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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I've been somewhat curious for a while as to what the general age range is for CYS users.  I'm guessing the average is in the 14-16 range, but if anyone else has any speculation feel free to comment!

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Well, actually, most of the users here are 18 years of age or more. Especially the ones that post more often/reply more often on The Lounge. I myself am fourteen.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Most of the really young kids were driven off with the various purges, and while 14-16 or so used to be common, it's been a couple years for most of those members that are still around. The site doesn't skew anywhere near as young as it used to, thank God.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

That might explain the recent decline in the shitty fan fictions lmao

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Warrior Cat ban took out most of those, and swift and brutal retribution on anyone who seems poised to follow in their footsteps is also a factor.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Agreed. Back in the day of Warrior Cats, there were many kids under 10 probably browsing or posting on the website. The ban took care of those, and cut back on the fanfictions.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Yeah it seems most of the stories posted have a better quality than a couple years ago.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
The last time JJJ was around he added that 48 hour wait in between creating a game and publishing it too, which I think also has been a big factor. No more 90 minute masterpieces flooding the new games list. The sort of idiot inclined to do so rarely has the attention span or patience required to wait a couple days.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Some people can crank out a good story in a couple of days and most.....well can't 

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

There's a ban on Warrior Cats?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Excellent name/post combo.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure that those in the lair, with an exception, do not fall into this speculation.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Mayana isn't human though. I'm sure she counts as an adult if you calculate her age out in blind-years.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
No, we age the same, so we can better hide in the monkey ... er, human population. You're out of luck, I'm still an annoying teenager. :)
There are still many children on the site, but for sure less than before. Many of them got banned or left after we deleted their stories. But we don't have that many old people either. IAP is the oldest one I know on here. We need some 80 year olds.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
e: nevermind, now it loaded

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Really no way to know, just random guessing. I'd still suspect it is closer to 16 than 25.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

It seems that there's at least a few 30-40 something year olds, a nice amount of 16-18 years olds, and then people in their early twenties.  Personally I'm 22 so I guess I'm close enough to the average lmao

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I can confirm I am with in the estimated 16-25 being 16 myself.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Wow.  Well, my presence here is skewing the average age upwards.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Nah, we've got several people in the 20 to 40-something range. We're all just conspicuously not listing ages in here lol.

A lot depends on the definition of 'CYS users' though, because I'm only counting forum people who participate in the site in some fashion.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'd say the age is higher than that. Our mods these days are old enouph to have a kid as old as some of our younger members. Our better writers are all pretty old (past 18). In face, I believe there were only two to have featured games since I was here that were in any way young. 

So, the older you get, the more mature and generally better at writing you get! These days we don't have many young ones. btw, I'm 19 in case you'd want to know. I'd feel like an arse to not somewhat after not amswering your question after typing all of this.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
18-19 currently seems to be a really popular age around here. Although I think most of them have been around a couple years and so obviously were closer to the OP's guess at the time.

I think Crescent is the youngest author to get anything featured in awhile. Although I believe Steve was 17 when he did Achilles and Path of Death and the like.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Yeah, I think I was.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Guess I’ll join that younger age group of people who’ve gotten a story featured. Age seventeen is a golden age for writing. Well, at least for me it is.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Yea, that'd been nice for me to have. Other than CYS's friendly Irishman and Cres, you've been the youngest featured writer I've seen since I've been here. (Of course, 3J had some stuff way.)

Hey, I just wanted to say good job on the contest. You were really close to a top 3 finish. I hope you keep entering contests in the future. - Sethaniel
?I'm still kicking myself in the pants for voting my own storygame last in all categories (since I misread the directions like a retard). Doing otherwise probably would've put Solstice in the top three and given me a featured storygame. :( 

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I'm 17 now as well, but I was 13 when I joined and 14 when I wrote and published my only two stories. The older I get the lazier I get to be honest.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I thought you were in your early 20s.

JJJ I think was 13 or so when he was getting stuff featured here, there might have been a couple of others during that MAG period that were young too since the story qualification for getting featured weren’t as high as they are now.

