a battlefield, a woman chopped in half, or an angry German Garden Gnome. 

I am a tremendous black man with iron hooks for hands.

I am a spirit, I am a disease, I am an animal, mineral, vegetable, and numerous other things, but there is one more convenient word for me. What is it?


7 years ago

"It" is a pronoun in the English language used to indicate a noun with no specific gender.


7 years ago

No, the word people use to describe the narrator of the above riddle, you technicality-abusing mammoth pirate!


7 years ago

These are sad times when a simple mammoth pirate can't abuse technicalities without being insulted by internet users whose namesake is a flightless bird from an iceberg.


7 years ago

I'll have you know it's the namesake of a proud beastman race of bird warriors who go about stealing boats and pillaging orc villages! Flightless birds be damned! What kind of self-respecting person names themselves after an ice-chicken and expects to garner respect from sane human beings? Aside from the bird people I guess.


7 years ago

Yeah but what is the point of being a bird if you can't fly? It just seems contradictory.


7 years ago

I dunno, being able to chew open coconuts and thick hide and shit with your bare face is pretty useful. That and having a second, disposable skin made of Featherlike hairs shelled with bodily resin and waterproof oils is kind of useful when you're fighting things that have teeth or sharp objects. That, and being able to drink saltwater with no repercussions is a huge logistics advantage when you think about it.

Really I'm surprised more people aren'aren't named after them.


7 years ago

Being a flightless bird is just wrong. It's like if a human couldn't use tools. Those humans would be no better than monkeys! Penguins should have just been seals or fish.




7 years ago

Being a flightless birdman, though? Why, that's a step and a half above being just a man. So what if they can't fly lime the other avian men? They'll still kick their asses! And they'll be extra brutal about it!


7 years ago

Being a flightless birdman is twice as absurd. If one was to be a birdman, one would assume they could fly. A flightless birdman isn't as good as a flying birdman, and it isn't as good as other animals that can't fly either. Fishmen are better at swimming, molemen are better at digging, and catmen are better at running. And even worse, they are way too sensitive to technicality abuse.


7 years ago

Do you know how evolutionary expensive it is to grow another pair of limbs, let alone how hard it is to put a human  body in the air? Birdmen that don't suffer deadly complications from the sheer metabolic expense of their wings die not being able to control themselves in the air, or underestimating the amount of energy it takes to drag their 100-pound selves off the ground for extended periods. Penguin men don't bother with any of that shit, they take the little advantages and suffer none of the defects as a result. They develop nigh hypothermia-proof skins for fishing and mermaid-fighting, they replace their mouths with what are essentially face-mounted hand-axes, and holy shit, they don't sacrifice the precious little space they have in their chromosomes building wings and making their bones light and fragile and going to all those other lengths that eagle-men seem to go to to make themselves into hilariously useless organisms! Penguin Men are better at swimming, and they're better at surviving in the mountains and on coastlines, and by george, the only thing the other beastmen will be doing is handing over all the holes they dug and using their super feet to run the fuck away if the Penguin men decide to roll in!

Also, just because one penguin man is sensitive to technicality abuse doesn't mean they all are! You're a bigot and I suggest you check your Conanlike Privielege!


7 years ago

Well... your riddle was a bit uninteresting! 


7 years ago

Well so is the answer! And I'm damned surprised nobody's come up with what it is by now!


7 years ago

Is it you? Or nothing? Or a monster? Or a... no just give the answer.


7 years ago

Maybe it's imagination.


7 years ago



7 years ago

Well, shit. I feel sorry for you, if that's how life is. Or, if that's how you live your life, congratulations on being such a bizarrely metal motherfucker.


7 years ago

Here's my reason. Life makes billions of people each with their own purpose. (What it means to them) Life always leads to death. It is filled with happiness and sadness. Life of bacteria (and the things that spread it) cause plagues All of your third paragraph describes different life forms (Same with paragraph 5 and 6) Paragraph 4 was the hardest to decipher. But I figured it out.

Sentence 1: Sometimes people get steel caps on their teeth to replace the ones that have fallen out. Snakes shed their ROTTEN skin, Humans and most animals have WARM skin, and plants to not have any skin, therefore making them INCORPOREAL.

