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v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 12/31/2022 5:00:27 PM
And we're back after a short intermission that was definitely not nap related.

The following things have now happened:
Fixed bug that caused storygames modified by admins to go out of sneak preview.
Updated site with images that MadHattersDaughter was nice enough to make for us.
Added recaptcha to Contact Us.
Thanked MHD for her art.
Added ability for admins to give Community Contributor and Contest Winner Trophies.
Gave MHD a trophy.
Gave Gower a trophy.

Big news here being MHD went through a lot of effort to make the site with some new art, so special thanks to her! Her and Gower also both have their well earned trophies!

There's a minor bug causing Gower's trophy and Dark fantasy images not to appear, but those should be fixed in the next day (change has already been made, just need alex to update it).

Note you may need to delete your browser cache to see all the images (otherwise your browser is holding the old images and still showing them).

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Oh wow, all the trophies got redesigns. Only just noticed this. ^_^

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
She replaced all the art assets. Killa is even on the log in screen now, doing what he does best.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

AWHH!!!! <3

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Yep, all the active admins got cameos and there's a couple other hidden details in the category art.

Well mine isn't really a cameo since she gave me the whole dang Dark Fantasy section, meaning that I guess I'd better write some dark fantasy!

I know it's just an understood thing that MHD is awesome and amazing and talented and cool, but she did all this free of charge and at a time when she was buried under school work and really deserves everybody's appreciation.

Thanks to Killa for getting this out too, the timer until we can all bully him again has now been reset.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

And this is why everyone fucking loves her. ^_^

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

I love how End is just casually playing poker with all these monsters!!

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
If you look closely, those aren't his hands...

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Thanks Mizal. This site means a lot to me and I really loved (and always will) creating for it. :~)

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Now I get the penguin on mobile too!

Really though minor bugs were to be expected, I'm just glad nothing exploded. Updating a 20 year old website really sounds like a new adventure every time.

And thanks for fixing the sneak preview bug even though I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that ever runs into it. (Because every noob that needs help must message me and only me...)

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/8/2021 10:30:08 AM

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Awh, so happy! ^_^

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
MHD is the only one who will ever be receiving MHD's trophy.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Just as she rightfully should. 

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Nice. That's getting framed on the wall.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

... And just realized that the png for Gower's trophy isn't working. Lol. Poor Gower. :p

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

It's...kind of funny.  My picture transforms into WORDS splashed across the profile page.  That seems about right.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
His was a last minute edition so that probably caused whatever went wonky there, Killa hadn't realized MHD added the art for it to her dropbox folder after he'd already set up the others. Which apparently are all referenced in some weird complicated way in the database, because that's CYS. Glory to CYStia.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

I like how even our romance section is even darker and edgier now with a skull and roses as the artwork.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

I like to think it's the skull of the guy from Inseparable. The greatest love story of all time. <3

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Too bad the penguin isn't just holding a knife. "Decisions have consequences, esse."

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

I really like how the Top Rated picture is just MHD herself being showered with appreciation.

As it should be.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

More fantastic work from MHD, as always. 

Big congrats to MHD and Gower for two extremely well-deserved trophies. It's a real testament to how well the site is doing these days, that we have all these great active users :-) 

I almost forgot a big sexy thank you to Killa 

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
It all looks so amazing!

Congratulations and appreciative thanks to MHD, Killa, and Gower. Folks like you (and many other around here) make CYS the absolute best! ^v^

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
I'm just so happy with my new profile title.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Surely that title should go to Killa :p

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Oh, nevermind. He got a better one. ^_^

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
He got one too.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Those are pretty good haha!

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
I like how the update threads have 4 digit spaces for update numbers as if theres a possibility for there to ever be 9999 updates in a year.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

1000 is enough to make it 4 digits, not 9999.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Pointlessly pedantic. 1000 updates a year is still astronomically beyond reality.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
I have to say MHD's new artwork for the site looks amazing :D Really really good!

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago


v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

hey get back here

I got your Kickstarter email. How much porn did you end up having to add?

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

ik i saw you like my update post appreciate it hehexd

Enough to where anime titties are starting to disgust me like math

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Wow, your posting ability has really deteriorated in the time away. Is this what anime titties does to the brain?

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Damn....just damn. I have never seen thisinsult, which is saying something because i have seen them all.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago

Over time, your brain gradually morphs into an anime titty... The effects are irreversible. There is no cure. :'(

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
So just a huge hunk of flesh consisting of over half of one's body mass?

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Any idea when dark fantasy is getting fixed? Love the penguin! Thanks Killa and MHD!

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Just got to say this new art fits in so well, that I can hardly imagine it wasn't always like this!

Any news about fixing still pending issues?

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
The fixes have all been sent in, we're just waiting on Alex to push the button.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
Hopefully he didn't contract Space Madness!

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago
As some of us may have noticed, the fixes are in.

A little space madness may slow Alex down but it can't stop him.

v20210001 Update - The art attack

4 years ago