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Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

So now that Infinite Story has been stirred from its grave thanks to the blood sacrifices, it’s time to establish more of a presence there.

What I mean specifically is signing up to the forums along with signing up to the main writing site and rating/commenting on stories. Assuming you haven’t do so already.

The forums over there are a little weird as far as getting in and posting. If you’re having issues contact DEP (donteatpoop) or Sev (Severenz) through PMs. EDIT: Apparently the forums are no longer weird, or rather still weird, but easy to post on now.

As far as the main writing site, that’s easy enough to sign on to. Even rating/commenting is easier over there since you don’t even need to read.

And because there’s communism over there, all ratings are treated equally meaning this allows you lot to play a major role in determining what deserves to be on top and what deserves to be in the trash heap.

Of course my stories over there have less ratings over there than they do over here. (The dead aren’t very active in that department) so be sure to rate those all 10s first. 

Obviously you will get points for your patriotism. 

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Although you don't have to read the stories in order to rate them (and you've obviously already read all of Endmaster's stories, right?) just noting that there is a short, annoying delay the site forces in between rating one game and another. It's only like, a minute though, which shouldn't be enough to deter true patriotism.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Points for the patriotism sounds weird.  I am already there but I don't know who is from the site and who doesn't and feel like immoral rating without reading. But I could rate the ones I have read

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Here is a normal IS story. Less than 1200 words split up among 48 pages. And I've seen far worse, posted routinely. I think it's a given that Endmaster's games deserve the highest rating anywhere, but particularly when they're the standouts among the chaff. If you aren't participating, that's fine, there's no need to inform everyone though. Let's go ahead and just keep the thread clear of people announcing it every time they don't do a thing. And we always give points for taking the effort to promote CYS stories on other sites.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
There's a YA novel with that same name and plot too, smh.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Multiple ratings by the same people are only counted once, right?

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Yeah, it only counts the most recent.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Mission complete. Are there any stories on there you'd recommend reading? The two I randomly read from the Popular list weren't that great (Hall of Infinite Doors and Blind Date).

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
'Popular' apparently means most hits, not most ratings. So you get Pokemon, porn, Pokemon porn, and then HOID which was more of an experiment in opening up a story for the most co authors possible by letting them write anything. And I can think of a couple of decent ones, but more often than not even the better stories there are unfinished, and anyway it's better to direct your reading powers at the homeland, not the distant outpost.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Yeah "popular list" is just a measure how many hits a story has, the stories aren't necessarily all that great.

A better indication is to go by the "Top rated" and see what belongs there and what doesn't. At one point the top rated was a little more accurate, but there's been an influx of crap writers rating their own stories 10s over time.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Patriotism completed. 


Rated every Endmaster story a 10.

Posted on the forums or something I think.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
With all due respect high command, this assignment sorta sucks ass. Being in an old graveyard like that, surrounded by the corpses of a bunch of long dead users and the rusted out shells of old forum halls? It ain't exactly my cup of tea. At least we only have to worry about the ghouls and skeletons if we go too far in. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually. Sergeant Chris of 11302, over and out.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

DerPrussen enlisted out of patriotism. He wasn't here for the initial battles. He did follow the news of the conflict closely. CYStia wasn't a perfect home, but he doubted that he would actually like living in one at this point. It was better than the other options for sure.

"Another ten for the Dark Lord!" He anounced to no one in particular as he cast his vote into the awakening monument to the King of CYStia. Oddly enough the Prussian served the Queen of CYStia who was in no way related to the Dark Lord. The Elf Queen openly admits that the Dark Lord has better servants, which never bothered the old German. He moved on to the next monument.

Occupation forces are never as exciting as the initial push into hostile territory. It's a job that needs to be done. "10 points! If you don't read this, you'll stay a body pillow clutching weeb!" He muttered to the monument. The next monument he gave a wide berth. He'd read the tomb it was dedicated to before, he didn't care to go near it again. After he passed that one he heard shouting from the long dead forums.

