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Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Come one, come all, for an unofficial storygame contest! Do you want to get your writing noticed? Here's your chance!

This is an unofficial storygame contest for experienced writers and new arrivals to show CYS their skill. Here are the rules:

1. Your storygame must be 5/8 length or under

2. Your storygame will be judged on wit, creativity, and powerful and meaningful speech.

3. Your storygame cannot be a quiz. (duh.)

4. Once you are ready to begin writing your story, please PM me. 

5. Once you are done with your story, comment the link below.

6. Your storygame must be completed by August 31, 2015. That's plenty of time.

7. Have fun with this! :)

The winner and runners-up will be announced in a separate thread. Good luck, everyone!


BZ Sanctioned Event! (Provided at Least 3 Stories are presented to be Judged by the end of the Contest)

15 XP to 1st Place
10 XP to 2nd Place
5 XP to 3rd Place

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Nuh-uh. Won't be joining this since my storygame is extremely long and I begin writing it since 2 months ago. I don't want to waste my time to make another storygame that can disrupt my main project either.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Six days? You sure encouraging short stories is a good idea? The WC lurks....

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Six days? Are you kidding me? That's not enough time!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Fine, fine. August 31, 2015.

Also, there are good short stories out there (ever read the New Yorker?). I'm not encouraging sloppiness, I'm encouraging powerful words and phrases. Snow is a good example of the kind of thing I was thinking of... but you're right, a short time limit won't help anyone.

So everybody, the new deadline is August 31, 2015.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

That's in, like, a month, bro, that's not long enough.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Well, at least it's longer than 90 minutes :). I'm not asking anyone to write an epic. That would need a deadline of something like August 1, 2016. But these will just be short stories, little tidbits of creativity.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I'm pretty sure you should set it back further to November, that way the writer has lots of time to edit and remake and rewrite all he wishes.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Hmm... okay, good point. I don't know if I will be able to review them as easily during the school year (homework and stuff) so I'll go ahead and make the deadline the end of August. Sound better?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Yes, much better. I really WOULD like to participate, but the story I might be entering might take a long time, considering Mardox isn't finished with his part yet...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Sorry, but my answer is still a no. Not my kind of contest that I will join.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Will there be prizes?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Well, unless an admin notices this and decides to give the winners points, no. It's just for fun. wink

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Instant duel winnings.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

...good idea, but is that allowed? Also, it would drain my someone else's points. 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Ask BZ. @BerkaZerka

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I PM'ed him. Hopefully he accepts!

Anyway, I was thinking 10 points for the winner, 5 for whoever's in 2nd, and 3 for 3rd.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

It's not allowed; it's considered cheating.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

BerkaZerka accepted my request, and will be giving out prizes to winners if this gets big enough.

C'mon, people, let's make it big and get some delicious XP!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
nope. not allowed.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Already said that, breh.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Okay, everyone, I promise this is the last time I'm changing the deadline.

Here it is:

AUGUST 31, 2015!

I won't make it any longer or shorter than that.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Still a no. I've done 330 pages and it's still like 1-5% to completion.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

(Does Kirby die? Kirby must not die!)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

(Kirby dies, whoever he is! devil)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

(*sobs* KIRBY NO!)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Kirby's name changed to Mitchell. He won't die since he acts as one of the playable characters in Chapter 3: Operation  Dragonslayer. He wears his face mask all the time when in combat.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Why Mitchell? Kirby is better! Come ON, a little pink bubble guy that can swallow stuff and turn into them? KIRBY!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I think Mitchell sounds cooler and better for his role. He is one of the few characters that actually an anime fan.... even though he seems to be not the kind of person that likes that.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

sad Okay.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Don't worry, he is guaranteed to be one of the best characters in there for a masked guy in combat. The military in the storygame is a little bit fictional and sci-fi. But mostly resemble nowadays weaponry and soldiers.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

That's okay. Good luck writing your story- sounds like an impressive feat! yessmiley

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Good luck with the contest too! wink

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

If you're going to push it off that long you might as well give an extra month so that people could submit something to IFComp as well. CYS could use all the 'good' traffic it can get (plus there's prizes so there's more of an incentive).

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Expand the deadline, and I'll join.

EDIT: Well, shit, never mind. I guess I'll join if I have over a month to write.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
Over a month?  Is that Common Core math?  By my rough calculations, it's just over two weeks unless I missed a deadline somewhere...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

New deadline is August 31st.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
Yep.  I didn't have a chance to change it before you edit blocked me.  Haha!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I'd love to do this, but ... there's just no way. I can't write short stories.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

It's okay, Kiel. We still like you. smiley

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Sounds like fun! I'd join if my storygame wasn't so long and drawn out. It's taken me months just to gather information for it and flesh out the world and characters. But all the best to everyone entering the contest! Have fun! :)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Yeah what the hell. I'm in - are there any themes required? 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Nope! It just has to be 5/8 length or under.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Shouldn't be too hard. Heads up that I'm scum and might not find the motivation to actually complete a decent entry. Still, I'm gonna try :)


Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I'm only slightly worried about having Dispiteous 2: The Extra-Gory-and-Incesty Sequel. Good luck!

