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Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

What is your favorite animal?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Would you prefer Clam Chowder or Tomato Soup?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Do me next

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@roffdoff, when you put your clothes on, are you roffdon?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Good question, but most chickens don't wear clothes.
A better example would be when I see a particularly attractive hen walking down the street. That's when I become roffdon. It's strange to think that, among both human and chickens, we find chicken breasts to be appealing. Although you humans prefer it stripped of feathers and roasted, at least we can agree on something.

Also, I have to know. @BerkaZerka do you surf?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
You'd better actually follow through and write that goblin game, it's the only way I'll find the patience to put up with yet another bird furry.

please, for your own benefit

5 years ago

Please do look up the video of a chicken wearing pants. It will, I hope, as it did for mine, make your life better. Xoxo


please, for your own benefit

5 years ago
It made my life better.
Thank you, noob.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@GangstaPopTart Why? Just, why?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@SheTookThem, did she ask permission first?  Because otherwise, I'm going to have to side with Them.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@Benzine_Ring, do you consider yourself "aromatic"?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@sunnypony03 Is it really sunny where you are? Always? Or just near the pony?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

lol, i made this one up for my club penguin account when i was like 8 and use it for stuff i need to remember. it was a reference to my sunny 8 year old outlook on life, my very unique favorite animal, and a number i thought was nice because putting numbers in your online handle is What You Do when you're 8 and really cool

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Well you seem like a person who was once a pretty cool eight-year-old!

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@tinchoomancino Um... Ah... Bless you? With aluminum?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@beastoftheundermine6 Does the six refer to the number of mines or the number of beasts (or the number of the beast)?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@texasbueller Do you know mizal?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@Yasir256 is there a Nomaam255 that you fancy or are you the 256th to say Ya, sir?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

I'm really the 1st to say Ya, sir, but the other sirs don't really want to admit it. As for a nomaam, I haven't found one yet.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@Abberline Hi there. Which do you like better, pudding or pie?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@JRPG What does the "J" stand for?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Is this a serious question?

It's you so I can't tell.

Not that it makes that username any less nerdy one way or the other.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Wait, this thread was supposed to have serious questions in it?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@RedLightPrince33 What kind of crazy person puts numbers in their user name?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Monkey looking away shamefully

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@ProbsThrowing throwing what? A ball? A fit? Pies? I hope it's pies.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Hopefully not. Pie is illegal in my country.


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
That must be one shitty country. Surely, even North Korea hasn't banned pie yet. Where're you from?
You still haven't answered my question, by the way. :)

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Do you realize how unusual it is to join this site full of stories to actually read the stories? You even typed words about them, that's so weird. Newbies never do that.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

What were the thoughts and emotions you felt when making that profile?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

I felt sad and wanted to draw attention to myself. I just don't have any friends. Maybe? I don't know. 

I don't remember what emotions I felt and what my thoughts were when I created my profile.

I just didn't know what to write about myself. 

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Well that sounds exciting and fun! You're certainly in the right place, welcome to the site!

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@CumCommander: Why? Just why?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago



Have you read Necromancer?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@iamgoingtoenjoyanegg How was it?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Pretty good. Wanted to make a omelet but didn't have any cheese so i just decided to to make hard boil it instead.

7.5/10 should probably get some groceries though, but it's pretty late.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
No groceries? Are you in some kind of fredom hating, turkey deprived country? How sad.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Look, some people are just to lazy to keep their fridge stocked even when they have a supermarket within walking distance.

Also yes Holland is indeed turkey deprived (although i disagree with the freedom hating part, we have legal marijuana). Unless you go to a dedicated poultry shop you won't find any.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
And you have windmills and flowers...and presumably nothing else, according to pictures and television.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Is that Kay-Tus, or Cat, US?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago


Did you have Laughing gas in your turkey?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@tiger12147 how does it feel to be a BigWolf Alt.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Then who pray-tell is it?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
What inspired that name?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Care to break down your username for the class?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

It's uno - dos - no...T. Rex Slime.