But most of those have been taken down now anyway.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I actually was in that age range back when I first joined the site. God I'm getting old.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Time to trade in that flesh sketch for a skull.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm 22 and what I've always thought is that people here are like grumpy old man/woman that are like 25+, with the occasional 9 year old retards.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
25+ grumpy man/woman I think of as more the ideal we're trying to achieve, but for many of our members that will unfortunately take a few years.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm quite surprised by how young people are here lol. And I hope they don't misunderstand the "grumpy" remark. I got a grumpy old man and I really like him because of that. lol

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

The size of the site is very appealing for those who can find it. However I left awhile back because there was a basically if your not serious or good at writing you should leave situation, I’m sadly horrendous at writing in general so i felt discouraged.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
No one here has an issue with bad writers. Most everyone has an issue with bad writers that put out no effort or willingness to grow.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

It's not skill that's expected, as Bucky said, it's hard work. If you work hard at something, you'll usually create something that's not half-bad.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I think it's more 'if you're not willing to put in any effort, don't bother', which goes for most things in life. (AKA if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right, which I'm sure you've heard before.)

It's not very difficult to get a rating of 3 or higher even if you're still learning. 'Write in English' and 'have your storygame contain either a story or a game' is all the site standards boil down to.

If you feel discouraged by criticism itself however that would be more of a barrier. If there are obvious ways to improve a story, people are going to point them out, and it's assumed a desire for honest feedback is a big part of the reason people write here in first place.

Even if you're not working in a storygame at all though you can still participate and improve the site by writing reviews. Most members don't have their own games.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Like everyone else, I'd assume a good chunk of the site is in the 18+ range. The best writers are definitely in that range, probably in the 21+ range actually. I fall in the 14-16 range; 15, turning 16 this year. Was about 11 or so when I joined the site. I like to think I'm slightly less fucking retarded now, if only a little.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I guess I'm old but most of the site's standards. I'm 46. I'll be 47 on Thursday.  I honestly thought most people would be around my age bracket because we grew up with Edward Packard's Choose Your Own Adventure Books back in the 80's. I guess it's a good thing that there's a lot of young blood here. Keeps the momentum of the whole interactive fiction movement in full-swing. 

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Traditional interactive fiction communities (authors of parser IF like the old Infocom games) tend to be dominated by people who are 30+, but CYOAs at some point became trendy with kids, probably because of being mobile friendly and less of a hurdle for indie devs than regular games.

But you're about Endmaster's age actually so that's a good place to be. You should post more, particularly about what idiots millennials are and how the world has been going downhill since the 80s.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

He's actually older than me, he's closer to IAP's age.

He can still feel free to rant about idiot millennials and how the world has been going downhill since the 80s though.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
The generation below them is even worse. Millennials are retarded for a lot of reasons, but they aren’t eating laundry detergent.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Pffh, your generation fucked up the economy, hated gays and were generally shitheads.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
It's okay Bucky, we consider you an honorary grumpy old bastard, millennial status doesn't matter.

But yes, people born around 2000 tend to be retarded and fragile in ways too varied and hilarious to fully describe. Only the complex baby/bathwater separating mechanism and thorough threshing/refining process CYS now employs keeps the forum as good as it is.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Here, a list of the generation age ranges so everyone can tell exactly who is shit and who is superior. (This only applies to superior western culture. Other barbaric cultures have their own lists)

Lost Generation born 1883 - 1900
G.I. Generation born 1901 - 1927
Silent Generation born 1928 - 1945
Baby Boomers born 1946 - 1964
Generation X born 1965 - 1979
Millennials born 1980 - 1994
iGeneration born 1995 - 2010

Steve’s probably thinking of the Baby Boomers that fucked up the economy and hated gays (Though that one is more obvious in the previous gens). As far as being shitheads, that pretty much could apply to any of them.

In any case, the oldest we got here that I know of are Gen Xers. Even Thomas and IAP are Gen Xers (on the older side of course)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I thought my generation was called Gen. Z but apparently I stand corrected.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

It's one of the many names, but the iGeneration one is apparently that label is gaining in popularity. Millennials were called "Gen Y" for awhile before their current label stuck.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I actually didn't realize the millennial label went back as far as 1980. >.>

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Eh, they always sort of get hazy on when these generations begin and end by a couple years or so. There's bound to be overlap.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I didn't know they got rid of the Y label.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Apparently they got rid of their Y chromosomes as well.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Who needs those pesky X or Y chromosomes anymore? ;)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Quit discriminating against me by lumping me into a generation I don't identify with. ^_^

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

According to this I'm at the very tail end of Generation X, having been born in '79.  Some places list Gen X going all the way to '82.  Apparently it's not scientific enough for people to agree where the Generations begin and end. ;)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm in those years of transition form Millennial (yuck) and iGen (yuck^2). My father is a (late) boomer, my mother is a Gen X (though an early one), I may fall into Millennial, and my younger brother are most assuredly iGen.