Also, even though I know you're competing, could you PM me so I can keep track of everyone in my messages? 

Have fun!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

"Dispiteous 2: The Extra Gory and Incesty Sequel"

If Insanebutvain writes something like this and does a really good job, she'll be on the path to gain my trophy.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

The 18+ bit got me tempted, but now it's sold.

Gonna read her(?) story now.


Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

*basks in glory* Your wish is my command, O almighty leader of CYS. 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

*puts on EndMaster costume*

Try to eat a Boeing 747 over the course of six months!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I will not conform to the pathetic commands of scum such as yourself. 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Now that wasn't very nice :(

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Damn it, she could tell the difference. My costume of a black sheet and hoodie must not have been good enough.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Yeah I guess she isn't blind and knows the difference between a god and a peasant. 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Well, my priest told me I should be open to new stuff before my mommy changed us churches, so what the hell, I'll think about this.

Ain't like watching True Blood is all that more productive.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I'm in smiley

Short stories with good writing (or at least not so bad as to encourage someone to lynch me) sounds like something I could do.

It's great you're encouraging authors with competitions like this yes

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Indeed, it'd be awesome to see some new stories out there from the people who've entered thus far and our community can always use a little motivational boost, I think.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I am no longer in. This would have given me the motivation to write and publish a story, but I bitched out.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Fuckin' hell, fam.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago


Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
I am in. Not sure about the length restriction though.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Hey, quizzes can be legitimate stories, you dolt! (See my game for a poor example. See Will's JTR game for a good example.)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

For the record, I liked A Quiz I Made for the Blatant Hell of it All, but I preferred Randomly Walk 2: The Epic Sequel. :)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

PM me if you are officially going to join!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

You have enough Participants to make this a BZ Sanctioned Event! (Provided at Least 3 Stories are presented to be Judged by the end of the Contest)

15 XP to 1st Place
10 XP to 2nd Place
5 XP to 3rd Place

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Yay! Thanks, BZ!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Here are the people who have PM-ed me and are thus officially in the contest:










Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

New contestants: Negative and Malkalack!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Well, I'm creating something bizarre.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
you're making a bazzare? I'd like to have a reserved spot for the strawberry pudding stand!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I'll make the berries stand- "Barry's Berries," I'll call it. 

My name isn't Barry but I couldn't care less. It rhymes. Deal with it.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

'Dignitaries Berries' ryhmes too.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

This is now an officially sancioned BZ event! To quote BZ:

You have enough Participants to make this a BZ Sanctioned Event! (Provided at Least 3 Stories are presented to be Judged by the end of the Contest)

15 XP to 1st Place
10 XP to 2nd Place
5 XP to 3rd Place

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago


I might go on to join.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Still got some judge positions open?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago


Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago


Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

You can do it!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

*sigh* I got nothing.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
Here you go:

A psychiatrist and an intellectual gold digger combine forces to go on a bender.

A ninja and a happy-go-lucky heavy combine forces to go on the rampage. The circumstances are made difficult by an arrest.

An heroic political activist has 24 hours to prove their theory. The story is extended by a car crash.

A disorganised nun and a heavy form an alliance - after their father dies unexpectedly - to lose a fortune. The situation is concluded by the arrival of the cavalry.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
I'm interested, but the length requirement does make it difficult, especially since you don't get a reported length until after you actually publish your story...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

That would be one of the reasons I'm not participating--in connection with the fact that every story I make seems to grow like fungus on super steroids. (The other being that I refuse to work on anything else until TOW is done.) 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
I'd hate for the first entry I actually completed to be disqualified on a technicality.

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is in no way committing himself to the completion of mentioned and still theoretical storygame referenced in this post in no way, shape or form.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
So... you're in?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
I've already got several pages of brainstorming done.  Now, I have to figure out a way of putting it together into a more coherent form.  Then, all that's left is ... second guessing myself and chickening out at the last minute.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I believe I might join. I'm not sure what kind of story I would make, but hopefully I will be able to make something good! It is my first storygame after all.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Uh ... unless you have a decent amount of experience writing, and perhaps a little experience writing on a deadline, I'm not sure that's a wise idea for your first game here. I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with the editor--particularly the advanced editor--before attempting to join a contest. Not to discourage you, just friendly advice.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Good point. I do have some experience with writing; I'm writing a book at the moment, and I've programmed games before. They're kind of different though. I think I'll write a game, and if it works with the contest, I'll join. Thanks for the advice! ^_^ I definitely appreciate it.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

That's cool. I've tried writing an actual book more than once, but I just ... haven't managed yet. Maybe some day. (Again, not questioning your capabilities--I just personally value making a good first impression and it does seem to matter here.) Sounds like a solid plan. Good luck with your story, especially if you do enter the contest. :D I will say, it'd be pretty neat to see a new member win one. 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Thanks, and yeah, I would love to be able to win one of these things. 

