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The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Since we’re approaching peak hurricane season and winter is only a couple months away, I figured I would start a thread devoted to all of my nerdy weather reports!

Now those who are a part of the “When I see it I’ll believe it” club will know what thread to ignore! (Plus I won’t keep bumping mizals poor neglected world news thread)

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 8/25/2023 8:13:12 PM


August Heat Wave 

Remember when I kept warning about the heat our El Niño was going to inevitable bring this summer awhile back? Well it’s finally here and it is going to be really hot.


Currently a highly anomalous high pressure system is beginning to build over the central plains. As this ridge strengthens it will go on to produce some of the hottest temperatures recorded this summer. This heat will likely stick around all of next week before a cold front potentially provides some much needed relief next weekend.


It is likely many record highs will fall across the central United States next week.

Hurricane Hilary (What an ironic name)

I’m sure everyone and their mother has heard about how historic this storm is going to be and unfortunately all of those hyped up news articles are very true (First tropical system to affect California since 1939 and the first ever system to prompt tropical storm watches/now warnings).


After strengthening to a mid range Cat 4 yesterday Hilary has weakened to a still impressive 130 MPH hurricane as it begins to race north.

Today Hilary will begin to speed up as the ridge over the central plains pulls it north. While the storm advances north it will also begin to weaken as sea surface temperatures cool and wind shear increases. However, this weakening trend will allow the storm to grow in size as well so by the time it approaches the Baja peninsula Hilary will be a very large hurricane. The expected immense size of this storm is the main reason the NHC has issued tropical storm warnings for Southern California.

By the time Hilary reaches California it will have weakened to a tropical storm but will still be very capable of producing gusty winds and most damaging of all, heavy rainfall. Widespread rainfall on this scale is very very rarely seen in Southern California during the summer months which is why the flash flood risk is so high for the area. Anyone living near bodies of water in Southern California should be making preparations to protect property and if possible move to higher ground before the storm arrives.

The Atlantic is Waking Up

For the past 2 almost 3 months a combination of high wind shear and dry air has kept tropical activity in the Atlantic basin relatively quiet. Unfortunately as we approach peak hurricane season, wind shear across the basin is weakening and the dry air which has been so prevalent across the main development region, is beginning to dissipate.


These disappearing negative factors for tropical development are why there are currently 4 AOI’s (Areas of interest) in the Atlantic. 3 of these AOI’s are beginning to spin off of the African coastline, luckily all of these tropical waves should develop and fizzle out safely at sea (Though they will likely still produce a rip current risk along some select coastlines). 

The 4th AOI is currently located over the Bahamas and is expected to potentially develop into a tropical system later next week (50% chance). If it does develop this AOI should stay relatively weak due to still present wind shear over the northern gulf but it will likely still produce heavy rainfall and gusty winds for some portions of Texas and Mexico.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

I hope that the waffle house will still be open

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

This is great, Aldreda.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

11 months ago
It was not particularly hot here. In fact, it was very mild much of the summer. You're lying.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Invest 93L

Invest 93L has formed in the western Caribbean and currently has a high (80%) chance of becoming a tropical system per the latest NHC update. The storm is currently expected to move into the Gulf of Mexico next week and pose a threat to Florida.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 190849.png

The environment ahead of 93L will be quite conductive for strengthening (Low wind shear, ample moisture and really hot waters). The one thing that should prevent this system from becoming a monster is its fast speed through the gulf.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 190136.png

By the time 93L approaches the Florida coastline sometime Wednesday it will have likely strengthened to a low-end hurricane (Intensity will depend on how fast it organizes). Right now, it is looking likely landfall will occur somewhere in the big bend area.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 192017.png

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
If at any point the Gulf Coast gets hit by a hurricane this thread didn't warn me about, I am going to ban you as soon as I have power again.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Yay! I have a job!

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Tropical Depression 10

TD10 (Formerly 93L) formed near the Yucatan peninsula earlier today. Assuming the systems center doesn’t move onshore it will likely become tropical storm Idalia during DMAX (Diurnal Maximum) tonight. 

Future Idalia will meander around a bit today before finally getting pulled north by an approaching shortwave trough. During this initial journey north across the southern gulf, moderate wind shear from a nearby ULL (Upper level low) will restrict thunderstorm growth on the western side of the system which will slow intensification. 