I always thought that Millennial are those who remember 1,999 suddenly become 2,000 and iGen grew up with tech. I do not fall into either of those categories. I'm surprised we have nobody pushing past 55 here.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Haha, look at this adorable infant using words like a grownup. So precocious! :3

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

At least I can always remind myself that I'm older than Steve! :)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Is that an achievement? Age isn't necessarily a good thing.

All generations above mine tend to be shit, so there's no reason to be proud to be among them. The so called greatest generation got back from killing Nazis to tell the niggers there was no way they were sitting down in their part of the bus, the silent generation did so fucking little they were known as the silent generation, and even then, wanted blacks to know their place, the Baby Boomers shit themselves over Socialism and shit out Bush and Trump wile gloating about how their shitty media was so good and bringing about stupid nostalgia, and Generation X are the faggots who were shit on for being slackers and for liking Grunge and black music, and then shit on the next generation for the exact same thing.

Really, a bunch of faggots the whole way back.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Age twenty will be cool for you though, that's when even the kids who got held back a few years graduate to not being pointlessly mysterious about their gender so that it's easier for normal people to refer to them in conversation.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Wibbins is a girl. This is not a question up for debate.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I find it wonderfully amusing to see such troubles. I will do so if one of two things happen. Preferably, it'd be more of a definite point where I'd (unrelated to the reveal) go from random nice person to CYS nice user. :)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Presumably anyone past the age of 55 is too busy fucking up the economy, hating gays and being a shithead.

(Not necessarily in that order)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Makes sense. I mean any one of those is a full time job.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm 18 (and was when I joined a couple of months ago).

That said, I believe I was around 15 when I started reading the stories on this site. I always loved "choose your path" type stories (the number of different names this category is given is astonishing) from an early age. I found DMW (and this site) after I read a book called "Blood of the Zombies", and craved more of it. DMW was definitely the best online zombie choose your adventure I found, along with a couple of other good ones like "Zombie Exodus".

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm old enough that I'm taking collage level classes. 
Which sorta gives me a brief flash of feeling old. 
I'm not, really. 
Just a little flash of it. 
Cause with my first account, I signed up when I was 12 or 13 I think. 
I agree with the other users - at some point the average age was probably around 13-ish. Now I think it's more around the 16+ range for most people. 

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Collage: A piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric onto a backing.

College: An educational institution or establishment, in particular.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

You're around 16 or 17 if you're taking "collage level classes", and you were 12 or 13 when you joined the site. 

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago


General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

*too late      ;)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Although, in all fairness, I suppose you could be attending some kind of art college and actually be taking classes about making collages.

If that is the case, I would like to retract my initial correction.



General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I mean, I suppose that's what graphic design is partially about. Arranging different things in a aesthetically pleasing manner. If you count that, then I'm taking a college level collage class. 

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Honestly, there are worse errors to make in English. :)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

To add to the question of age, I'm 38.  I know I'm not THE oldest person on the site, but I'm definitely on the older end.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Again, just like with Wibbons, I thought you were in your early 20s.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

When I first joined I was in that age range. Now I'm in my early twenties.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Oh, you do have one baby boomer on this site, although I was born so near the end that I don’t feel much like a baby boomer.

When I was in high school, some students were given accounts to use the mainframe at a nearby engineering college, as part of a computer class.  It didn’t take us long to discover the games.  I can remember playing Adventure, Star Trek, Zork (which I didn’t care for as much) and a few others.  Our time for playing games was quite limited, though, much to our frustration.

Although the official CYOA series was barely getting started when I was in high school, I can assure you that there were other books in existence before then that used that idea:  you’d make your decision and flip to the appropriate page.  In fact, those books were written for an older audience than the CYOA books, and were portrayed as quite the intellectual pursuit, believe it or not.