Sentence 2-End: These are different life forms explained by useless descriptions.


7 years ago

Steel caps aren't living, and the fact that you needed to put sometimes shows that it's obscure enough that the personification of life would never do it. Snake skin isn't rotten when the snake sheds it unless it has a fungal infection or some shit. You don't know what incorporeal means, do you?

Pretty sure a corpse is not a life form, unless you count the notion that it's a breeding ground for detritivore life forms.


7 years ago



7 years ago

Holy shit, no. I thought I was being pretty fucking blatant about my references, but I guess not.


7 years ago




7 years ago

No, Tim. I'm very disappointed, I thought you of all people would've been able to do it.


7 years ago

The big bad Satan himself.


7 years ago
God? Idea? Death?


7 years ago

A cosplayer.


7 years ago

Not Satan, God, Idea, Death, Imagination, or any of the things you silly bastards mentioned. I feel like the moment I hint at what this is and why I wrote this riddle, you're gonna immediately know what it is, so here's a breakdown on things I feel like you've missed.

The opening line needs to be looked into a lot more. I feel like that explains the contradictory shit, and establishes the stereotypical attitude of the Narrator.

The second paragraph is how the narrator's been portrayed throughout its documebtation.

Three is about the narrator's place in the world it inhabits, including both fantastical and rational explanations.

Paragraph 4 is all about LITERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, that are ALL possessed by the narrator, so for the love of Christ stop guessing abstract concepts, or anything that can't literally be a black man with hand hooks, old fruit, a lycanthrope, etc.



7 years ago

A grapefruit.


7 years ago

The fact that it's a million things to a million mortals typically points to some abstract concept, especially when there's contradictions left and right. But okay.

It's a very confused shape shifter.


7 years ago

The whole big black man with hook hands is what is throwing me off.

I mean I want to just say it's Candyman and be done with it.


7 years ago

Candyman only has one hook!


7 years ago

Well that's why I didn't say it was him, I wanted to though.

It's also why I didn't say "A dream" since the only person here that would be dreaming of big black dudes of any kind is Malk.


7 years ago

Hm. Y'know what, fuck it, it can be. You're the closest anyone's been.


7 years ago
I would've guessed a deity, but it seemed like a lost cause.


7 years ago

Also sometimes. I can name 2 deities that for sure could be addressed by the word requested by the riddle, and maybe 30 deities that are this by technicality, but not all deities qualify.


7 years ago

Okay so if it is a million things to a million mortals, then to 7,510,632,000 mortals it is not a million things. That could narrow it down.


7 years ago

The crusaders of the Holy Land


7 years ago

... Interesting choice. I'll hold off on yelling at you like everyone else until I actually see why you picked that for an answer.


7 years ago

Now I'm imagining werewolves, grapefruits and Tony Todd in crusader armor killing Muslims.


7 years ago

Hold up man it was a joke


7 years ago

So not only are you WRONG, but you can't even find the reasoning to back up a comedy bit!? You disappointing buffoon!


7 years ago



7 years ago



7 years ago

Aha! You're the closest anyone's been to the true answer!

Here's the last clue that should make it blatantly obvious:

I wanted to make a version of a pre-existing riddle here that wasn't bullshit.


7 years ago
Please don't say it's a vampire again.


7 years ago
Dammit, it really fucking is. LOL


7 years ago

So politician is correct!


7 years ago
It's a vampire.

I almost wish he hadn't given it away just then because I'd already figured it as having some sort of folklore connection, just hadn't done enough googling to move past vague and abstract answers like 'fear of the unknown' or whatever.

Sent, if you'd said pumpkin instead of fruit someone may have gotten in sooner. No one ever forgets the pumpkin vampires.


7 years ago

I didn't want to leave out the melon vampires though!


7 years ago


Stiff bodies gone hopping mad are Jiangshi/Kyonshi

The lithe lycanthrope is either a vampire that can turn into a dog/wolf/whathaveyou or a chupacabra again (explicitly referenced as a mangy coyote) depending on what people are still saying about those things.

The magnificent bastard with lightning bolts for sideburns is, of course, Blackula.

The fruit left out a month too long refers to the East European belief that if you leave pumpkins and melons out after Christmas, they'll turn into vampires and annoy people to death.

