So now that Infinite Story has been stirred from its grave thanks to the blood sacrifices, it’s time to establish more of a presence there.
What I mean specifically is signing up to the forums along with signing up to the main writing site and rating/commenting on stories. Assuming you haven’t do so already.
The forums over there are a little weird as far as getting in and posting. If you’re having issues contact DEP (donteatpoop) or Sev (Severenz) through PMs. EDIT: Apparently the forums are no longer weird, or rather still weird, but easy to post on now.
As far as the main writing site, that’s easy enough to sign on to. Even rating/commenting is easier over there since you don’t even need to read.
And because there’s communism over there, all ratings are treated equally meaning this allows you lot to play a major role in determining what deserves to be on top and what deserves to be in the trash heap.
Of course my stories over there have less ratings over there than they do over here. (The dead aren’t very active in that department) so be sure to rate those all 10s first.
Obviously you will get points for your patriotism.