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

I always thought writing for a deadline is better for a first-time writer since it both encourages him to make something decent and also encourages him to finish since it's in a group atmosphere.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Er ... while your logic might work very well for a procrastinator who needs the motivation of a group activity to produce quality ... have you been reading the new games here? Nearly every bad writer who's come here has rushed through making their games. No proof-reading, no fleshed-out pages, hardly any branching paths, exc.

I am trying to discourage people from rushing until they have a good grasp on what they're doing. I realize your first game was a contest game and it was excellent, but it seems pretty clear that you are an exception, (albeit a notable one) not the rule.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

The new games here aren't being made for a contest haha. The writers don't worry about their quality because they aren't ranking it up against anything. Completely different than writing for a contest, where you have a month and a half (already more time to be worked on than most games here) to make sure you make something readable.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Granted, but I've also seen people half-ass contest entries, too, in desperation to put something out there, when taking their time would've produced a better game and made a better impression on people. Again, if you need that kind of motivation and it would help you instead of hinder you, that's great, but the biggest mistake I've seen people make with any form of art is rushing it.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
So hey -- who are the judges? How are the entries going to be submitted? Are they all going to be published on Aug 31?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Ugh...too much stuff. I could judge instead of entering, although that kind of won't be fun.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

You aren't exactly qualified.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

That too.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

Unless someone PM's me and sends qualifications, I'm the only judge so far. Entries can be published at any time before or on Aug 31.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago
Can we have help/co-authors? Are we allowed to have others test or preview the stories?

Is this contest still actually happening?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

9 years ago

For the first one... eh.. hrmm... previewing is allowed, but I feel co-authoring gives a bit of an unfair advantage.

And yes, this contest is still happening. People are working on stories already.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Just bumping this one up ... still going on, I presume?

I'm almost done with my entry, but I suppose I shall wait until Aug 30 or so to publish it so it can compete properly with the other entries.

Any updates on the competition (who is writing a story for this contest)?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

You're almost done already?

I need to get to work on page three! Now!

I'm such a slacker...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Well it did say "short" story. :)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

I'm bitching out. Considering that school just started, I'm not going to be able to put much effort into my stories because I'm gone from nine to four. Also because Dragon Age: Origins is killing my productivity.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Ha, school here starts August 24th.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

June 1st, motherfuckers!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

It starts June 1st? How?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

...Why the fuck did I write that? o_e

September 8th.

Am I going insane?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Yes, another competitor out (I'm going for the win by default here)!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Still going, right?

Hey, does someone have to specify a story specifically to be included in this contest? Or will every story published in August automatically be entered?

Can authors have more than one entry?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

I am also intrigued about this, do we have to publish on 31 August or will any user with the numbers 11 included in his name count as automatic winners? smiley

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
That certainly sounds fair.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Please PM me once your story has been published so I know what's what, and label it if you could. :)

Also, authors can only have one entry, since multiple entries would grant a higher chance of winning. :\

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Oh shit, totally forgot about this. I guess I'll see how fast I can complete my story...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Funny stuff!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Thanks! That was the goal of the contest, right? :)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Congrats on getting something done. :D (*too focused on writing to do a full review atm, but later...*)

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

On my second thought, I just get an idea to make a storygame based on school, where the player plays as a troubled schoolgirl. And yes, it is far shorter than Frontlines. Not sure if I can finish it until the deadline ends though.

Yup... almost all of my storygames have females as main characters.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
One week to go!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

It focus on having problems and sh*tty days at school, with a few fights and a scene involving possible lethal conflict. At the end, the MC can get either a relationship with a boy (straight) or girl (lesbian) as the ending.

Let's see if I can finish it up in less than a week.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Go, team, go!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

First, let me kick homeworks and exams out of the way. When I'm sure that I'm free of them, I'll do the storygame. It may be late for me to join, but I'll try my best! Thanks, Ogre11! wink

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Good luck.

When I made the deadline August 31, I probably should've considered other people's back-to-school dates as well... but it looks like everyone's fine, for the most part.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

I've only done two pages for the storygame, and total words are about 800 words long currently. I see that many contestants chicken out from the contest due to school, leaving me, Ogre11, and maybe a few others to stand out.