"Back in my day, we waited months for a book, and it came in paperback! Then we needed to duel eachother for rights to the book. They were fair duels, overseen by a librarian. We loved our librarian. If we didn't, we couldn't duel for the books. So I trudged up the mountain to the library, fought for a book, then trudged back up the mountain back home. Elven magic I says. Laid on the road to the Library to make it uphill both ways." the rant is interupted by the sound of a growl and then a slap. An onlooker made the mistake of looking at IAP's bear/wife while he was talking. DerP continued on his way to the sound of some noob fighting for his life.


Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
The IAP bit was great

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Are there soldier's benefits 

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

At the top, in EndMasters enlistment speach, he says we'll be paid in points. No medical covereage, no death benifits, no ammunition alotment, or weapons are issued. It is however a completely volunteer army.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

If you die, you get necroed to continue the fight.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Alright I hope all of you remember your succubus combat training a few months ago because you may need it.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Uh-oh. She targets women. Better watch out, Mizal

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
It's kind of incredible how much more attractive IS has gotten to browse in just a few days, it just took Sev rearranging how stories are listed and putting more of End's on the main page where they belong. There's nice visible buttons for categories now and searching through your own story pages isn't so convoluted.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Patriotic duties accomplished!  Been floating around there a little bit.  Interesting to see one of my favorite stories from you, Geek, originated from an IWT.  

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Patriotism mission accomplished! I rated all of your stories a 10 and checked out the forums. I haven't posted yet but I probably will soon. Let's rebuild this dead planet.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Well sir, I've seen my duty through. All of Endmaster's works have been rated a 10, I've posted in the graveyard they call a forum, and I've shot at least two dozen ghouls or skeletons, have it marked right here on my rifle for every kill I confirmed. If I'm ever needed again, you know where to find me... Unless you don't, then try and find Major Tim of 36D, he'll help you find me. Now, here's hoping I get that promotion. EDIT: "Achievement Unlocked: The Question Answered". Thank you End.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

This seems like an abuse of power.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago


Out of all the things I've done since being an admin here THIS is what you whine about as far as power abuse?

Abuse of power would be telling everyone to rate my stories an 8 on THIS site or just deleting post and banning people for implying abuses of power in the first place.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Speaking of which, everyone go rate my stories an 8 on here, assuming you haven't already.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
The forums over there are no longer a little weird as far as getting in and posting, Sev removed the need for mod approval, so just get in there and post. (End might want to edit his OP to mention that.) I'm about to start a sci fi story that will be open to the public, it's going to be designed so that anyone can just jump in and write a bit about whatever whenever they get the urge.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
I see MHD has joined and presumably will be drawing cute hamsters at Sev until she gets her way.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Seems like a good plan.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 11/26/2019 9:46:52 PM

I'd never!


Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Awww, I feel this sudden urge to give him points.

Rift Station: Open Worlds

5 years ago
Here's the open WIP I was talking about. It's sci fi, mostly about exploring strange new worlds but there's plenty of other directions to take it. Just go grab any link made by me and write something. (Read the intro page instructions for butting in on other people's pages.) I'd really like to see this thing get huge. There's a story called Hall of Infinite Doors that attempted something similar years ago and is still listed as the most popular story on the site just for the number of people clicking around in it, but we can do better. IS thread.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Who the fuck is Delicious Deku on IS. Account created November 27

Infinite Story's New Toys

5 years ago

1) IS has both easy to use on page scripting and link restrictions now.

2) I'm still basically the only one posting.

3) Not a single one of you faggots have added a single page to Rift Station yet.

Infinite Story's New Toys

5 years ago
In my defense for 3, I just joined a contest so space bounty hunter won't be coming for a hot minute. Sorry, Mizal.

Infinite Story's New Toys

5 years ago

I will like to add but for that, I will need help with the grammar.  So  when I write something before posting it on IS I will put  a writing thread asking for proofreaders.

Infinite Story's New Toys

5 years ago
Was not a single person going to inform me of the typo?