However by Tuesday the systems orientation to an approaching trough in the Midwest and the ULL over Texas may lead to the shear helping the storm instead of hurting it by expanding its outflow. This expanded outflow would allow the storm to ‘breath’ better likely leading to a bout of sudden intensification that will continue till landfall. 


Given the extremely hot, deep and untouched waters of the eastern gulf this bout of intensification could be rapid as shown by models such as the HWRF and HMON. While I do personally think these hurricane models are overdoing the intensification a bit, the potential for a strong hurricane approaching the Florida coastline Wednesday is certainly there. 

HWRF above


HMON above

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Tomorrow the NHC has 7 recon flights lined up to investigate TD10 and the environment ahead of it.

Also a state of emergency has already been declared in Florida.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
Hey I live in georgia. Please notify if its getting close to georgia lol.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Tropical Storm Idalia

Tropical storm Idalia formed yesterday and is currently undergoing a phase of intensification that will lead to it becoming a hurricane before entering the gulf.


The storm drifted a bit further SE than expected yesterday which has created some shifts east in its track. 

Idalia has also been over performing its intensity guidance which has led to repeated changes in the NHC forecast. While westerly wind shear is still expected to slow intensification tomorrow it is now looking basically certain Idalia will begin a period of rapid intensification Tuesday all the way up until landfall. Given the fact Idalia will benefit from a expanded outflow and the deep warm waters of the loop current it is now looking very very likely this storm will become a major hurricane (Cat 3+) prior to landfall. How strong will it get? Well my best guess right now is a 115 - 125 MPH Cat 3 hurricane but when it comes to rapid intensification a storm in an environment such as this one can become a monster (Michael, Ian for example). Idalia is also unfortunately expected to become a rather large hurricane as it approaches Florida which will only expand its impacts. 

Storm surge forecast (These numbers will go up). 


Rainfall amounts forecast (These numbers will go up).


Preparations for Idalia need to be completed by at least Tuesday morning.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
Yeeaaah, that is gonna be a nasty one.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Tropical Storm Idalia


As expected westerly wind shear has slowed Idalia’s intensification today but now that shear is beginning to lessen as the system enters the gulf. Despite Idalia strengthening slower than expected the storm will still go through a period of rapid intensification tomorrow up until landfall (NHC expects a 120 MPH Cat 3 landfall). 


The emerging question when it comes to this intensity forecast is when will Idalia’s structure become organized enough for rapid intensification. Right now the system’s inner core is open to the west due to shear if that inner core repairs itself by Tuesday morning we’re gonna be talking about a very strong hurricane making landfall further east than expected. On the other hand if the system repairs its core more slowly it won’t peak as strong and it’ll make landfall further west.

Due to the uncertainty that still surrounds Idalia’s future intensity the NHC has not changed the storm surge and rainfall forecast maps much today. 

Current storm surge forecast.


Current rainfall forecast.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Hurricane Franklin 
I also wanted to take this moment to mention the rather beautiful Cat 4 150 MPH hurricane Franklin who has broken the record for most intense tropical system in this portion of the Atlantic (926 MB). Luckily this storm will get safely slingshotted out to sea by the same trough that’s pulling Idalia north into Florida. 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
This was from Hurricane Ian in 2018:

Might be the reason people are taking this one more seriously and actually evacuating this time, even older people who have been through this every year. Floridians usually just ignore them. And Idalia is hitting a region that doesn't usually get hurricanes dead center, with storm surges of 12-15 feet expected (that means single story buildings will be underwater). So the outcome of this one might be bad.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Hurricane Idalia

Idalia has rapidly intensified into a 110 MPH Cat 2 hurricane yesterday.

Idalia is expected to become a 130 MPH Cat 4 as it continues rapidly intensifying tonight before making landfall 7-9 am.

Not sure what else to say except anyone who hasn’t evacuated needs to take shelter now.

Rainfall forecast.


Storm surge forecast. 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Idalia has made landfall as a 125 MPH Cat 3 hurricane.