The floating head is the penangalan.

The tree is the only Japan-specific vampire, and it's a tree that grows over a battlefield or a murder scene and becomes a blood-addicted ghost because of it. I forgot what it was called, though.

Black guy with hooks is the sasabonsam. I guess his hooks were feet though, so I fucked up, but it's not like people were going to catch that if they didn't catch any of the other references first.


7 years ago

Well done Okay riddle.


7 years ago
Thorough riddle.

Better than most posted so far, it's just that there's not much puzzling things out or twisting of the mind needed to lead to that 'aha!' moment, it depends more on if you recognize at least one or two of the specific references or not.

I'm kind of curious now whether any resources exist on the art of creating riddles. Solving them depends a lot on being able to trust the author to use internal logic consistently, and having some kind of framework or reference on how the answer could be categorized so that you're not doing the thing where you're comparing each hint in turn to everything that ever existed to see if it fits.


7 years ago

Bad riddle.


7 years ago

Pff YOU'RE a bad riddle!


7 years ago

Then tell me the answer to me.


7 years ago

I can't, you're not a question.


7 years ago

This was also a bad riddle, Vampires aren't vegetables or minerals.


7 years ago

Some vampires, like the ones in Twilight, are portrayed as being made from rock or crystal-like materials. Cultures real and fictional present blood to idols of vampiric gods, which can be made from stone or plant matter. The term vegetable isn't a botanical one, so it can be applied to just about any part of a plant, also looping in those pumpkin vampires.


7 years ago

The ones in Twilight aren't crystal, they just happen to sparkle in sunlight, and the fact that you can make idols out of something doesn't make it that thing. This riddle was a trick and you sir are a fool.


7 years ago

Twilight vampires are made of stone cells powered by magic lube. I'm not even making that up, that's the Twilight Canon.

The only extant version of that thing is the idol, though, and they'they're the only ones near blood during the perceived blood drinking, therefore they are the unliving things drinking blood and the idols are vampires. So YOU are the fool here.


7 years ago

You are incorrect, and I refuse to allow the idols as vampires. I refute your statement and thus your riddle.


7 years ago

"Their skin is flawless and textured with a marble-like substance much harder and stronger than granite. Due to the crystalline properties of their cells, when a vampire is exposed to sunlight, their body will sparkle like diamonds. " Twilights are minerals.

The idols fit the technical definition, being nonliving fictional creatures that drink blood. Either way, you still have the mineral Twilight vampires and the Vegetable Melon vampires, so your refutation has been refuted and the riddle stands strong.


7 years ago

Shit, I stand corrected.


7 years ago

... A liar?

Well, shit.

Fucking hell, too bad I didn't know all that information about vampires.


7 years ago
'According to the late Serbian ethnologist Tatomir Vukanovic, Roma people in Kosovo believed that vampires were invisible to most people, but could be seen by a twin brother and sister born on a Saturday who wore their clothes inside out.'

Some of this stuff is so very specific.


7 years ago

I forge empires
I give men power
When men see me
They fight me or cower

The tool of a dancer
Art on the wall
Should I touch someone
Even the strongest will fall

I kill all
Yet I do not rule
One who does not own me
Is naught but a fool


7 years ago

A sword?


7 years ago

Good job. You answered in 2 minutes.


7 years ago

Haha, yeah, I happened to see it when you just posted it. Nice riddle though.


7 years ago
Well it's a pretty pre-school level puzzle, except for the parts that don't necessarily fit.


7 years ago

I'm terrible at making riddles but, given the quality so far in this thread, I though I'd give it a try: 

I am a part of so many sums
Though not for all to see.
Like, one and two make two of me,
While two and three make one.
There are plenty to see in the whole wide world,
Though in daily life there are none. 

What am I? 


7 years ago
The letter O, which looks like a zero.

If I'm right I'm thrilled with myself and declaring this the best riddle in the thread.


7 years ago

Yup, that's correct.


7 years ago

I am like a box that holds many keys

Each one is different, but all look the same

I am not meant to move, I am meant to move others

But to do this I need hands, and a map to guide them

What am I?


7 years ago

Are you a car? Or a computer?