There are no limits on word count, right?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

It just has to be under 5/8 length.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

>_< .... Screw it then. I'm not joining since it probably ends up in 6/8 in length.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
You never know how long a storylength is going to be. Go ahead and get that thing done and published, then you'll see how long it is!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Around 1.700 words have been done, and it's just five pages and still in the introduction. Definitely gonna be far longer than yours, and receive a 6/8 in length or above.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Edit, edit, edit!

Or, if you want that story to be a long one, find a way to write up a shorter version, or a semi-chapter or something. Maybe a prequel to the story!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Cannot comply! I can't stand making it to be even shorter. Even should I be forced to quit from the contest, I'll try to make it to be as good as possible.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Yes, make it good!

Now write a short-story prequel for it for the contest!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Can't do that since I ain't done yet. Plus, it'll lose most of the interesting elements if it's too short.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

... I could probably finish "Wine or Cheese?" in 5 days if I really, really tried... But that's a stretch. XD

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Finally... Delta-senpai cares about storygame contest! Or maybe not...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Sounds like you're whining... Ah Ha!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
So, uh, hmmm....

2 days left.

Anyone else? Anyone at all?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Alright, I think it's time to drop the ball. I'm may get past page two, but there's no way I can complete the story.

I'm such a slacker...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
We don't have anyone left? What about Will?
..there's gotta be somebody...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Will's entry got wiped out with the new site guide lines.

Maybe he has a back-up plan?..

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
..he's gonna need a back-up plan. Also, that sucks pretty badly.
Has everyone else bitched out of this?

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

I chicken out since my entry is too long.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Chris chickened out.

Negative chickened out.

I dunno about Malkalack.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
So I guess I can claim to be the winner... first place out of one! This is the second contest that I've won... by being the only entrant...

Well, Bob, it sure beats a sharp stick in the eye!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Seems like Berka can keep the points..

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Ogre automatically wins since the others quit, including me. But the reason I chickened out is because I found out writing really short stories is not my thing. Others are busy with school too.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

My WC parody story wasn't going to win against Ogre's anyway and I had a sneaking suspicion that this competition would generate a winner by default. All the things I'm working on at the moment are large-scale projects but I definitely think even with opposition Ogre would have won this competition anyway (unless Seth wrote Snow II or something :) )

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Thanks for the kind words, Will!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Well, I suppose (If I read this correctly) Ogre wins. and Maybe Will gets 2nd Place?

Do we have a 3rd partial story at least?

Even if we don't, I think Ogre deserves points for actually completing a story.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Raven has something, it's just too long.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Yeah, and I found out that writing short stories isn't my thing. That's why the length will be above 5/8. It's "Keira's Saga".

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Well I haven't written or submitted anything but I am quite happy to get a second place prize, ideally an award or cash payment of some kind :D I have my acceptance speech written and divided into chapters and look forward to taking my non-existent story on tour :D Haha, no I wasn't able to come up with something in time but I agree Ogre11 definitely deserves some points for his story.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Congrats Ogre!  ^v^

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Thanks so much! I didn't really expect points since no one else entered, but I'll sure take them.

Now, on to plotting how to get the fancy Contest Winners Trophy... ;)

And I'd like to thank the academy and all the little people out there that I had to trample on my way to the top. And let's not forget to thank Rita, the star of the show who went above and beyond to ensure the success of the story, of you know what I mean.

Rita: I do not. What do you mean?

Bob: Anyway, back to the acceptance speech, Ogre.

Oh, right. Thank you all who supported me through my trying times while writing the story. And I also want to thank the staff at the Betty Ford clinic who helped me when I had struggles during the writing of the story. Without them, I don't think the story would have been completed.

I also want to thank our sponsors, RonCo. Please, folks, if you need a new vegetable knife, go get a RonCo!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

I don't think anyone's ever gonna get the contest trophy. Need a successful contest haha.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
I wonder if we make a contest so easy that people enter it without knowing they enter it, if that will work:

The "ALL" contest. To enter, you just have to publish a story, any story, in any category, any length. In fact, any story actually published between the contest start date and end date will automatically be entered in the contest. Then we will roll some dice to determine the winner of the contest...

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Even then, I don't think so.

Unless 3j can, none of the admins has the ability to award the contest trophy.

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
Ah, good to know. I thought any trophy owner could issue trophies. I guess they (you) can only give out your OWN trophy!

Now, on to the next contest!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago

Contest trophy requires a bigger win than this. Needs to have a much larger number of competitive entrants.

Still, congratulations!

Storygame Contest: Brevity, the Soul of Wit

8 years ago
I thought as much, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try!

Now where's that next contest? :)