That's my guess.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

me fat


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Seems legit

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Steve's already dead, sorry

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago


Whats your favorite tree

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Evergreens got hundreds of them on my property 

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Do you really have five kids?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

5 kids, wife, and a couple acres out in alaska 

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago


What inspired the best username I have ever seen

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Well thanks. Years ago I had a D&D character named Bloodfart. He died and I was kinda disappointed because I really liked him. So the DM let me reroll pretty much the same guy under the condition he have a different name. So I sort of reversed the name. Fudblart instead of Bloodfart.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
When your IQ is just too high

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@Autumnuminum What? Are you a season or a metal? And what is your favorite number?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Autumnuminum was a username my friend came up with years ago based on my name, Autumn, and it has stuck since. As far as number I've gotta go with 97.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Was your friend drunk? I picture pronouncing that name as "Autumumum.m.mmmmm.mumum..."

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

I used your username as a rare mineral found in the islands of the frigid Alus Sea in my storygame "The Book of Vanishing Tales." ;)

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@Emmortlom Are you related to Autumum, above, or do you just like the letter m? And what is your favorite letter, if not m?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Nope, my name is an anagram and some random letters, but yes, M is my favorite letter. Where does the 11 of your name come from?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Ah, I see it now. Forever more I shall use the correct form of your name, "Mr. T. Loomem." You're welcome. And wait, there's an 11 in my name? Who put that there?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago did you guess my real name?!

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Elementary, my dear Loomem, elementary.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@pimpmasterfuture, can you tell us a bit more about your work-in-progress, "da poop test"?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@test0005, what happened during the first four tests?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Are you here to bring us more diversity points?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago


Is peach and potato smothered with syrup really that good?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

You picked an edgy name, rated Eternal, then you had five birthdays in a row and now you're back again! Any exciting tales about your five year journey to foreign realms? So many here are born, live, and die without ever seeing another site on the internet.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Any relation?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

What sort of upgrades do you bring to the table that make you superior to @ninjapitka?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
What sort of snails have you got?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Fresh ones. What kind of crickets do you got? 

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Just me, hun, and I'm not for sale.
Looks like you're working on a story. When you get further along, it might be helpful to talk about it in the Writer's Workshop.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Thanks for the advice! I'll drop by some time. 

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Oh, and also. Read a bunch of the featured stories on here if you haven't to get a feel of things, as well as anything by EndMaster.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Any relation to @Starbourne?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

What inspired this particular name?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

What section of history are you most into?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

I really love the WW2 Era of history! But I'm also really into really old Greek, Roman, Egyptian, etc. culture. I also like the "Wild West" part of America's history and British history right around when stories like "Pride and Prejudice" and "Emma" were set.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
Most of the historical stories are in the Edutainment or Everything Else categories. Price of Freedom is what I'd recommend if you're into Roman settings. (Actually, I'd recommend it even if you weren't.)

Otherwise, @Will11 is our resident historical NONfiction man, so be sure to check his stories out. There's always room for more historical stuff though, it's one of my favorite genres so good luck if you plan to write any yourself.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
And I believe @Pirate has a major protect started set during WWI, but he's had a lot of family stuff going on so I'm not sure how far along he is.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Oh yes, I saw Price of Freedom and went through it already- and absolutely loved it! :) I am quite impatient for the sequel!

Good to know, thank you very much!

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago
@tiredraven Why are you so tired?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

What is a draven? And why does it sell tires?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

@timmytohns how goes the story?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

5 years ago

Struggling to think of something unique to continue the family arc, but I think I've recently found something to follow it up with. 

What do you think of it so far?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
I'd like to know the emotion that's supposed to be said with. Passion? Agony? Whiny little sister?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

Probably the last one

That seems the most probable

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago


a bag of what kind of candy


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
Corgi you're too old to be lured to strangers with candy.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago


but it smells like chocolate....

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
Bad doggy! You shouldn't eat chocolate.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago


How is a dog's life in L.A.?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

Dont tag me you shit

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
Come on! Corgi she does not know the Cys etiquette.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

Smh she should have lurked more


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
@77777777 what's the deal with the extra 7?!?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
I thought there was supposed to be one more there

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

dunno i just did it cause i wanted to.


Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

Same with me and banning.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago


What's the 56783 stand for?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

It's just random numbers i put...

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
Can you please, for science, describe your reasoning for this?

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago

everything else i tried "had a username already"

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
Well yes, "w0lfwrit3r" is quite the popular username these days.

Fresh Meat: Baiting and Hooking Thread 3

4 years ago