7 years ago
This seems a little familiar, I'm guessing it's the old 'piano' riddle reworded.

e: looks like there's a lot of different versions of it actually but they all have a variation of that 'key' line


7 years ago

You're on a roll Mizal, it is a piano. I actually have never heard of a piano riddle before, I made this one myself.

The keys are the keys of the piano, all making a different sound but looking the same.

The piano itself is not meant to be moved, it moves others emotionally through the sound it makes.

But it needs hands to play it with a map, which is the song being played.


7 years ago

I have ten thumbs and a load of ol' Shhhhit.

And two left feet and no swimming skills.

And two left eyes. And two right brains. And your mom. Both of them.

And when I have a map, it's broken, and when I have a book, it's too hard. And if you think I'm stupid, well, the fact is that YOU'RE stupid. You fucking retard.

I will sleep with anyone, but it's misconsensual.

And I can fight anything, but it's not conventional.

Sometimes I'm better and sometimes I'm worse

Than you are. Bitch.

I can spell like a wizard and fly like a bird and drive like Vin Diesel and deduce like Sherlock.

And screw your mom(s).

I am a philosopher without a brain, a rebel without a clause, a donut without a glaze, a confectionery without an inflectionery.

And I am a mathematical equation.

FFFFFFuck you.

What am I?


7 years ago



7 years ago

No, I don't animate.


7 years ago

Rather Grumpy


7 years ago

You're wrong, even though this riddle does taste of egoraptor.


7 years ago

Just checking I got the reference right! My best guess is that there is no answer, and that this is a load of crap meant to make people pointlessly think.


7 years ago

Nah, the answer is sort of a play on words rather than an actual noun. Though there is some pointless thinking involved, it's still characterization of the narrator pointing to the answrr.


7 years ago

After thinking long and hard about this, I have come to the conclusion that the answer is this:

An AU version of Kanye West which has been cloned 5 times, each of which has been genetically engineered with a unique superhuman ability and also a disadvantageous mutation.

Kanye West the First is born with wings, yet cannot swim, Kanye West the Second is equipped with a mechanical dictionary in his brain, allowing him to spell any word instantaneously, yet he was born with three eyes and two of them are on the left side of his face (two left eyes). Kanye West the Third has professional driving skills yet was also born with three feet, and two of those feet are on the left (two left feet), which presents some amusing imagery if you imagine him trying to use the car pedals. Kanye West the Fourth is a master detective, yet suffers from a tragic personality disorder in which he believes himself to be nothing more than an unsolvable quadratic equation.

Naturally, none of the Kanyes can read a map or a book properly. All of them will sleep around and fight everyone.

Five Kanyes = Five lots of two thumbs = Ten thumbs

I also believe that writing all of this out has been a complete waste of time, but I will be content in the knowledge that this answer will hopefully inspire someone to write an epic storygame about this. Even if it is wrong, it will probably look classier than whatever the real answer is.

Kanye out.


7 years ago

*applauds enthusiastically*


7 years ago

Hm... Nope. If we'we're gonna go with musical celebrities, though, I'd be somewhere more along the lines of John Bonham, Mussorgsky, Amy Winehouse...

... Eugh, felt my soul blacken a little there. I hope the wordplay at the end turns out to be worth it...


7 years ago

A douchebag.


7 years ago

Yes, but what's your answer to the riddle?


7 years ago

I'll do one.

Hairless, sightless and deaf I may be,
My home lies below in the depths of the sea
Glimmering scales shine down the length of my tail
Yet I could once pick up objects and squeeze them without fail
I was called a beauty, a seducer, a stealer of souls
I sang for you once, but I will be singing no more
Someone has taken a precious part of me away
Describe me in three words or less: what am I, pray?


7 years ago

Simple! 'Bald singer's corpse' (dumped in the sea, but I suppose that's going over the word limit)

I want to say mermaid, but it doesn't quite work and I have crippling commitment issues. I feel like it's something to do with mythology though.


7 years ago

Mermaid is close. As is the corpse part. Individually, neither are completely correct.


7 years ago
A dead mermaid?


7 years ago

More specifics required here: not all dead mermaids would be hairless.


7 years ago
Dead, hairless mermaid. :)


7 years ago

...It could fit, I guess. The sightless and deaf part is meant to allude to why they are dead, however, rather than the missing hair.