The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
The amount of flooding hours before it made landfall is a little concerning. Luckily there's always idiots willing to report from parking lots even when there's pieces of sheet metal flying around. I'm trying to find some random camera feeds just around the places it's making landfall, but just some news network livestreams for now:

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
Here's a camera in Cedar Key where you can watch sideways rain and wave surges going down the street for about 30 minutes before it loses connection. The water's nearing the second floor of the building across the street that appears to have people in it.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
So, thankfully so far Idalia has only smacked around a minimally populated island that people seem to have mostly had the sense to evacuate, and flooded surrounding areas while ploughing through all the alligators and pythons in the marsh. They won't know anything about death tolls for awhile, especially as those tend to occur more from hazards in the aftemath of the actual hurricane (downed power lines, delayed falling trees, propane mishaps) but just because of the population density it's likely to be a lot less than previous big ones. Spinning up from a Cat 1 to a Cat 4 in a day is insane though, especially when it then proceeds to hit a spot that's been dodging them for almost 200 years. This is a historic one just from a meteorological standpoint, hurricanes are always learning new tricks. Anyway, it's likely to reach Georgia as a Cat 2 tonight, then keep trucking up the coast. And now back to Aldreda.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

My home city used to literally never get inclement weather except one bad ice storm in the 90s, but now gets multiple tornadoes a summer. 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Tropical Storm Lee

Yesterday Lee formed in the eastern Atlantic and strengthened to a 50 MPH tropical storm.


Conditions ahead of this system are practically perfect for rapid intensification that will likely create an extremely intense hurricane by this weekend north of the Lesser Antilles. The NHC has issued a rare forecast that calls for a 150 MPH peak which is actually on the lower end of the latest intensity model runs.

The storm will continue a gradual W to NW motion throughout this week which will hopefully keep it north of the major eastern Caribbean islands. After the weekend however, track confidence dramatically falls with solutions ranging from OTS (Out to sea) to Lee’s remnants affecting Canada. 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Hurricane Jova


Wow, yesterday hurricane Jova rapidly intensified into a textbook 160 MPH Cat 5 (The first since 2018’s hurricane Willa). That right there is a 80 knot increase (90 MPH) in just 24 hours!!! This is actually a pretty decent preview to Lees future rapid intensification which is expected to begin soon. 


Luckily Jova will stay far away from land.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Yeah, glad that one's not saying hello to anyone in particular.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago

Lee has already formed a well-defined eye this afternoon. 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
Well it's not weather but if we're tracking natural distasters, Morocco just got fucked up by a 6.8 earthquake. I'm seeing reports of over 2000 dead so far and that number of course will climb, but it seems doubtful this one will manage to beat Turkey's record despite its best efforts.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


Hurricane Lee


After peaking as a 165 MPH Cat 5 Friday Lee rapidly weakened due to some poorly modeled mid level wind shear which kept the storm at Cat 3-2 strength for most of the weekend. Today that wind shear let up a bit which has allowed the storm to complete an EWRC and begin reintensifying. Currently Lee is a 120 MPH Cat 3 and is expected to become a 140 MPH Cat 4 Monday night before weakening again as conditions become more hostile.


The future track of this storm still remains uncertain, however, two solution’s have emerged. One solution pulls this storm dangerously close to the northeast while the other (And in my opinion more likely) solution slingshots Lee into Canada.  

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago
Do you have a report on the situation in Libya?

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

one year ago


I've been so busy watching Lee and also doing college stuff that I completely missed the event. However, I do know the floods in Libya were created by storm Daniel a freak Medicane (Nickname for Mediterranean sea tropical cyclones). 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

11 months ago


Hurricane Lee


After 11 days Lee’s journey across the Atlantic is finally coming to an end. Currently the storm boasts 80 MPH winds however, due to its ongoing extratropical transition (Which it will complete in a few hours) these peak winds are well displaced from the center in the NW quadrant.


The storm will make landfall east of Maine in Canada around 8 PM tonight as a very large and still powerful extratropical cyclone. Due to the storms large size impacts such as heavy rain, powerful wind gusts and a respectfully high storm surge will be felt far from the center.

Rainfall Forecast


Storm Surge Forecast 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

11 months ago


Weekend Mid-Atlantic Storm


Tomorrow a tropical system will begin to form off of the Carolina coastline. This system will have about a day to strengthen before swiftly making landfall in North Carolina Saturday morning.