So that was my introduction to the genre.  Kept us busy when we weren’t hunting dinosaurs to extinction and wrecking the economy for future generations.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Cool, we now officially have four generations of CYSers on here.

Though for all we know there are a shitload from Silent Generation on here and they’ve all just been lurking the whole time.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I know a dude in his sixties on an IF forum, I should try to get him over here to improve diversity.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm 11

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I don't know why but I laughed at your reaction. lol

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

You're not alone. :)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Oh Christ in Heaven.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I suppose there are worse things to base a story off of.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I think as long as it is not warrior cat-based it's tolerable. Warrior cats is not that bad tbh, It's just that the warrior cat fanfics eons ago are still causing PTSD on some of the witnesses of that historic event. And for those who don't know, yes, it was that bad that mizal still gets triggered at the mention of the word "warrior".

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Those awesome books were ruined for me completely. Trashed my precious childhood memories of badass cats doing sick warrior things and replaced it with violent, badly written cat intercourse.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Yes, I saw it too. But there are a lot of those floating around.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I stumbled across the site when I was around ten or so, I believe. I had two accounts before Slasher was created. Good times. I'm nineteen now.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

What I find most interesting is the JigglyPuff account had a story called Does Love Exist? in the works. Meanwhile a few months later as Slasher you had a story called Hatred in mind.

It's like you found out love didn't exist so you decided to embrace hate.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Neither of those are mine, actually. There was one called izfan123 I believe and another called evilzcreation. At least I think it was spelt like that. I made a really shitty game based on Degrassi and another one about killing a cyclops or some shit. I remember asking 3J and Fergie for advice. Then after Slasher I was Pyun, and now I'm ShadowHills.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Think you're going to stick with this one? ;)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Slasher got banned for an impressively long and volatile feud with Playa who was also banned.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Actually, while they were banned at the same time, their feud wasn't the reason for their ban. Back during the days of the great purge like two, three years ago or so, 3J made a thread and there was something about not saying extremely offensive things or something or other. Slasher and Playa broke that rule, got banned to hell and back. The posts in the thread have been deleted since IIRC, that or the thread itself was deleted. Pity, it was a pretty entertaining read.

(EDIT: Then again, the above is me vaguely remembering events that happened two or three years ago, so I could be waaaaaaaay off. Take this all with a grain of salt. Below, however? I remember clearly.)

Meanwhile, he silently made the Pyun alt a couple weeks later when he was sure the mods' search for him was over and done with, and then got banned when he was exposed. Tada, ShadowHills emerges from the ashes once the mods grant him permission to come back.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Was it Slasher that I had that rp thing with where there was some kind of explicit sex or something? Ah those were the days.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I prefer to forget those days, but yeah, that was a thing that really happened.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
With who?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Back in the bad old days of forum games, insane gave slasher a blowjob or something.

In any case, the accounts I listed were still sharing the same IP as Slasher, so either he had more he forgot about or someone he knew was using those.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Oh, well he couldn't afford her now.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

If an account is made at a public location, say a school or library, wouldn't the IPs be the same?  I've just always wondered about that for tracking down 'who' people are.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Yeah, I imagine Slasher was posting at his school or he's got a little brother or something.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

That makes sense.  Whenever my sister and I would join the same site/game/etc we'd have to let admin know that we were siblings in cases that there's a 1 character/account only policy.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I mean usually when it reaches the point of needing to ban some kid on a school computer there's no reason not to take out all their dipshit/most likely imaginary friends while he's at it. Nothing of value has ever been lost.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I believe the Queen of Alts did that at school. The bitch had like, 90 accounts.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Wow I'd almost forgotten her. What the fuck do kids even do in school now that they have time for this.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Apparently not learn English, because her grammar was shit. Pretty sure it was from an elementary school as well, so extra creepy points for that.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Well, if that happened, you wouldn't know if anything would have been lost or not if no one from that school could ever get the chance to prove their mettle.  Just saying.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
It's almost like you don't understand people at all and also for some reason are assuming that anyone in this scenario of an idiot being banned for shitposting would be a larval Steinbeck if only the mean mods gave them a chance.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I understand some things about some people, but I won't argue that I don't understand a lot of people.  It's true.  However, I might have misinterprteted what you meant earlier.  I thought you meant banning anyone with the same IP, or somehow locking out the IP, which wouldn't be fair.  And no, I'm not expecting anyone to be a great writer, but merely making the point that you can't know what would/wouldn't have happened in a given scenario.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Maybe it was the school situation. I vaguely remember HuffNuffJigglyPuff but I don't remember itschristian69 at fucking all.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Oh yeah, that was me xD. You had one with iqqih, as well.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Slasher got banned for insisting on arguing with JJJ while the looming banhammer for disobedience was in effect. Basically he was wearing copper armor and calling the gods bastards on a mountain top during a lightning storm.