7 years ago

A Pearlless Clam?

Or a wooden mermaid that they put on the front of ships, I dunno what those are called.


7 years ago

Neither of these are capable of singing as implied in the riddle. The singing itself is not metaphorical.


7 years ago

The only thing I can think of is a siren, though I don't think they have scales. I want to say they're more like half birds half women or something, but they're around the sea.

Edit: Surely it's a dead bald mermaid then!


7 years ago

Nope, unless you're implying that they weren't always bald.

One of the lines says that something precious was taken from them. (No, it's not referring to their life.)


7 years ago

In that case, I'll go ahead and say I am implying that and so I'm correct?

(Hmm.. somehow I don't quite get the feeling that was your intended answer. I'll keep thinking about it)

The thing that confuses me the most is the squeezing part. That makes me inclined to think of ocean beds and stuff and I don't really know why. Something similar to a mermaid, dead, blind and deaf... hmm.


7 years ago

Well, an answer like that could fit but seeing as it's not three words or less (as in the last line of the riddle), so it's not what I'm going for.

I will confess here that the squeezing part literally means she has hands. She has fingers which can squeeze objects, or handle them, or do anything to them. I could have preferred to use the word "manipulate", or something like that, but it would probably destroy what little poetry was there in the first place.


7 years ago

I like the way it's written! 'She', ey? And it's not some obscure mythological creature that I'd have to have read the Ilyad in its original ancient Greek to know of?


7 years ago

No, aside from the mermaid part. 

What's missing is something that describes them physically. It also explains the first line.


7 years ago

The Little Mermaid?


7 years ago

No, as sightless and deaf wouldn't fit (unless there's been some bizarre change in the Disney sequels since I last watched). This part isn't a metaphor.


7 years ago

The sirens? Not sure if it fits, I remember reading about them in greek mythology at some point a few years back.

Edit: Nevermind it's already been guessed


7 years ago

Headless handless mermaid


7 years ago

A headless mermaid is correct. 

She still has hands, even in death, it's just that she can't use them anymore. On account of being dead.


7 years ago

One I've been waiting to fit somewhere into my story:

Knock me either side to sleep,

Your body is one, and has one,

Some enter me to reap,

Eternity for when all else is gone.

What am I suckers?


7 years ago

A bed!


7 years ago

A no!


7 years ago

A dream? A deathbed?


7 years ago

















Not really. Nope.


7 years ago

If you could not act like a troll and space your messages annoyingly, that would be great, thanks.


7 years ago

Ah I'm sorry. I'll give you a hint: it's not to do with sleeping. Don't tell the others I told you!


7 years ago

Huh, I get the feeling that this doesn't have anything to do with sleeping.


7 years ago

Getting colder...


7 years ago

A brain?


7 years ago

The shark's on the right lines. 


7 years ago

Imagination or the mind. Something like that.

Just realised it was something tangible. My bad.


7 years ago

Is it a form of suicide?


7 years ago

It's not to do with death. I suppose it is pretty hard, but it's an artificial, tangible object.


7 years ago

You're a clock. Possibly an alarm clock.


7 years ago

As far as I'm aware, people don't really enter alarm clocks seeking the sweet bliss of eternal life! Then again, I've met only a fraction of a fraction of the 7 billion people on this Earth, so perhaps that makes perfect sense to you:)


7 years ago

A heart? 


7 years ago

Nope. Do you want another hint?

Edit: Okay, I've thought of another verse:

Housing Gods and men alike,

I adorn their very heads,

Destroy me and you'll surely strike,

Divine retribution- final deathbed.


7 years ago

The hypothalamus.


7 years ago

Nah, I'm so sick of negative feedback cycles. I'd never do a riddle on that.


7 years ago

Here's another I made up (I do like my riddles):

For some: killer of Gods, evidence to others,

Tracked generation to next through fathers and mothers,

I mould all life,

manifest through strife,

You are the product,

Though not final by my conduct.

What be I, petty mortals?


7 years ago
Science? Evolution? Biology?


7 years ago

Curses, I've been foiled. Evolution was correct. 


7 years ago
And once again you've been beaten, fake blindy. :)


7 years ago

I'll have to scuttle back off to my evil lair and concoct something better.