The main impact from this system will be widespread heavy rainfall in eastern North Carolina and Virginia. Most areas affected can expect 3-5 inches with some localized places potentially picking up 6+.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

11 months ago


Potential Tropical Cyclone 16

Yesterday PTC 16 formed off of the Carolina coast and is expected to continue strengthening into subtropical or tropical storm Ophelia later today. The storm is expected to peak at 60 MPH before making landfall very early tomorrow morning in eastern North Carolina. 


After landfall the weakening system will crawl north prolonging heavy rainfall along the I-95 corridor. Eventually the storm will get caught by an approaching trough which will push its remnants out to sea Monday morning. 

Heavy rainfall which is expected to produce a significant flash flood risk for impacted areas remains the biggest impact from this storm. It is worth noting some localized places could receive significantly more rainfall than the NHC is forecasting in the above graphic.

Due to the storms broad size and the fact landfall will occur at high tide a peak storm surge of 5 feet will cause coastal flooding for communities along the Chesapeake bay and Carolina coastline.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

11 months ago


Remnants of Ophelia


A state of emergency has been declared in New York City as severe flooding spurred on by the remnants of Ophelia strikes the area.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

11 months ago
Hey weatherman! When is it my turn to get a hurricane? I feel left out here.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago


Hurricane Tammy 


Several days ago a tropical wave organized and strengthened into 85 MPH hurricane Tammy. Currently Tammy is lashing the leeward islands with heavy rain and strong winds as it slowly moves north. By Sunday afternoon the system will be safely out at sea where it is expected to meander around for several days.

2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season Reviewed


Typically during an El Niño year the Atlantic hurricane season is quieter due to increased wind shear across the basin however, despite having this dominant feature present we saw:

20 Named Storms

7 Hurricanes 

3 Major Hurricanes 

Luckily most of these systems were weak and short lived (Excluding Franklin, Idalia and Lee). While the official end of hurricane season isn’t until the 30th of November the basin is basically dead now though we could still see 1-2 more fluke storms in the subtropics.

My Winter Outlook (Coming Soon!)


The chill of fall has well and truly set in across America signaling that winter is well on its way. This year, for the first time since 2018 - 2019, we are entering a El Niño winter. These winters can be very different than the La Niña winters we’ve had to suffer through the last couple of years. Currently I am hoping to have a winter outlook out on this thread sometime during the first full week of November.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago


Hurricane Otis


Yesterday hurricane Otis in the eastern Pacific rapidly intensified from a mid-range tropical storm to a 160 MPH Cat 5 hurricane in less than 24 hours! The storms 12 hour 80 MPH increase from 65 to 145 MPH is now the fastest 12 hour rapid intensification ever recorded in the eastern Pacific. This breaks 2015’s hurricane Patricia’s record of 75 MPH in 12 hours. Otis will also become the first ever hurricane to make landfall as a Cat 5 in the eastern Pacific when it comes ashore in southern Mexico later tonight.


The global intensity models performed absolutely horrendously with this storm (Forecasted strength solid lines, actual strength dotted line).

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago
Yeah, I've been pretty tuned out of stuff the last couple days but I just saw some news on Otis and was like goddamn. Cat 5 ain't anything to fuck around with and no one would've had time to evacuate or prepare for that one.

Where'd you get that last image from?

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago

Twitter! This guy posts a lot of neat weather statistics and even has his own website.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago
yeah, fucking otis tore acapulco a new asshole

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago
Fucking hell.

I'm pretty sure water isn't supposed to be in any of those places. The death count has to be way higher than what I saw.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago
And also like, in addition to the usual devastation a Cat 5 would cause a city, it's Acapulco and there was absolutely no warning so it's filled to the brim with tourists and other travelers just adding to the general chaos. And I keep seeing that one of the world's largest international mining conventions was in the middle of being held there this week.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

10 months ago

Just read an article from the LA times that quoted Mexico's president spewing some bullshit about the country being "Lucky" there were "few" deaths. Like anyone with a brain knows 27 is not the real number especially in a big city that had absolutely no time to evacuate from a hurricane packing 165 MPH winds and a storm surge of 20+ feet. However, I do think the government deserves a little slack for their slow response since they had no warning a storm of this magnitude was gonna hit. Just a sad situation all around for an area that I doubt will ever fully recover from this disaster. 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

8 months ago

2024 has also had some weather.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

7 months ago
Its F-ing cold

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

4 months ago



For the first time since March 2023 the SPC has issued a rare high risk for today's severe weather outbreak which will begin in earnest later this evening.
Severe damaging tornadoes are expected

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

3 months ago
what's up with the sun

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

3 months ago

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

3 months ago
Texas has been having some weather! Where is the news??