Playa got banned for saying Melissa should be killed for being a pedophile and JJJ reluctantly made an example out of him since he was trying to restore order at that point.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Lol look how well that went. 

hey @JJJ-thebanisher pedophiles like nmelssx should be lined up and shot 3

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

That shit was fun.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Yeah, though I'm actually not that fond of the name.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

ShadowHills seems like a respectably tolerable name.  The kind that doesn't make too much of a fuss one way or another.  Unless you like fuss and/or mockery?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Maybe. I really do miss Slasher, though. It was a badass edgy name.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Well I could just unban the Slasher account, is that what you'd prefer?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Actually yeah, I'd love that.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Unbanned. I'll be banning the ShadowHills account at some point soon.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Thanks. Is it the same password that I signed up with?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I would imagine it is, I never changed it.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

It's saying the log-in attempt is unsuccessful.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I guess I'll reset the password then and PM you the new one on your SH account.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

"Guess who's back, back again." Lmao.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Congrats on reclaiming your legacy.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Thank ya kindly. I need to change the fuck out of my bio.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Shit, Sent didn't kill himself, Fazz is still around, Slashy's reborn. My rogues gallery is rising up again. This should be interesting.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

You'd get bored and complacent without a few enemies to keep you on your toes, Steve.  :)  And I suspect you like the attention, negative or otherwise. ;)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Well, you might not like badass and edgy five years from now.  ShadowHills can work for a long time without you slapping yourself in the face, wondering why you made the name.  Sure, it might not be exciting, but sometimes that works in your favor.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Maybe so, but I also love slasher movies, which was my main reason for choosing it.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Then that works. :D  It seems you're getting your other name back.  (I do like your current avatar though!)

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Hell yeah. Thanks, my girlfriend drew it, I'll let her know you like it. :P I might transfer it over.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

There's probably a way you could add it to your profile even if you don't use it as your avatar, though I'm not sure.  I don't do much with my profile.  I probably should.

Anyhow, congrats on getting your other account unbanned!

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago


General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Time marches on, relentlessly.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Holy shit. I didn't realize you were still around.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Why are you still here tho

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

You seem to ask that a lot.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I'm curious what MrAce's age is.  Anyone know?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
12 but he can "read on a 10th grade level"

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

What's your source?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Probably page 42 of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I kinda feel bad for questioning him, but I have the feeling like I have to double check anything he says.  Some people are just like that I guess.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
Yeah it's pretty rude to assume a thing you read on the internet might not be true or not take it seriously, as if the internet is some kind of joke or something. If I were Ford (thank God I'm not) I would be very hurt and angry right now and I think you owe him an apology.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I meant more that I felt bad for questioning him when I let it slide for many others.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

To be fair, no one takes anything Ford says at face value.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I noticed that.  Which is why I was suspicious.  But I have an over-developed sense of guilt.  I should probably adapt better to the local customs and just not give a damn.  *shrugs*  Oh well.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
I mean I don't think anyone believes Mr. Ace can read at a 10th grade level yet, that was pretty obviously a joke.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

We're seriously offended, and ask that you write a sincere letter of apology, pay reparations to the offended party, as well as resign from your position, and tattoo #TOOMANYQUESTIONS and #NOTATFACEVALUE on your forehead and ass.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

Well, then.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago
The angsty teens (and tweens) have never exactly been a secret. Especially not if you keep an eye on the new storygames list.

e: you fucker. Why'd you edit?

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

That escalated quickly.

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

That was a joke btw

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I know. I just read the whole thing, and...

General Age of CYS Users

7 years ago

I didn't think it wasn't.  It's just what I would usually reply in conversations .