Infinite Story's New Toys

5 years ago

Going around and making powerful enemies is not usually my style.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
I rated all the stories and I'm already on the forums.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
Yes!!! I'm rich!

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

I get the feeling that CYS, Infinite Story and COG are 3 major continents with minor islands like twine laying around. COG is controlled a dictator who sees himself as a god and executes people for little to no reason. CYS is more like an oligarchy but all the barons or whatever get along and can unit for a common cause. The fight COG put up for the long abandoned Infinite Story Continent was pathetic, despite one good push. Many CYS members (like myself) dodging the voulantary draft that we flaked on in the last minute. Basically, we should take over both sites and start a colony on IS and then let them become America and then we do brexit and then ?profit???

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
As a good Patriot, I too have done my duty and rated/commented upon all of your Infinite Story stories.

For love of country.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago
I have just two small issues with that list

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

5 years ago

Oh I agree, but it's all a matter of time.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
I hope it's okay to necro the thread, but mizal told me I'd get points for this.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago


Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
Thanks! I had seen that site previously when looking for CYOA sites, it's actually listed before this one. I don't know why I didn't make an account before now, although I'm enjoying using the story editor here already.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago

Degenerates infest the IS Outpost.

Points for rating this story a 1.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
Way ahead of you there.

Careful though, these things travel in packs.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago

These are hard-earned points, but I have given it the rating it richly deserves.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
Oh no. actually looked at it? I'm so sorry.

The best feature IS has is that you can use the drop-down box on a story's cover page to rate it without needing to read it.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago

I forgot I could do that so played through it hunting for an end/ratelink. Finally remembered. Uggg. 

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago

Didn't even really need the bribe for this one.  This is just a moral obligation.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
You point, we rate (ironically for points). Cool, Mizal approved one of my pages from like half a year ago on IS too.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
We got it down to one star, great job everyone, would slaughter depraved infidels with you all again. It's really nice that IS doesn't require you to read the games first, and weighs all ratings equally. Doesn't take much once you make an account the first time, we can just keep up these bombing runs to defend the site from afar until people who aren't disgusting move in. Maybe we should make a greater effort to redirect our banned rejects there. Even the worst failed CYStian is better than a diaper filler. (not counting obvious exceptions such as Pedo Mod Kiel and Cat Raper Ryder)

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago

I was told to bump this thread when I completed by duty. 

Here I stand, with an armful of 10's.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago

Good job. You've served CYStia well this day.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
I do need some points, but what is this site? It's scaring me. I don't like the locals at all..

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
Starboy plunged back into the jungle to try and accomplish his duty, yet though his resolve was strong, he was never seen again. Historians speculate that he was eaten by a wild Voretummy.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
*stumbles out of the trees covered in scrapes and scratches and...digestive fluids* I DID IT! AND I'M STILL ALIVE! What a terrible site though, Endmaster's stories are the only thing giving it any legitimacy at all so I sure hope they appreciate him. Also I laughed at this salty message when I registered: ....they do know that robots aren't going to be able to read that and know how owned they are, right? Not to mention it would be pointless to remove profiles if they really did block them instantly. But the site was also full of ads that lagged my browser and made it freeze solid when I tried to open all the Endmaster games up in tabs at once for rating. And even when I went back and did it one at a time, the forced delay between ratings is annoying, they only count the last rating anyway and don't even care if you read the game first so what's the point? Most of the games on that site could easily be read and rated in the minute or however long they make you wait. I saw a Henry Stickmin game that was 500 WORDS spread out across 20 pages. Infinite Story is the sewer of IF, I hate it. I"m so glad I found CYS first.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
There you are!
I was so worried, as I experienced this firsthand recently. The place... it's in ruins.
Welcome back!

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
I did things I'm 100% proud of for points under the cloak of an uppercase W.

Gun for hire anytime please call during local daytime hours for an estimate or quote. I also do birthdays and horse funerals.

Important CYS Invasion Assignment

4 years ago
Welcome back to the land of positive points values.

It's been a long time.