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

3 months ago
I heard something about El Niño flipping to La Niña in the Pacific causing lessened wind shear in the Atlantic, meaning the very numerous number of storms probably won't go through a weakening phase.

But I'm not the fucking weather nerd here, where is Aldreda?

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

3 months ago

Stupid spanish weather.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

3 months ago
I know, rite!

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

2 months ago
Beryl is coming to doom us all, but where is Aldreda?

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

2 months ago

Being lazy :( 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2023 Edition)

2 months ago

Latest recon missions in the western gulf are showing a favorable environment for restrengthening (Potentially rapid if the core reorganizes quicker than expected). Folks in southern Texas should be keeping a close eye on this system, they could be in for one hell of an overachiever.


The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 7/5/2024 3:31:21 PM


Tropical Storm Beryl


For the last several days former hurricane Beryl has undergone a historic trek across the Atlantic with numerous records shattered along the way. Now with the final stage of the system set Beryl turns its gaze towards northern Mexico and southern Texas.


Environment Ahead


After making landfall on the Yucatan peninsula earlier this morning as a 110MPH hurricane, Beryl has rapidly weakened to a 70MPH tropical storm (Further weakening likely) due to land interaction. Unfortunately the system will remerage over the western Gulf in about 4~ hours and enter a favorable environment for restrengthening before its final landfall in 3~ days. Initially dry air, light westerly wind shear and the systems broad size will slow intensification tomorrow however by Sunday the wind shear will shift to a more favorable position as the center reforms and begins washing out the dry air likely leading to gradual intensification up until landfall. If this process occurs quicker than expected it is possible Beryl will undergo another period of rapid intensification which could lead to it strengthening back into a powerful major hurricane.


Uncertain Path


Beryl’s future track is heavily dependent on the intensity of the storm, if it ends up stronger than expected an approaching trough will catch the system and pull it further north into southern Texas. On the other hand if the storm strengthens slower the trough will not catch Beryl until later which would lead to landfall in northern Mexico or very southern Texas.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago

Important Update

Latest microwave pass has revealed the system drifted way further north this afternoon than expected and will now remerge over water in less than 2~ hours, even worse the core has remained relatively intact. Given this new data a southern Texas landfall at Cat 2+ strength is becoming increasingly likely.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago

Hurricane and tropical storm watches have just been posted for the Texas coastline.

The alarm bells are starting to ring.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago
Yep, just got notice the entire school district was shutting down and figured something was up.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago
Hurricane party at mizal's!

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago

I totally thought Mizal lived in Dallas

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago
Nope, nearish the Gulf.

I tried to stop and purchase two items after work, and everyone was already doing the "strip the shelves in a panic because every year we forget where we live" dance.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago

Yes.  That is always a fun experience. And now, since COVID, everyone always makes a run on Toilet Paper too.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago
It's French Toast season!

Every storm it's the same thing: buy all the bread and milk you can find.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago

I always find it funny when people go crazy before a storm and fill their carts with meat and other perishable items.  If my power goes out for more than 2 days, I'm usually barbecuing and grilling everything in my freezer.  French toast though is a good idea.  Next time I'm stuck with too much dairy I'm going to do that.

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

2 months ago

Haven't checked the weather in my area in a good while, I checked it today and found out 104 degree all-week weather, looks like it's gonna be an inside week also 

The CYS Weather Thread!! (2024 Edition)

one month ago


Tropical Storm Debby


Overnight tropical storm Debby has organized and strengthened into a 65MPH storm this afternoon. Due to a favorable environment in the eastern gulf further strengthening potentially borderline rapid will continue up until landfall.


After landfall as a likely mid range Cat 1 the steering currents guiding Debby will collapse slowing its forward speed and prolonging impacts across the region.


While it’s possible Debby may restrengthen a little over the Atlantic if it remerges the biggest threat regardless of a second peak in strength, will remain torrential rainfall likely leading to widespread flash flooding in the southeast.